FTS 14:30 20-09: 78th session of General Assembly Underway

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00:00 [Music]
00:08 Hello from the headquarters of Telesur English in Havana, Cuba.
00:12 This is From the South. I'm your anchor Gladys Quezada.
00:16 [Music]
00:29 The general debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly continues on Wednesday
00:35 with world leaders speaking out in support of peace and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
00:41 On the second day of the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly,
00:45 hosted interventions focused on the search for equality and access to health,
00:50 science and technology applied to develop as ways for food security,
00:54 the redesign of the international financial architecture,
00:57 as well as the rejections of policies of economic sanctions to countries such as Venezuela, Cuba and Zimbabwe.
01:03 On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that different leaders of the African continent have participated
01:09 and the president of Rwanda called for African integration and for their countries to unite in a single voice.
01:15 Among the interventions that will take place...
01:17 ...have a responsibility to be accountable for the quality of our financial governance.
01:25 [No audio]
01:36 ...and the management of our natural resources.
01:41 Increasing access to finance also requires reform of our global financial institutions.
01:49 In this regard, we welcome the proposals of the Bridgetown Initiative
01:57 as well as the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact.
02:02 The president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, stressed the importance of unity in Africa to overcome different challenges.
02:09 He also highlighted that the region urgently needs to be fully represented in bodies
02:13 when decisions concerning their future are made.
02:17 Africa urgently needs to be fully represented in bodies
02:23 when decisions concerning our future are made.
02:28 Just as urgently, Africa must be fully prepared to speak with one voice.
02:38 Ultimately, a more effective development cooperation framework
02:44 must give equal weight to everyone's needs and priorities.
02:51 That is what builds fair and equal partnerships and a more just and peaceful world.
03:02 And the president of Namibia, Heg Gangob, addressed the United Nations,
03:06 referred to the importance of health and emphasized that health needs investment and production in the Global South.
03:12 We need to change the status quo. To do so, we must end vaccine apartheid.
03:20 We need to ensure equitable access to health products.
03:25 We need stronger commitments from healthy countries on technology transfer
03:31 and on the removal of intellectual property barriers
03:36 and on investments in manufacturing to enable vaccine production in the Global South.
03:46 Addressing the United Nations, the president of Namibia, Heg Gangob,
03:50 also called for the lifting of unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela, Cuba and Zimbabwe.
03:56 The embargo against the Cuban people remains unjust and must therefore be lifted.
04:03 Namibia appeals to the United States of America to remove the Republic of Cuba
04:09 from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, as there is no evidence to support such classification.
04:18 Selective punitive measures against Zimbabwe and Venezuela must also be lifted,
04:24 as these measures constitute the greatest obstacle to the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
04:35 The president of Suriname, Shan Santohi, during his intervention of the UN General Assembly,
04:41 highlighted that food security is crucial and pointed out science, technology and innovation as a way to achieve food security.
04:49 Mr. President, as we know, food security is a major challenge.
04:55 And just a few days ago in Cuba, I stressed the importance of science, technology and innovation
05:04 to increase food production and optimize the inputs needed to make agriculture more productive.
05:15 And during my visit, Mr. President, I personally experienced the negative impact of the long-standing embargo,
05:24 an embargo that does not achieve what it was meant for.
05:30 The CARICOM Food Security Program is an example to reduce the region's food import bill by 25% by the year 2025
05:41 and promote local production with modern technology.
05:46 The president of Suriname, Shan Santohi, highlighted the devastating effects of climate change on our planet.
05:52 He also emphasized that measures must be taken to face the current climate crisis.
05:57 We cannot go to Dubai in less than two months and hear the same analysis, the same stories, the same policies,
06:08 the same speeches with noble goals, the same promises, and after that, nothing happens.
06:18 Ladies and gentlemen, yes, it takes too long to make the required decisions that will have a meaningful impact
06:27 and all will improve our living conditions.
06:30 We need easier access to climate financing to implement mitigation and adaptation policies.
06:38 We must walk the talk regarding loss and damage.
06:42 And the president of Ghana, Nnedi Akufo-Addo, mentioned the lack of trust in the different organizations
06:48 responsible for maintaining the world order and the resulting consequences.
06:53 The cohesion that we need to build the peace and prosperity of our societies is disintegrating and nearing Cold War lows.
07:04 We do not seem to have any common values on which we can all agree nor common goals to which we all aspire.
07:12 The fault lines are not just between poor and rich or the South and North or the developed and developing countries.
07:21 Even within well-established and rich countries, the tensions over trade, climate--
07:29 The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, in the framework of the United Nations General Assembly,
07:33 referred to the violence plaguing the Central American nation and denounced that organized crime operates as a transnational organization.
07:44 Just a few weeks ago, Ecuador experienced a hitherto unheard of event.
07:50 The assassination of a presidential candidate.
07:54 I'm referring to Fernando Villavicencio, a clear-sighted and brave Ecuadorian
08:02 who denounced outright the activities of organized crime and its links with political mafias.
08:12 Transnational organized crime is a corrupt and murderous system which penetrates society and the state,
08:21 which defies the democratic stability of our countries and which is progressing at great speed.
08:30 It's not a problem exclusive to Ecuador. It's a global problem.
08:36 Indeed, across the world, we see expansion of the same phenomenon as Ecuador is suffering.
08:45 And we move on to other topics.
08:47 The government of Venezuela informed that the liberation operation Cacique Huaycaburo, in its first phase, has been a total success.
08:55 The official statement noted that the executive congratulates the police departments
08:59 for the clean and immediate restitution of order and the absolute control of the penitentiary center of Tocoron.
09:06 It also informs that this center will undergo a restructuring process and will be completely dismantled.
09:13 In this sense, the issued text underlines that during the effective operation,
09:17 a center of conspiracy and crime used by international criminal network against the Venezuelan population was dismantled.
09:25 The Bolivarian government has thanked the country for the spirit of unity demonstrated in this struggle for the defense of social peace.
09:39 And in this context, the Bolivarian government informs that after the successful intervention of the penitentiary center Tocoron,
09:46 early on Wednesday, the second phase of the liberation operation Cacique Huaycaburo, corresponding to the process of search,
09:53 pursuit and capture of fugitives, is progressed.
09:56 In an official statement, the authorities reiterated to the people of Venezuela that the objective of the operation
10:03 is to liberate society from the criminal gangs that threaten the people.
10:07 In this sense, the report noted that all security forces are deployed in perfect social articulation through the police departments
10:14 and ensured that each and every one of the criminals will be captured.
10:18 Finally, the statement also said that the commitment is to the citizen security, the defense of the peace and the right to life for everyone.
10:28 And we have come to the end of this news brief.
10:37 Remember, you can find this and many other stories on our website at www.telesudyinglish.net.
10:42 And also, if you feel so inclined, please join us on social media for all the latest news.
10:47 We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
10:51 For TELUS Udi English, I'm your anchor Gladys Quesada. Thank you for watching.
10:56 [Music]
