Help Create a World Without Type 1 Diabetes with JDRF

  • last year
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that strikes both children and adults suddenly. It has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle. There is nothing you can do to prevent it. And, at present, there is no cure.
Please help create a world without T1D by visiting your local Bashas’ or Food City store during September and choose to support at checkout.
To learn more about JDRF and type 1 diabetes, please visit
00:00 Welcome back to The Daily Mix.
00:02 Type 1 diabetes, it has no cure.
00:04 And those with type 1 diabetes shouldn't feel alone.
00:07 Executive Director of JDRF Desert West, Michael Cimoni,
00:11 and Director of Communications for BASHA's and Food City,
00:14 Ashley Schick, are here to tell us how you can help
00:17 make a difference to those affected by type 1 diabetes.
00:21 Welcome to the show.
00:23 What are some of the challenges for kids
00:25 who have been diagnosed?
00:26 Good morning, Teresa. Thanks for having us on.
00:28 Children face a lot of challenges
00:31 being diagnosed with type 1,
00:32 and especially coming off the last few years
00:34 of isolation through COVID.
00:35 And when you're diagnosed makes a big difference.
00:38 So if you're a child who's diagnosed
00:40 before the age of 3, you will live your life
00:43 not knowing anything else but managing your type 1.
00:46 But if you're a child going into junior high or high school
00:49 or perhaps college, there are certain things
00:51 and lifestyle changes that you need to make.
00:54 And that can be very challenging for kids.
00:56 So we're going to talk about how to manage that.
00:59 And really, it's the support of not only the T1D community,
01:03 but it's really, we call it a family disease
01:05 because it starts with the family
01:06 helping to manage a child's type 1.
01:09 Sure. This summer, one of the athletes
01:12 on my son's All-Star team is managing his diabetes,
01:15 and he had an app on his phone
01:16 so his mom and dad could read his blood sugar
01:20 from their phones.
01:21 I mean, the future is here.
01:23 Every major breakthrough and technological advance
01:26 JDRF has played a role in over the years,
01:28 been around for 52 years, started by two moms who said,
01:31 "We have to do something about this disease."
01:33 And that has changed people's lives.
01:36 And JDRF, as focused as we are on finding cures,
01:40 we're equally focusing on making people's lives better
01:43 while we are in search of cures.
01:45 And that means the technology to not only monitor
01:48 blood sugar levels, but to have family
01:50 who can also monitor that and be there as a support.
01:53 Imagine being in college and, you know,
01:56 not or being away at school and as a parent
01:59 just having to wait by the phone if something happens.
02:01 It would be terrifying.
02:02 Now you can actually see and help your child
02:04 manage their type 1.
02:05 And that and many other advances have made life better
02:07 for children living with type 1 diabetes.
02:09 And of course, a lot of the management is with diet,
02:12 and I assume that's why BASHEs and Food City
02:14 have gotten involved, and you've had a long-term
02:17 partnership now.
02:18 - We have, we've been supporting JDRF for many, many years.
02:21 They do incredible life-saving work.
02:23 And as you said, the future is here,
02:24 but there's still a long way to go.
02:26 There's still a lot more that we can do as a community,
02:29 and it's important for BASHEs and Food City,
02:31 BASHEs family of stores, to come alongside
02:33 great community partners like JDRF,
02:35 who are really supporting families, supporting children,
02:39 and making sure that we've got the life-saving support
02:42 that they need.
02:42 - So tell us about the partnership now.
02:44 If we're shopping at BASHEs or Food City,
02:46 how can we help?
02:47 - Yes, it's super easy.
02:48 For anybody that's shopping at any of our over 100 BASHEs
02:51 or Food City locations across Arizona,
02:54 you can just donate at the register.
02:56 Donate, donate, donate right there at the pin pad.
02:58 Super easy.
02:59 Every penny helps, and every penny goes a really long way.
03:03 So if you've got a dollar, or a hundred, or a thousand dollars,
03:06 please, we're asking for that support.
03:09 We've got really generous customers,
03:11 and all those dollars, every single penny is gonna go back
03:14 to support JDRF and their life-saving work.
03:17 - And I assume that you're putting that money
03:19 into more research, right?
03:21 Because there's more to be done.
03:22 - Yes, and one of the things I love about this partnership,
03:24 because BASHEs is so entrenched in our community in Arizona,
03:28 and they care so much about the people who live in our state.
03:32 This partnership helps fulfill the mission of JDRF
03:36 by not only raising the awareness to tell families
03:39 they're not alone, JDRF has resources and we can help you,
03:42 but also the funds to help further advance
03:45 those life-changing breakthroughs I mentioned before,
03:47 and the research to one day, hopefully, find a cure.
03:50 And we actually say "cures"
03:52 because it will not be one single cure.
03:54 There will be multiple cures to help tackle
03:56 this very difficult autoimmune disease.
04:00 - That's such a great point, and I love what you said,
04:03 that it's a family disease, and pointing out
04:05 that the last couple of years with the pandemic
04:08 have been particularly isolating for kids and families
04:11 dealing with this, and you're just hoping to tell people
04:13 it's not just you, other people are going through it too.
04:16 - As I mentioned, started by two moms,
04:18 and that's the most powerful thing we can do,
04:20 and that's what BASHEs and Food City
04:23 and this campaign helps us do, is bringing families together.
04:26 There's nothing more powerful than having a type 1 mom
04:29 speak with another type 1 mom and say "I get it,
04:31 here's how I navigated this situation,
04:33 here's what you can do."
04:34 And one of the most powerful and most amazing things
04:37 you'll ever see is when we are able to connect the kids,
04:39 whether it be through camp programs,
04:41 or breakfast with Rufus for newly diagnosed families,
04:44 that's when really those bonds form,
04:46 and a lot of times those kids are friends for life.
04:49 - Well thank you so much for all you do,
04:50 and thank you for BASHEs and Food City
04:53 helping to support the kids and families,
04:55 we really appreciate you.
04:56 (silence)
05:01 (silence)
