Brett Johnson -pre-Auburn

  • last year
Brett Johnson discusses his first game after missing nearly 3 years
00:00 I mean the day it was a lot of fun,
00:02 a lot of excitement,
00:03 a lot of nerves getting back into
00:05 it first time playing in a long time.
00:07 So definitely exciting,
00:08 not overwhelming at all,
00:09 but I was eager to get out there
00:11 and I just really enjoyed it.
00:15 Then the day after I mean a little bit sore.
00:18 I mean it's a football game so you'd
00:20 expect that but I felt pretty good.
00:22 I'll go to Thomas Dunn from
00:26 right for California. Good
00:28 morning Brett. How much more if?
00:30 If at all, is this a benchmark test
00:32 for you and the defense with Auburn
00:34 coming into town this weekend?
00:35 We got the SEC coming in.
00:38 They'll be there'll be a skilled team.
00:40 I mean, we're not backing down at all.
00:42 We're definitely looking forward
00:43 to the challenge and the.
00:45 Just happy to get out there
00:46 and showcase our skills.
00:47 Here we have other questions
00:50 in the opening round.
00:51 We'll go to Matt Moreno from rivals.
00:53 They've employed a two quarterback system.
00:56 Sounds like that's going to be the case again.
00:58 What kind of challenges do
00:59 you see from from their offense?
01:00 Uh, I mean. In terms of from a D line
01:04 perspective, just bigger bodies
01:06 that we have to fight up front.
01:08 Definitely not anything that
01:09 we're scared of by any means.
01:12 As far as I'm concerned,
01:12 that's the that's the biggest
01:13 thing that we have to worry about.
01:15 OK, we'll go to Jim McGill.
01:18 Jim McGill from Bear Insider.
01:19 It brought I think the coaches had
01:23 you on a limited snap count somewhere
01:25 around 18 snaps or so they have a
01:27 number for you this week or are
01:28 they going to play it by feel for
01:30 how the game goes and how you're
01:31 feeling out there physically?
01:32 All the above, definitely by feel
01:36 that we have all the all of our
01:38 deal. I mean on a good rotation.
01:40 Is to get all this reps.
01:42 I'm assuming it'll be the same
01:43 plan for this upcoming game.
01:45 OK, thanks.
01:46 OK, there are other questions
01:49 in the opening round.
01:51 If you do, let me know in the chat.
01:54 OK, otherwise we'll open it back
01:56 up for any second round and follow ups.
01:58 Go back to Jeff Toronto.
02:04 Go ahead, Jeff.
02:05 Brett, what's your sense of how
02:08 good your defense will be this year?
02:11 You've been awfully good for a few
02:12 years in a row last year.
02:14 They weren't quite as good.
02:16 Do you see a swing back
02:18 in the right direction?
02:19 I say so.
02:21 We got a lot of talent
02:23 on the D line returning.
02:24 We got a lot of guys that come in
02:25 from the transfer portal.
02:27 I say we will bring it all together
02:29 and we'll put on a pretty
02:30 good show this season.
02:31 OK, Jim, did you have a follow up as well?
02:38 Yeah, sure, go ahead, Jim.
02:41 So Brett, there's a lot of positive
02:42 momentum behind the program right now.
02:44 It was announced that you're going to the
02:45 ACC next year on Thursday
02:48 and you had a big win over North Texas
02:50 by 37 points on Saturday
02:52 and now you're playing a high profile
02:54 SEC opponent on national TV on ESPN.
02:58 Do you sense that the team
03:00 has the opportunity to really push
03:02 in a positive direction that could
03:04 propel you guys to
03:06 some much bigger things if things go
03:08 well this weekend and going forward?
03:10 I definitely say so.
03:12 I mean, every every challenge
03:13 is an opportunity to prove ourselves.
03:16 I mean, in terms of our defense, we.
03:23 I mean, we'll keep we'll keep putting on
03:24 a put on a good show with it.
03:25 Keep building, showcasing
03:27 ourself against high profile
03:29 opponents like Auburn.
03:30 It's all just an opportunity
03:31 to show who we are.
03:32 Thanks.
03:33 Hey, anybody else with a
03:36 final question for Brett?
03:37 If so, let me know in the chat.
03:39 OK, I think that'll wrap it up.
03:44 Thank you everybody.
