• 2 years ago


00:00:00 [MUSIC]
00:00:03 [GUNSHOT]
00:00:04 King Arthur.
00:00:06 Yes, that King Arthur and his powerful wizard Merlin
00:00:11 were forced to surrender to Nimue,
00:00:14 the Queen of Blood.
00:00:17 Well, well, well.
00:00:19 The great King Arthur comes to Pendle Hill.
00:00:23 However, believing man and monster were never meant to live in harmony,
00:00:28 Arthur ambushed Nimue.
00:00:30 [MUSIC]
00:00:39 Betrayed by her most trusted witch,
00:00:43 Deneider.
00:00:45 No mortal weapon can harm me.
00:00:48 [MUSIC]
00:00:51 Excalibur.
00:00:52 This is no mortal weapon.
00:00:54 [MUSIC]
00:00:56 Pissed off, Nimue unleashed her deadly play.
00:01:01 With one swing.
00:01:04 But even that wasn't enough to stop her.
00:01:06 So he had her cut up into pieces,
00:01:09 each one locked in a separate casket.
00:01:11 This is not over.
00:01:13 I am vengeance eternal.
00:01:15 No!
00:01:17 [MUSIC]
00:01:20 Sealed with a holy prayer.
00:01:21 Only the words from a man of God may break this holy seal.
00:01:25 Arthur then ordered his bravest knights to ride off and bury her wretched remains
00:01:30 in the far reaches of the land where no one would ever find her.
00:01:34 Not even the devil himself.
00:01:38 [MUSIC]
00:01:46 I mean it, son.
00:01:48 No drinking, no fighting, don't cause a scene.
00:01:51 Relax, Dad. It's not my first time in Tijuana.
00:01:54 Why do you think I'm telling you all this?
00:01:56 Ruiz is my friend. I just want to bring him back.
00:01:59 Agent Ruiz is not your friend. He's someone you get drunk with.
00:02:03 Three weeks ago we sent Ruiz to investigate a nest of vampires.
00:02:07 We haven't heard from him since.
00:02:08 I'm on it. A reliable source told me where I can find him.
00:02:12 Call me when you have him.
00:02:13 I'm not going to call you.
00:02:15 Just call me. It's a simple extraction.
00:02:17 Get Ruiz out of there and bid adios without making a big mess.
00:02:20 Again.
00:02:21 I got this, Dad. You know me. I have a gentle touch.
00:02:26 [SPLAT]
00:02:27 Ah. Not again.
00:02:30 [MUSIC]
00:02:53 [MUSIC]
00:03:12 [MUSIC]
00:03:24 [SCREAMING]
00:03:27 Ruiz? Esteban, is that you?
00:03:30 Esteban, no más.
00:03:32 Camazotz!
00:03:34 [SCREAMING]
00:03:41 What's up with the Camazotz crap, huh?
00:03:44 I'm PRD. Sent you down here, investigate a nest of vampires,
00:03:48 and you went silent about three weeks ago.
00:03:50 I miss you, man. Come on. I'm here to bring you back in.
00:03:54 Come on, buddy. Let's go.
00:03:57 So, come on. Bring me in.
00:04:02 Okay.
00:04:06 Okay.
00:04:07 [MUSIC]
00:04:14 Okay. Hey. What happened to you, man?
00:04:17 What is this, the get-up, huh?
00:04:21 Training? Training for what?
00:04:23 To kill you.
00:04:27 Okay.
00:04:29 Hang on to that for me.
00:04:32 You look good in purple.
00:04:37 Ouch.
00:04:43 It's been a lot of fun since we got out of here.
00:04:50 What'd they do to you?
00:04:59 Ruiz, let's have a drink and talk about this.
00:05:01 You're a good agent.
00:05:03 Buddy, come on.
00:05:05 Come on. Don't you remember?
00:05:07 Backyards, drinking beers on the porch.
00:05:10 We used to play guitar, man.
00:05:12 You'd play all that hippie acoustic crap,
00:05:16 and I'd play real music.
00:05:23 What the hell was this?
00:05:29 Hey, I'm sorry, man. Are you okay?
00:05:36 Come on. I don't want to hurt you, partner.
00:05:38 I know you're in there somewhere. Talk to me.
00:05:40 You played the hero, but I really know what is under your mask.
00:05:44 Oh, yeah? Is that so?
00:05:47 Let's see what's under yours.
00:06:05 Ruiz! Stop this!
00:06:30 Ruiz.
00:06:35 I know you.
00:06:37 And you, Rama.
00:06:39 Your heart beats with rage.
00:06:43 I know which side you'll choose at the end.
00:06:49 I'm sorry.
00:06:51 I'm sorry. I mean...
00:07:04 Hellboy.
00:07:06 No, it's Josh.
00:07:09 People confuse us all the time.
00:07:12 Come on. We gotta go.
00:07:15 How'd you find me?
00:07:16 Twitter. You don't exactly blend.
00:07:19 Look, sorry about Ruiz, but we gotta take you back.
00:07:22 You can try.
00:07:24 Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on, man. Easy.
00:07:27 We're just following orders. He wants you back.
00:07:31 You're man-searching.
00:07:33 All he told us is it's important. We need to go.
00:07:40 [MUSIC]
00:07:50 [MUSIC]
00:08:14 [MUSIC]
00:08:32 You missed a spot.
00:08:34 Man?
00:08:35 Me, Dad.
00:08:37 My father used to say shaving was the most important part of the day.
00:08:40 Separated the gentlemen from the Philistines.
00:08:43 Takes a real man to hold a blade against his own throat every day and not cut the jugular.
00:08:50 Grandpa Bruton home. He was all teddy bears and rainbows.
00:08:53 He's not a repentant, but he taught me how to shave.
00:08:56 Like father, like son.
00:08:59 Drowning in tequila for three weeks may temporarily numb the pain.
00:09:03 All it ever really does is exacerbate your sorrows and the state of your liver.
00:09:09 I know you're upset about Agent Ruiz, but it's part of the job. Everyone here knows that.
00:09:15 John didn't kill him. I did.
00:09:18 And I buried him 16 feet under the earth, right by the Chapel of the Virgin Guadalupe, you know, just to make it proper.
00:09:25 You'd become unholy, vampiric, creature of darkness beyond salvation.
00:09:29 Creature of darkness beyond salvation? You mean we don't all just deserve a little gentle horn shave every now and then?
00:09:34 You're different. You're who's happy.
00:09:36 If my face could talk, it would disagree with you.
00:09:41 I think it's a beautiful face.
00:09:43 The end is coming, the end of one.
00:09:55 I don't know, Mr. Ruiz, his last words, that and something about a...
00:09:59 Does it ring any bells?
00:10:02 Nah, apocalyptic mutterings.
00:10:04 Now there, don't you look handsome.
00:10:09 I don't take your word for that, Pops.
00:10:12 Why'd you bring me back, anyway?
00:10:16 Don't tell me it's 'cause you miss me.
00:10:19 You recall the Osiris Club?
00:10:23 Oh, yeah, a strip joint in Jersey.
00:10:25 The other one, the British Occult Society, formed in 1866 by the ranking members of the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra.
00:10:33 Ra? I met Ra once in the underworld. He's a close talker.
00:10:37 Like us, they fight against the forces of darkness, and our organizations have a long-standing relationship.
00:10:43 They're old friends of mine, and they've requested your assistance with a giant problem.
00:10:48 Oh, yeah? What's that?
00:10:50 Giants.
00:10:52 Ha ha ha!
00:10:54 Hellboy stole the life I might have had, and banished me into an existence of misery.
00:11:04 I now only live to kill him.
00:11:09 I too have suffered at Hellboy's hands, so I know your pain.
00:11:16 I felt yours, so I summoned you here.
00:11:21 I will guide you to a witch, Vivienne Nimue.
00:11:26 Cut to pieces, but alive and waiting.
00:11:30 Restore her!
00:11:32 She will make you powerful again, so you can have your vengeance.
00:11:37 I thank you.
00:11:39 This is not going to be easy.
00:11:42 Maybe not, but to be whole again, I can do it.
00:11:49 Go now!
00:11:51 I don't get it. What's in it for you?
00:11:55 That is no concern of yours, beast.
00:12:01 In the end, I'll have my way, and Hellboy will pay what he owes.
00:12:09 Whoopee!
00:12:12 Hellsweep!
00:12:13 Whoopee!
00:12:16 In every choice, there's always a challenge.
00:12:19 But I'm ready to face it, because this is the path I chose.
00:12:22 The Face Wash, with Halal formulation and Hydro Balance technology.
00:12:26 Clean your face, or make your skin dry.
00:12:28 Clean face, smart thinking. Ready to face the path I chose.
00:12:31 We feel like Italy, actually.
00:12:35 Waffel!
00:12:37 The cream melts, can be shaken.
00:12:40 Choose Waffer, Waffer.
00:12:42 Italy!
00:12:43 Waffel!
00:12:44 10 out of 3, for more.
00:12:47 I'm sorry, I need a vacation.
00:13:04 Agoda, Agoda!
00:13:05 Agoda?
00:13:06 Wow, the hotel is cheap, the room is...
00:13:10 Wow, the discount is up to 60%.
00:13:13 Vacation without a bank, Booking at Agoda.
00:13:16 Maria with Mega 2023 is here with the winners.
00:13:20 Mega invites the winners to Hong Kong and Macau.
00:13:24 I'm so surprised, because I've never won in my life.
00:13:28 Surprise, it's my first time to travel to Hong Kong and Macau.
00:13:32 I can have a vacation together, like a honeymoon.
00:13:35 So, save at Mega Bank.
00:13:37 Get prizes around the world.
00:13:39 Free to choose your destination.
00:13:41 Only Mega Bank can make you smile.
00:13:44 This is it, a new taste adventure, like Pizza Hunt.
00:13:50 Get the merchandise of Genshin Impact special edition.
00:13:54 Get regular pizza or Genshin Impact bundle.
00:13:58 Share your adventure with us at Pizza Hunt.
00:14:01 In every choice, there must be a challenge.
00:14:04 But I'm ready to face it, because this is the path I chose.
00:14:07 The Face Wash, with Halal formulation and Hydro Balance technology.
00:14:11 Clean your face, or make your skin dry.
00:14:13 Clean your face, clear your mind.
00:14:15 Ready to face the path I chose.
00:14:17 Hey, Mrs. Yu, do you know?
00:14:22 Mirna, the famous actress, is actually your daughter.
00:14:27 Oh, you're right, she's not married yet.
00:14:30 Who is her father?
00:14:33 All are secret lovers, or maybe her best friend.
00:14:37 Hey, Mrs. Yu, what are you doing?
00:14:43 Are you cheating?
00:14:44 Oh, Mr. Lurah, no, I'm not.
00:14:47 I'm not cheating.
00:14:48 I'm just secretly having a secret crush on someone.
00:14:51 Mrs. Yu, you're not cheating, right?
00:14:54 Oh, the camera.
00:14:59 Let's enjoy the No Secret Rumpi and Beniros show.
00:15:06 Only on Rumpi.
00:15:08 No secret, sir.
00:15:10 That's it.
00:15:12 No secret.
00:15:14 Just filled my stomach, and it's empty again.
00:15:19 A little bit hungry.
00:15:21 Just ate, but still hungry.
00:15:23 A little bit hungry.
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00:17:19 Rumpi.
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00:19:45 Check it out. Arthur is talking to the fish.
00:19:51 Let me go.
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