|| jaya-maṅgala Gāthā || जयमङ्गल-अट्ठगाथा ||

  • last year
Creating a form with 1,000 arms, each equipped with a weapon,
Māra, on the elephant Girimekhala, uttered a frightening roar together with his troops.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of such qualities as generosity:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.

Even more frightful than Māra making war all night was Āḷavaka, the arrogant unstable ogre.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of well-trained endurance:

Nāḷāgiri, the excellent elephant, when maddened, was very horrific,
like a forest fire, a flaming discus, a lightning bolt.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by sprinkling the water of goodwill:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.
[By the majesty of this, may you have victory blessings.

Very horrific, with a sword upraised in his expert hand,
Garlanded-with-Fingers ran three leagues along the path.
The Lord of Sages defeated him with mind-fashioned marvels:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.

Having made a wooden belly to appear pregnant,
Ciñcā made a lewd accusation in the midst of the gathering.
The Lord of Sages defeated her with peaceful, gracious means:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.

Saccaka, whose provocative views had abandoned the truth,
his mind delighting in argument, had become thoroughly blind.
The Lord of Sages defeated him with the light of discernment:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.

Nandopananda was a serpent with great power but wrong views.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of a display of marvels,
sending his son (Moggallāna), the serpent-elder, to tame him:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.

His hands bound tight by the serpent of wrongly held views,
Baka, the Brahmā, thought himself pure in his radiance & power.
The Lord of Sages defeated him by means of his words of knowledge:
By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing.

These eight verses of the Buddha’s victory blessings:
Whatever person of discernment
recites or recalls them day after day without lapsing,
destroying all kinds of obstacles,
will attain emancipation & happiness.

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