America में दुकानों में ताले में बंद की जा रही Toothpaste, Chocolates जैसी चीजें| क्यों? GoodReturns

  • last year
America दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी इकॉनमी है. अमेरिका उन देशों में जहां की प्रति व्यक्ति आय दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा है लेकिन आजकल देश के दुकानदारों को टूथपेस्ट, चॉकलेट, वॉशिंग पाउडर और डियोर्डेंट जैसी रोजमर्रा इस्तेमाल की चीजों को ताले में बंद करके रखना पड़ रहा है. क्यों हो रहा है अमेरिका में ऐसा..इसके पीछे क्या रीजन है..चलिए आपको इस वीडियो में बताते हैं.

US shops locks toothpaste, chocolates due to rising shoplifting violence, United state Violence, shoplifting, Us Shoplifting cases, america, retail, shops, shops in americam US economy, america economy, US in G20 summit, India hosting G20, business videos, business news, fitch down america rating, Shoplifting in US, America Shoplifting

#america #USeconomy #Biden
00:00 America is the largest economy in the world.
00:02 It has the largest population in the world.
00:04 America is one of the countries where the number of people coming to America is the highest in the world.
00:09 But today, shopkeepers have to lock up their daily necessities like toothpaste, chocolate, washing powder and deodorant.
00:18 Why is this happening in America?
00:20 What is the reason behind this?
00:22 Let's tell you in this video.
00:24 The biggest reason for keeping daily necessities in lock is theft.
00:29 In America, theft has increased a lot.
00:34 In America, the cost of living has increased.
00:39 People have come to steal because of the rising inflation.
00:42 The inflation has reached 3.20% in July.
00:46 Food is slowly getting out of reach of the common people.
00:51 The rising inflation and the sluggish economic system has increased the theft and looting in America.
00:58 According to the AFP report, shopkeepers are afraid to go to the shops.
01:05 Theft is being committed by organized groups in the shops.
01:09 Shopkeepers are using new handcuffs to steal.
01:12 Transparent walls are being installed in the shops.
01:15 The goods are being kept in transparent cabinets.
01:19 People can see the goods but cannot take it out because the cabinets are locked.
01:24 The fridge is also locked.
01:28 The customers can press the alarm button and call the salesman.
01:35 Some shops are closed due to theft and loss of profits.
01:39 People are locked up in chains so that no one can steal chocolates and cold drinks from the fridge.
01:45 Walmart has closed four stores in Chicago this year due to theft and looting.
01:51 The stores like CVS and Walgreens are on the run.
01:55 Footwear sellers and foot lockers are also on the run.
01:59 According to the National Retail Federation's Retail Security Survey,
02:03 shopkeepers have lost $94.5 billion in 2021.
02:09 Retailers have suffered a huge loss due to thefts and looting.
02:19 The survey found that 26.5% increase in organized crime in the shops in 2021.
02:26 Most of the people in this survey said that such incidents have increased since the pandemic.
02:32 The situation in the US has worsened due to inflation.
02:36 In July, inflation reached 3.20% with an increase of 20 BPS.
02:43 In June, it was 3%.
02:45 Inflation has impacted people's lives badly.
02:49 People are not able to save.
02:51 During the pandemic, personal savings in the US reached $2.1 trillion.
02:55 This year, it fell by 90% to $190 billion.
03:01 Since 2022, household savings have fallen by $100 a month.
03:06 Recently, Fitch also reduced the rating of the US from AAA to AA+.
03:13 Since 2011, the US has been rated as the lowest in the world.
03:17 Fitch has done this considering the growing debt and the situation in the country.
03:21 Fitch had given the US a top rating but now it has been reduced.
03:25 Fitch says that the US has seen a decrease in governance in the last 20 years.
03:30 Fitch is one of the three major independent agencies in the world that analyzes the credit of a country or company.
03:37 Fitch has also warned that if the government fails to solve issues related to spending and macroeconomic policy,
03:45 the rating can go down further in the coming days.
03:49 The situation is that inflation has increased so much that people's cost of living has increased.
03:55 Because of this, people are forced to steal.
03:59 Shopkeepers have to lock their chocolate and toothpaste.
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