Cal favored against Arizona State

  • last year
Saturday's results apparently did not sway betting sites
00:00 I'm a little surprised that Cal is nearly a two touchdown favorite against Arizona State
00:06 this weekend, although Arizona State looked really bad in its first three games and was
00:12 surprisingly good this past week.
00:14 So maybe that's the reason that the odds makers, they think that Arizona State's surprisingly
00:20 good performance against USC was a fluke.
00:22 We'll see how that line changes.
00:25 Obviously the point spread changes at all during the week and what it is on Friday or
00:30 Saturday just before the game, whether it gets a lot closer or whether it expands.
00:36 Cal does not even know or hasn't even announced who its starting quarterback for that game
00:41 will be.
00:42 So there's a little bit of variables in that game.
00:45 I'm presuming that Drew Pine will be the starting quarterback for Arizona State.
00:52 Jaden Reschata is out, supposed to be out for another two weeks I believe.
00:58 So he is not expected to play in that game.
01:01 Maybe that's the reason for the larger spread.
