• 2 years ago
The Knock Knock show will be a fun-filled talkshow, that will give you chance to sneak peak in the lives of your favorite celebrities, cricketers, politicians, social media stars and other famous personalities of Pakistan.

Host: Mohib Mirza (Along with Stock Characters)
Guest: Nida Dar & Kainat Imtiaz

#theknockknockshow #nidadar #Kainatimtiaz #mohibmirza


00:00 [Music]
00:06 [Music]
00:10 Are you ready?
00:11 [Music]
00:12 The Knock Knock Show
00:14 [Music]
00:32 Hello, Asalam-o-Alaikum my Knock Knock family
00:34 How are you all?
00:35 I hope you are all doing well
00:37 The world is changing very fast
00:40 But we all remember that time
00:42 When we used to play cricket in the streets
00:45 There is no boy who has not broken the glass of a special uncle's house
00:50 And the glass used to break, many hearts used to break
00:52 Because the houses were closed
00:55 That which house the ball will go to, who will go to take it
00:59 No team reached the final, did not reach
01:02 The community team was in the final
01:04 Now a time has come
01:07 When women also started moving forward in every field
01:10 And in the process, women have also moved forward in professional cricket
01:16 Today our guest also has a connection with cricket
01:20 Knock Knock
01:22 Nidha Dar and Kainat Imtiaz
01:26 [Music]
01:35 Asalam-o-Alaikum, Asalam-o-Alaikum, welcome
01:38 [Applause]
01:43 Welcome, welcome, please be seated, Asalam-o-Alaikum
01:45 How are you all?
01:46 Walikum-Asalam, Alhamdulillah
01:48 You guys have not only come to cricket, you have also made a lot of noise
01:51 So how does it feel when you get feedback, when people meet you?
01:55 It feels very good
01:57 These are the people who have kept us standing
02:00 We need their confidence
02:02 And they will keep giving confidence, we will keep performing
02:04 Amazing
02:05 Recognition
02:07 [Applause]
02:09 Of course, when you get recognition, appreciation, when you get such applause
02:13 Then the confidence increases that Pakistan needs to be represented more
02:16 And to make it famous
02:18 Why did you want to play cricket?
02:19 My family, my family was interested
02:21 Really?
02:22 Yes, yes
02:22 My dad was very much
02:24 I have never heard this
02:25 No, no, my dad wanted to represent Pakistan a lot
02:28 He showed me the way
02:30 Wow, wow, salute to your father
02:32 Thank you very much sir
02:34 No one showed me the way
02:36 Right
02:37 But all the family members were very passionate
02:40 All were cricketers
02:42 So basically my father just wanted that any of my children should represent Pakistan
02:48 Because he was also a first class player
02:51 So he wanted a child to represent
02:53 Unfortunately, she was left out
02:56 And which is a big problem in our society
03:00 That a girl from a bold society should tell us that we are bold
03:06 Not just a girl, a captain, a captain
03:08 [Applause]
03:10 So how difficult was the captaincy?
03:12 We have got the captaincy, let's see how difficult it is
03:15 I know this is a very big responsibility
03:17 But I am happy that I have a captain
03:19 No, no, God willing, you will strategize it very well
03:22 We have full hope
03:23 God willing
03:23 So the situation is a bit bad
03:26 You have got a captain in a bad situation
03:28 Are you worried about that?
03:30 I think we have just started
03:35 And God willing, these things will be sorted out very well
03:40 Because now girls are getting groomed
03:44 And they are getting a lot of exposure
03:46 So I guess this is the right time
03:48 In which we have to give exposure to the girls
03:50 And we have to definitely make the girls behind us
03:52 So there is always a difficulty in everything
03:56 But God willing, we will do our work well
04:00 [Applause]
04:04 So was there a toss in the relationship
04:06 Or did the third umpire decide?
04:08 [Laughter]
04:10 We had made the decision
04:12 The umpire is her own mother
04:14 That's what I am saying
04:16 We had made the decision
04:18 We are out, it's over
04:20 Great
04:22 So you have easily won all the votes
04:24 When women are on the cricket ground
04:28 Is there a time when
04:30 You are talking to each other
04:32 And ask each other where did you get your haircut?
04:34 Where are you getting the manicure and pedicure done?
04:36 Is there a time when you talk like this?
04:38 Sometimes it happens for distraction
04:40 Of course it should happen
04:42 But it's not about manicure and pedicure
04:44 It's about the movie at night
04:46 What to eat for dinner
04:48 Because automatically
04:50 You need distraction sometimes
04:52 When there is a pressure situation
04:54 It becomes a laughing matter
04:56 So that it can be released
04:58 It should be a matter of work
05:00 Of course
05:02 Which team did you get cold after hitting sixes?
05:04 I will answer Mida
05:06 I hit India and hit Mida
05:08 That is our national right
05:10 [Laughter]
05:12 That is a natural cold
05:14 Whether it is a match or not
05:16 India-Pakistan match is the most important
05:18 Do you remember any incident
05:20 Which is your highlight?
05:22 We always try to
05:24 Put our heart and soul
05:26 Into the game
05:28 It's a do and die situation
05:30 It's a natural thing
05:32 The last match in Asia Cup
05:34 We won India
05:36 One day before that
05:38 We had a bad luck
05:40 That we lost to Thailand
05:42 And I guess
05:44 That was a turning point
05:46 When we felt
05:48 A lot of insult
05:50 And we girls
05:52 Sat and talked
05:54 That we have nothing to lose
05:56 So we
05:58 Do something new
06:00 And if we focus on one thing
06:02 We can win from India
06:04 Maybe that time
06:06 We lost
06:08 Maybe many people believed
06:10 But I had
06:12 An extra belief
06:14 That we can do it
06:16 The same situation
06:18 Which we had in the last match
06:20 But I was so concerned
06:22 That we have to win this match
06:24 We gave them a target of 139
06:26 We were supporting the bowlers
06:28 In the field and in the pitch
06:30 But the belief we showed
06:32 When we came to bowling
06:34 The time when the girls
06:36 Put their lives in the field
06:38 And every girl caught
06:40 And did run outs
06:42 It was an extraordinary show
06:44 I can't forget that moment
06:46 Because it was so important
06:48 For me
06:50 And it was against India
06:52 And it should be the team's standard
06:54 And the morale should be the same
06:56 Whatever the situation
06:58 The first match
07:02 2010 South Africa
07:04 Was there more tension there or now?
07:06 In the first match
07:10 It was a new start
07:12 We were scared of our surroundings
07:14 It was good that we got guidance
07:16 From the seniors
07:18 They used to take us along
07:20 The coaches used to give us confidence
07:22 But before starting
07:24 Every stage
07:26 You have a fear
07:28 And after a long time
07:30 We started showing
07:32 That we are here for a reason
07:34 We started giving performances for Pakistan
07:36 It was good that
07:38 In the early stage
07:40 In 2010
07:42 We won Asian Games
07:44 Pakistan's first gold medal
07:46 For cricket
07:48 People got to know
07:50 That girls are from Pakistan
07:52 And there is a cricket team
07:54 But after that
07:56 We got hype
07:58 PCB started offering us contracts
08:00 Then the departments gave us contracts
08:02 After that cricket
08:04 Started getting in
08:06 But the most cricket exposure
08:08 Was after 2017
08:10 Because the world
08:12 Was focused on girls
08:14 And everyone watches cricket
08:16 So they thought
08:18 To focus on girls
08:20 After that people around the world
08:22 Started getting exposure
08:24 And now cricket has reached a top level
08:26 Have you ever played cricket in the streets?
08:30 Very little
08:32 My dad was very interested
08:34 In representing Pakistan
08:36 So he put me in the academy
08:38 So from the start
08:40 You were playing hardball
08:42 No, I used to play tapeball
08:44 And from there
08:46 I got to know
08:48 That I can represent Pakistan
08:50 So after that I went straight to the academy
08:52 So because you didn't play cricket in the streets
08:54 You must have broken your heart
08:56 I have broken my heart but also my glasses
09:02 He said it very comfortably
09:04 I have broken my heart but also my glasses
09:06 He said it very comfortably
09:08 I have practiced in such places
09:10 I used to practice extra
09:12 So I used to practice in such places
09:14 I have broken my heart in school
09:16 I thought you would say
09:18 You have broken your heart in school
09:20 I have broken my heart after school
09:24 But I have broken my heart in school
09:26 If you have to select a team
09:28 Which skill set do you look for?
09:30 Cooking?
09:32 No, you have to look at the overall
09:34 No, you have to look at the overall
09:36 But you should be a team player
09:38 After COVID, everyone is more focused
09:40 On fitness
09:42 And it should be
09:44 Is there a team preparation?
09:46 How are we competing better globally?
09:48 How are we competing better globally?
09:50 Of course, our girls are also
09:52 Focused on fitness
09:54 And the girls try to
09:56 Take us to that level
09:58 And there are many coaches
10:00 Who work with us
10:02 The girls have good fitness
10:04 But I think
10:06 They should be more aware
10:08 And have a good exposure
10:10 So I guess
10:12 A lot of things get covered
10:14 So fitness means
10:16 Only being thin
10:18 Weight loss, stamina building
10:20 Joint health
10:22 How do we do it?
10:24 The relation of fitness is not with your body weight
10:26 It is with your strength
10:28 Some people have a
10:30 Bulky body
10:32 But they have strength
10:34 Their stamina
10:36 Is more than a lean body
10:38 Of course, our goal is to have a lean body
10:40 But again
10:42 That is not the main focus
10:44 Your strength, stamina
10:46 Power hitting is more important
10:48 And that is done by building up
10:50 Of course, you need muscles
10:52 So that you can perform well
10:54 Because you are utilizing those muscles
10:56 Every time you are playing
10:58 So being lean is not
11:00 Like you are lean
11:02 But you need to develop strength
11:04 So you decided in 2005
11:06 To do fast bowling
11:08 It was my first time in Asia
11:10 My parents were in an organizing committee
11:12 They were always attached
11:14 To do something with sports
11:16 So I went there
11:18 And I saw an Indian fast bowler
11:20 Julian Goswami
11:22 I still follow him a lot
11:24 So I saw him
11:26 He had a long and broad height
11:28 He was the fastest of his time
11:30 He used to bowl so outstanding
11:32 He used to swing
11:34 Very inspiring
11:36 So I saw him and decided
11:38 I want to become a fast bowler
11:40 And in that tournament
11:42 Our chief guest was Wasim Akram
11:44 So I decided to become a fast bowler
11:46 And start my career as a bowler
11:48 Stop it, she will come here
11:52 When do you plan to get married?
11:54 When Allah wills
11:56 Right now I am focused on cricket
11:58 So you must have a crush
12:00 Yes, I have a lot of crushes
12:02 There are many cricketers
12:04 But
12:06 I don't have a marriage
12:08 Like Shahid Afridi
12:10 I like him a lot
12:12 And Rohit Sharma
12:14 I don't have a crush
12:16 I like Elisa Healy
12:18 The batter of Australia
12:20 The way she plays
12:22 The way she plays
12:24 I have a lot of such crushes
12:26 Right now I am focused on cricket
12:28 In 2022
12:30 You will get married
12:32 How are you balancing both?
12:34 You have to practice a lot
12:36 You have to take care of your fitness
12:38 And take care of your family's fitness
12:40 No, not at all
12:42 It is very important that your family
12:44 Is supportive
12:46 My new family is very supportive
12:48 My husband is very supportive
12:50 He is more interested than me
12:52 He asks me
12:54 That this match is coming here
12:56 And here
12:58 So collectively
13:00 When all these things happen
13:02 You don't have to work hard
13:04 Everything happens automatically
13:06 So thanks to family support
13:08 It was not difficult to adjust
13:10 Have you ever bowled someone
13:12 Or there was a situation
13:14 That he was out
13:16 What would you have done?
13:18 Good question
13:20 So, it doesn't happen
13:22 That mom's decisions
13:24 Are similar to my decisions
13:26 I also thought the same
13:28 So, it happens
13:32 On and off
13:34 But professionalism is so much
13:36 That we don't bring it home
13:38 We discuss it there
13:40 It is discussed less
13:42 At home
13:44 His authority is more
13:46 He gets scolded
13:48 Your husband
13:50 You said he supports
13:52 Do you cook for him?
13:54 No, we don't
13:56 What is the problem?
13:58 It is not a problem
14:00 Some work he does
14:02 Some I do
14:04 It is in partnership
14:06 I am not judging him
14:08 But I think if we
14:10 Cook for him
14:12 He will cook
14:14 So, this practice happened in COVID
14:16 Rest of the work
14:18 Yes, it is like that
14:20 COVID has trained a lot of people
14:22 I think he has also trained
14:24 So, things are going on in partnership
14:26 Usually, our understanding is
14:28 When we are in the cricket ground
14:30 And we are in a tense situation
14:32 And we are pressurizing each other
14:34 When we are out
14:36 We make special calls
14:38 So, is it like that?
14:40 Our girls
14:42 Don't do so much snatching
14:44 But they say
14:46 Show some aggression
14:48 I think you are more tolerant
14:50 And less expressive
14:52 I don't know
14:54 You should ask him
14:56 Don't you feel like
14:58 I will see you
15:00 Most of the time
15:02 We play with foreign teams
15:04 We say something in Urdu
15:06 But they don't understand
15:08 They say fast
15:10 And then we go back
15:12 To revolve
15:14 So, this is a part of the game
15:16 Yes
15:18 You have to show aggression
15:20 Otherwise, how will he get angry?
15:22 Few days ago
15:24 I was talking to Moin
15:26 He said
15:28 We get stuck in English
15:30 So, when it is an interview
15:32 I am very much stuck
15:34 In such situations
15:36 So, you are under a lot of pressure
15:38 To speak well
15:40 Is there any pressure?
15:42 I think there is
15:44 Some pressure on girls
15:46 Because they are from rural areas
15:48 They are not experts
15:50 But those who have played
15:52 They remember a few lines
15:54 And they speak well
15:56 Like the famous line
15:58 Boys did well
16:00 Our girls are educated
16:02 Many girls speak well
16:04 But it is not a matter of education
16:06 It is a matter of practice
16:08 If you don't practice at home
16:10 It is a problem
16:12 But they are keen to learn
16:14 I have seen many girls
16:16 They are keen to learn
16:18 To speak well
16:20 They take each other's help
16:22 To know what to say
16:24 They are keen to learn
16:26 And this is the positive sign
16:28 If you are keen to learn
16:30 You can deliver automatically
16:32 I am a sketch artist
16:34 My dad is talented
16:36 Is it difficult to sketch?
16:38 Or to catch?
16:40 Sketch is more peaceful
16:42 Actually, my dad
16:44 Was an artist
16:46 He was good at calligraphy
16:48 I got interested in it
16:50 I do painting and sketching
16:52 I am involved in art and crafts
16:54 I am distracted
16:56 It is important to be distracted
16:58 To focus
17:00 Bravo
17:02 I have a question
17:04 Are you sensibly inclined to music?
17:06 No, not as such
17:08 I am not involved in music
17:10 It is not necessary
17:12 But to feel
17:14 That I have an understanding of rhythm
17:16 I think I can express
17:18 In writing
17:20 I can express in that
17:22 I can't express in music
17:24 You should not express in these two things
17:26 Because you have to express in this
17:28 You have to suppress your anger
17:30 For bowling
17:32 Generally, there are many women
17:34 Who are against it
17:36 But I am asking this question
17:38 With apologies
17:40 Women are not inclined
17:42 To curse
17:44 So, do we have such a situation?
17:46 That we curse someone on the ground
17:48 That person gets out
17:50 His hand breaks
17:52 I say, get injured
17:54 Fall
17:56 Is there such a situation?
17:58 No, there is no such thing
18:00 It is a professionalism
18:02 It is a professional game
18:04 There is no joke
18:06 Within the team, jealousy?
18:08 Jealousy is everywhere
18:10 It is natural
18:12 But we are more professional
18:14 And the good thing is
18:16 Our unity is also good
18:18 If there is a problem
18:20 We talk to each other
18:22 And sort it out
18:24 If there is something
18:26 Or if we don't like something
18:28 We clear it
18:30 We talk and sort it out
18:32 There is no need to carry it
18:34 On Instagram
18:36 Which pages are you following?
18:38 And why is Instagram
18:40 And social media so important?
18:42 You should know
18:44 What is happening in the world
18:46 You can mold yourself
18:48 And things
18:50 My focus is on
18:52 How much information
18:54 I can collect
18:56 So that it helps in my personal life
18:58 And professional life
19:00 I follow a lot of players
19:02 90% I follow players
19:04 Whether male or female
19:06 So that I can see their routines
19:08 What kind of work they are doing
19:10 What level of cricket they are playing
19:12 Training wise, cricket wise
19:14 My focus is on following players
19:16 So that I can follow their
19:18 Regime, routines
19:20 Because the levels are very different
19:22 The way we follow
19:24 We can move forward
19:26 Do you drive?
19:28 Yes
19:30 Have you ever been hit?
19:32 Many times
19:34 You didn't tell
19:36 I was insulted a lot
19:38 Once
19:40 I was driving outside my house
19:42 I was driving on GT road
19:44 U-turn was long
19:46 So I thought I will take it from here
19:48 I stopped
19:50 The car was parked on the side of the tree
19:52 So I started looking
19:54 I put my cap on
19:56 I put my mask
19:58 They said, "Madam, you are sleeping, right?"
20:00 I said, "Yes"
20:02 They said, "We are doing it for your safety"
20:04 "You are going the other way"
20:06 I gave money and chalan
20:08 And I left
20:10 Did you give money or chalan?
20:12 I gave money and chalan
20:14 Before I give my chalan
20:16 We have to take a short break
20:18 One day I was driving
20:26 He came in front of my car
20:28 He laid down
20:30 He said, "Kill me"
20:32 "Just kill me"
20:34 I think
20:36 Media coverage should be more
20:38 So that girls get more endorsements
20:40 And it is very important
20:42 Because until the face is not shown
20:44 The whole world and Pakistan cannot know you
20:46 I reached my peak
20:48 When I was out of the team
20:50 And then I realized
20:54 This is my defining moment
20:56 And how I have to take myself
20:58 Welcome back to the Knock Knock Show
21:08 We are celebrating Nidha Dar and Kainat Imtiaz
21:10 Our champions are with us
21:12 So I wanted to ask you
21:14 Nephew!
21:16 Nephew!
21:18 Nephew! Nephew! Nephew!
21:22 You have started asking a lot of questions
21:24 And I have to ask you something
21:26 What happened uncle?
21:28 You came in without raising your head
21:30 You didn't leave me to raise my head
21:32 Now I will raise my head
21:36 Why did you have to raise your head?
21:40 You spoke so rudely
21:42 I thought you were saying
21:44 You don't have a bad mouth
21:46 It looks bad
21:50 You really spoke rudely
21:52 I spoke rudely
21:54 You felt bad
21:56 Your words are bad
21:58 And who are you saying that to?
22:00 You have started your show
22:02 With the person who you have set up
22:04 His results are not good
22:06 I am telling you
22:08 I remember the results
22:10 There was a time
22:12 Wow!
22:14 There were so many people
22:16 So many results
22:18 Brother!
22:22 Stop your nonsense
22:24 My guests are sitting here
22:26 Greetings!
22:30 Greetings!
22:32 Nephew!
22:34 Will they leave in a while?
22:36 I will stay here
22:38 I want to talk to them
22:40 First ask them
22:42 Do they want to talk to you?
22:44 Look!
22:46 This is what happens with western girls
22:48 They don't talk directly
22:50 First they talk to elders
22:52 Uncle!
22:58 Come to your senses
23:00 You are talking to a Gujarati
23:02 You are talking to a foreigner
23:04 You have introduced me
23:06 So my work will be done
23:08 What is there to tell in your introduction?
23:10 One thing
23:14 List is complete
23:16 I am young
23:18 Beautiful
23:20 And most importantly
23:22 I am a cricketer
23:24 Who knows you?
23:28 Knows me?
23:30 People run after me
23:32 People run after me
23:34 When you will take a loan
23:36 People will run after you
23:38 What?
23:50 Nija!
23:54 She is laughing at me
23:56 I am not laughing at you
24:00 I am not laughing at you
24:02 Are you done?
24:06 Yes
24:08 This is what happens with western girls
24:10 Their laughter hides their hands
24:14 Western girls don't like your personality
24:16 What does the whole neighborhood call you?
24:22 What does it call you?
24:24 Dum dum Afridi
24:28 If the whole neighborhood called you
24:30 Should I tell them?
24:32 No, no, I have called them
24:34 You call them
24:36 I don't know such things
24:38 I will drown them in the past
24:40 Fresh dum dum Afridi
24:42 It is better than the name
24:44 Change your intention
24:46 So you are saying
24:50 That I should think about Kainat ji?
24:52 If you think about the elderly
24:56 I am not that old
24:58 You don't know
25:00 Till date
25:02 Even at this age
25:04 I get proposals on the basis of rovers
25:06 Not proposals
25:08 Angels are coming
25:10 I will tell you that day
25:14 When my name came in the national cricket team
25:16 Your age
25:18 Has no place left in the national cricket team
25:20 Here you go
25:24 You tell them
25:26 In their opinion
25:28 I am older than the advertisement
25:30 I have been unfair to you
25:34 Otherwise I would have been in the national cricket team
25:36 What have you done that you are in the national cricket team?
25:38 Why would you be?
25:40 What have I done?
25:42 What have you done?
25:44 5000 runs
25:46 Have you seen?
25:48 Have you seen it being made?
25:52 I think
25:54 I have come in the wrong field
25:56 Let it be switched
25:58 Let it be good
26:00 I was telling you
26:02 You are throwing too long
26:04 Imagine
26:06 This is the ball
26:08 This is the ball
26:10 And this is going out of the ground
26:12 My ball
26:14 I had to find my ball
26:16 Where did it go?
26:18 Think about me
26:20 Nicholas
26:22 You must have met such fans
26:28 Who are a little bit
26:30 How do you handle them?
26:32 I remember a fan
26:34 I was in such a miserable condition
26:36 That I started laughing
26:38 The club where I used to play
26:42 He used to play there
26:44 One day I left the club
26:46 He came in front of my car
26:48 He was like
26:50 Kill me
26:52 Talk to me once
26:54 I tried to pass the car
26:56 He came there
26:58 I had friends with me
27:00 He said
27:02 Talk to me once
27:04 I will let you go
27:06 I called him
27:08 When he came
27:10 I left
27:12 I got a lot of phone calls
27:14 I got a lot of messages
27:16 He used to attach with me
27:18 I used to block him
27:20 He used to attach my name and his name
27:22 And make a new ID
27:24 He really irritated me
27:26 For the first time in my life
27:28 I have seen such a scene
27:30 Such a clingy
27:32 Didn't he send you a proposal?
27:34 He didn't listen to me
27:36 You didn't let the proposal come
27:38 You packed it before that
27:40 Do you have any such fan moment?
27:44 There are many
27:46 Because people around
27:48 Know me
27:50 Once
27:52 A boy
27:54 He came to my house
27:56 He came to my area
27:58 He came to my area
28:00 He asked me to send him to my house
28:02 I said please
28:04 Don't send him to my house
28:06 He was standing down
28:08 He was coming from the balcony
28:10 He came down
28:12 He was taking my name
28:14 It was a scary scene
28:16 I had to correct my security
28:18 If he asks for any name
28:20 You don't have to send anyone
28:22 This is the thing
28:24 No one is lying in front of the car
28:26 No one is behind the car
28:28 Which player
28:30 Made you happy?
28:32 I was happy
28:34 To out Chamari Atapattu
28:36 From Sri Lankan team
28:38 I took a wicket from England
28:40 I was happy
28:42 Because I used to see
28:44 How good players they are
28:46 And how important their wicket is
28:48 I was very happy at that time
28:50 You meet the global team
28:52 Which team do you
28:54 Talk to more?
28:56 Do you exchange notes?
28:58 We talk to the teams
29:00 Who understand us
29:02 And understand Urdu easily
29:04 We talk to India
29:06 From Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
29:08 But
29:10 We ask them
29:12 About their experience
29:14 We tell them
29:16 But most of the experience
29:18 Is from Australia
29:20 From England
29:22 We had exhibition matches
29:24 And the girls from England came
29:26 They shared their experience
29:28 Which we liked
29:30 That someone is telling us
29:32 And we were keen
29:34 To learn from them
29:36 And get experience
29:38 We become friends
29:40 Very soon
29:42 We don't just get wrestlers
29:44 We get cricketers too
29:46 We see
29:48 That our male cricketers
29:50 Get a lot of endorsements
29:52 You see them in commercials
29:54 Do you see opportunities
29:56 For our female cricketers
29:58 Or you are not doing it?
30:00 There are opportunities
30:02 I have recently added a few
30:04 But there are no opportunities
30:06 I think
30:08 There should be more media coverage
30:10 So that girls get more endorsements
30:12 And it is very important
30:14 Because until the face is seen
30:16 The whole world and Pakistan
30:18 Can't know you
30:20 There are few but there are
30:22 But it is very limited
30:24 I think through your show
30:26 We should get more endorsements
30:28 So that girls can come out more
30:32 I agree with Kaina
30:34 But I feel
30:36 We should give a performance
30:38 So that everyone comes
30:40 To you
30:42 And lies down in front of the car
30:44 I believe
30:48 You have to be there
30:50 So that people
30:52 You think of your work
30:54 So that they get benefits
30:56 But our female cricketers
30:58 Are no less than anyone
31:00 We have to celebrate them
31:02 And if you are giving them
31:04 A platform for recognition
31:06 It is very important
31:08 Which we have done in this show
31:10 Do you remember anything
31:16 In this process
31:18 Any moment or any pain
31:20 That you couldn't share
31:22 That you want to share
31:24 Something that inspires you
31:26 There were 2-3 things in life
31:28 Which were turning points
31:30 The first was when we
31:32 Brought the second gold medal
31:34 For Asian Games
31:36 I felt that this is my passion
31:38 And I want to do this for Pakistan
31:40 As a nation
31:42 I want to bring
31:44 More medals to my nation
31:46 There was a point
31:48 When dad
31:50 Continuously told me to do it
31:52 Do it
31:54 Suddenly that hit me
31:56 If I don't work hard today
31:58 I won't be able to do anything tomorrow
32:00 This is the time
32:02 Which is in my hands
32:04 And another thing
32:06 A girl came to me
32:08 And asked for my autograph
32:10 She said
32:12 That moment I felt
32:14 That I have a signature
32:16 For someone
32:18 And she knows my name
32:20 And she came to me and said
32:22 I want to be like you
32:24 And my parents should support me
32:26 And pray for us
32:28 That point
32:30 Was a life changing moment for me
32:32 And I still remember that
32:34 That I have a signature
32:36 For someone
32:38 You have become so inspiring for someone
32:40 Exactly
32:42 I haven't done anything
32:44 Which I could be
32:46 Or create
32:48 I could be someone's inspiration
32:50 That is what motivates me
32:52 And you are someone's inspiration
32:54 Amazing
32:56 I feel
32:58 That we get a setback
33:00 When you are working hard
33:02 And you are not getting success
33:04 Many people
33:06 Come back from there
33:08 And stop working hard
33:10 But I
33:12 Got my peak
33:14 When I left the team
33:16 And then I realized
33:18 That this is my defining moment
33:20 And how I have to take myself forward
33:22 Where I am standing
33:24 How much hard work is required
33:26 And for that
33:28 What activities and routines
33:30 I have to make
33:32 To be on top of the list
33:34 My defining moment was
33:36 When I left the team
33:38 For 1.5 years
33:40 Many people would have
33:42 Stopped working hard
33:44 But I have
33:46 Made that moment my lifestyle
33:48 And I have always kept that moment in front
33:50 And then I started working hard
33:52 And Alhamdulillah
33:54 I have got the most rewards
33:56 After that
33:58 So it is true
34:00 That never give up
34:02 Never give up
34:04 Who inspired you
34:06 Especially in such moments
34:08 Basically my family
34:10 Was very supportive
34:12 Because they knew
34:14 That I was down
34:16 And there is no place
34:18 Where I can get out of my frustration
34:20 But at that time
34:22 All my friends
34:24 And family
34:26 They told me to believe in hard work
34:28 When you work hard
34:30 Allah gives you a reward
34:32 My family and friends
34:34 Have supported me a lot
34:36 Let's pray together
34:38 That we win the women's world cup
34:40 Inshallah
34:42 My prayers are with you
34:44 I am very happy
34:46 To meet you
34:48 I celebrate you
34:50 You are doing great
34:52 I want you to excel
34:54 And make our name proud
34:56 I am very happy
34:58 That all your dreams come true
35:00 Thank you so much for coming tonight
35:02 And today the person we will give tribute to
35:06 Is not only from cricket
35:08 But from women's cricket
35:10 And her name is Shahiza Khan
35:12 She was a break bowler
35:14 She played three test cricket matches
35:16 And played 40 one day international matches
35:18 She was the captain of Pakistan cricket
35:20 And she is the second female bowler
35:22 Who did a head trick in test cricket
35:24 Shahiza Khan
35:26 You are the pride of Pakistan
35:28 And the future of cricket
35:30 For the girls
35:32 Thank you so much
35:34 Be happy
35:36 Keep smiling
35:38 Ladies and gentlemen
35:40 Good night
35:42 I will see you next week
35:44 Knock Knock
35:46 Knock Knock
35:48 Knock Knock
35:50 Knock Knock
35:52 Knock Knock
35:54 Are you ready
35:56 The Knock Knock Show
35:58 I tell you
36:00 I tell you what's in my heart
36:02 Who is there in whose heart
36:06 I find out this secret
36:10 This is my style
36:14 It's very versatile
36:18 The heart's talks
36:22 Are with everyone
36:26 (upbeat music)