Jamilah Davis Talks Working In High Demand Fashion

  • last year
00:00 When you're a DMM, which is a divisional merchandise manager, and it's basically my job to oversee
00:05 everything that goes into the stores, on the website, through my buying team, and you literally
00:10 have to be everything to everyone all the time.
00:14 You have to be everything to senior management, you have to be everything to your team, you
00:18 have to be everything to the designers.
00:20 You have to control things you cannot control.
00:24 I do not control the shipping from Italy to New York, but it's my job to control it.
00:30 I cannot control that everybody wants to wear silver all of a sudden because Beyoncé Renaissance
00:36 and I didn't buy any silver, okay?
00:39 But it's my job to control that.
00:41 So those are the things that you're like...
00:45 How do you do that?
00:46 How do you manage your job and how do you control things?
00:49 I have to look at the stock market.
00:50 Why?
00:51 If the stock market has a good day, my clients are going to go shopping.
00:54 They feel good about the economy, so they'll drop $1,200 on a shoe because the stock market
01:00 was good.
01:01 I'm in fashion.
01:02 Why am I looking at the Dow Jones?
01:04 Why?
01:05 Because it's a part of my job.
01:06 So these are the things that you don't go to fashion school for.
01:11 I was a business major.
01:13 But these are the things that you can't control, but they are a part of your job.
01:16 You are...
01:17 You're supposed to know what people are wearing.
01:19 You're supposed to know why all of a sudden you sold 15 of this Lueve frame because Justin
01:24 Bieber wore it at US Open.
01:26 Do you have the Justin Bieber Lueve frame?
01:28 You will get an email that says, "Did you buy the Justin Bieber Lueve frame?"
01:31 And you're like, "Yeah, I did.
01:33 Thank God.
01:34 If not, I'm on the phone with Devon's brands trying to get me a Lueve Justin Bieber US
01:40 Open frame."
01:41 So these are just things that you can't control, but then you have to be the nucleus, the epicenter,
01:46 and just keep everything together.
