Mayel Elhajaoui Demain nous appartient papa ses rares confidences sur sa vie privée avec la desc

  • last year


00:00 In the series "Tomorrow Belongs to Us", Mayel El-Hajawi plays the role of George.
00:12 His character is confronted with parentalism but is difficultly living this situation.
00:20 George is scotched, bluffed.
00:25 There is something incredible about him having a child, while saying that he does not want a child with this person.
00:35 A child is something that we project and that we wish to explain to the actor in the columns of TV Leisure.
00:45 And to continue, it is not something that is done without the consent of one of the two parties.
00:53 He has this anxiety to discover what it is to be a father, which is more to be the father of a child born of a murderer, a woman who is sought after by all the police in Europe.
01:06 In real life, the actor has also become a father as he confided to our fellow brothers, "Being a father, I live it in real life", explained the actor who is on stage in the One Man Show Mayel in real.
01:20 In his show, the comedian traces his life, his Moroccan origins, to his arrival in Paris.
01:29 He also evokes his role in the series "Tomorrow Belongs to Us" and his family life.
01:36 For the occasion, he made rare confidences about his private life, "I am of Moroccan origin.
01:45 I am from a brotherhood of 10 brothers and sisters ", revealed Mayel El Ajaoui.
01:52 "I am hyper-enlightened artistically and personally ", Mayel El Ajaoui then spoke of his relationship with his wife, "It is not insignificant.
02:03 I have a pretty funny story because I come from Amiens in Picardy and I am a dad.
02:11 In my real life, I live pretty incredible things. My wife is an incredible woman too since she is part of the family of Saint-Exupéry.
02:22 "Ci esti" a pretty rocambolesque story. I also tell on stage the notoriety and quest what it's like to be a little known and recognized in the street.
02:34 I don't call myself George because there are a lot of people who call me George and "Ci esti" touching but I'm not very good at computer science, or even nothing, except going to Google.
02:47 There is a life before George and there is one in parallel to George. I am hyper-enlightened artistically and personally.
03:01 "I just need some that will wake me up to fight cause you let me down and for me to let me go.
03:21 I just need some new words that we had to fervent.
03:40 New words that we had to fervent. Why did we have to make it so cold?
