Pressure Cooker Competition Returns! Big Brother 25
Short filmTranscript
00:00 Hey YouTube, hey Big Brother fans, the Pressure Cooker competition is back!
00:05 Fans have long awaited for its return ever since Big Brother 6, and now it's back for
00:10 Big Brother 25, but with a twist from the Scary Verse.
00:15 This season the multiverses are providing an exciting twist, so what does that mean
00:19 for this version of the Pressure Cooker competition?
00:22 The Pressure Cooker is about willpower and endurance, and who can keep their button pressed
00:27 the longest.
00:28 But what's different in this new version, the Scary Verse version?
00:33 Well as we know if they release their button they're eliminated.
00:36 The last house guest standing will become the new head of household.
00:40 But here are some other rules.
00:42 No sitting or kneeling, but squatting is okay.
00:45 And house guests can only leave after 3 people release their buttons.
00:50 Also no bathroom breaks.
00:52 And whenever a house guest lets go of their button they must claim a card from the wall.
00:57 The cards are numbered 1-10 and the first to let go claims card 1, the second card 2
01:02 and so on.
01:03 So what secrets do the cards hold?
01:05 Julie said the cards contain either something good or something bad.
01:10 And the lights are out so they'll have to do the competition in the dark with no doubt
01:14 plenty of scary surprises.
01:17 Julie told them don't be afraid of the dark house guests.
01:20 We'll have to see if the entire competition is in the dark or just some portions.
01:24 We'll see.
01:25 So who will win?
01:27 Whose willpower will prevail to become the next head of household in the Scary Verse
01:32 pressure cooker?
01:33 Stay tuned to find out this Sunday night on CBS.
01:36 Hey thanks so much for watching.
01:38 Keep it right here for more videos daily.
01:40 Watch Big Brother on CBS Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.
01:44 And I'll see you next time.