FTS 20:30 06-09: In Mexico leaders of the ruling party call for unity ahead of its announcing the party's next presidential candidate

  • last year
In Mexico, leaders of the ruling Morena party call for unity ahead of announcing the party's next presidential candidate// In Mexico, leaders of the ruling Morena party call for unity ahead of announcing the party's next presidential candidate// In Egypt, the collapse of a building in the east part of the country left at least 4 people dead and 5 injured. teleSUR
00:00 In Mexico, leaders of the ruling Morena party called for unity ahead of announcing the party's
00:11 next presidential candidate.
00:15 In Ukraine, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced over $1 billion in new funds for
00:21 Ukraine in the 18-month conflict.
00:27 And in Egypt, the collapse of a building in the east part of the country left at least
00:31 four people dead and five injured.
00:39 Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:40 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Edelso Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:45 We begin with the news.
00:46 In Mexico, leaders of the ruling Morena party called to keep the unity within the organization
00:50 while announcing a 90% progress in the poll to determine the party's next presidential
00:55 candidate.
00:56 The political party leader, Mario Delgado, confirmed the legitimacy and transparency
01:01 of the process, indicating that they are currently reviewing the ballots, identifying signatures,
01:06 and validating each ballot with infrared light to prevent forgery.
01:10 The ballots represent 75% of the total qualification, in addition to four other questions where
01:15 honesty, credibility, opinion, and capacity of the contenders were consulted.
01:20 The leaders assured that the official act of designation of the presidential candidate
01:24 will be attended by President López Obrador.
01:32 Earlier President Andrés Manuel López Obrador spoke on the internal process of selecting
01:36 the presidential candidate of the National Regeneration Movement.
01:42 Power only makes sense and becomes a virtue when it is put at the service of others.
01:57 The rest is of no interest.
02:03 The search for material things, the paraphernalia of power, vanity, it has a lot to do with
02:17 not having ideals nor principles, and with the pomposity of feeling very powerful, they
02:34 are like little pharaohs, with complexes and corrupted.
02:39 Arturo Ávila, representative of the Morena party, ruled out the risk of illegitimacy
02:43 in the process of determining the next presidential candidate.
02:49 It was a transparent process in which the boxes were opened.
02:52 If there were incidents, they were discussed.
02:55 And there was something, a very important element that was asked for, that there should
02:59 be a conclusive proof.
03:01 If there is no conclusive proof, then what can be said is difficult to prove.
03:05 So under this argument, obviously, the incidents were reported, and we are very grateful to
03:11 the organizations of the movement, because fundamentally everything that seemed to us
03:16 that should not have been or should not have happened was removed, was removed from the
03:21 sample and was resolved positively.
03:24 So how can we not be happy if the exercise finally had a result that allows me to move
03:29 the process forward?
03:33 Mexico's Supreme Court of Justice announced the decriminalization of abortion at the federal
03:36 level, offering women the legal possibility of accessing free abortion services in public
03:41 hospitals.
03:42 The measure was taken after the firing of an injunction by a DNGO Grupo de Información
03:47 en Reproducción Elegida.
03:49 Judicial authorities established that the medical personnel of any federal institution
03:54 would not be criminalized for assisting someone who interrupts a pregnancy since they would
03:58 be providing a health service.
04:00 Also the Supreme Court called on the Congress to eliminate the crime of abortion from the
04:06 penal code.
04:11 In Colombia, social movements gather in the vicinity of the Attorney General's office
04:15 to participate in a day in defense of life and peace.
04:19 With this rally, the mobilized citizens demand extraordinary guarantees for the physical
04:23 integrity and reincorporation of the signatories of the peace agreement into the social and
04:27 political processes in the country.
04:30 The initiative is due to the continuous assassinations against the signatories that have not ceased
04:34 throughout the country.
04:35 This mobilization also seeks to show solidarity with the policy of total peace undertaken
04:40 by the government of President Gustavo Petro, which has resulted in dialogues with the National
04:45 Liberation Army as well as possible agreements with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
04:54 Social organizations in Panama protested against the contract signed between the government
04:58 and the mining subsidiary of the transnational first quantum.
05:03 Congress denounced that the agreement threatens the life of indigenous communities and the
05:07 biodiversity of the eastern locality of Donoso in Colón, a territory located in the Mesoamerican
05:12 biological corridor.
05:13 The document establishes a renewable 20-year mining concession contract between the state
05:19 and the subsidiary Minera Panama for the exploitation of a large copper mine, which establishes
05:24 a minimum income of $375 million.
05:28 The contract was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Justice.
05:37 On Tuesday, security forces repressed popular protests against the contract between the
05:43 state and the mining company Panama.
05:45 Trotters denounced the administration of President Laurentino Cortizo for prioritizing extractivism
05:51 and environmental degradation, as well as for the high cost of living crisis and the
05:56 worsening of labor conditions.
06:22 Our colleagues Adriana Zivori and Luis Horacio Gutierrez keep touring Venezuela, finding
06:26 stories that prove that when there is a will, there is a way.
06:29 This time, let's know about the family enterprise that makes and sells cold quichicha and have
06:36 a faithful clientele that looks for a delicious way to cope with the Caribbean sun and the
06:40 heat in Caracas streets.
06:42 Here is more about this tradition of beverage and of Carlos and Bedsides story in the following
06:47 material.
06:48 Breaking the ice, then Carlos and his wife prepare every detail before leaving.
06:58 This is boiled rice blended with milk.
07:01 It's the base of the traditional Venezuelan chicha.
07:05 Now they face a long way to set up their stall.
07:10 This business started when we were dating.
07:12 I was 16 years old and he was 20.
07:14 We have been selling chicha for a long time.
07:17 We had a break of five years because we left, but we came back stronger than ever.
07:22 We both do it for our children and because of our children.
07:29 During that pause, they emigrated to Peru, looking for other opportunities.
07:33 They also set up their business there.
07:36 But selling a frozen beverage in cold weather was not convenient.
07:40 And it was also difficult trying to fit in a place with few acquaintances.
07:45 The decision was to come back and they found a different situation.
07:50 A country where the market was already moving, there was trade, there was no longer that
07:56 problem of queuing for two products.
07:58 And well, I've started up the business again.
08:01 And they do have a public.
08:03 Some are interested in their prices and others are just loyal customers.
08:07 Of course, here is where I come.
08:10 The only one I drink.
08:11 I don't drink it anywhere else.
08:14 It's 100 percent good.
08:16 And I could tell you because I am 75 and I've worked a lot.
08:21 The chicha is present in many Latin American countries, but the way it is prepared is different.
08:27 This is chicha criolla without fermentation.
08:31 The hotter the day, the higher the sales.
08:35 Venezuelan chicha is very thick, very sweet.
08:37 And it depends.
08:39 Other sell it thicker, some add syrup or any other goodies they want to add.
08:44 But I particularly go with the traditional, just cinnamon and condensed milk.
08:52 The indigenous people were the first to brew this type of popular drink, but with a corn
08:57 base and alcohol.
08:59 Luis Horacio Gutierrez and Adriana Sibori, Telesur, Caracas.
09:03 You can find more episodes of our series Venezuela on the Move on YouTube and other platforms.
09:09 Let's take now a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @telesurenglish,
09:11 where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
09:16 Other stories coming up.
09:18 Stay with us.
09:19 Welcome back to FamaSouth.
09:26 On Wednesday, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed a major policy reversal
09:30 by backing his new economic team's decision to drastically hike interest rates to fight
09:34 runaway inflation.
09:36 Erdogan has been a lifelong opponent of high borrowing costs and pushed past central bank
09:41 governors to fight inflation with lower interest rates.
09:46 Conventional Economics says that high interest rates help bring down prices by tapping down
09:51 demand and raising the cost of doing business.
09:54 Central Bank has since roughly tripled its policy rate to 25%.
09:58 Analysts believe it will need to raise the rate much higher at the next meeting on September
10:03 21st because the inflation has shot back up to nearly 60%.
10:11 "We will not compromise on economic growth during the program period.
10:17 We will ensure healthy and quality growth by paving the way for high value-added investments
10:22 and facilitating their financing.
10:25 At the same time, with the support of tight monetary policy, we will reduce inflation
10:30 to single digits again and improve the current account balance."
10:33 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Kiev on Wednesday and met with Ukrainian
10:49 President Volodymyr Zelensky.
10:51 The purpose of Blinken's visit was to assess the three-month-long Ukrainian counteroffensive
10:55 and to highlight the ongoing U.S. support as some Western allies expressed concern over
11:01 Kiev's slow progress in expanding Russian forces, according to U.S. officials.
11:06 Blinken announced more than $1 billion in new U.S. funds for Ukraine in the 18-month
11:10 conflict, according to another administration official.
11:14 In addition to military aid, Blinken also announced about $805 million in non-weapons
11:20 aid to Ukraine.
11:21 A recent poll published in North American countries shows that 55% of U.S. citizens
11:26 are opposed to the Joe Biden administration continuing to send funds to Ukraine for the
11:31 ongoing conflict.
11:32 "The United States is committed to empowering Ukraine to write its own future.
11:40 In the crucible of President Putin's brutal and ongoing war, the United States and Ukraine
11:44 have forged a partnership that is stronger than ever and growing every day.
11:50 We will continue to stand by Ukraine's side, and today we're announcing new assistance
11:55 totaling more than $1 billion in this common effort."
12:16 The death toll from an extra-tropical cyclone that unleashed on Russian rains and flooding
12:20 on southern Brazil rose to at least 31 Wednesday.
12:24 According to local officials, the storm which started Monday left whole neighborhoods submerged
12:29 in floodwaters in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, forcing some residents to climb
12:34 onto their roofs and wait to be rescued.
12:36 More than 5,300 people have been forced from their homes, and over 52,000 residents and
12:42 70 towns have been affected.
12:44 The cyclone is the latest in a series of deadly weathering disasters to hit Brazil, which
12:50 experts say are likely being made worse by climate change.
12:54 Weather specialists have warned that the situation could worsen, with more rain forecast for
12:58 late Wednesday and into Thursday, Brazil's Independence Day.
13:03 President Luiz Inácio da Silva said he had spoken with the governor and promised his
13:07 administration support.
13:11 "Unfortunately, just as I got off the helicopter, I received confirmation of four more deaths,
13:19 two deaths, one in Estrela, one in Lareado, plus two more confirmed deaths in Rocazales,
13:26 which are in addition to the deaths we had already confirmed, making a total of 31 deaths
13:31 so far."
13:32 At least 14 people have died after torrential rains hit Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece in recent
13:39 days.
13:40 The recent period of extreme heat has given way to heavy storms, which turned the streets
13:43 of northwestern Turkey into rivers, and lashed Greece with unprecedented downpours as the
13:48 country recovers from weeks of forest fires.
13:51 The latest death toll in Turkey is now seven, two of them in Istanbul, while one person
13:55 is still missing in Kirklareli province, in the northwest of the country.
14:00 In neighboring Bulgaria, at least four people died on Tuesday on the Black Sea coast.
14:04 The victims were reportedly caught in a flash flood while crossing a bridge in their car.
14:14 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
14:17 channel at TestSuite English, there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
14:21 special broadcastings and more.
14:23 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
14:27 world's most recent events.
14:29 Have a great break, don't go away.
14:30 Welcome back to from the south.
14:40 An appeals court in Nigeria rejected two out of the three petitions on Wednesday to challenge
14:44 the legitimacy of President Bula Tinubu's victory in the February election.
14:49 The last petition is still on deliberation in a case that has put Africa's most populous
14:53 country on edge.
14:54 Three opposing parties challenged the election results, which they say was illegally announced,
14:59 and argued that Tinubu was not qualified to run for president because he was a citizen
15:03 of Guinea and, unfortunately, did not have the required academic credentials.
15:07 The opposition has hinted at possible protests if the court rules in his favor.
15:11 If the judges uphold the last petition and annul the presidential election, it will be
15:15 a first in Nigeria's history.
15:22 In Egypt, a building collapsed in the east of the country, left at least four people
15:27 dead and five others injured.
15:29 Authorities confirmed that the victims were members of the same family who live in the
15:33 four-story building in Cairo neighborhood.
15:36 Also the governor of the state, Khaled Abdelal, ordered the appointment of a committee of
15:40 specialists and engineers to study the state of the adjacent buildings after a wave of
15:45 collapses in recent months.
15:47 Several structures have collapsed in recent years, leaving at least 55 victims so far
15:51 this year due to the poor state of the structures and the non-compliance with the urban planning
15:55 laws.
16:00 The 50th Extraordinary Congress of the Federation of Arab Entities in Latin American Countries
16:05 closed on Wednesday, September 6, in Damascus, capital of Syria.
16:09 More details in the following report from a correspondent in San Juanos.
16:18 During the three days since September 4, the National Federations of Arab, members of the
16:22 continental mother entity developed in cooperation with the Syrian authorities a wide range of
16:28 workshops during which the members of the Congress were able to learn first-hand the
16:33 true version of the political, economic, commercial, industrial, social, tourist and cultural events
16:38 in Syria, a reality that the members of the Congress promised to transmit to the brotherly
16:43 peoples of the entire Latin American continent and to seek ways to help the Syrian people
16:48 to overcome the consequences of the war and the coercive Western measures implemented
16:53 against their country.
16:59 The interventions and proposals of the members of the Congress mainly seek to consolidate
17:04 their link with their countries of origin and extend the bridges of contact between
17:08 the motherland and the countries of emigration, where they reside, in order to build systems
17:13 of cooperation and grave relations in all areas for the benefit of our people and other
17:19 peoples, especially in the economic and commercial sphere.
17:24 Despite terrorism and despite all the pressure on the Syrian people, we still have faith
17:28 in a better future and continue to build on tourism, economy, education and culture, and
17:35 in this area the members of the Congress express the interest of their communities to help
17:40 based on their attachment to their roots.
17:46 The truth of what is happening here does not reach the world and we are going to be the
17:51 voice of the Syrian people to transmit all this information.
17:56 The whole world knows what is happening and that Syria is rising up and that means that
18:01 we need to reactivate, trade and stop this cruel and inhumane blockade.
18:17 The Congress concluded with the presentation of a final declaration which, among its main
18:21 recommendations, calls for respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial
18:25 integrity of Syria, finding a solution to the crisis based on compliance with the norms
18:30 of international legality, putting an end to the foreign occupation of parts of Syrian
18:34 soil, halting the US plundering of Syrian natural resources, contributing to the recovery
18:39 and reconstruction of the Arab country and lifting the Western economic blockade unjustly
18:44 imposed on the peoples of Syria, Cuba and Venezuela.
18:50 The organization of the 50th FIRAP Congress in Damascus and the final communique of this
18:55 Congress show that Syria remains in their hearts and although new generations of the
19:00 descendants of Arabs in emigration have emerged, the strength of the attachment of these communities
19:06 of Arab origin to the Syrian motherland is becoming stronger and stronger as time goes
19:11 by.
19:16 The most important message is to show the world that Syria is not alone, that the countries
19:22 of Latin America, its diaspora, its descendants, expatriates and emigrants also support it,
19:29 and we want to help it to rise up and to get out of the difficulties it is facing and to
19:34 give a message to the world about its reality.
19:42 The work agenda of the Congress also included cultural and recreational activities led by
19:47 a musical gala of traditional Syrian songs at the historic Al-Azm Palace in the old city
19:52 of Damascus, both to show the members of the FIRAP delegation and the new generations of
19:57 Arab descendants in Latin America the true civilized side of Syria and to consolidate
20:02 the attachment of these communities to their roots in Syria and their other countries of
20:06 origin in the Arab world.
20:15 We have come to the end of this news break, for more information on this and many other
20:20 stories on our website, Tres Sur English, you can also join us on social media, Facebook,
20:25 Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
20:28 For Tres Sur English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
20:34 (upbeat music)
