• 2 years ago


00:00:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:24 [SIGHS]
00:00:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:31 What the hell is going on with her?
00:00:43 Bethany, what did you tell her to do?
00:00:44 Did she twist her ankle, maybe?
00:00:46 She's never flirted before.
00:00:47 Give her a break.
00:00:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:53 Hello, little lady.
00:00:55 What are you doing out here all alone?
00:00:59 Hey, you guys.
00:01:01 I seem to be lost.
00:01:03 Can you guys help me?
00:01:04 Hello, little lady.
00:01:11 What are you doing out here all alone?
00:01:14 [LAUGHS]
00:01:16 You guys are so interesting and funny.
00:01:18 What is she doing?
00:01:19 Does she got a bug in her hair?
00:01:21 She's forgotten all of our training.
00:01:23 Let's go.
00:01:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:27 Wait.
00:01:29 Uh, I, uh, I, I, I, I have to tell you about this book
00:01:33 that I've been reading about microbiology, which is
00:01:37 one of my favorite biologies.
00:01:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:43 Hello, little lady.
00:01:48 What are you doing out here all alone?
00:01:51 [LAUGHS]
00:01:56 You are a bad--
00:01:59 [DOOR BUZZING]
00:02:01 (SINGING) Ooh, baby, I love you everyday, yeah, yeah.
00:02:08 Hey.
00:02:08 (SINGING) Ooh, baby, I love you everyday.
00:02:10 Do you guys like to dance?
00:02:11 (SINGING) Everyday.
00:02:13 Shadows grow so long before my eyes.
00:02:19 And they're moving across the face.
00:02:25 Suddenly, the day turns into night.
00:02:31 Far away from the city.
00:02:37 Which one?
00:02:38 Which one?
00:02:38 Which one?
00:02:41 I hate this place.
00:02:43 (SINGING) Because your love just won't--
00:02:47 Her strength is dance fighting.
00:02:50 Alex, what do you think, huh?
00:02:51 What's the move?
00:02:52 What?
00:02:53 What do we take?
00:02:54 Which one?
00:02:54 I don't-- I don't know, man, OK?
00:02:56 I told you, I--
00:02:56 We gotta fly, right?
00:02:57 Helicopter, we gotta fly.
00:02:58 I told you, I don't know.
00:02:59 [EXPLOSION]
00:03:01 (SINGING) Light the sky.
00:03:03 [GRUNTING]
00:03:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:07 (SINGING) Some will find us.
00:03:09 She's kicking their--
00:03:11 That's our girl.
00:03:13 Yes, queen!
00:03:14 (SINGING) I can see them.
00:03:18 [GRUNTING]
00:03:21 She is destroying them.
00:03:23 (SINGING) Oh, no.
00:03:25 It doesn't take a lot of love.
00:03:28 'Cause your love just won't wait.
00:03:34 Just won't wait.
00:03:36 [GRUNTING]
00:03:39 (SINGING) Baby, I love the way you move.
00:03:42 Every day, yeah.
00:03:45 I wanna tell you I love you.
00:03:47 I wanna tell you I love you.
00:03:51 I wanna be with you now.
00:03:53 Every day, every way, yeah.
00:03:58 You go, girl!
00:04:00 Woo!
00:04:01 Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
00:04:02 [EXPLOSION]
00:04:04 Yes!
00:04:05 Yes!
00:04:07 You're my hero!
00:04:10 You should be--
00:04:11 --taking A lessons in kicking ass.
00:04:13 Give me a hug, girlfriend.
00:04:14 Oh, my god.
00:04:15 You did it!
00:04:16 I did it?
00:04:17 Yeah, give me a hug, girlfriend.
00:04:18 As great of a moment as that is, we ain't got the time for it, man.
00:04:20 OK?
00:04:21 They coming.
00:04:22 The motorcycle freaks is coming.
00:04:23 We got to go.
00:04:24 Seaplane!
00:04:25 We got to fly, man.
00:04:26 Nope.
00:04:27 I can't do it.
00:04:28 OK?
00:04:29 I told you, I'm not a good pilot.
00:04:31 Maybe we should take the school bus.
00:04:32 But we can't outrun no motorcycle.
00:04:34 We don't have no damn bus.
00:04:35 You picked the plane in the hot air balloon.
00:04:36 Maybe you were supposed to pick the helicopter.
00:04:37 No, I can't do it.
00:04:38 OK?
00:04:39 I don't wanna die.
00:04:40 I'm freaking out a little bit.
00:04:42 Fine.
00:04:43 I'll do it.
00:04:44 How hard can it be as a helicopter?
00:04:47 You press a button, they're gonna spin.
00:04:50 OK, then after that, I got my-- the lever.
00:04:53 That's how you get in the forward-backward action.
00:04:56 Once we're in the air, I'm gonna be all right.
00:04:58 I just-- I just gotta get-- 'cause I ain't got no step stool.
00:05:02 So let me see something.
00:05:03 You know what?
00:05:04 I could probably just get in.
00:05:05 But be careful.
00:05:06 No, you're drunk.
00:05:07 No, I--
00:05:08 Fred, you're drunk, huh?
00:05:09 Give me the keys.
00:05:10 Alex.
00:05:11 Alex, if I can fight those guys, you can fly this helicopter.
00:05:16 I know you can.
00:05:17 Come on.
00:05:18 Alex, this is where we need you.
00:05:25 Remember, you're the missing piece.
00:05:29 Seaplane McDonough reporting for duty.
00:05:35 Let's go, people.
00:05:56 Whoa.
00:05:57 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:06:06 What's wrong?
00:06:07 Something's broken.
00:06:08 What?
00:06:09 What do you need?
00:06:10 Hang on.
00:06:11 Whoa.
00:06:12 Whoa.
00:06:13 Whoa.
00:06:14 Whoa.
00:06:15 Whoa.
00:06:16 Oh, my God.
00:06:17 We're about to die.
00:06:18 We're about to die.
00:06:19 Whoa.
00:06:20 Whoa.
00:06:21 Whoa.
00:06:22 Whoa.
00:06:23 Whoa.
00:06:24 Whoa.
00:06:25 Whoa.
00:06:26 Whoa.
00:06:27 Whoa.
00:06:28 Oh, my God.
00:06:29 It won't go up.
00:06:30 What?
00:06:31 What do you mean?
00:06:32 The collective is busted.
00:06:33 What?
00:06:34 It controls the plane up there, which tilts the rotors and controls the pitch.
00:06:35 It's how we go up and down.
00:06:36 You guys.
00:06:37 That can't be good.
00:06:38 There's no way that's good news.
00:06:39 Albino rhinos.
00:07:04 They're indigenous to Jumati.
00:07:05 They're huge, white, scary, and stupid, and they eat people.
00:07:06 No.
00:07:07 They're getting close.
00:07:09 My stomach is starting to bother me a little bit.
00:07:15 Go up.
00:07:16 I can't go up.
00:07:17 I think I had too many margaritas.
00:07:18 You guys, what are we going to do?
00:07:19 I'm going to fix the helicopter.
00:07:20 Yes.
00:07:21 Tell me what to do.
00:07:22 You got to connect the flight control rod to the mesh plate under the rotors.
00:07:23 Flight control rod, mesh plate, under the rotors.
00:07:24 I'll be right back.
00:07:25 That's our plane.
00:07:26 No, that's not our plane.
00:07:27 We're going to crash.
00:07:28 We're going to crash.
00:07:29 We're going to crash.
00:07:30 We're going to crash.
00:07:31 We're going to crash.
00:07:32 We're going to crash.
00:07:33 We're going to crash.
00:07:34 I don't want to go.
00:07:35 We're going to crash.
00:07:36 Spencer, where are you going?
00:07:38 Hurry up!
00:07:39 Be careful!
00:07:41 Hurry up!
00:07:42 Alright, just gonna stand on this thingy, pull myself up towards these deadly helicopter blades, okay.
00:07:48 There's some mesh plates, here's that rod thingy.
00:07:54 Spencer! Why?
00:08:05 Spencer!
00:08:06 Spencer!
00:08:16 Hurry! Come on, take this!
00:08:21 Oh my god!
00:08:29 One at a time, there's Spencer!
00:08:30 Take this thing, hurry!
00:08:31 No, no, no, no, no!
00:08:32 Got it!
00:08:33 Spencer!
00:08:34 We made it! You did it!
00:08:43 I thought we were gonna die!
00:08:44 Yes!
00:08:45 Nice!
00:08:46 Thank you!
00:08:47 That was scary!
00:08:48 Thank you, guys.
00:08:49 Oops.
00:08:50 What?
00:08:52 I dropped the jewel.
00:08:54 What?
00:08:56 You dropped the jewel?
00:08:57 I leaned over, thought I had to puke, and I didn't.
00:09:00 And it came on my backpack.
00:09:01 We need the freaking jewel!
00:09:03 I know. That's the crazy part, because I know we need it.
00:09:06 So, we're in the pickle. We're in the pickle.
00:09:08 Alex, turn around, we gotta go back and get it.
00:09:10 Yeah, let's just loop around. Just look for it, guys. Everybody open your eyes.
00:09:13 Let's all just look for it as a group.
00:09:15 There! I see it!
00:09:23 I see it!
00:09:24 What are they doing?
00:09:32 It's like they're protecting it or something.
00:09:34 All right, how are we gonna do this?
00:09:36 I don't know.
00:09:37 Well, you gotta go get it, right, buddy?
00:09:39 What do you need? You need your boomerang?
00:09:45 Maybe some scissors? A pipe wrench? Some shoelaces?
00:09:49 I'm your valet. Whatever you need, I can get it for you, okay?
00:09:52 You just stay the war.
00:09:53 What?
00:09:55 I'm sorry, buddy.
00:09:56 Sorry for what?
00:10:21 Turn us around!
00:10:22 Heel! Heel!
00:10:28 Alex, get ready to roll us to the side.
00:10:34 What?
00:10:35 Did I tell you? Roll 90 degrees to the right!
00:10:38 Now!
00:10:41 You just pushed me out the helicopter!
00:10:47 I did?
00:10:48 Wow!
00:10:53 You know what, Spencer? You were amazing!
00:10:56 You are a killer pilot, Alex.
00:10:57 Thanks.
00:10:58 And you too, Spencer! You were incredible!
00:11:00 Aw, thank you, but he was amazing.
00:11:02 Hey, no, no, no. Excuse your pilot.
00:11:04 You killed him!
00:11:05 No, no, no.
00:11:06 Excuse me! Excuse me!
00:11:07 I'm the one that was a human sacrifice!
00:11:09 You don't know what's on the underside of those rhinos.
00:11:12 And you don't wanna know.
00:11:15 I've seen a lot of things.
00:11:16 Felt them on my face too.
00:11:18 Things that I would never be able to erase from my memory.
00:11:21 No, that's funny to you guys.
00:11:24 Go ahead, laugh it up.
00:11:25 Get it off!
00:11:26 Guys, I've been trying to get across this canyon for like 20 years.
00:11:32 Okay, do you realize how huge this is?
00:11:34 Let's get up.
00:11:40 No, no, no!
00:11:42 Alex, no, no, no!
00:11:43 Alex!
00:11:44 Alex, no.
00:11:45 Alex, talk to me.
00:11:46 Alex?
00:11:47 Wake up. Here we go.
00:11:48 He's dying.
00:11:49 No, we can't let him die! We're too close!
00:11:51 Does anyone know how to do CPR?
00:11:53 Uh, yeah. Start with three chest compressions and mouth to mouth.
00:11:56 One, two, three!
00:11:58 How do I do this?
00:11:59 Okay, pinch his nose, open his mouth, full lip lock.
00:12:02 Uh, one breath, two breaths, then repeat.
00:12:05 Bethany, stop!
00:12:06 Here, Tetsuo!
00:12:07 It looks like you're giving him one of your lives.
00:12:13 I'm okay with that.
00:12:14 What if you need it for yourself?
00:12:16 I want Alex to come home, too.
00:12:18 What happened?
00:12:31 Alex, Bethany gave you one of her lives.
00:12:34 Bethany okay?
00:12:36 I think so.
00:12:37 Bethany, is that true? You gave me one of your lives?
00:12:40 I mean, yeah, of course.
00:12:42 Thank you.
00:12:44 What? What are you looking at?
00:12:55 We got a situation.
00:12:57 Oh my God, these things are crazy!
00:13:02 ♪ I'm on the edge, I'm on the edge, I'm on the edge, I'm on the edge ♪
00:13:07 Find your fire. Live bold, L.A. Bold.
00:13:22 Gentle Jens now has a new set. Buy three, get one free.
00:13:26 Your hands are still soft.
00:13:27 Your clothes are also soft.
00:13:29 The fragrance lasts long, too.
00:13:31 No need to buy a softener.
00:13:33 Gentle Jens, the new detergent.
00:13:36 Find your fire. Live bold, L.A. Bold.
00:13:52 Attention! Buy Better. Free Better.
00:13:58 Yay! I got Better again!
00:14:01 I want to trade!
00:14:02 Who can get it?
00:14:05 Hurry up and buy! You can get Better again.
00:14:07 To get the best eye drops, L.A. Mineral does hundreds of explorations.
00:14:12 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
00:14:17 A new gallon and free of BPA.
00:14:20 This is L.A. Mineral's commitment.
00:14:22 I want noodles.
00:14:24 Don't worry, there's Oven Noodles.
00:14:26 A healthier choice.
00:14:28 The product is in the oven, not fried.
00:14:30 The noodles are chewy.
00:14:31 It tastes better.
00:14:33 Delicious!
00:14:36 Oven Noodles are healthy.
00:14:37 Delicious again.
00:14:38 Aqua believes in natural miracles.
00:14:40 Therefore, we do not use a single gallon.
00:14:43 Our gallons are sanitized together before refilling.
00:14:47 Aqua 100% pure.
00:14:53 It's time to compete again.
00:14:56 Fight through the limits of ability.
00:15:00 It's time to win again.
00:15:04 Warriors never quit.
00:15:08 Superstar!
00:15:10 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
00:15:13 Full Chocolat!
00:15:14 Superstar!
00:15:15 Full Chocolat!
00:15:16 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
00:15:19 Full Chocolat!
00:15:20 Superstar!
00:15:21 Triple Chocolat!
00:15:22 Full Chocolat!
00:15:23 It's time to compete again.
00:15:26 Fight through the limits of ability.
00:15:30 It's time to win again.
00:15:34 Warriors never quit.
00:15:37 Hey, Van.
00:15:38 There are still people who don't know how to keep a distance.
00:15:41 It's better to just work.
00:15:43 Not like that.
00:15:47 Get rid of the tension.
00:15:48 Try Sprite Zero Sugar.
00:15:50 It's fresh and sugar-free.
00:15:52 It's time to compete again.
00:15:56 Fight through the limits of ability.
00:16:00 It's time to win again.
00:16:03 Warriors never quit.
00:16:06 As a mother, I always give optimal protection.
00:16:11 Nutrilon Royal, higher than Phosgos, DHA, and Omega,
00:16:15 support mothers to prepare them to be winners.
00:16:17 Winner is winner!
00:16:19 Nutrilon Royal, ready to win.
00:16:22 I'm the man who chooses only the best.
00:16:25 With a classy character.
00:16:31 Let me introduce you to my man.
00:16:34 Mudang Garam Filter International.
00:16:37 Something sweet to chew with friends.
00:16:39 Fresh and natural dessert collection.
00:16:41 Spray cologne and body wash.
00:16:42 Pink cupcake smells so sweet and cheerful.
00:16:45 The foam is so fluffy and fresh.
00:16:47 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection.
00:16:50 Be sweet, be you.
00:16:52 I'm pure.
00:16:54 Iconic, same taste.
00:16:56 A-flash, feel when you click.
00:16:59 A-ultra-match, smooth and great.
00:17:02 My choice can't be compromised.
00:17:04 A-flash, feel when you click.
00:17:07 Why cereal for breakfast, mom?
00:17:09 Cereal is made from wheat.
00:17:11 So nutritious and full of energy.
00:17:13 The number one cereal in Indonesia.
00:17:15 Made from Australian wheat.
00:17:17 Nutritious and delicious.
00:17:19 Delicious!
00:17:20 So delicious!
00:17:21 To get the best water source,
00:17:24 Le Mineral does hundreds of explorations.
00:17:27 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
00:17:30 which are important for the body.
00:17:31 A new gallon, free of BPA.
00:17:34 This is Le Mineral's commitment.
00:17:36 The number one cappuccino in the world.
00:17:40 The coffee beans are selected from New Zealand milk.
00:17:42 The chocolate granules are so good.
00:17:45 But the coffee is still fresh.
00:17:47 Perfect, back to the mood.
00:17:49 The number one cappuccino in the world.
00:17:52 Cofico Extra Besar.
00:17:54 This is the best coffee.
00:18:00 So delicious!
00:18:02 So delicious!
00:18:05 Cofico!
00:18:06 To get the best water source,
00:18:09 Le Mineral does hundreds of explorations.
00:18:12 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
00:18:15 which are important for the body.
00:18:16 A new gallon, free of BPA.
00:18:19 This is Le Mineral's commitment.
00:18:21 This is the announcement from Bonorogo.
00:18:27 The winner of Bullying Riffy, Kapalapi,
00:18:29 is the most excited in the wild.
00:18:31 Let's find the unique code and send it to WhatsApp.
00:18:34 It's time, Red.
00:18:35 Hurry up, there are still many prizes.
00:18:37 Superstar!
00:18:39 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
00:18:43 Full Chocolate!
00:18:44 Superstar!
00:18:45 Full Chocolatnya!
00:18:46 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
00:18:48 Full Chocolat!
00:18:49 Superstar!
00:18:50 Full Chocolat!
00:18:51 Full Chocolatnya!
00:18:52 I believe in the miracle of nature.
00:18:55 Therefore, we do not use a single gallon.
00:18:58 Our gallons are sanitized together before being refilled.
00:19:03 Aqua 100% pure.
00:19:07 New!
00:19:08 Racik Flour, crispy for up to 5 hours.
00:19:10 From noon to evening,
00:19:13 until dad comes home.
00:19:15 Still crispy,
00:19:17 because it is made from quality flour and your choice of spices.
00:19:20 New!
00:19:21 Racik Flour.
00:19:22 I want, but no discount.
00:19:25 Buy various Ori brands at Shopi 1010 Brands Festival.
00:19:28 Shop at Shopi Life, all discounts 50%.
00:19:30 1010 Brands Festival.
00:19:35 Ori, definitely.
00:19:36 Shopi 1010 Brands Festival.
00:19:37 I believe in the miracle of nature.
00:19:40 Therefore, we do not use a single gallon.
00:19:43 Our gallons are sanitized together before being refilled.
00:19:50 Aqua 100% pure.
00:19:52 Great!
00:19:53 Bebelag, enriched with a clear phosgoth.
00:19:56 Support good digestion and triple A with higher DHA.
00:20:00 Stimulate the creative mind of the child.
00:20:02 Both help grow a big heart.
00:20:05 Bebelag, all the great things.
00:20:07 One, two.
00:20:08 Hungry to disturb?
00:20:10 Roma Marcus Crackers.
00:20:12 Sprinkle sugar over 7 layers of crispiness.
00:20:16 Extra energy.
00:20:18 Roma Marcus Crackers.
00:20:19 More flavors, more fun.
00:20:21 Now, 3 in 1, more.
00:20:23 To get the best mineral,
00:20:25 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
00:20:28 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
00:20:31 that are important for the body.
00:20:32 Always new gallons and free of BPA.
00:20:35 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
00:20:37 Why cereal breakfast, Mom?
00:20:39 Cereal is made from wheat.
00:20:41 So nutritious and high in energy.
00:20:44 The number one cereal in Indonesia.
00:20:46 Made from Australian wheat.
00:20:48 Nutritious and delicious.
00:20:50 Yummy!
00:20:51 Good yummy!
00:20:53 [Music]
00:21:07 [Music]
00:21:21 20 years, huh?
00:21:24 Yeah, I guess so.
00:21:30 You know, I just keep thinking about my poor parents.
00:21:34 What they must have been through.
00:21:36 Why?
00:21:37 Because I was sitting in my hideout,
00:21:39 too afraid to finish the game.
00:21:44 Sorry.
00:21:46 I don't need to lay this on you.
00:21:47 I'm just...
00:21:49 You're really easy to talk to.
00:21:51 No, I get it.
00:21:52 I mean, sometimes it's easy to get so focused on your own stuff
00:21:56 that you forget other people have problems, too.
00:22:01 That's really deep.
00:22:03 Thanks.
00:22:04 I feel like ever since I lost my phone,
00:22:05 my other senses have kind of heightened.
00:22:09 Does phone mean something different in the future?
00:22:17 What about you, Alex?
00:22:18 What are you like in the real world?
00:22:19 What's your vibe?
00:22:22 Full on metalhead.
00:22:24 A drummer, like my dad.
00:22:41 Hey.
00:22:44 Hey.
00:22:45 What are you doing?
00:22:46 I'm just filling these up.
00:22:48 Cool.
00:22:49 Yeah.
00:22:54 I'm glad you're here.
00:22:55 I have something to tell you.
00:22:59 Yeah?
00:23:00 And I want to tell you now,
00:23:02 just in case the next time that we talk,
00:23:05 I'm no longer brave.
00:23:09 I like you, Martha.
00:23:12 I like...
00:23:14 I like you.
00:23:16 Like, I'm fully into you.
00:23:19 You are?
00:23:20 I am.
00:23:21 And I have been.
00:23:23 Since, like, the seventh grade.
00:23:27 Really?
00:23:29 I don't think this has ever happened before.
00:23:33 What do you mean?
00:23:34 What I mean is, like, I don't think anyone's ever liked me,
00:23:36 that I...
00:23:37 I can't believe I'm doing this.
00:23:39 I never tell anyone how I...
00:23:43 I'm into you, too, Spencer.
00:23:46 You are?
00:23:47 Yes.
00:23:48 Yes!
00:23:49 God, you're smart and sweet and cute.
00:23:53 Yeah, I'm pretty into you.
00:23:57 Wait.
00:23:58 You sure?
00:23:59 It's not because of, like, all of...
00:24:02 What?
00:24:03 Oh, my God, no, no.
00:24:04 That is not my type.
00:24:05 I'm into nerds.
00:24:07 Really?
00:24:09 I'm a nerd.
00:24:21 That was...
00:24:22 I was so honest.
00:24:23 I've never...
00:24:24 Like, I've never kissed anyone.
00:24:25 Never.
00:24:26 That was the first time.
00:24:27 I have never.
00:24:28 Oh, you haven't?
00:24:29 No.
00:24:30 Okay, well...
00:24:31 Can't tell, right?
00:24:32 Oh, come on, Harry.
00:24:34 I don't want to see that.
00:24:35 I don't.
00:24:36 Not today.
00:24:37 Are you down here professing your love for one another?
00:24:39 I found the jaguar.
00:24:41 Let's go.
00:24:42 God!
00:24:43 Ugh!
00:24:54 There it is.
00:24:55 There it is.
00:24:57 We better get walking.
00:25:20 I think we just follow this path.
00:25:23 No.
00:25:24 It can't be that easy.
00:25:27 The Defenders.
00:25:28 What does that mean?
00:25:31 There's only one way to find out.
00:25:36 Fridge, give me the jewel.
00:25:42 Spencer?
00:25:45 I'm coming.
00:26:00 Something's about to happen.
00:26:01 I hate those traps.
00:26:02 Are you just going to walk in there?
00:26:06 No.
00:26:07 That's what the game wants us to do.
00:26:10 Follow the path.
00:26:13 It's a trap.
00:26:20 When you see the elephant, begin the climb.
00:26:30 I'll go through the trees.
00:26:32 The trees?
00:26:33 Yeah.
00:26:34 Do you think that's what that means?
00:26:35 Yeah, it must be it.
00:26:36 That's the move.
00:26:38 This is the final level of the game.
00:26:40 And I'm pretty sure this is a Bravestone thing.
00:26:48 Did he just refer to himself in the third person?
00:26:50 Fourth person, I think.
00:26:59 How does he do that?
00:27:01 Climbing is one of his strengths.
00:27:04 Ah, gotcha.
00:27:06 Cake makes me explode.
00:27:29 No!
00:27:30 Oh my god!
00:27:31 Spencer!
00:27:32 Spencer!
00:27:34 Oh my god, you guys, panthers!
00:27:44 No.
00:27:46 Those are jaguars.
00:27:54 Spencer!
00:28:05 Oh my god, are you okay?
00:28:16 I think so.
00:28:17 You still have the jewel, right?
00:28:18 Yeah.
00:28:19 Thank god.
00:28:20 Hey, what happened?
00:28:21 I don't want to talk about it.
00:28:24 Okay, so we need a new plan.
00:28:25 Yeah.
00:28:26 Right.
00:28:27 Totally.
00:28:28 Spencer, any ideas?
00:28:31 Can I speak with you for a minute?
00:28:34 Now?
00:28:38 What's going on?
00:28:40 I can't do this.
00:28:42 What are you talking about?
00:28:43 I can't do this.
00:28:45 Okay, who am I kidding?
00:28:47 I'm not some adventurer.
00:28:48 I'm not actually brave.
00:28:50 Spencer, I just saw you hanging out of a helicopter.
00:28:53 It's a lot easier to be brave when you have lives to spare.
00:28:56 It's a lot harder when you only have one life.
00:29:02 We always only have one life, man.
00:29:05 Okay, that's all we get.
00:29:08 That's how it works.
00:29:10 The question is, is how are you going to live it?
00:29:13 Which guy are you going to decide to be?
00:29:17 Did I just call out Principal?
00:29:20 What the hell is this game doing to me?
00:29:21 I got to get out of here.
00:29:22 Look, we can do this, man.
00:29:27 We can do it together.
00:29:32 Together?
00:29:33 Together.
00:29:37 You're a good friend, French.
00:29:42 All right.
00:29:44 Okay, I don't know video games, but what I do know is football.
00:29:49 Those light and the fast man eating cats out there, they're the defenders.
00:29:53 Which means that we got to run one hell of an offense.
00:29:55 You guys.
00:29:59 We got to go.
00:30:00 All right, here's what we're going to do.
00:30:05 We're going to fan out and run a play that I call the double reverse refrigerator.
00:30:10 Bethany, you go up the left side.
00:30:12 I'll go up the right.
00:30:14 Alex, you're going to draw the defense.
00:30:16 Spencer can go up the middle.
00:30:17 I'll go with Spencer.
00:30:18 No, there's something else we need you to do.
00:30:32 You guys like to dance.
00:30:50 Hey, over here.
00:31:12 Thanks.
00:31:41 Yeah.
00:32:02 Yeah.
00:32:30 Yeah.
00:32:40 Yeah.
00:32:50 Yeah.
00:33:10 Yeah.
00:33:38 Yeah.
00:33:48 Yeah.
00:34:08 Yeah.
00:34:28 Yeah.
00:34:50 Yeah.
00:35:18 Yeah.
00:35:28 Yeah.
00:35:48 Yeah.
00:36:08 Yeah.
00:36:28 Yeah.
00:36:48 Yeah.
00:37:08 Yeah.
00:37:28 Yeah.
00:37:48 Yeah.
00:38:08 Yeah.
00:38:28 Yeah.
00:38:48 Yeah.
00:39:08 Yeah.
00:39:28 Yeah.
00:39:48 Yeah.
00:39:58 Yeah.
00:40:18 Yeah.
00:40:29 Yeah.
00:40:50 Yeah.
00:41:13 Yeah.
00:41:41 Yeah.
00:41:49 Take me instead.
00:41:50 Okay.
00:41:59 Give me the jewel.
00:42:01 I can't do that.
00:42:03 Five.
00:42:05 I can't give you the jewel.
00:42:07 I can't give you the jewel.
00:42:36 Yeah.
00:42:44 Elephant.
00:42:45 Begin to climb.
00:42:51 Get up there and I'll get the jewel to you.
00:42:52 Martha.
00:42:53 Trust me.
00:42:54 I'll get it to you.
00:42:55 Go.
00:43:02 Martha.
00:43:11 Alex.
00:43:25 Yeah.
00:43:53 Yeah.
00:44:11 Yeah.
00:44:36 Yeah.
00:44:43 Yeah.
00:45:12 Yeah.
00:45:16 Wow.
00:45:23 Yeah.
00:45:50 Yeah.
00:45:53 Yeah.
00:45:56 Yeah.
00:46:05 Yeah.
00:46:34 [laughs]
00:46:36 I think we did it! I think we won!
00:46:38 I think we did!
00:46:40 Guys, it's Nigel!
00:46:42 Nigel!
00:46:44 [car honks]
00:46:46 Well done, intrepid adventurers!
00:46:54 You lifted the curse!
00:46:56 All of Jumanji thanks you!
00:46:58 Your work here is done! So sadly,
00:47:00 this is where we part.
00:47:02 Seaplane McDonagh, let me shake your hand.
00:47:04 Alex!
00:47:14 Adieu, Professor Oberon!
00:47:20 Later, dude.
00:47:28 [car honks]
00:47:30 I'll miss you the most, my little pal.
00:47:36 Get me the hell out of here!
00:47:38 Farewell, Ruby Roundhouse.
00:47:46 Wait! What if we didn't go back?
00:47:50 I just...
00:47:54 I like being like this.
00:47:56 With you.
00:47:58 Then let's be like this.
00:48:02 Every day.
00:48:04 Just come home.
00:48:24 Dr. Bravestone.
00:48:26 Nigel, I'm ready to go home.
00:48:40 Farewell, my good man.
00:48:44 See you later, Bravestone.
00:48:50 [music]
00:48:52 [music]
00:49:20 Oh my God.
00:49:22 Yes, yes, yes, yes! I'm back, baby!
00:49:24 I will never complain about my body ever again.
00:49:26 Oh, thank God.
00:49:28 Where's Alex?
00:49:34 [music]
00:49:36 [music]
00:49:42 Define your fire.
00:49:58 Live bold. L.A. Bold.
00:50:00 How did I know Envagro E+ is the best choice for Dante?
00:50:04 It shows high IQ,
00:50:10 strong working memory,
00:50:12 problem-solving skill,
00:50:16 critical thinking,
00:50:20 and good communication skill.
00:50:24 Come on, Mom, help optimize your IQ with Envagro E+ MFGM Pro.
00:50:28 [music]
00:50:30 Define your fire.
00:50:44 Live bold. L.A. Bold.
00:50:46 [music]
00:50:48 [music]
00:50:50 [music]
00:50:52 [music]
00:50:54 [music]
00:50:56 [music]
00:50:58 [music]
00:51:18 [music]
00:51:46 [music]
00:51:48 Hi.
00:51:52 I'm Mark.
00:51:56 Mouth odor.
00:51:58 Bacteria is the cause of your mouth odor.
00:52:00 Use CloseUp
00:52:04 with Zinc Antibacterial.
00:52:06 To eliminate the smell of bacteria.
00:52:10 Fresh air is closer.
00:52:14 CloseUp
00:52:16 [music]
00:52:20 G-Samsung Super Premium
00:52:30 To get the best sun source,
00:52:32 LEMinerals does hundreds of explorations.
00:52:34 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
00:52:38 that are important for the body.
00:52:40 Always new gallons and free of BPA.
00:52:42 This is the commitment of LEMinerals.
00:52:44 ABC Klepon coffee.
00:52:48 New and refreshing.
00:52:50 Coffee mixed with savory coconut,
00:52:52 sweet aran sugar and pandan aroma.
00:52:54 Practical. Use it directly when it's cold.
00:52:56 New. ABC Klepon coffee.
00:52:58 Lusantara's legit taste.
00:53:00 Welcome.
00:53:02 Is there a time for headaches?
00:53:06 Panadol Extra.
00:53:10 To reduce the pain of headaches,
00:53:12 drink it before meals.
00:53:14 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
00:53:18 So we don't use a single gallon.
00:53:20 Our gallons are sanitized together
00:53:22 before refilling.
00:53:24 Aqua 100% pure.
00:53:28 Little sister.
00:53:32 [laugh]
00:53:34 Good. For whom?
00:53:36 There's for my mom.
00:53:38 For my teacher.
00:53:40 The great thing about Bebelak is that it contains
00:53:42 phosgos that is high in glycine and triple A
00:53:44 with higher DHA.
00:53:46 It supports good digestion, creative mind
00:53:48 and big heart.
00:53:50 Happy birthday.
00:53:52 I don't have a birthday.
00:53:54 Why do you have to wait for your birthday?
00:53:56 You can give a gift anytime.
00:53:58 Bebelak. The beginning of all wonders.
00:54:00 Hey, Van.
00:54:02 There's still someone who doesn't know
00:54:04 how to keep a distance.
00:54:06 It's me, Aja.
00:54:08 [singing]
00:54:10 Not like that.
00:54:12 Try Sprite Zero Sugar.
00:54:14 It's fresh and sugar-free.
00:54:16 Aqua believes in wisdom
00:54:18 and the miracle of nature.
00:54:20 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains.
00:54:22 It's not a place that's easy to get stuck.
00:54:24 Aqua is absorbed by layers
00:54:26 of protective rock
00:54:28 without any recycling process.
00:54:30 Aqua contains natural minerals
00:54:32 without any harmful additives.
00:54:34 So, Aqua feels cold
00:54:36 without being cooled.
00:54:38 Explain.
00:54:40 If you don't think the water is Aqua,
00:54:42 Aqua is 100% pure.
00:54:44 Want a free vacation?
00:54:46 It's time for Fresh Tee Fresh Break.
00:54:48 Get the chance to win a vacation
00:54:50 and thousands of other prizes.
00:54:52 Buy Fresh Tee with the various
00:54:54 variants of the package, scan the QR code
00:54:56 and enter the code behind the bottle cap.
00:54:58 Hurry and join before it runs out.
00:55:00 If you're accompanied by a girl,
00:55:02 you'll feel the warmth of nature.
00:55:04 If you're accompanied by a girl,
00:55:06 you'll feel the warmth of nature.
00:55:08 If you're accompanied by a girl,
00:55:10 you'll feel the warmth of nature.
00:55:12 Indomie Ramin Siris.
00:55:14 Enjoy the authentic taste of your nation.
00:55:16 It's not like I can afford it.
00:55:18 Just buy it.
00:55:20 Only Fresh Tee Fresh Break
00:55:22 from the chosen tea gardens.
00:55:24 Keep your spirit up
00:55:26 to face the challenge.
00:55:28 Make your day more exciting.
00:55:30 Jukarum.
00:55:32 [speaking in foreign language]
00:55:34 [speaking in foreign language]
00:55:36 [speaking in foreign language]
00:55:38 (speaking foreign language)
00:55:42 (speaking foreign language)
00:55:45 (speaking foreign language)
00:55:49 (upbeat music)
00:55:52 (speaking foreign language)
00:55:55 (speaking foreign language)
00:56:16 (singing in foreign language)
00:56:20 (singing in foreign language)
00:56:26 (speaking foreign language)
00:56:32 (speaking foreign language)
00:56:46 (speaking foreign language)
00:56:50 (speaking foreign language)
00:57:05 (speaking foreign language)
00:57:09 (speaking foreign language)
00:57:20 (speaking foreign language)
00:57:35 (speaking foreign language)
00:57:38 (gentle music)
00:57:49 (birds chirping)
00:57:52 - Wait, look.
00:58:01 Free drops?
00:58:06 - Do you think?
00:58:12 - That means maybe.
00:58:13 (dramatic music)
00:58:18 (gentle music)
00:58:21 - Grandma.
00:58:25 - Come here.
00:58:29 Come over here.
00:58:30 (gentle music)
00:58:33 Come on, come on, say hi to Grandma.
00:58:37 - Thanks.
00:58:38 - Hey, Dad, when you get a sec, can you give us a hand?
00:58:40 Yeah.
00:58:41 - Oh, goodness, I'm trained.
00:58:44 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:58:46 (gentle music)
00:58:49 - Hey, Dad, will you give me a second?
00:58:53 - Oh, yeah, sure.
00:58:54 - I'll be right back.
00:58:55 Bethany.
00:59:10 Spencer.
00:59:13 - Yeah.
00:59:15 - Ruby Brown House?
00:59:17 (laughing)
00:59:19 - That would make you rich.
00:59:23 I'm stoked to see you, all of you.
00:59:29 - You made it back.
00:59:32 - Yeah, I did.
00:59:33 It's fit me out right where I started, so.
00:59:37 1996.
00:59:39 - And your parents and your house?
00:59:42 - Yeah, all good, bro.
00:59:43 (gentle music)
00:59:46 - You're an adult now.
00:59:50 You have a family.
00:59:52 - I do, yeah.
00:59:53 This is Andy.
00:59:55 And then my daughter.
00:59:57 My daughter's name is Bethany.
01:00:00 We named her after the girl who saved my life.
01:00:06 So stoked.
01:00:12 (laughing)
01:00:14 (upbeat music)
01:00:20 - Nope.
01:00:34 Yeah.
01:00:35 - You wanna go backpacking.
01:00:38 Like, in nature.
01:00:42 - Yeah, but like somewhere really amazing next summer.
01:00:46 What do you think?
01:00:47 - Are you okay?
01:00:49 - Hey.
01:00:49 - Oh, I'll catch you later.
01:00:52 I'll see you after class.
01:00:54 Hey.
01:00:56 - Hello.
01:00:57 - Hey.
01:00:58 - So, anything interesting happen lately?
01:01:01 - No, I can't think of anything.
01:01:03 - Yeah.
01:01:03 (laughing)
01:01:04 - Have you guys talked to Martha?
01:01:06 - Oh, I was texting her this weekend.
01:01:09 Have you talked to her?
01:01:11 - Yeah, yeah she is.
01:01:13 - Go get that girl, Dr. Bravestone.
01:01:21 - Hi.
01:01:30 - Hi.
01:01:31 - I really, I really wanted to call you.
01:01:33 - Yeah, no, I get it.
01:01:34 - Sorry, I don't know why.
01:01:35 - It's weird being out and not like knowing
01:01:37 like what's going on.
01:01:39 - What happened?
01:01:40 - What?
01:01:44 - Smolder.
01:01:46 (dramatic music)
01:01:50 (glass shattering)
01:01:59 (upbeat music)
01:02:02 ♪ Welcome to the jungle ♪
01:02:08 ♪ We got fun and games ♪
01:02:10 ♪ We got everything you want ♪
01:02:12 ♪ Honey we know the names ♪
01:02:13 ♪ We are the people that can find ♪
01:02:16 ♪ Whatever you need ♪
01:02:18 ♪ If you got the money ♪
01:02:19 ♪ Honey we got your disease ♪
01:02:21 ♪ In the jungle ♪
01:02:23 ♪ Welcome to the jungle ♪
01:02:26 (dramatic music)
01:02:32 (women vocalizing)
01:02:35 (dramatic music)
01:02:37 (dramatic music)
01:02:40 (dramatic music)
01:02:44 (women vocalizing)
01:02:47 (dramatic music)
01:02:50 (dramatic music)
01:03:00 (dramatic music)
01:03:08 (dramatic music)
01:03:11 (dramatic music)
01:03:15 (dramatic music)
01:03:17 (dramatic music)
01:03:20 (dramatic music)
01:03:23 (dramatic music)
01:03:26 (dramatic music)
01:03:28 (dramatic music)
01:03:31 (dramatic music)
01:03:34 (dramatic music)
01:03:37 (dramatic music)
01:03:41 - Archers, hold!
01:03:49 (horse neighing)
01:03:56 - Vengalism on us!
01:03:58 Show yourself!
01:04:00 (dramatic music)
01:04:04 (dramatic music)
01:04:06 - My sword against yours.
01:04:21 Victor takes all.
01:04:22 This city, all mine.
01:04:25 It's army, riches, subjects, all!
01:04:29 Not another soldier will die!
01:04:31 (dramatic music)
01:04:34 - What I can do to replenish my ranks
01:04:37 would say you, most brave and merciful King of Argus.
01:04:42 - Will you spare these men?
01:04:43 - King of Citrion, I accept your challenge.
01:04:48 Prepare to die!
01:04:50 (dramatic music)
01:04:52 (dramatic music)
01:04:55 (dramatic music)
01:04:58 (dramatic music)
01:05:16 (dramatic music)
01:05:19 (dramatic music)
01:05:26 (dramatic music)
01:05:39 (dramatic music)
01:05:41 (dramatic music)
01:05:44 (men laughing)
01:06:08 (men laughing)
01:06:11 - Campaign ends here, for now.
01:06:15 - Chiron told me you took Egypt
01:06:17 because they attacked our ships.
01:06:20 - That's right.
01:06:21 - But Argos, our neighbor, they presented no threat.
01:06:23 - I see Chiron has been expanding your curriculum.
01:06:28 - I do not need a tutor to tell me when there's peace.
01:06:31 - I took Argos, you.
01:06:35 - For me, you took Argos for its gold.
01:06:39 - Yes, that too.
01:06:42 I'm told they're obsessed with the gods here, just like you.
01:06:48 Do you know, if they had as many soldiers
01:06:50 as they have priests, it will be my body on the pyre tonight.
01:06:54 - You summoned me, Majesty?
01:07:03 - I will spend a few hours tonight.
01:07:05 - What will you teach him, Chiron?
01:07:07 Will you teach him war?
01:07:11 - It can be ignored, Majesty.
01:07:13 History is but a chronicle of war.
01:07:16 - War is but a chronicle of grief,
01:07:18 recounted in the tears of young men's mothers.
01:07:21 - Sometimes, Majesty, I question who between us is tutor
01:07:25 and who is student.
01:07:26 (dramatic music)
01:07:31 (thunder rumbling)
01:07:33 - In my own vanity, I thought I could bring tenderness
01:07:41 to a man whose craving for power is sated by nothing
01:07:45 and only grows with each victory.
01:07:48 No god's wrath could bring such anguish
01:07:50 as my king has beset upon this land.
01:07:53 And so I prostrate myself before you, goddess.
01:07:57 Deliver us from this curse.
01:07:59 (electronic beeping)
01:08:01 - Help my people.
01:08:03 - Majesty!
01:08:07 (gasping)
01:08:09 - Hera accepts your gift.
01:08:13 - Goddess Hera!
01:08:20 - Queen Alcuinie, approach.
01:08:22 - Majesty, no.
01:08:24 - Closer.
01:08:27 Let me look upon you.
01:08:29 (electronic beeping)
01:08:30 You will have your deliverer, another son you shall bear.
01:08:33 - No, please, not by this man.
01:08:36 Please, goddess.
01:08:37 - Tell me, would you betray your king
01:08:41 as my king betrays me in his lust for you?
01:08:44 Would you have his mortal son to quell your sorrow
01:08:47 and bring peace to this land?
01:08:49 - Would you bear the son of Zeus?
01:08:56 - For the sake of peace, I would.
01:08:59 - Then for the sake of peace, I shall permit it.
01:09:01 Name him what you wish, but I shall know him as Hercules.
01:09:07 (crowd cheering)
01:09:10 (dramatic music)
01:09:19 (woman screaming)
01:09:22 - Speak.
01:09:29 - It's a boy, sire.
01:09:30 A fine, large boy.
01:09:32 (dramatic music)
01:09:47 - His name will be Arsides,
01:09:50 and he will never be an equal to his older brother.
01:09:52 - Hercules.
01:10:04 Your name shall be Hercules.
01:10:08 (dramatic music)
01:10:11 (horse galloping)
01:10:14 (horse whinnies)
01:10:30 - Be careful, there are snakes in the trees.
01:10:34 - I didn't know you feared them.
01:10:36 - Watch out.
01:10:36 (dramatic music)
01:10:40 (horse whinnies)
01:10:43 - So what else do you fear?
01:10:48 - I fear but one thing, always have.
01:10:52 Your departure, each and every time.
01:10:56 - Is this another private hideaway?
01:11:00 - You just wait.
01:11:03 I think you'll like it.
01:11:05 (man laughs)
01:11:07 (water rushing)
01:11:10 - Arsides!
01:11:19 Stop!
01:11:25 (dramatic music)
01:11:30 (water rushing)
01:11:33 - Arsides!
01:11:50 - You need something?
01:11:57 - You made me nearly faint with fright.
01:11:59 (man laughs)
01:12:01 - All right, come here.
01:12:03 (dramatic music)
01:12:06 (horse galloping)
01:12:15 (birds chirping)
01:12:25 (dramatic music)
01:12:28 - I like your necklace.
01:12:29 - My mother once gave this as a parting gift to my father.
01:12:35 Though she's with the gods now,
01:12:39 I want you to have it.
01:12:43 (dramatic music)
01:12:47 (woman grunts)
01:12:49 It's only stone, but I wish it were gold.
01:13:10 I wish there were a substance finer than that
01:13:14 to which you remember me by.
01:13:15 - There is.
01:13:21 In my mind's eye,
01:13:25 the word "your face" has been etched
01:13:30 since the day I first saw you.
01:13:32 (water rushing)
01:13:37 (horse galloping)
01:13:42 (horse snorts)
01:13:45 - Careful, brother.
01:13:48 Your horse could loss his footing.
01:13:50 - You be careful, brother.
01:13:52 Princess, your father is worried.
01:13:56 A search party was dispatched.
01:13:58 - It's lucky you knew where to find us.
01:14:00 - Yes, though I'd rather it had been some other man's luck.
01:14:03 (horse neighs)
01:14:07 - Princess, you rode out without saying a word.
01:14:10 - And what word would have permitted me to?
01:14:12 - Captain, send the princess back to the palace.
01:14:15 There is a feast tonight.
01:14:17 She must not be late.
01:14:19 - Yes, my prince.
01:14:20 - No, brother.
01:14:22 You ride with me.
01:14:24 - We'll see each other tonight.
01:14:28 (horse neighs)
01:14:32 - I saw your hoof marks in the forest.
01:14:39 Tell me, what would you have done
01:14:39 had she been thrown and broken her neck?
01:14:41 - I thought you knew her better.
01:14:43 More likely, I would break my neck.
01:14:45 - I saw more than hoof marks today.
01:14:48 - Did you?
01:14:52 - Watch yourself.
01:14:53 - I've known her just as long as you have,
01:14:56 and with a more mature eye.
01:14:58 I'm older than you outsiders, and heir to this throne.
01:15:00 (birds chirping)
01:15:08 (horse neighs)
01:15:11 - Let's back away slowly.
01:15:14 Don't turn the horse.
01:15:16 - No, let's escape.
01:15:17 Your horse can outrun it.
01:15:18 - Yours wouldn't.
01:15:18 - What are you doing?
01:15:28 - Now back your horse behind me.
01:15:32 - Oh, yes.
01:15:33 Of course.
01:15:34 What a tale of bravery the next king of Tiryns
01:15:36 will have to tell tonight.
01:15:37 - Ifrikles, the point of this was for one of us to get away.
01:15:44 - An enemy in line.
01:15:52 - The bandits, and they can't be killed.
01:15:54 Our spears are useless.
01:16:03 (swords clashing)
01:16:05 - The savvies!
01:16:18 (roaring)
01:16:21 - Whoopee!
01:16:34 - That'll teach them.
01:16:35 (upbeat music)
01:16:38 (dramatic music)
01:16:41 - Find your fire.
01:16:50 Live bold.
01:16:51 L.A. Bold.
01:16:52 (speaking in foreign language)
01:16:57 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:02 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:06 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:10 - Find your fire.
01:17:35 Live bold.
01:17:36 L.A. Bold.
01:17:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:42 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:46 - Hi, hello, friends.
01:18:10 (speaking in foreign language)
01:18:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:18:18 (speaking in foreign language)
01:18:22 (speaking in foreign language)
01:18:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:18:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:18:49 (speaking in foreign language)
01:19:03 (speaking in foreign language)
01:19:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:19:18 (speaking in foreign language)
01:19:41 (speaking in foreign language)
01:19:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:19:56 (speaking in foreign language)
01:20:10 (speaking in foreign language)
01:20:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:20:41 (speaking in foreign language)
01:20:57 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:01 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:27 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:32 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:36 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:42 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:46 (singing in foreign language)
01:21:56 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:15 - SGM Explore.
01:22:22 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:27 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:44 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:48 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:51 - Ah, Ipeklis.
01:23:17 Where have you been?
01:23:18 What is that thing?
01:23:20 Take it off.
01:23:21 - Why, it appears to be the skin of the Nemean lion.
01:23:25 The lion which I killed, but two hours ago.
01:23:29 Look, this is where it struck, you see, father?
01:23:32 But I'm all right.
01:23:33 No cut to the eye.
01:23:34 - Where was your brother in this contest?
01:23:37 - Alzheimer's?
01:23:39 He ran away at the first sign of danger.
01:23:46 - Have you ever known my brother fleed danger?
01:23:50 - Have you, princess?
01:23:52 - No, never.
01:23:56 - Well, I thought you knew him better than that.
01:24:00 - Tell them, father, so it has a chance
01:24:07 to sink into some of the thicker heads here.
01:24:12 - My friend, King Talos the Brave, ruler of Crete,
01:24:17 we have enjoyed free commerce between our lands.
01:24:19 Tonight, we make a bargain for something far greater.
01:24:24 The peace between our houses will be sealed
01:24:27 four moons hence with the harvest moon
01:24:29 when my heir, Prince Ipeklis,
01:24:31 will take the princess of Crete to be his wife.
01:24:34 (crowd cheering)
01:24:37 (dramatic music)
01:24:40 - Evie, Evie, stop!
01:24:59 Stop, stop!
01:25:05 (Evie screams)
01:25:08 - Don't you enlighten me on what just happened?
01:25:16 - I believe the announcement took them by surprise, father.
01:25:20 - The only surprise is that you allowed her to behave
01:25:22 in such a manner without even lifting a finger.
01:25:24 Vian Slayer.
01:25:26 - What could I have done?
01:25:31 - I am a vitriol the conqueror.
01:25:33 Ruler of the realm, vanquisher of Argos, you are my son.
01:25:37 And tonight, you stood and watched
01:25:39 as your future wife made a fool of you and me
01:25:43 in front of our most formidable threat, Crete.
01:25:45 Look at them.
01:25:47 It makes you look weak.
01:25:48 - Sorry, father.
01:25:51 - I don't want you to be sorry.
01:25:52 I want you to be a man.
01:25:53 You are the future king of Tyrens.
01:25:56 Act like it.
01:25:57 (dramatic music)
01:26:03 - Evie, Evie, stop!
01:26:05 Stop!
01:26:06 Stop!
01:26:07 Come here.
01:26:18 - I won't marry you.
01:26:24 Not for all the time.
01:26:26 I love you.
01:26:29 (dramatic music)
01:26:32 I love you.
01:26:34 I need you strong.
01:26:37 (Evie sniffs)
01:26:39 Are you strong?
01:26:40 - I want to leave with you.
01:26:44 Tonight.
01:26:46 (dramatic music)
01:26:59 - If we can make it across the river to Tyga,
01:27:01 the king's men won't follow us.
01:27:03 Go, Evie, ride west.
01:27:19 - No, I won't leave you.
01:27:20 - I'll be right behind you, go.
01:27:22 Go!
01:27:24 - After them!
01:27:25 - You two, follow her!
01:27:31 Now!
01:27:32 (men grunting)
01:27:34 - Tyrens!
01:27:35 You read the orders.
01:27:37 Don't hurt the prince.
01:27:39 (dramatic music)
01:27:42 (men grunting)
01:27:45 - Over here, come!
01:27:56 (men grunting)
01:28:01 - Evie, stop!
01:28:09 - No!
01:28:10 - Osiris!
01:28:11 (men grunting)
01:28:15 - No!
01:28:19 Osiris!
01:28:21 No!
01:28:24 (dramatic music)
01:28:27 - Come on, my love!
01:28:34 - Come here, my love!
01:28:35 Osiris!
01:28:38 (dramatic music)
01:28:41 - Whoopee!
01:29:06 - Now, let's see.
01:29:08 (dramatic music)
01:29:11 (dramatic music)
01:29:14 (tires screeching)
01:29:17 - Define your fire.
01:29:22 Live bold.
01:29:24 L.A. Bold.
01:29:25 (speaking in foreign language)
01:29:30 (speaking in foreign language)
01:29:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:29:38 (speaking in foreign language)
01:29:42 - Define your fire.
01:30:07 Live bold.
01:30:09 L.A. Bold.
01:30:10 (speaking in foreign language)
01:30:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:30:18 (speaking in foreign language)
01:30:29 (speaking in foreign language)
01:30:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:30:49 (speaking in foreign language)
01:31:13 (speaking in foreign language)
01:31:16 - Bing Bing Share It's One Hub Challenge!
01:31:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:31:41 (speaking in foreign language)
01:31:44 (speaking in foreign language)
01:31:48 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:00 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:13 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:17 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:21 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:27 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:44 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:48 (speaking in foreign language)
01:32:59 (speaking in foreign language)
01:33:12 (speaking in foreign language)
01:33:16 (singing in foreign language)
01:33:40 (singing in foreign language)
01:33:44 (dramatic music)
01:33:58 (dramatic music)
01:34:01 (dramatic music)
01:34:04 (dramatic music)
01:34:06 (typewriter clacking)
01:34:32 (dramatic music)
01:34:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:34:51 (speaking in foreign language)
01:35:01 (speaking in foreign language)
01:35:05 - Captain Satiris.
01:35:09 There's a fourth battalion ready to sail tomorrow.
01:35:12 - 160 men, your grace.
01:35:14 Ready and accounted for, as you commanded.
01:35:16 - Good.
01:35:18 You'll take half, no more.
01:35:19 - Half?
01:35:21 - You are young.
01:35:22 Learn to keep 80 in line
01:35:24 and we'll see about expanding your command.
01:35:28 (dramatic music)
01:35:30 - You disapprove?
01:35:33 - No, your grace.
01:35:37 You'll be victorious and only your name.
01:35:42 - I have him, father.
01:35:44 - I understand you're having some trouble
01:35:55 with the arrangements we've made.
01:35:57 - Your arrangements?
01:35:58 You may find spoiled by the next harvest moon.
01:36:01 - I think not.
01:36:02 You sail to Egypt tomorrow.
01:36:05 There's been a revolt in Heliopolis,
01:36:11 north of the Nile River Delta.
01:36:13 You will enjoy war, Alcides, and you will forget all this.
01:36:17 I certainly don't fear for your survival.
01:36:19 - May your mother's gods be with you.
01:36:22 - If they be at all.
01:36:24 (dramatic music)
01:36:26 - Ask him about Ebe.
01:36:27 - One final thing.
01:36:30 Your brother here seems obsessed
01:36:33 with the thought that you've taken the girl's maidenhood.
01:36:35 Why don't you reassure him that's not the case?
01:36:39 - Certainly I shall.
01:36:40 I assure you, brother,
01:36:43 it's none of your business.
01:36:47 (dramatic music)
01:36:52 (grunting)
01:36:54 - I wish you endless victories in the battlefield, brother,
01:37:04 because if you return here, I will kill you.
01:37:07 - Alcides, I beg you to understand
01:37:17 that you have a purpose on this earth
01:37:19 beyond this one desire.
01:37:20 - I have no purpose other than claiming the love that is mine
01:37:23 and I damn the king for denying it to me
01:37:25 and I damn the gods for taking it from me.
01:37:27 - No, Hercules!
01:37:28 - I just didn't know.
01:37:30 I just didn't know.
01:37:32 What did you call me?
01:37:36 - You are not the son of Amphitryon.
01:37:40 I swear upon my love for you,
01:37:43 you are Hercules, gift of Hera, son of Zeus.
01:37:48 - Charon. - My prince.
01:37:50 - Has my mother spoken of this to anyone?
01:37:53 - No, I assure you, no one.
01:37:55 - Because the king is a jealous man
01:37:57 and most likely believe this mad talk.
01:38:01 (shouting)
01:38:08 - Open the gates!
01:38:10 (shouting)
01:38:13 (dramatic music)
01:38:15 - Alcides!
01:38:36 - Ho!
01:38:40 Ho!
01:38:43 - Have heart, my love.
01:38:44 I will return before you know it
01:38:46 and you will be marrying me three moons from now.
01:38:50 (shouting)
01:38:55 - Al!
01:38:56 (dramatic music)
01:39:00 (shouting)
01:39:02 (dramatic music)
01:39:05 (shouting)
01:39:07 (dramatic music)
01:39:10 (shouting)
01:39:12 (dramatic music)
01:39:15 (shouting)
01:39:17 (dramatic music)
01:39:20 (shouting)
01:39:22 (dramatic music)
01:39:25 (shouting)
01:39:27 (dramatic music)
01:39:55 - What troubles you?
01:39:56 King Frost ordered my full company.
01:40:01 - They halved it just before we left.
01:40:03 - There's no campaign on the way.
01:40:07 Piece of security cream, two divisions,
01:40:10 lay idle in camp when that fool deny me even
01:40:12 a smallest excess of troops
01:40:14 and we do not know what awaits us in the early hours.
01:40:17 (dramatic music)
01:40:21 (dramatic music)
01:40:24 - Go, boys!
01:40:33 - Where's Paz?
01:40:39 He'll be there by sunset and make camp.
01:40:41 - There must be another way to do a pass.
01:40:43 - Without numbers, our route was changed as well.
01:40:46 I think your father wants us in Heliopolis a day sooner.
01:40:50 Scouts, forward!
01:40:52 (screaming)
01:40:54 (singing in foreign language)
01:41:03 (speaking in foreign language)
01:41:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:41:24 - SGM Explore, (speaking in foreign language)
01:41:29 (speaking in foreign language)
01:41:40 - SGM Explore, (speaking in foreign language)
01:41:49 (speaking in foreign language)
01:41:53 (speaking in foreign language)
01:42:08 (speaking in foreign language)
01:42:12 (speaking in foreign language)
01:42:16 (speaking in foreign language)
01:42:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:42:24 (speaking in foreign language)
01:42:49 (speaking in foreign language)
01:42:53 (speaking in foreign language)
01:43:22 (speaking in foreign language)
01:43:26 (speaking in foreign language)
01:43:29 (speaking in foreign language)
01:43:34 (speaking in foreign language)
01:43:38 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:04 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:08 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:23 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:29 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:33 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:38 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:46 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:53 (speaking in foreign language)
01:44:57 (speaking in foreign language)
01:45:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:45:49 (speaking in foreign language)
01:45:53 (singing in foreign language)
01:46:08 (speaking in foreign language)
01:46:13 (speaking in foreign language)
01:46:16 (speaking in foreign language)
01:46:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:46:24 (speaking in foreign language)
01:46:28 (speaking in foreign language)
01:46:33 (speaking in foreign language)
01:46:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:47:04 (cows mooing)
01:47:07 - Ready a wolf for all.
01:47:14 Cold and clean.
01:47:15 - Any word of the scouts?
01:47:19 It's been too long since they left.
01:47:21 - Make camp here.
01:47:22 Meet the horses and the men.
01:47:24 Now we need 20 volunteers on foot,
01:47:26 'cause we're gonna secure the passage.
01:47:28 (cows mooing)
01:47:32 (laughing)
01:47:35 - Some say the Golden Eagle's a sign from Zeus.
01:47:37 - Yes, some believe it's just a bird.
01:47:40 (men yelling)
01:47:43 (dramatic music)
01:47:46 (dramatic music)
01:47:49 - Welcome to their deaths.
01:48:09 (dramatic music)
01:48:13 (dramatic music)
01:48:15 - All right, retreat!
01:48:27 Back to where we came!
01:48:29 (dramatic music)
01:48:40 - Out of formation!
01:48:41 (men yelling)
01:48:47 - Watch us!
01:48:57 (men yelling)
01:49:01 (dramatic music)
01:49:06 (men yelling)
01:49:09 (dramatic music)
01:49:14 (men yelling)
01:49:17 (dramatic music)
01:49:21 (men yelling)
01:49:33 (dramatic music)
01:49:39 (men yelling)
01:49:41 (dramatic music)
01:49:47 (men yelling)
01:49:57 (dramatic music)
01:50:07 (men yelling)
01:50:09 (dramatic music)
01:50:14 - We're the only two left!
01:50:27 - Take them away!
01:50:28 (dramatic music)
01:50:32 (men yelling)
01:50:35 - Commander Tarek.
01:50:46 - Over here.
01:50:47 - The Prince's helmet.
01:50:49 - Who is the captain?
01:50:53 - I am.
01:50:54 - Is this the helmet of the Prince named Alcides?
01:51:01 - Is it?
01:51:02 - Yes.
01:51:03 - And where does he lie?
01:51:05 (laughing)
01:51:07 - There.
01:51:09 - Well, where does he lie?
01:51:11 - You got that?
01:51:15 Well, you got it.
01:51:16 (panting)
01:51:18 - Take this to their king.
01:51:22 (dramatic music)
01:51:25 - Captain, you have a strong will,
01:51:28 but this one, even half dead,
01:51:30 he's twice as strong as my best fight.
01:51:33 If I thought you'd live,
01:51:34 I'd sell you both for a princely sum.
01:51:37 - Sell us.
01:51:40 Sell us.
01:51:41 We will live.
01:51:44 - Who are you, soldier?
01:51:50 - Hercules.
01:51:52 (dramatic music)
01:51:58 (wind blowing)
01:52:00 (dramatic music)
01:52:04 (dramatic music)
01:52:07 (dramatic music)
01:52:28 (dramatic music)
01:52:30 (dramatic music)
01:52:47 (dramatic music)
01:52:50 (upbeat music)
01:53:11 - [All] Starimini!
01:53:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:53:18 (dramatic music)
01:53:32 (dramatic music)
01:53:35 (dramatic music)
01:53:41 (dramatic music)
01:53:49 (dramatic music)
01:53:52 (dramatic music)
01:54:05 (dramatic music)
01:54:09 (dramatic music)
01:54:14 (dramatic music)
01:54:16 (dramatic music)
01:54:19 (upbeat music)
01:54:22 (car horn honking)
01:54:23 (speaking in foreign language)
01:54:27 (laughing)
01:54:36 (speaking in foreign language)
01:54:40 (upbeat music)
01:54:43 (speaking in foreign language)
01:54:54 (speaking in foreign language)
01:55:10 (speaking in foreign language)
01:55:14 (speaking in foreign language)
01:55:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:55:41 (dramatic music)
01:55:52 (speaking in foreign language)
01:55:56 (speaking in foreign language)
01:56:05 (upbeat music)
01:56:07 (speaking in foreign language)
01:56:11 (speaking in foreign language)
01:56:15 (speaking in foreign language)
01:56:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:56:44 (speaking in foreign language)
01:56:54 (upbeat music)
01:57:08 (upbeat music)
01:57:11 (upbeat music)
01:57:14 (upbeat music)
01:57:17 (upbeat music)
01:57:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:57:24 (upbeat music)
01:57:32 (speaking in foreign language)
01:57:37 (speaking in foreign language)
01:57:41 (speaking in foreign language)
01:57:49 (speaking in foreign language)
01:58:05 (speaking in foreign language)
01:58:09 (speaking in foreign language)
01:58:24 (speaking in foreign language)
01:58:50 (speaking in foreign language)
01:58:54 (dramatic music)
01:59:08 (men grunting)
01:59:10 (water splashing)
01:59:13 - There's far worse pain awaiting
01:59:15 where you two are going.
01:59:17 (men grunting)
01:59:19 - Did the king really do this?
01:59:21 Sacrifice his own men to ensure the death
01:59:23 of what, his own son?
01:59:25 Or did you choose to live?
01:59:30 (men shouting)
01:59:32 - Do you know of the engagement
01:59:34 between my brother Iphicles and Hele,
01:59:36 princess of Crete?
01:59:38 - Yes.
01:59:39 It was announced before our departure.
01:59:42 - I must make it back to Tyrens before the wedding.
01:59:46 You stay by my side.
01:59:48 [BLANK_AUDIO]
