• 2 years ago
Proboscis monkeys are the fauna of the identity of the province of South Kalimantan. This animal is known by various names, for example bekantan or long-nosed monkey in English, proboscis monkey in Malaysian, bangatan for Brunei, while local residents also call the Dutch monkey or Dutch macaque, pika, bahara stretchan, raseng, and kahau. Proboscis monkeys are protected from the threat of extinction due to conversion of forest land and habitat degradation. The male proboscis monkey is larger than the female. Its size can reach 75 cm and weigh up to 24 kg. The female monkey measures 60 cm and weighs 12 kg. This species also has a large stomach, as a result of its eating habits. Apart from fruits and seeds, proboscis monkeys eat a variety of leaves, which produce a lot of gas when digested. This has a side effect that makes the proboscis monkey's stomach bulge. This species spends most of its time in trees and lives in groups of between 10 and 32 monkeys. The social system of proboscis monkeys is basically a one-male group, namely a group consisting of one adult male, several adult females and their children. In addition, there is also an all-male group, which consists of several male proboscis monkeys. Male animals that reach adolescence will leave the one-male group and join the all-male group. This is possible as a proboscis monkey strategy to avoid inbreeding. Proboscis monkeys can also swim well, sometimes seen swimming from one island to another. To support its swimming ability, there are membranes between the proboscis monkey's toes. Besides being proficient at swimming, proboscis monkeys can also dive in a few seconds, so their nose is also equipped with a kind of valve.

Bekantan merupakan fauna identitas provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Hewan ini dikenal dengan berbagai nama, misalnya proboscis monkey atau long-nosed monkey dalam bahasa Inggris, kera bekantan dalam bahasa Malaysia, bangkatan untuk Brunei, sementara penduduk sekitar juga menyebutnya monyet belanda atau kera belanda, pika, bahara bentangan, raseng, dan kahau. Bekantan termasuk jenis mamalia yang dilindungi dari ancaman kepunahan akibat dari konversi lahan hutan dan degradasi habitat. Bekantan jantan berukuran lebih besar dari betina. Ukurannya dapat mencapai 75 cm dengan berat mencapai 24 kg. Monyet betina berukuran 60 cm dengan berat 12 kg. Spesies ini juga memiliki perut yang besar, sebagai hasil dari kebiasaan mengonsumsi makanannya. Selain buah-buahan dan biji-bijian, bekantan memakan aneka daun-daunan, yang menghasilkan banyak gas pada waktu dicerna. Ini mengakibatkan efek samping yang membuat perut bekantan jadi membuncit. Spesies ini menghabiskan sebagian waktunya di atas pohon dan hidup dalam kelompok-kelompok yang berjumlah antara 10 sampai 32 monyet. Sistem sosial bekantan pada dasarnya adalah one-male group, yaitu satu kelompok terdiri dari satu jantan dewasa, beberapa betina dewasa dan anak-anaknya.


