• last year
The current market is unpredictable and inflation is high. Avoid common mistakes made about retirement as Ashley Patterson and Don Spini of DNA Wealth Partners join us to discuss risk-free strategies to create reliable lifetime income payments.
Find out more at https://dnawealthpartners.com/
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 You wanna retire, hit the golf course,
00:05 spoil those grandkids, maybe travel,
00:08 but an unpredictable market and rising healthcare costs
00:11 could cramp your future style.
00:14 Ashley Patterson and Don Sweeney from DNA Wealth Partners
00:17 are here with tips to retire well.
00:19 I'm so glad you guys are here.
00:21 - We are too. - Thank you.
00:22 - Welcome. - Thank you.
00:23 - And it's never too early to start thinking about this.
00:26 - No, and it's kinda cliche to say,
00:27 either the earlier you start, the better it is,
00:29 but, Teresa, for most people, retirement is scary,
00:32 they don't know what's going on.
00:33 And even if you're young, it's like,
00:34 we don't know what's gonna happen.
00:36 Retirement can be very simple
00:37 if you get the right kind of help.
00:38 It's not that difficult.
00:41 - No, absolutely, and depending on where you are
00:43 and any age, we definitely have help.
00:45 So I would say most of our clients
00:47 are anywhere between five years out from retiring
00:49 or fully retired.
00:51 However, we work with a lot of family members of our clients
00:55 and so the discipline of saving,
00:57 you can never start too early is, of course, what we say.
00:59 - It seems like there's a sweet spot
01:00 because you don't wanna be too risky with your investments,
01:03 but you don't wanna leave cash sitting there not earning.
01:06 So how do you find that sweet spot
01:08 for somebody looking toward retirement?
01:10 - There are certain accounts out there that are,
01:12 I guess they're unknown.
01:14 They don't need to be unknown.
01:15 They're very popular if you know how to get them,
01:17 but most people won't see them
01:18 because they give you protected growth,
01:20 they give you forever income,
01:22 they give you long-term care,
01:24 but the problem is, Teresa, there's no fees on those,
01:26 so they're hard to find.
01:27 Now, that's what we do for our clients
01:29 and as fiduciaries, that's in their best interest.
01:31 But if you're not seeing this, you don't know it exists,
01:33 but it makes retirement real simple.
01:35 Income, protected growth, and long-term care
01:37 all in one place.
01:38 So, again, seek help, ask your advisors,
01:40 seek help because it is out there.
01:43 - Rising healthcare costs are a major concern for retirees.
01:47 We were talking during the commercial,
01:49 my dad's almost 80 and every time he has a co-pay,
01:51 it's $30.
01:53 That's an amount he has to think about.
01:55 - It adds up.
01:57 You know, all of our plans that we work on
01:59 are going to have bookends, right?
02:00 And the very end of that retirement plan
02:03 is always going to account for healthcare costs.
02:06 I think that's one of the biggest mistakes people can make
02:08 is they think about, okay,
02:10 what's my monthly income need to be?
02:11 What does the travel look like?
02:12 What are the emergency expenses that I need
02:15 to have in those accounts?
02:16 But they don't necessarily properly plan
02:18 for healthcare costs,
02:19 which, of course, are rising every single year.
02:22 And Don has a, you know, close story.
02:23 - My dad's 96.
02:24 - Hey, dad.
02:25 He's still going.
02:26 - He's watching.
02:27 What's his name?
02:28 - Stan.
02:28 - Stan, Stan Feeney? - Stan, he's a world champion
02:29 rodeo cowboy back in the '50s, right?
02:31 - No kidding. - Still going.
02:32 But here's the thing.
02:33 He lives with me,
02:34 but growing old is not covered by Medicare.
02:37 People don't get that.
02:37 There's a lot of expenses we have for him.
02:39 He's pretty healthy at 96,
02:41 but we pay out of pocket a lot of money.
02:43 It's not covered by Medicare.
02:44 It's not covered by the VA.
02:46 You have to have a plan for that.
02:47 You have to have cash set aside for that.
02:49 These accounts that we're talking about,
02:51 they help you prepare for that
02:52 because they grow without any loss
02:54 and there's plenty of money at the end of life.
02:56 But a lot of times people don't get,
02:57 they think Medicare and the VA,
02:58 they're gonna come and help me because I'm old.
03:00 They're not gonna do that.
03:00 - Or I have a supplement plan,
03:01 so I'm covered or that's covered by that.
03:04 I think what we do is we help people prepare for that
03:08 so there's not a shock and awe
03:09 and there's not a burden on family members too.
03:11 That can create a lot of issue inside a family, right?
03:15 Making sure that grandpa's taken care of
03:17 or what are we gonna do?
03:17 So we want to alleviate that
03:19 for as many families as possible.
03:20 - You're exactly right 'cause I always say,
03:22 I have a trust fund.
03:23 My dad trusts that I will fund him.
03:25 That's right. - That's right, exactly.
03:27 - And that can be a burden.
03:29 - Right. - That can be.
03:30 - Yep. - That's why he's gonna
03:31 live in my shed.
03:31 He's fine.
03:32 He's a hardy guy, not like Stan.
03:35 - He's tough.
03:36 He is tough. - Wow.
03:37 - Yeah, yeah.
03:37 - And he's a veteran as well?
03:39 - Veteran, World War II.
03:41 So and there's a lot of these guys out there
03:42 that they're still alive.
03:43 And another thing too, we looked for help for him,
03:46 you know, that in-home care.
03:47 It wasn't available.
03:48 And we're fortunate that we can afford it,
03:51 but you've got to plan,
03:52 you've got to get way out in front of that
03:53 because he's a hero,
03:55 but there just, there aren't resources,
03:57 aren't cash resources to help these folks.
03:59 So they either, you know, have to,
04:00 they need care from a caregiver in home,
04:03 but it's very expensive.
04:04 - Unfortunately, the VA isn't the net
04:06 that we'd all hope it would be.
04:08 - Correct. - Oh, 100%.
04:09 So before we let you go,
04:11 what is something that folks can do today
04:13 who are watching this to help ensure
04:15 that their future is a little bit more stable?
04:18 - I think taking that first step, getting educated.
04:20 You know, we talk about this every weekend on the radio.
04:22 We've got our show, we're on two different stations.
04:25 We're on 960, The Patriot at 9 a.m.
04:28 We're also on at 11 a.m. with The Patriot,
04:31 and then we're on KFYI at noon.
04:33 So we talk about all of these topics.
04:34 We also talk about Stan.
04:35 He's probably getting sick of us using him
04:37 for so many examples,
04:38 but I think just beginning the conversation,
04:41 it can help dispel a lot of myths for people.
04:43 - Yeah, there's basically only three things
04:45 you need to do for retirement,
04:46 and you can think about these right now.
04:48 Prepare for income, prepare for principal protection,
04:51 and long-term care.
04:52 All that can be handled real quick and real easy,
04:54 but those are the three foundations
04:55 for most of us retirement.
04:56 - Thank you so much for all you're doing to help folks,
05:00 and for all the great advice.
05:01 Stick around.
05:02 We have more of the Arizona Daily Mix right after the break.
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