• 2 years ago
"Highway 58: The Children of The Bakersfield Sound," is part of a series created by director Nate Berg about Bakersfield and the magic of its music. The premiere screening will be held at The Historic Bakersfield Fox Theater on September 7, 2023. 23ABC's Raquel Calo spoke with Berg about the film and his motivations for making it.
00:00 If you're looking for something to do next Thursday, a new film centered around a well-known musician is making its debut.
00:06 23 ABC's Raquel Collo caught up with the film director about the importance of the film and how that musician Tommy Hayes left his own unique mark upon the world of country western music.
00:17 That's just one of the tunes you'll hear in the film Highway 58 and the Children of Bakersfield Sound.
00:27 Director Nate Berg created an indie film series about Bakersfield and the magic of its music.
00:33 Berg says the most important thing to him was creating a good story, so he wanted to find something that was compelling, which he found within the life of Tommy Hayes.
00:43 So we built a film that is touching. There's not a mean bone in its body. It's a lovable film and it shows the best side of human creativity about loyalty, friendship and decency.
00:56 Besides a focus on Hayes, Berg says he saw value in documenting the beauty of the rich music history Bakersfield holds.
01:04 And the film itself shows Bakersfield in a positive light. Berg says he drew inspiration from the places and the people of the city, which you'll see in the film.
01:12 The people's stories, I think, resonate the most. Other than that, I just drive around taking pictures of Bakersfield and using old video imagery, archival imagery, whatever it takes to tell a story.
01:24 But it's definitely a good time to be a filmmaker.
01:27 The first screening will be held on September 7th at the Fox Theater. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and the screening starts at 7 p.m.
01:35 Berg says along with the screening, he's considering throwing an after-party for everyone to get together.
01:40 In Bakersfield, Raquel Calo, 23 ABC News, connecting you.
