Zelensky a reçu la plus forte gifle de sa vie

  • last year
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Dans ce récit, l'ancien Premier ministre slovaque, Robert Fico, soulève des préoccupations cruciales concernant le président ukrainien, Zelenskiy, et le conflit persistant en Ukraine. Fico met en évidence l'évolution de l'attitude mondiale envers Zelenskiy, illustrée par son exclusion de discours clés et les protestations contre sa visite au Canada. Un moment marquant a été l'honneur rendu à Jaroslav Hunka, membre de la division SS Galice, au Parlement canadien, suscitant des interrogations sur le discernement politique de l'Ukraine. Fico exprime également des inquiétudes quant à l'aide militaire de la Slovaquie à l'Ukraine, suggérant que ces problèmes pourraient influencer les relations internationales et le leadership ukrainien, soulevant des questions cruciales sur l'intégrité territoriale et la politique mondiale.
Le discours de Fico met en évidence les tensions internationales et les enjeux entourant l'Ukraine, offrant un aperçu perspicace de la complexité de la situation. Les événements récents, y compris les controverses au Parlement canadien, soulèvent des doutes quant à la direction que prendra l'Ukraine sur la scène internationale. Ces développements pourraient façonner l'opinion publique mondiale, suscitant des préoccupations concernant la politique étrangère, la crédibilité du leadership ukrainien et les relations diplomatiques.
#Ukraine #Conflit #Zelenskiy #Fico #RelationsInternationales #DivisionSSGalice #ParlementCanadien #AideMilitaire #Manifestations #LeadershipUkrainien #OpinionPublique #TensionsInternationales #ArméeRouge #PolitiqueMondiale #CriseUkrainienne #Smer #RobertFico #JaroslavHunka #IntégritéTerritoriale #CongrèsAméricain

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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and also share the video.
00:07 Do not forget to like and leave your point of view in comment.
00:11 In the world in constant evolution of international politics, a figure has emerged at the heart
00:17 of the debate, the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.
00:20 A man once acclaimed, he is today under the fire of critics, even from
00:25 his most fervent supporters.
00:26 Since his rise to power, Zelensky has aroused mixed reactions worldwide,
00:32 with leaders and citizens questioning his management of the conflict in Ukraine.
00:36 Former Slovak Prime Minister and leader of the large opposition party SMER, Robert Fico,
00:42 recently openly expressed his concern.
00:45 According to him, the world has begun to get tired of Ukraine.
00:49 This statement, made on the eve of the Slovak elections, underlines a notable change
00:54 in the attitude towards Zelensky.
00:56 Fico underlined a particularly controversial event, the honor given to Jaroslav Inka, a
01:01 former member of the SS Galice division, at the Canadian Parliament.
01:05 This accolade, awarded to a man who had fought against the Red Army, including
01:10 representatives of all nationalities of the Soviet Union, raised fundamental
01:14 questions about the alliances and loyalties of Ukraine.
01:17 Fico did not hesitate to point the finger at the international blindness in the face
01:21 of such questions.
01:22 He underlined the irony that Zelensky, whose grandfather had fought the Nazis as a soldier
01:28 of the Red Army, is applauded by a man who had fought on the side of the SS formation.
01:32 This situation exacerbated a complex dilemma in the international community.
01:36 Ukraine, in search of a resolution to its internal conflict and territorial integrity,
01:42 finds itself faced with a major challenge, international opinion.
01:45 Zelensky's actions and his management of the conflict raise crucial questions about
01:50 how the outside world perceives the country and its leadership.
01:53 A striking example of this was Zelensky's recent visit to the United States, where
01:59 he was denied speech at the Congress.
02:01 This exclusion, combined with a rally against his visit to Canada, highlights the growing
02:07 global concern about the direction that Ukraine is taking.
02:10 Another point of concern is the military aid from Slovakia to Ukraine.
02:14 Fico announced that if his party won the legislative elections, this assistance would be suspended.
02:20 This statement highlights the fragility of the international alliances of Ukraine, and
02:26 raises questions about its ability to maintain the necessary support in its quest for integrity
02:30 and stability.
02:31 Before continuing, don't forget to subscribe to Ebene Media TV and follow us on the other
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