TANPA BATAS (2023) 363

  • last year


00:00 of the assets uploaded on his social media account
00:04 In his statement, this celebrity shows that the business he runs
00:11 is profitable and does not violate the law
00:15 Whereas for the monthly income of his customers
00:19 is taken from the new capital that entered the CVCG
00:24 This activity of Arisan Bodong was started in early 2021
00:30 and went well
00:32 But since August 2023, it started to be a problem
00:37 With the report of the victim to the team
00:40 The victim and his friends hope to get justice
00:44 legal certainty and protection
00:47 Meanwhile, the owner of CVCG, M, who was accused of running
00:53 Arisan and the fictitious investment
00:56 was arrested and reported to the Surabaya Police Station
01:02 Through his legal counsel, he admitted that he was still investigating the matter
01:07 in his company and stated that he was still waiting for the audit results
01:12 from the company that was being done
01:20 Arisan Bodong also attacked the residents of Karawang
01:23 Suspected of initiating HS, 21-year-old man
01:27 from Tegalurung Village, Cilamaya Kulon, Karawang
01:31 was arrested by the police after being accused of cheating billions of rupiah
01:36 Suspected to have escaped, finally managed to be arrested
01:43 at his contractor's house in Wilay Johar, Karangpawitan Village, East Karawang District
01:48 on October 16, 2023
01:52 Suspected of being arrested by the police after receiving many reports from the public
01:57 related to Arisan Online Bodong that he made
02:00 In fact, Arisan Online, which was followed by many people
02:08 turned out to be not going as expected
02:13 Because after the money was collected, it was used for personal needs of the suspect
02:19 After being checked, the suspect admitted that from Arisan Bodong that he made
02:25 he got billions of rupiah
02:29 The money was then used to make a living
02:33 including selling drugs
02:42 If the previous suspect acted like a rich person with money from Arisan Bodong
02:48 this one is a real rich businessman
02:53 Do you still remember the Arisan Ladyboss gang?
02:56 Ladyboss is a group of women entrepreneurs who love to wear luxury goods
03:01 The existence of the Arisan gang is strongest if they are successful in viral
03:06 because they showed off their outfits a while ago
03:10 Each member of the Arisan gang wore an outfit that was sold for hundreds of millions of rupiah
03:16 The wealth of the Arisan gang was exposed through a video posted by Shella
03:25 through her personal social media account
03:28 One of the rich women entrepreneurs who also turned out to be a member of this gang is Mira Hayati
03:35 She stole the public's attention after her video of buying a bag made entirely of gold
03:42 weighing 531 grams worth 515 million rupiah
03:48 Mira Hayati is a skincare entrepreneur who has a hobby of collecting gold
03:56 She even routinely buys gold every Friday regardless of the price or size
04:03 Besides saving for the future, Mira says collecting gold jewelry has become part of her family's custom
04:12 This is the one who made a hole on purpose so people can buy it
04:18 Otherwise, it wouldn't be written like this
04:20 No one sells clothes like this
04:23 Although the cases of late traders are more common in online transactions
04:31 it doesn't mean that offline sales are free of fraud
04:35 Recently, there are videos of clothing workers spreading fraudulent actions
04:42 If the customer makes a damage or a mistake, they must buy it
04:48 But strangely, some clothes were deliberately dropped when they were made into a hole
04:55 If it wasn't a hole, it could have caused a hole
05:01 It all started when a customer visited a clothing store in a mall
05:09 He accidentally dropped a piece of clothing
05:13 Finally, the store employee immediately asked the customer to buy the clothes because the clothes were damaged
05:22 The store employee wrote a rule that if the customer made a damage or a mistake, he must buy it
05:29 Although he was willing to pay, the customer did not accept if he was called a damage
05:35 Because he also tried to drop other clothes
05:39 And as a result, all the clothes that were dropped to the floor were made into a hole
05:45 If it was a hole, it was a trap
05:51 The video and the victim also suspected that the storekeeper was a fraud
06:00 The store employee suspected that there was something wrong with the clothes used
06:06 Both of them remind netizens to be careful when shopping
06:12 Because the clothes you have are a trap
06:16 I will help you to return your safety
06:24 I always choose SGM Explore because only with Iron Sea, my child's support grows maximally
06:32 Let me be here
06:35 Come on, I'm here
06:37 Wow, cool
06:38 SGM Explore
06:40 Tired
06:42 Drink Talak Lino, a chili formula that has been perfected 100% herbal
06:47 Drink after activities and before going to bed
06:50 Smooth blood circulation, maximum rest
06:52 I believe Talak Lino, President Ajah Drink Jammu
06:55 New Nutrisari Isotonin
06:58 Which refreshes and replaces the liquid when you sweat
07:02 If you sweat, drink Nutrisari Isotonin
07:05 Isotonin, Isotonin, Nutrisari Isotonin
07:10 Bang Bang Share Eat One Hub Challenge
07:12 Put it in your mouth in one bite
07:14 Say Bang Bang Share Eat
07:16 Bang Bang Share Eat
07:17 Bang Bang Share Eat
07:20 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth
07:23 Bang Bang Share Eat, it's as good as fun
07:25 Oh, eh, smell, ee, smell sweat
07:29 Don't come close, it hasn't smelled yet
07:31 Downy, Downy Floral Pink, new
07:33 Double stick fragrance, against the smell of ears
07:35 Oh, wow, this is Downy, double stick fragrance
07:38 Downy fragrance
07:40 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature
07:43 So we don't use a gallon at all
07:46 Our gallons are sanitized together before refilling
07:50 Aqua 100% pure
07:55 Refill hard?
07:58 Or not, even a hard-to-hear plate can cause bacteria fat
08:02 Lifebuoy new plate washer, effective in removing fat and killing bacteria in just one wash
08:07 Hygienic clean plate, now buy three, free one
08:10 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature
08:13 So we don't use a gallon at all
08:16 Our gallons are sanitized together before refilling
08:20 Aqua 100% pure
08:25 I win
08:27 Oops, fell
08:29 I have to find Aqua, so I win
08:31 Aha, follow me, so I can be faster
08:33 Give Fruition Flake VMAGRO with 4x DHA, support the smart brain
08:38 Hehe, smart sister
08:40 Are you sure you've washed your face?
08:43 Use Garnier's number one water mist
08:45 With a missile like a magnet, 99% makeup, even impurities that are not visible, are removed
08:51 Stay soft without feeling attracted, use Garnier's water mist
08:56 Prepare yourself for extraordinary achievements and overcome your limits
09:02 Star Geyser X, unleash the X in you
09:10 Great, Bebelag, enriched with a clean phosgos
09:14 Support good digestion and triple A with higher DHA
09:18 Small creative brain stimulation
09:20 Both help grow a big heart
09:23 Bebelag, all-rounder
09:25 Aqua believes in wisdom and the miracle of nature
09:29 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains, not a place that is easily contaminated
09:34 Aqua is pulled by layers of protective rocks without the use of recycling
09:39 Aqua contains natural minerals without the addition of hazardous substances
09:44 So that Aqua feels cold without being cooled
09:49 Explain, if your cup of water is Aqua, Aqua 100% pure
09:55 So good crispy chicken nugget, so good
09:59 Crispy and juicy, more crispy
10:02 So good, the winner is so good crispy chicken nugget
10:06 It's good to win late, others lose late, better, so good
10:10 Tired eyes, sore eyes, sore eyes, those are all dry eye symptoms
10:14 Insto Dry Ice, reduce dry eye symptoms
10:17 Apply Insto Dry Ice, dry eyes are comfortable again
10:24 Herbal Combi 4
10:25 Hi guys, this is for...
10:27 If for cough?
10:29 If cough, OBH Herbal Combi
10:31 New, OBH Herbal Combi
10:32 Herbal content, help reduce cough and relieve cough
10:36 The one with the combi
10:38 Herbal Combi 4
10:40 Yo, energy cereal breakfast
10:42 I made it, I want vanilla
10:44 I want chocolate
10:45 Energy, the number one cereal in Indonesia
10:48 Made from Australian wheat, nutritious and cooling
10:52 I want, I want
10:54 I want, I want
10:58 Take Mitu, take again
11:00 Mitu Baby, replace the poop
11:02 Take Mitu, take again
11:03 With the smell remover
11:05 New, Mitu, 5000 pack
11:09 Why, good for the poop
11:12 Natural, no turmeric plus
11:14 With active ingredients turmeric and black pepper
11:16 Processed at low temperature, so the active ingredients are preserved
11:19 Faster to overcome hair loss, strong body resistance
11:22 Natural, no turmeric plus
11:24 Good
11:25 Campina Concerto
11:26 Soft ice cream, melt in the mouth
11:29 With a topping that tastes rich
11:32 Anti-boring
11:33 Crunchy, break the crunchiness
11:37 Enjoy concert today, everyday
11:40 Lipon Spotless Plus
11:43 With Stain Guard, easy to clean
11:48 And Silver Ion, protect from germs
11:51 Lipon Spotless Plus, beautiful home, no smell and germs
11:55 Every house has its own family flavor
11:58 That warms the house
12:00 That always serves delicious
12:03 Perfect family flavor with Masako
12:06 With special broth
12:08 For the deliciousness that awaits
12:16 Indonesian family flavor, Masako family flavor
12:19 Where is it?
12:27 Just point it
12:29 Only Teh Pucuk Harum from Pucuk Teh Pilihan
12:32 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge
12:36 Make your day more exciting
12:39 Teh Pucuk Harum
12:40 For the deliciousness of Indonesian family flavor
12:45 Perfect with Masako
12:47 Indonesian family flavor, Masako family flavor
12:53 Optimistic generation
13:02 Optimistic generation
13:07 We are
13:12 Indeed
13:13 Different, but if you drink coffee
13:14 Kapal Api One
13:15 Quality, taste, and surety
13:17 From number one, Kapal Api
13:19 You can adjust the sugar yourself
13:21 Kapal Api One
13:23 Clear, more delicious
13:24 Recharge your energy with Milo
13:27 Hmm, delicious
13:29 With 2 times extra malt, milk, vitamins, and minerals
13:32 Come on, cheer up
13:34 With energy-nutrition, everything can be done
13:38 Milo, energy for active everyday
13:41 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles
13:44 Aqua originates from the chosen mountains
13:47 Not a place that is easily polluted
13:49 Aqua is filtered by layers of protective rock
13:52 Without any recycling process
13:54 Aqua contains natural minerals
13:57 Without any harmful additives
13:59 So Aqua feels cold
14:03 Without being cooled
14:04 Explain
14:06 If your cup of water is Aqua
14:08 Aqua 100% pure
14:10 Aqua 100% pure
14:11 Philippine police search for a beauty pageant contestant
14:18 Who has been missing since October 12
14:21 The shocking news comes from Miss Grand Filipina 2023
14:29 Catherine Camillus
14:30 She has been missing without giving any news
14:34 Since last week, or exactly 12th October
14:38 I don't have anyone to ask for help
14:40 I don't want her to go home
14:42 I don't want her to return to the police
14:44 She is our life
14:46 I don't have anyone else
14:48 Last Friday, Catherine's sister, Chin Chin
14:52 Through her personal account
14:54 Has obtained information
14:56 That her sister is missing when she was with her friend
15:00 According to the police
15:06 According to the police
15:07 Based on CCTV footage
15:09 Catherine was last seen in a mall
15:13 Chin Chin also shared details about the last vehicle
15:16 That Catherine used
15:17 Which is a silver SUV
15:20 Mrs. Camillus Rosario
15:22 Uploaded a photo of her child
15:24 Through her social media account
15:26 And asked her child to return home quickly
15:29 She also said
15:31 She has obtained information
15:33 That her child was last seen
15:36 Waiting for her friend at a gas station in Bawan, Batangas
15:40 After the phone call
15:42 Catherine's cell phone is not active
15:44 And her family can't reach her
15:47 The spokesman of the PNP, Colonel Jane Fayardo said
15:53 Police units in Batangas
15:55 Have helped the family to search again
15:57 The area visited by the Queen of Beauty
16:00 And the possibility of her location
16:02 The missing case of a beautiful woman
16:04 Was not only experienced by Catherine
16:07 Several cases this time
16:09 Were also experienced by beautiful women
16:11 Who were killed by their closest person
16:15 The Ebichoy model was reported missing
16:27 On the 21st of February
16:29 According to the family
16:31 She was last seen
16:33 On the security camera
16:34 When she wanted to pick her daughter
16:36 At her ex-husband's house
16:38 For those who don't know
16:44 Ebichoy is a model from Hong Kong
16:47 Who married Alex Kwong
16:49 At the age of 18
16:51 But their marriage was in a mess
16:54 Even though they were divorced
16:56 Ebi still provided facilities
16:58 For her ex-husband and his family
17:00 To provide a luxurious apartment
17:03 The murder of Ebichoy
17:09 Was part of the planned murder
17:12 In the beginning of February 2023
17:14 Her ex-husband's father
17:16 Rented a house in Lumbay Suen village
17:19 Then on the 21st of February 2023
17:22 Ebichoy was reported missing
17:24 And the police finally conducted an investigation
17:27 By contacting Alex Kwong's family
17:30 Three days after she was reported missing
17:36 Ebichoy was found
17:38 In a rented house
17:40 Which was reported to be a human meat shop
17:44 The model was found in a horrible condition
17:51 Ebichoy's body was found
17:53 Without a head and was mutilated
17:56 The body was found with a broken leg
18:03 And the right leg was kept in an icebox
18:06 Not only that
18:11 The model's head was found
18:14 In a soup pot
18:16 Which was mixed with carrots and beans
18:20 After the investigation
18:25 The police brought a number of evidence
18:27 Such as bags, clothes and a refrigerator
18:30 Which became the storage place for the model's body
18:34 Ebichoy's death because of mutilation
18:37 Was more convincing
18:38 By finding electric wire and meat grinder
18:42 In the crime scene
18:44 On the scene
18:50 The police arrested four suspects
18:52 Who were Ebichoy's ex-husband's family
18:56 Ebichoy's father, mother and ex-husband's brother
19:00 Who were also arrested
19:03 Were arrested the day before
19:07 To face a murder charge
19:10 While her ex-husband was arrested
19:12 While trying to escape from the city by boat
19:20 She brought 500.000 yuan
19:23 Or around 1 billion rupiah
19:26 And a luxury watch worth 4 million yuan
19:29 Or around 8 billion rupiah
19:32 According to the investigation
19:35 If Ebichoy's murder
19:37 Was done on her property
19:39 Under her ex-husband's name
19:41 She wanted to be sold
19:42 But apparently
19:44 Ebichoy's decision
19:46 Caused her ex-husband's dislike
19:49 Not only that
19:50 Her ex-husband
19:51 Who was a businessman
19:53 Was also involved in a fraud case
19:56 Which resulted in her being in debt
19:59 To billions of rupiah
20:01 To several parties
20:03 A tragic story was experienced by a Russian model
20:10 Greta Fedler
20:12 She was found dead in the car's trunk
20:15 Her body was put into the trunk
20:19 And her body was found dead
20:21 Greta was missing for a year
20:23 Since 2021
20:25 Three days before she was found
20:27 The Russian model
20:29 Criticized her president
20:31 On social media
20:32 Saying that Vladimir Putin
20:34 Was a psychopath
20:37 However, Greta's disappearance
20:43 Had nothing to do with the Russian president
20:46 Her lover, Dmitry Korovin
20:49 Reported her disappearance
20:51 To the police
20:52 Before that, Greta and her lover
20:54 Had a fight
20:55 Because of financial problems in Moscow
20:58 After a year had passed
21:00 On 13th March, 2022
21:02 The Russian media reported
21:04 That a body was found
21:05 In the trunk of the car
21:07 The police stated
21:13 Greta Fedler's death
21:15 Was closely related to her lover
21:18 After a thorough investigation
21:21 Greta was killed
21:23 By her lover
21:26 The police admitted her crime
21:32 They admitted that she was jealous
21:34 And stabbed her until she died
21:37 Then, her body was put into the trunk
21:43 Of a new car
21:45 Not only that
21:46 She also slept in a hotel room
21:48 For three nights
21:49 With a body of Greta
21:51 The next day
21:56 She drove her car
21:58 For 300 miles
21:59 To the Lybeks region, Russia
22:01 The man then
22:02 Left his lover's body
22:04 In the trunk for a year
22:11 To cover up Greta's death
22:13 Dmitry posted photos and videos
22:16 When he was with her
22:17 To his social media
22:19 To make her lover look alive
22:23 Jokes
22:33 On News
22:34 For You
22:35 I believe
22:38 In wisdom and natural miracles
22:41 I come from a chosen mountain
22:44 Not a place that is easily trapped
22:46 I was swept away by layers of rock
22:49 Without any recreational process
22:51 I contain natural minerals
22:53 Without any dangerous additives
22:56 So I feel cold
22:59 Without being cooled
23:01 Explain
23:02 If not all water is me
23:04 I am 100% pure
23:07 It's good for your skin
23:09 Natural turmeric
23:11 With active turmeric and black pepper
23:13 Processed at low temperature
23:15 To keep the active ingredients
23:17 So you can get rid of your skin problems faster
23:18 And have a strong body
23:19 Natural turmeric
23:21 Good
23:22 Are you sure you've washed your face?
23:24 Use Garnier's number one water
23:27 With a missile like a magnet
23:29 99% makeup
23:30 Even the dirt that is not visible
23:32 Is transparent
23:33 Stay soft without feeling tight
23:35 Use Garnier's water
23:37 I believe in natural miracles
23:40 So we don't use a single brush
23:43 We sanitize our brushes together
23:46 Before we refill
23:48 Aqua 100% pure
23:52 Sarimi
23:53 New
23:54 Sarimi price 2500
23:55 Must buy
23:56 Sarimi beef
23:57 Pure
23:58 False
23:59 Sarimi chicken
24:00 Crunchy
24:01 Lots of crunch
24:02 Sarimi new
24:04 Price 2500
24:05 It's delicious and you can't stop eating
24:07 I always choose SGM Explore
24:24 Because it's the only one with iron sea
24:26 My child's support grows maximally
24:29 Let me do it
24:31 Come, I'll tie it here
24:34 Wow, cool
24:35 SGM Explore
24:36 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles
24:41 Aqua comes from selected mountains
24:43 Not a place that is easily polluted
24:45 Aqua is pulled by layers of protective rocks
24:49 Without the recycling process
24:51 Aqua contains natural minerals
24:53 Without the addition of hazardous substances
24:55 So Aqua feels cold
24:59 Without being cooled
25:01 Explain if your cup of water is Aqua
25:04 Aqua 100% pure
25:07 Every house has its own family flavor
25:10 That warms the house
25:12 Always serving delight
25:15 Perfect family flavor with Masako
25:18 With special broth
25:20 For the delicacy that awaits
25:22 Indonesian family flavor
25:29 Masako family flavor
25:31 Great, BB Luck
25:38 Rich in phosgos that is clear
25:40 Support good enlightenment
25:42 And triple A with higher aloe dha
25:44 Stimulate the creative mind of the child
25:46 Both help grow a big heart
25:49 BB Luck, all the great things
25:52 New
25:53 Pocky Almond
25:54 More happy with Next Level Pocky
25:57 New
25:58 The more you chew, the crunchier
26:00 Soft and thick chocolate
26:02 More delicious
26:03 More yummy, more happy
26:05 With new Pocky
26:06 New
26:07 Coffee together like a cafe
26:10 Anytime
26:12 Anywhere
26:15 Nescafe
26:21 This is my cafe
26:22 There's something new
26:23 Natural White, Jajelem
26:25 My skin is also water
26:26 With Korean Rice Milk and Jajelem
26:28 Fight against the bacteria of acne
26:30 Wow, pretty
26:32 Beautiful
26:33 By Ciraulat
26:34 K-Natural White Jajelem
26:35 New
26:36 Nescafe
26:37 Pay first, 100
26:40 Huh?
26:41 No need to pay 100
26:42 The price of online tickets is free
26:44 The price of tickets to the hotel starts from 100,000
26:47 And plane tickets start from 300,000
26:49 Free for an hour
26:51 Order your ticket now
26:52 Usually, when the teeth are clean, it's not good and make you want to vomit
26:55 Now we use new toothpaste
26:57 Barakat
26:58 The contents of the toothpaste
26:59 Make your teeth more comfortable, clean and fresh
27:02 Strong teeth also change every time you brush
27:05 New Barakat
27:06 Healthy teeth, sure Barakat
27:07 Still chubby
27:09 How?
27:10 Use new Pantene
27:12 Formula with micro-provitamin that absorbs
27:14 Stronger hair from the inside
27:16 Up to 10 times stronger
27:18 Against chubby
27:20 New Pantene
27:23 I love what I do
27:25 With Royal Perfume Series by Soclin
27:27 Inspired by the world celebrity perfumes
27:30 The perfume's fragrance is undefeatable
27:34 Because it has a high concentration of perfume
27:38 Royal Active Touch spreads its fragrance on every touch
27:42 Hmm...
27:44 The fragrance lasts all day
27:47 With Royal Perfume Series by Soclin
27:50 I win my world
27:52 What do you want to cook?
27:53 I want to cook delicious food
27:54 Like Ketjap Sedap Kedulai Hitam Special
27:56 Only Rp. 1,000 can cook delicious food
27:58 Wow, there's a chef's recipe bonus
28:00 The black sesame is more thick
28:01 Rp. 1,000 becomes a delicious meal
28:03 Ketjap Sedap Kedulai Hitam Special
28:05 Buy it now, free shipping
28:06 From Wings Food
28:07 This heavy exercise, don't worry about sweating on your clothes
28:09 I'm not worried about sweating on my clothes
28:11 We use Soclin Puwangi Active Sport
28:13 New, quickly absorbs sweat, clothes stay dry
28:15 Protect your clothes from bad smell
28:17 Clothes stay fresh
28:18 Soclin Puwangi Active Sport
28:19 Free of smell, sweat on clothes
28:21 No way
28:22 Wings Care
28:23 People say I'm a hard worker
28:24 Work all day, suddenly have a headache
28:26 Oskadon, OK for headaches
28:28 Work actively in the center
28:30 Can be drunk before eating
28:31 Without sleep
28:32 Oskadon, OK solution
28:34 Complete headache and anxiety relief
28:36 Panjen Oye
28:37 Alex often gets fat,
28:41 flustered,
28:43 and uncomfortable
28:44 One in four children experience hair loss
28:48 I recommend Envagro E+ MFGM Pro Gentle Care
28:51 With easier php formula
28:54 Higher dhaa
28:56 Yukmeng, support healthy hair loss
29:04 For faster learning process
29:06 All this time
29:08 Only Gigabyte that you know
29:16 Why don't you use a new way?
29:18 First in Indonesia
29:22 Waktu
29:23 Now you can buy it on Aksis
29:25 Control the internet all with play and pause
29:30 Download Aksis app
29:32 Aksis
29:33 We are different
29:37 We are different
29:40 But if you want to be
29:41 Kapal Api One
29:42 Quality, taste, sure
29:44 From number one, Kapal Api
29:46 You can adjust the sugar yourself
29:48 Kapal Api One
29:50 Clear, better
29:52 I believe in wisdom and natural miracles
29:56 I come from the mountains
29:58 Not an easy place to get stuck
30:01 I was sucked by layers of rock
30:04 Protection without recycling
30:06 I contain natural minerals
30:08 Without adding hazardous substances
30:13 So the water feels cold
30:15 Without being cooled
30:17 Explain
30:18 If not all water is water
30:20 Water is 100% pure
30:23 [Music]
30:26 The chase between hypnotist
30:48 And the victim happened in Bekasi, West Java
30:50 Three people
30:51 Three people driving a car
30:53 Chased by a number of people
30:55 Who drive a motorcycle
30:57 Thief, thief
30:59 [Horn]
31:00 Hey, hey, hey
31:02 The incident started
31:08 When the security of a bank in Cabang, Wisma Asri
31:10 Saw a man who was confused
31:13 The security immediately arrested him
31:16 When he was arrested
31:18 It turned out that the man was surprised
31:21 And seemed to realize something
31:23 He suspected that he had been hypnotized
31:28 The man then saw the actor
31:34 Who had not gone far
31:36 The actor was apparently waited by two of his friends
31:39 Who use cars across the road
31:42 The victim was accompanied by the security of the bank
31:44 And some people immediately chased the actor
31:47 [Horn]
31:48 Knowing that the action was revealed
31:53 These three actors immediately ran away
31:56 The actor drove his car
31:58 Quickly without caring about his surroundings
32:01 While the motorcycle drivers
32:03 Chasing the actor while shouting
32:06 The chase action got the attention of the people
32:16 So they saw it
32:18 Helping to chase the actor
32:20 The car finally stopped
32:28 Because it was surrounded by villagers
32:31 Some villagers even threw objects
32:34 Which they found around the location
32:36 Towards the actor's car
32:38 [Shouting]
32:43 Not long after
32:47 The three actors were finally caught
32:50 One of the actors was even hit by a car
32:54 Meanwhile, the car was gray
33:02 Used by the actors
33:04 Seemed to be damaged
33:06 Especially on the glass
33:09 The actors were immediately secured
33:11 To be taken to the police
33:13 The robbery also took place on the main road
33:32 Of the BKR Cibening Purwakarta house
33:34 On 18 October 2023
33:37 Around 7 PM in the west of Indonesia
33:40 The group of villagers who wanted to take action
33:46 Were caught by the security coordinator of the house
33:49 Who was passing by
33:50 The villagers who just took the goods
33:52 In the form of clothes and shoes
33:54 Immediately ran away using the car they drove
33:58 The security coordinator immediately called the police
34:01 The police who guarded the front gate of the house
34:04 The police who were guarding
34:06 Immediately closed the gate
34:08 When they saw a car
34:09 Which was in accordance with the characteristics of the villagers' car
34:11 To block it
34:13 Seeing the gate closed
34:15 The two villagers got out of the car
34:17 By carrying sharp weapons
34:19 And threatened the police
34:21 The police immediately ran to save themselves
34:28 The villagers immediately rushed to open the gate
34:32 Although a bit difficult
34:34 But in the end they managed to escape
34:37 And immediately stepped on the gas
34:39 Leaving the location
34:41 Although they failed to block the villagers
34:44 But the action when the police blocked the car
34:47 Should be praised
34:49 [Music]
35:12 The chase and fight action
35:15 Happened between a private car and an ambulance
35:19 This incident was recorded by the ambulance driver
35:23 It seems that the ambulance is speeding
35:27 And trying to chase a black car in front of it
35:31 Not long after, the ambulance car managed to chase
35:34 And pulled the black car on the side of the road
35:38 The ambulance driver who looked angry
35:40 Got out of the car and approached the black car driver
35:44 Although there was no fight
35:56 But there was a fight
35:58 A fist fight and a rough word exchange between the two
36:03 A number of other road users also appeared to be in a fight
36:07 And denounced the black car driver
36:09 Not long after, the ambulance driver entered the car
36:13 And left the black car
36:16 From the information circulating, it is known that this incident
36:19 Happened in West Java, Bekasi
36:21 Some time ago
36:23 The fight began when an ambulance car
36:26 From the Sukabakti Village, Bekasi
36:28 Was carrying a patient who wanted to go to the hospital
36:31 Primaya Bekasi, West Java
36:33 Because of the emergency condition
36:35 The ambulance car sounded the siren
36:37 And asked the other road users
36:39 To provide access to the road
36:41 So that the ambulance car could speed up
36:44 But the black car
36:47 Didn't want to move aside and still didn't want to give way
36:51 Although the ambulance car was able to pass
36:54 But the black car didn't move
36:57 And even accelerated
36:58 And zigzagged in front of the ambulance car
37:03 Not accepting the behavior of the black car driver
37:06 The ambulance driver also got on the black car
37:08 And chased the black car
37:10 Until the fight happened
37:13 A young man managed to escape from the fight
37:26 He almost became a victim of a pickup car
37:29 Which lost control and hit three motorbikes
37:33 Which parked on the road
37:35 It looks like in the CCTV footage
37:40 Two middle-aged men were in a shop on the side of the road
37:44 One of the young men left the shop
37:47 And headed to his motorcycle
37:49 Unexpectedly, a pickup car suddenly accelerated
37:53 And hit a number of motorbikes
37:55 Which were parked on the side of the road
37:58 Fortunately, the young man was safe
38:03 Although the speed was very close and almost hit him
38:08 But the young man moved back
38:11 Until he passed the target
38:14 Suddenly, this accident made a panic
38:18 Some people even screamed hysterically
38:21 It is known that this incident happened on the night of October 18th
38:27 It is not known for sure the location and chronology of this incident
38:33 [Music]
38:47 A police member failed to end the life of his mother and son
38:52 At Mahagam Bridge, Samarinda, East Kalimantan
38:59 A police officer wearing a black helmet
39:03 Was with his three-year-old son
39:07 The officer sat on the side of the bridge
39:09 Wearing a mask and hugging his son while crying
39:14 [Crying]
39:27 [Music]
39:30 The suspect is known to be an egg seller
39:34 A police officer passed by
39:35 Aibda Budi who saw the suspect crying on the bridge
39:39 Approached the woman
39:41 The officer asked the reason why the suspect was on the bridge
39:46 And asked the suspect to go away from the bridge
39:49 The suspect replied that he was depressed
39:53 And planned to end his life
39:56 [Music]
39:59 It was not easy to persuade the suspect
40:01 But the police officer still tried to persuade the suspect
40:06 So as not to take action to end his life
40:10 [Music]
40:16 The suspect was finally rescued
40:19 He was taken away from the edge of the bridge
40:22 And then brought to a restaurant with his son
40:27 The local police then tried to contact the ES family
40:31 Soon after, ES was finally picked up by his family
40:36 [Music]
40:42 The suspect was attacked by a 55-year-old man
40:47 Residents of Buring, Malang
40:49 He fell into a hole in a septic tank 7 meters deep in his house
40:55 [Music]
40:58 The incident occurred on October 19, 2023
41:03 At that time, he was in a stroke
41:06 Training his motor muscles with house cleaning
41:09 But bad luck approached him
41:12 When he was on top of the septic tank covered with a leak
41:16 The leak was unable to withstand the weight of his body
41:20 Which is almost 100 kilograms
41:22 The floor was immediately cracked
41:25 He was also pushed into the septic tank 7 meters deep
41:29 [Music]
41:32 When he learned of the incident
41:34 His wife immediately asked for help from the surrounding residents
41:38 Apparently, the residents were difficult to evacuate the victims
41:43 Because of the inadequate equipment, the septic tank was finally activated
41:48 The evacuation process took quite a long time, about 1.5 hours
41:53 Because the victim weighed 100 kilograms
41:56 So he had to be pulled by a cart
42:00 Fortunately, the victim was successfully rescued
42:03 The victim was immediately taken to the hospital in Malang
42:07 To undergo treatment and examination
42:10 [Music]
42:13 [Music]
42:20 [Music]
42:22 The fire hit the Al-Itihadiyah passenger boat
42:26 Kubang village, Pasir Kuda, Cianjur
42:29 The fire was so big
42:32 To make the passengers panic and hysterical
42:36 Who are at the location
42:38 The cause of the fire came from a 3-kilogram gas explosion
42:42 Which is in the passenger kitchen
42:44 Because the first fire broke out in the kitchen area
42:48 [Music]
42:51 The red jago is on fire and rages very fast
42:54 Until it hits the Santriwati Ashram
42:58 The fire is getting bigger
43:00 Because the building materials of the ashram are dominated by wood
43:05 The residents of Ponpes were helped by the locals
43:08 Trying to put out the fire
43:11 Which has been walking around using all the tools
43:14 [Music]
43:16 The fire was just put out
43:19 After the firemen arrived at the location
43:22 Fortunately, the fire did not touch the buildings or other houses around it
43:27 As a result of this disaster, one of the ashram buildings was burned
43:33 The loss in Taksil reached 500 million rupiah
43:37 Although there are victims in this disaster
43:40 But as many as 60 Santriwati
43:43 Forced to evacuate and some returned to their homes
43:49 [Music]
44:02 Recently, a video shows the suspected incident of KDRT in an apartment
44:08 Annoying the public
44:09 In the video recording, there was a fight between a woman and a man
44:14 Which is sourced from a room
44:17 The video recorder with his companion only dared to cut
44:23 And watched from outside their room door
44:26 However, the situation is getting more and more worrisome
44:29 When hearing a voice like a thing being stabbed and screaming women
44:34 [Music]
44:41 As neighbors, the recorder and his companion did not dare to make much
44:45 They seemed doubtful to report the incident