Untrustworthy Teams: A Disastrous Matchup for Bettors

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - I don't trust either one of these teams.
00:05 Like if you bet this game, it's like the kiss of death.
00:08 I mean, any way you slice it,
00:10 you're gonna lose your money.
00:11 You bet on them, you're gonna lose.
00:12 You bet on the other team, you're gonna lose.
00:13 One of them is gonna cost you
00:15 'cause you can't pick one from the other.
00:17 They both are a disaster
00:19 and losing all these games at the end,
00:22 I don't want any part of it.
00:23 I really don't.
00:24 I came, I've already gone down that road with the Chargers.
00:27 So I've already been burned by them once.
00:30 And then I run away, like, you know, the house was on fire.
00:34 I'm running the other way from teams.
00:36 I told you, I can't stand these two teams.
00:39 - This has gone back and forth all week.
00:42 At times this week, the Chargers have been one point
00:44 favorites, right at this second, Scotty,
00:46 the Vikings are one point favorites
00:49 and the total has gotten up to 54.
00:53 (upbeat music)
00:55 (upbeat music)
