Gabon : Oligui Nguema envoie un message explosif aux pays étrangers

  • last year
à é. :
Le général Brice Oligui Nguema a prêté serment en tant que président de transition au Gabon, après avoir renversé Ali Bongo Ondimba. Dans un pays dirigé par la famille Bongo depuis plus de 55 ans, ce coup d'État marque un tournant historique. Le général Oligui s'est engagé à instaurer des institutions plus démocratiques et à organiser des élections libres à l'issue de la période de transition. Il a également promis d'amnistier les prisonniers d'opinion, tout en mettant l'accent sur la lutte contre la corruption et la mauvaise gouvernance. Cette prise de pouvoir a suscité des réactions internationales mitigées, avec des condamnations de la part de l'Union africaine, de l'Union européenne et de l'ONU, mais également des nuances soulignant le contexte particulier de l'élection contestée.
Le général Oligui a rapidement pris des mesures pour établir un dialogue avec les différentes parties prenantes de la nation gabonaise, y compris les représentants religieux, les chefs d'entreprise, les syndicats, la société civile, les ONG, les diplomates et les journalistes. Il a exprimé sa volonté de lutter contre la corruption et de redresser l'économie du pays, en veillant à une redistribution équitable des richesses pour le bénéfice de la population. La promesse d'amnistier les prisonniers d'opinion vise à favoriser la réconciliation nationale et à rétablir la justice. Cependant, cette transition politique a été critiquée par de nombreuses institutions internationales, bien qu'elles reconnaissent la différence de contexte avec une élection frauduleuse présumée. L'avenir du Gabon dépendra désormais de la capacité du général Oligui à mettre en œuvre ses réformes démocratiques et à conduire le pays vers la stabilité et la prospérité tant attendues.
#OliguiNguema #Gabon #message #putschgabon #gabonputsch #presidentgabon #ebenemediatv #mgm #PrésidentTransition #Renversement #AliBongo #ÉlectionsLibres #PrisonniersOpinion #Corruption #MauvaiseGouvernance #DialogueNational #Réconciliation #Conda
' .
00:00 5 days after the overthrow of Ali Bongo Ondimba, General Brice Oligui N'Gema
00:13 has sworn as President of the transition to Gabon.
00:16 Dressed in an imposing red suit of the Republican Guard, the General swore to faithfully preserve
00:22 the Republican regime and the achievements of democracy before God and the Gabonese people.
00:26 This historic scene marks a major turn for the country, after more than 55 years of
00:31 uninterrupted reign of the Bongo family.
00:32 In his speech of investment, the new president promised to install more democratic institutions
00:39 and to organize free and transparent elections at the end of the transition period.
00:43 An announcement that attracted attention, but it is another statement of General Oligui
00:48 which aroused a great interest, the amnesty of the prisoners of opinion.
00:51 The General charged the future government to reflect on the mechanisms that allow
00:56 to amnesty the prisoners of opinion and to facilitate the return of all the exiles.
01:00 This measure demonstrates the will of the new leader to restore justice and to promote
01:06 national reconciliation.
01:07 Since his accession to power, General Oligui has held a series of meetings with the
01:13 living forces of the nation, ranging from religious representatives to business leaders,
01:17 through trade unions, civil society, NGOs, diplomats and journalists.
01:22 He listened carefully to their concerns and responded in a detailed way to their
01:27 questions.
01:28 The General clearly indicated that his priority was to fight corruption and
01:33 bad governance, as well as to restore the economy and redistribute the income
01:37 and wealth of the country to the benefit of the population.
01:40 These commitments are of crucial importance for a country rich in oil, but whose wealth
01:45 has been seized by an elite accused of massive corruption and bad governance.
01:49 The coup d'état in Gabon was severely condemned by the African Union, the European Union,
01:55 the UN and many Western capitals.
01:57 However, these institutions have emphasized the difference in context, claiming that the
02:03 overthrow of Ali Bongo was due to a manifest election fraud.
02:06 General Oligui, on the other hand, was surprised by this condemnation by the
02:11 international institutions.
02:13 The transition to Gabon is therefore a key moment for the country.
02:18 General Oligui Nguema is tackling the profound problems that have affected the country and
02:22 promises of democratic reforms and a more transparent governance.
02:25 The next few months will be decisive to see if these promises will come true and if Gabon
02:30 will be able to regain the stability and prosperity so much awaited.
02:33 A new era opens for the Gabonese people, who aspire to a better future and a real
02:39 democracy.
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02:47 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:49 (air whooshing)
