• 2 years ago
In this amazing video caught on camera, a police officer in Kuruli, India was caught on a roof with a leopard. When the big cat suddenly leapt at the police officer, he jumped from the roof to avoid the attack.


00:00 police officer in Kerala, India was caught on a roof with a leopard. When the
00:03 big cat suddenly leapt at the police officer, he jumped from the roof to avoid
00:07 the attack. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place. This guy
00:10 pretty much had two completely awful options. Either A) you stay on the roof
00:14 and get mauled by the animal or B) you jump off the roof, risk intense injuries
00:19 like a sprained ankle and then you still get mauled by the animal. Luckily, the
00:23 leopard ran off in the opposite direction, leaving the police officer
00:26 alone. The leopard then caused intense havoc and went on a rampage for 12 hours
00:31 injuring three people. I love India, it's absolutely beautiful, but it's kind of
00:34 terrifying to think that big cats like leopards and tigers actually do make
00:38 their way into villages on an ongoing basis. Big cats like lions and leopards
00:42 can get into urban areas of India and it's actually terrifying. In February of
00:46 2016, this leopard got into a school in Bangalore and caused havoc for 10 hours
00:50 and injured six people. We're lucky that in the US, big cats keep to themselves
00:55 for the most part, except for them cougars. We did have a problem in Texas
00:59 though with a deer in an antique store. We may not have lions or tigers, but
01:05 we've got black bears, oh my, like these two fighting each other in Morris County,
01:09 New Jersey. Between the big cats, the deers, the gators, the bears, it kind of seems
01:16 like nature's trying to fight back. Have you ever had a close call with a wild
01:20 animal? For more trends like these, head to whatstrending.com.
