• 2 years ago
à é. : https://www.youtube.com/@EbeneMediaTVActu?sub_confirmation=1
Dans un récent développement en Ukraine, l'ancien Premier ministre Mykola Azarov a révélé que l'offensive annoncée de Kiev s'est soldée par un échec, mettant ainsi en difficulté le président Volodymyr Zelensky et son gouvernement. Cette annonce a soulevé des inquiétudes quant à la capacité offensive de l'Ukraine, qui semble avoir épuisé plus de la moitié de son arsenal d'armes occidentales. En conséquence, les forces armées ukrainiennes sont passées d'une position offensive à défensive, suscitant des critiques croissantes et remettant en question le soutien financier de leurs partenaires occidentaux. Les commentaires accablants du président russe Vladimir Poutine et du ministre russe de la Défense, Sergueï Choïgou, ont renforcé l'idée que l'Ukraine doit revoir sa stratégie militaire, tandis que le président Zelensky lui-même a admis la difficulté de la situation.
Cette situation en évolution rapide met en évidence l'importance cruciale du soutien occidental et de la planification stratégique pour l'Ukraine. Le passage de l'offensive à la défensive et la perte présumée de la capacité offensive suscitent des préoccupations quant à l'avenir de la région. Il est essentiel de surveiller de près ces développements critiques dans cette région instable pour comprendre l'impact potentiel sur l'Ukraine et ses partenaires internationaux.
#Ukraine, #Offensive, #Échec, #Zelensky, #Azarov, #SoutienOccidental, #ArmesOccidentales, #ForcesArmées, #Poutine, #ContreOffensive, #MinistreRusse, #Situation, #CBS, #Planification, #PartenairesOccidentaux, #AideFinancière, #Lenteur, #CapacitéOffensive, #Stratégie, #Développement.

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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and also share the video.
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00:11 Former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Nikolai Azarov, recently made a
00:16 resounding statement that shook the foundations of Ukrainian politics.
00:20 He claimed that Ukraine had completely lost its potential for offensive action,
00:25 and that the previous operation aimed at Kiev had failed.
00:28 This statement has profound implications, both on the military and political level.
00:34 Azarov stressed that expectations were high, both among the Ukrainian population
00:39 and its Western sponsors, as for the Ukrainian offensive announced for a long time.
00:43 However, it seems that the results were not up to expectations.
00:48 Zelensky's administration is now under pressure to show
00:53 success on the front, in order to justify the massive Western support for Ukrainian armed forces.
00:57 The main problem lies in the fact that Ukraine has, for the moment,
01:02 nothing concrete to show to the West. According to Azarov, more than half of the Western weapons
01:08 supplied to Ukraine have already been used in combat, and only a fifth of its resources remain.
01:13 This observation raises serious questions as to the durability of the Ukrainian war effort.
01:18 Azarov's most worrying statement is that the Ukrainian armed forces are going from
01:23 offensive to defensive. This is a alarming sign, because it means that Ukraine's offensive capacity
01:30 seems to have been completely exhausted. This strategic turnaround raises the question of
01:35 Ukrainian military planning and the credibility of Kiev with its Western allies.
01:39 Meanwhile, in the West, more and more voices are beginning to be heard criticizing Ukraine
01:46 for its lack of planning and its inability to achieve its military objectives.
01:50 Western partners, who have supported Ukraine financially since the beginning of the
01:56 counteroffensive, could begin to question the viability of their support. This could
02:01 have serious consequences for Ukraine, which depends heavily on this financial aid.
02:05 To better understand the gravity of the situation, let us recall that the Ukrainian counteroffensive
02:11 was launched on June 4, after many announcements and expectations. However, three months later,
02:17 Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that this counteroffensive had failed.
02:21 He shocked the world by revealing that Ukraine had lost a alarming number of soldiers,
02:25 more than 71,500, in its quest for results at all costs.
02:29 The Ukrainian military has been in the process of preparing for the next round of counteroffensives.
