• 2 years ago
These unruly Karens (and Kens) paid the price! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down 50 times Karens faced justice for their selfish, entitled, and generally unacceptable behavior!


00:00 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down 50 times Karen's face justice for their
00:13 selfish, entitled, and generally unacceptable behavior.
00:23 We won't be limiting it to ladies, however, so Kens are also fair game.
00:30 50.
00:31 Low Battery Meltdown Getting a low phone battery is annoying, sure,
00:37 but launching into a racist tirade against someone that has nothing to do with that?
00:42 Well, that's bonkers.
00:49 In November 2022, a video emerged of an Uber driver getting a load of abuse from a customer.
00:56 With footage taken from the worker and by a witness, we can see the entitled woman yelling
01:01 at the guy about her battery and wanting a charger.
01:04 To make her behavior worse, she uttered multiple racial slurs at the driver, sparking gasps
01:10 from the witness.
01:18 The police interviewed the driver, however, he didn't issue a formal complaint.
01:23 Uber then announced the woman was banned from the platform.
01:28 Delightful.
01:29 49.
01:30 Tube Show On England's London Underground, there's
01:34 a list of unspoken rules.
01:36 Don't talk loudly, don't speak to strangers to be friendly, and don't eat smelly stuff.
01:42 There's also a written rule about not spitting racist vitriol that one Ken ignored.
01:51 In 2020, he was yelling aggressive abuse at other passengers like "this is my home"
01:56 and other such ridiculous things.
01:59 He even referred to non-white people as his "pets".
02:03 Gross.
02:04 As the tube stops, a group of black guys goes to leave, however Ken tries to intimidate
02:10 them.
02:11 Unfortunately, one of the guys spins and punches him, knocking the now-unconscious Ken to the
02:15 floor in a heap.
02:17 While cheers erupted from the carriage, some people put Ken in the recovery position.
02:23 48.
02:24 No Cruise Control It might not come as a surprise to anyone,
02:40 but even politicians can be complete Karens.
02:44 In March 2022, Texas Senator Ted Cruz was running late and ended up missing his flight
02:49 from Bozeman-Yellowstone International Airport in Montana.
02:54 Instead of handling it like an adult, he argued with the staff for his poor timekeeping, even
02:59 reportedly whipping out the "do you know who I am" card.
03:03 Cruz became frustrated when he was late for checking in for his flight to DC and was told
03:09 that re-booking options were limited due to spring break.
03:12 In the end, the police had to be called to calm Cruz down.
03:17 Another US politician who hates being told what to do is Amanda Chase.
03:21 After refusing to wear a mask during the Virginia Senate sessions in February 2021, she had
03:27 to sit in a plexiglass box of shame.
03:31 Pretty humiliating.
03:33 47.
03:34 New Jersey Slurs When Tamika Bordeaux walked out of her Bayon,
03:39 New Jersey home in January 2022, she was quickly greeted by the sight of a mail carrier being
03:44 chastised by Claudia Emanuele, who was complaining about some late post.
03:51 Reportedly attempting to be a good Samaritan, she went to help.
03:54 But as soon as she walked over, Emanuele erupted with a litany of racial slurs at her.
04:00 Bordeaux tried to simmer down the situation, but that didn't work.
04:16 Even walking away had no effect, as Emanuele followed and kept using abusive words.
04:22 Emanuele only stopped with the abuse when Bordeaux went into a store and after two other
04:27 people had intervened.
04:29 Bordeaux ultimately handed the video to the cops, who arrested Emanuele.
04:37 46.
04:38 Buffalo Bigot In May 2022, Kaitlyn Bolden, Brandon Hawkins,
04:44 and Erica Seymour were part of the behavioral health team for the Buffalo Police, which
04:49 specializes in cases with mental health incidents.
04:52 The trio watched a video of a black police officer being pulled over by a white officer,
04:57 highlighting racial profiling, before showing the clip to their captain, Amber Byer.
05:02 She reportedly launched into a racially charged, 20-minute rant, slating black people, citing
05:23 other incidents of her racism, including claims she repeatedly used grim slurs.
05:28 The three spoke to Commissioner Joseph Grimaglia, who removed her from managing the department.
05:41 Then in December 2022, the trio initiated a $15 million lawsuit against Byer, who was
05:47 quickly suspended from her role.
05:55 45.
05:57 Texas Tirade One common factor of Karen's is making sure
06:10 everyone knows their vile thoughts, even if no one requested them.
06:15 In August 2022, four Indian-American women were going to their cars after being at a
06:21 restaurant in Plano, Texas.
06:23 But then Esmeralda Upton came out of the shadows and decided she was going to go on a racist
06:29 rant.
06:30 Fearing for their safety, the woman filmed Upton's outburst.
06:33 She told the four how much she hated Indians, issued threats of violence, and assaulted
06:38 them.
06:39 On top of being arrested on several charges, Upton also had to contend with not one, but
06:44 two lawsuits from her victims.
06:47 44.
06:48 Tape Dub Sometimes people come together to get justice.
06:54 In 2021, on a flight from Philadelphia to Miami, a drunk Maxwell Barry was causing havoc
07:00 as he groped two female flight attendants.
07:04 When a male attendant confronted him, things kicked off.
07:07 After spouting verbal abuse, Barry attempted to attack the man, but it didn't work out
07:13 for him.
07:14 The attendant, cool as a cucumber, restrained Barry easily.
07:18 Other passengers got involved and helped him by taping the unruly Barry to his chair.
07:23 To keep Barry constrained, the flight attendants used seatbelt extenders and tape to keep him
07:29 seated, and his mouth temporarily shut.
07:32 Genius!
07:33 He was arrested when the plane landed.
07:35 On top of his cinematic embarrassment going viral, Barry faced charges of three counts
07:41 of assault.
07:42 He pled guilty and received 60 days in prison with one year of supervised release.
07:48 43.
07:50 The Anti-Influencer Even if you're walking down the sidewalk,
07:54 apparently, that's enough to summon a Karen from the Shadow Realm to torment you.
07:59 In December 2022, TikToker Bianca Figueira said she was doing just that when Sandra Jean
08:06 Allen was walking in the other direction, so the influencer attempted to get out of
08:11 her way.
08:12 After she did that, Allen had to escalate the situation with racist insults.
08:17 When confronted, Figueira claimed Allen got physical with her, which in turn caused the
08:22 TikToker to defend herself and her family.
08:26 Allen proceeded to scream for help for some reason, then threatened to call ICE on Figueira.
08:32 Yikes!
08:34 After throwing in cringey phrases like "Are you triggered?"
08:45 the altercation got police called to the scene.
08:55 They were eventually shown the footage, leading Allen to be later arrested for her behavior.
09:02 42.
09:04 Escalation Karen Enjoying the warm weather in March 2022 in
09:10 Bristol, England, Faye Johnson and her three children decided to paddleboard on a river.
09:15 However, a group of tweens was enjoying their own entertainment, albeit inappropriate and
09:21 reckless as they launched rocks and mud balls at folk on the water.
09:26 Johnson erupted with rage when she and her kids had items lobbed at them.
09:37 She grabbed her paddle and struck Antoine Forrest on the head, leaving a nasty injury.
09:43 After the police originally failed to react, which caused much public outrage, they eventually
09:48 arrested Johnson for her assault.
09:51 In January 2023, she was handed a four-month suspended sentence and told to give Forrest
09:56 £500 in compensation.
10:00 41.
10:02 Walmart Can Usually, we see Karens as customers launching
10:07 a tirade of irrational abuse against employees.
10:10 Well, not this time.
10:12 Instead, it's reversed.
10:14 In November 2022, an unnamed customer was trying to leave Walmart with a cart of paid
10:20 items.
10:21 Instead, he was blocked by an unidentified employee.
10:24 For context, the worker was white and the customer was black.
10:28 The employee demanded to see the receipt before spitting racial insults and slurs.
10:34 The worker then began taking items from the cart.
10:37 This caused the two to get into a ruckus over the products.
10:50 Afterward, the customer issued a formal complaint with Walmart, who later announced the racist
10:55 employee was no longer working for them.
10:59 40.
11:01 South African Karen In 2016, in Johannesburg, South Africa, estate
11:07 agent Vicky Momberg's car was broken into.
11:10 When the police arrived, instead of them being able to help solve this crime, they became
11:15 victims of another.
11:17 Momberg launched into a racist tirade against the officers and emergency service dispatchers,
11:22 even throwing in apartheid-era slurs 48 times.
11:35 So she was arrested for Kremen Injuria, which concerns impairing another's dignity.
11:41 In 2018, Momberg became the first South African to be sentenced to jail for such a crime.
11:58 She was originally handed a sentence of three years, with one suspended.
12:03 She appealed the decision but failed.
12:06 In December 2019, Momberg was released from prison and hopefully learned from the experience.
12:13 39.
12:14 Pizza the Problem It's really bizarre how some Karens are
12:19 so triggered by hearing languages other than their own.
12:23 In February 2023, this was certainly the case when Rita Bellew went into Amy's Pizzeria
12:29 in Hatborough, Pennsylvania.
12:31 She lost her marbles upon hearing the TV behind the counter speak in Spanish.
12:45 Bellew spewed a litany of racial insults toward the employees and owners of the restaurant.
12:51 She then demanded a refund as she wasn't handing her cash to an illegal immigrant in
12:57 her view.
13:05 She then claims the people who called her racist were racist themselves.
13:10 Right.
13:11 Afterward, Bellew was charged with hate crimes.
13:14 And to make her more annoyed, hopefully, the pizza shop has reportedly seen an increase
13:18 in business since her racist rant.
13:29 38.
13:30 Doorbell Degenerate For over a year, the Suarez family in St.
13:35 Louis, Missouri was harassed by Judy Klein.
13:39 But seemingly, it wasn't until her ring-recorded exploits went viral that anything was done
13:44 by the authorities.
13:55 She often turned up at their property and issued racially charged and violent threats,
14:01 claiming it was her house.
14:03 But that's not all.
14:04 At one point, she even broke into the building and threatened one member of the family with
14:10 a hammer.
14:11 According to reports, Klein's family had owned the property decades ago but sold it.
14:16 For some reason, she decided this meant she could still control what someone else does
14:21 with their home.
14:22 In February 2023, Klein was arrested and charged for her barrage of crimes against the Suarez
14:29 family.
14:30 More than a year later, Klein now faces three felony charges - burglary, property damage,
14:34 and unlawful use of a weapon.
14:37 37.
14:38 Hot, Beautiful, and Unemployed
14:41 The unearned confidence of a white Karen is truly a sight to behold.
14:47 In October 2018, two unidentified black women were in the parking lot of a block of apartments
14:53 in Charlotte, North Carolina, as they awaited help with a car problem.
14:58 All of a sudden, a seemingly intoxicated Susan Westwood descends on the duo, proclaiming
15:04 she is hot and beautiful.
15:11 She then rants with tones of racism as she questions why the two are there, with plenty
15:16 of cursing.
15:25 Even after being asked to leave, Westwood continued harassing them, so the woman called
15:30 the cops.
15:31 Afterward, Westwood lost her job with cable company Spectrum.
15:35 Then in 2019, she was sentenced to 12 months of probation for her various charges.
15:42 36.
15:44 Snow Day
15:45 Apparently, like Karens, Kens regularly can't cope with putting a piece of cloth over their
15:51 mouth for a bit of time to protect others.
16:01 In 2022, at a ski resort in Ontario, Canada, one snowboarder wasn't happy with the business's
16:07 "wear a mask" rule.
16:09 The guy kept trying to get on the ski lift, but the security staff repeatedly stopped
16:13 him.
16:14 The unfortunate, patient skiers had to watch as Ken's actions slowly ate into their slope
16:20 time.
16:28 After the man tries to fight out of security's grasp, the police arrive, and the crowd cheers
16:33 as this drama finishes.
16:43 The man was escorted from the resort, but no charges were filed.
16:47 However, he did get the embarrassment of this video going online.
16:52 35.
16:54 Take Out Freak Out
16:55 In the modern world, online reviews are vital.
16:59 A business can be successful or collapse on that mark out of five.
17:03 Well, David DeMerchant phones the restaurant Frank D's to order Take Out.
17:08 However, he was put on hold.
17:10 So DeMerchant let the world know about his bad experience.
17:14 Sadly for him, the owner added some details he conveniently left out.
17:20 His server actually had a seizure while on the phone with DeMerchant.
17:23 He then arrived at the restaurant to pick up his order, ignoring the ambulance outside.
17:28 When they offered to make it there, DeMerchant refused, went home, and wrote this misleading
17:34 review.
17:35 Now, he has to live with the shame of getting publicly called out.
17:41 34.
17:42 Miss Kick
17:43 After having a few drinks, people tend to get an inflated ego.
17:48 In 2021, at the Linkster's Tap Room in Florida, one patron thought more highly of his fighting
17:53 skills than he should have.
17:56 In the video, we see him yelling at a guy on the street.
17:59 As the guy approaches, the patron goes to showcase what he's learned from watching
18:03 three UFC fights with a roundhouse kick.
18:07 Only he misses.
18:09 Big time.
18:15 He pretty much takes himself out of the battle with some instant karma.
18:19 Various other bar folk descend on the scene and separate the duo.
18:22 However, the patron tries to punch the guy to save face.
18:26 It doesn't work.
18:27 On a side note, the lights on the tree outside are really mesmerizing.
18:32 33.
18:34 IHOP Patients
18:36 Waitstaff has to deal with a lot of annoying and unnecessary stress from customers.
18:43 Honestly, they should be paid so much more than what they get.
18:53 Especially this IHOP employee in 2022.
18:56 One sneaky customer recorded one man having a meltdown at the restaurant.
19:01 This Ken decided that slow service was the thing that tipped him over.
19:06 After arguing with Ken and getting abused, she tells him to leave and walks off.
19:11 Like a rational person, he picks up his glass and throws it on the floor, causing pieces
19:16 to fly around and hit other people.
19:20 Yikes.
19:23 Quickly, security descends on Ken and forces him out of the restaurant with plenty of shame.
19:37 32.
19:43 Collier Karen Educators are often seen as one of the noblest
19:48 and most trustworthy groups.
19:50 But then there's Patricia Schmidt, who smudges that reputation and then some.
19:55 In August 2021, she was an exceptional student education specialist at an elementary school
20:01 in Naples, Florida.
20:03 According to an unidentified mother, she and her children were walking on the pavement
20:08 down a road.
20:09 Schmidt, who was driving, beat her horn before she rolled down her window as she thought
20:14 the two were trespassing.
20:16 She embarked into a curse-filled racist and ableist rant, screaming multiple slurs at
20:22 them.
20:25 With all the negative publicity, the Collier County School District initially put Schmidt
20:29 on leave before they fired her for her disgusting behavior.
20:40 31.
20:43 Sheep in the Bank Once again, we have someone who has a tantrum
20:47 over being asked to wear a face mask inside a business.
20:52 In March 2021 in Galveston, Texas, Terri Lynn Wright refused to comply at a bank, so they
20:59 asked her to leave, which she declined.
21:02 With no other option, the staff called the cops to have Wright removed.
21:06 When the police arrived, Wright tried to tell the officer about the law.
21:22 After getting physical with the cop, Wright was arrested.
21:25 In the process, she tried claiming it was police brutality, but multiple witnesses hilariously
21:31 disagreed, prompting her to call them sheep.
21:46 A week later, to the surprise of no one, Wright had a similar incident at another location.
21:53 30.
21:54 E. Fobb Kelly Even just trying to get home apparently ruffles
21:58 the Karen's feathers.
22:04 In October 2018, Darian Toles was trying to enter the apartment complex where he lived
22:09 in St. Louis, Missouri.
22:11 In his way was a white woman, Hilary Brooke Muller, armed with a tiny dog, who had a problem
22:16 with the black man trying to get to his residence.
22:19 Acting as though she owns the building, she demanded proof that he lived there, dabbling
22:24 in some racial profiling.
22:35 Thirty minutes after this incident, a police officer sent by Muller spoke to Toles in his
22:40 apartment.
22:41 When the video went viral, Muller's employers weren't too happy.
22:45 The real estate company Tribeca STL fired her publicly for her stunt.
22:57 29.
23:00 Radio Karen Oh boy, another incident of a white American
23:04 snapping when hearing a non-English language spoken.
23:15 In July 2020, a group of landscapers was working in the street in Nashua, New Hampshire.
23:21 Suddenly, they were accosted by conservative Donald Trump-loving radio host Diana Plaws,
23:26 who recorded the incident.
23:28 She laid into them for speaking Spanish, then accused some of the workers of being in the
23:33 states illegally.
23:38 A passerby stepped in to confront Plaws, but she only made more racial statements and called
23:44 him a social justice warrior for wearing a face mask.
23:48 According to George Russell, who owns the radio station WSMN Broadcasting, he received
23:53 thousands of complaints about Plaws' actions, so he dropped her show from their slate.
24:01 28.
24:03 Cocktail Catastrophe Many of us have had the joy/trauma of having
24:08 too much to drink on a night out.
24:10 But not many of us will descend into a racist rant.
24:14 Again and again, we're not Justine Morrison, and admittedly, we don't know how much she
24:19 drank.
24:20 But reports did say she threw a drink in January 2023.
24:25 In fact, she was removed from a cocktail bar in Halifax, England after causing a scene.
24:31 Outside, Morrison decided being ejected wasn't enough.
24:35 She decided to go on a racist rant at the doorman, Dally Wiley, spitting her disgust
24:40 at him as her tirade was recorded.
24:49 Not only was she cautioned by the police for her hate crime and got permanently banned
24:53 from the bar, but Morrison was also fired from her part-time accounting job for the
24:58 Shine Theatre Arts.
25:11 In 2013, Christine McGrail and her daughter Olivia decided to wait in the drive-thru at
25:20 McDonald's in Whitefield, England.
25:23 Sounds normal so far.
25:24 Except they were on horses.
25:27 When they were refused service for safety reasons and told to go inside the building
25:31 to order, McGrail decided that meant letting Olivia take her pony inside as she waited
25:38 outside with her own horse.
25:40 Confused and disgusted customers were soon more grossed out when the horse defecated
25:46 in the restaurant.
25:48 Drive-thrus are fine for vehicles, but for horses, less so.
25:57 But it's okay, as McGrail later claimed that everyone found it funny.
26:02 Which is doubtful, but especially not hilarious to the staff who had to clean the mess.
26:08 McGrail was fined £90 and was banned from the McDonald's property.
26:13 There's an old saying about how you can take a horse to water, but it seems you can't
26:17 take one to a drive-thru.
26:18 26.
26:22 Airplane Assault
26:23 It's strange the trajectory some minor celebrities can go through in their lives.
26:29 Take Patricia Cornwall.
26:31 She was an NFL cheerleader and did a little acting in the past.
26:34 Then in December 2021, she was videoed attacking an older man on a plane.
26:41 Cornwall was apparently enraged that Russell Miller wasn't wearing a face mask as he
26:46 was eating and drinking.
26:49 While he didn't help calm down the situation, instead calling her some choice phrases, Cornwall's
26:54 unhinged reaction was something else.
27:05 She struck, scratched, and spat on Miller.
27:09 Thankfully, the flight staff managed to separate the two.
27:12 However, Cornwall was arrested by the FBI after landing and charged with several crimes
27:17 for her bizarre behavior.
27:19 25.
27:21 Smoothie Tirade
27:26 Hospitality employees have it rough.
27:29 They're not paid enough and have to serve the public all day.
27:32 Nightmare.
27:33 But it got worse for teenage workers at Robex in Fairfield, Connecticut in January 2022
27:39 when James Ionazzo walked in.
27:41 Apparently, he had bought his son a smoothie from there, resulting in an allergic reaction
27:47 which required medical treatment.
27:49 However, according to the staff, Ionazzo didn't mention the peanut allergy when he ordered.
27:55 He erupted with a racist tirade at the employees, even throwing the beverage at them.
28:08 Ionazzo was fired by Merrill Lynch and was arrested.
28:11 He was given a year of probation and had to donate $500 to a charity.
28:16 Then he settled a lawsuit from one of the employees for a reported $7,500.
28:22 24.
28:25 SoCalKaren
28:26 In 2020, Torrance, California and the surrounding area were haunted by a figure that harassed
28:33 folk with Asian heritage.
28:35 Lena Hernandez, who used to be a social worker, weirdly, was involved in several incidents
28:40 where she launched into grim racist rants at people for seemingly little to no reason.
28:51 At one point, she put on a mock Asian accent to belittle one victim.
28:56 But in July 2020, she was finally arrested for attacking Katelyn Salmanow at the Del
29:01 Amo Mall the previous year.
29:04 In October 2020, Hernandez pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery.
29:09 As such, she received 45 days in jail, three years of probation with a year of anger management
29:15 and was barred from being near Salmanow and the mall.
29:29 23.
29:32 Randy Marsh Cosplay
29:34 You know it's a big deal when a performer has to stop what they're doing to address
29:39 some nonsense in the audience.
29:54 And that's exactly what happened in Georgia in 2022 as the comedian Louis Black was doing
30:00 his set.
30:01 Comedians usually deal with hecklers swiftly and harshly.
30:05 But not in this case.
30:06 Black bluntly called out the guy who was harassing people in the audience.
30:10 The crowd then turns their displeasure on Ken and yells for him to leave.
30:18 Quickly, security arrives to escort him from the venue.
30:23 At this point, Ken produces his best Randy Marsh impression from South Park by yelling
30:29 that he thought this was America.
30:34 It is, which is why a private business can throw him out.
30:45 22.
30:48 Party Pooper
30:53 The bachelorette party is a cherished symbol for those taking the plunge into married life.
30:59 In 2022, one group of women rented a $4,000 Airbnb to have a big shindig.
31:06 But one local resident wasn't happy.
31:14 This Ken trespassed onto the property as the women were enjoying the pool.
31:18 He reportedly videoed them to make it extra creepy.
31:22 Yelling that the party is disturbing the neighborhood, apparently, he uses transphobic slurs and
31:27 threatens violence against the group.
31:30 The women stood their ground with this nonsense and called the police.
31:37 Unfortunately for Ken, he was arrested for his nosy behavior.
31:41 On top of that, he was already on probation for a domestic dispute the week before.
31:47 Uh-oh.
31:48 21.
31:50 Baldwin Batty
31:52 Hey even famous men can be Kens.
31:55 It's not just a title for us normies.
32:03 In 2018, actor Alec Baldwin had a bit of an... incident.
32:08 He had apparently gotten into an argument with Wojciech Szewkowski over a parking space
32:13 in New York City.
32:15 Instead of dealing with it rationally, Baldwin reportedly shoved Szewkowski hard in the chest
32:20 and then punched him across the jaw.
32:31 In 2019, Baldwin sued Szewkowski for the accusations and false imprisonment.
32:37 He also claimed Szewkowski was exaggerating his injuries.
32:41 But the actor did admit guilt for a violation of harassment.
32:45 Baldwin received a conditional discharge and enrollment in an anger management course.
32:49 In 2022, this drama was eventually concluded when the case was settled.
32:56 20.
33:06 SoHo Karen
33:08 At the end of 2020, a video went viral that showcased the later-named SoHo Karen.
33:15 Taking place at the Arlo Hotel in SoHo, Manhattan, New York, Mia Ponsetto couldn't find her phone.
33:23 Instead of being calm and rational, she decided to accuse a random black person, the 14-year-old
33:29 Kion Harold Jr., of stealing it.
33:31 He didn't have it.
33:37 With Ponsetto also losing patience with Harold's father, she tackled the young boy to the ground,
33:43 all of which was caught on camera.
33:46 In the aftermath, a warrant was issued for her arrest.
33:49 After a brief car chase, the cops got her.
33:53 But she made it worse for herself by resisting.
33:55 She pled guilty to a felony hate crime and received two years of probation.
34:04 19.
34:08 Dog Park Karen
34:10 For some reason, Karens seem to flock to dog parks.
34:14 It's bizarre how often this seems to happen.
34:16 In 2021, author Frederick Joseph and his partner enjoyed a night walk with their pup in Brooklyn,
34:23 New York.
34:24 Suddenly, they were harassed by a woman.
34:26 According to Joseph and a bystander in the video, the woman threatened to get the cops
34:30 involved and told the couple to "stay in their hood."
34:44 This was all because the dog was barking loudly at night.
34:47 There's just one problem.
34:50 She got another apparently loud dog mixed up with Joseph's.
34:55 After the video spread online, she was ID'd as Emma Sarley.
35:00 Once her employer, software firm Bevy, heard about the incident and her discriminatory
35:04 behavior, Sarley was fired.
35:10 18.
35:14 Karen Named Karen
35:16 Sometimes it's the little things in life.
35:19 A rainbow, the smell of cut grass, and a Karen actually named Karen.
35:27 In 2021, Karen Turner attempted to shop in a grocery store in Ohio.
35:32 But since the pandemic was underway, people were on edge.
35:36 Well, not Turner, who refused to wear a mask.
35:39 The store staff told her to leave, but she stubbornly didn't.
35:44 We're not sure what she was expecting here, but it probably wasn't the police turning
35:49 up.
35:50 Bodycam footage shows Turner being as uncooperative as possible with the cops.
35:55 As they attempted to take her handbag from her, she hilariously screams, "Illegal search!"
36:06 Turner was fined $573 plus court costs for her strange protest.
36:13 17.
36:15 Cat Meet Karen
36:17 Here's a woman who ticks loads of boxes on the Karen bingo card.
36:21 In 2020, TikTok user Iris Kessler posted a weird interaction that occurred outside a
36:27 Mexican restaurant near her work.
36:30 A customer known as Arielle accused the place of serving her cat meat instead of chicken.
36:40 It's a bit weird that she apparently knows what cat meat tastes like.
36:45 She then threw things at the restaurant's windows and threatened further violence against
36:50 them.
36:51 As Iris Kessler and others stood outside to stop her from returning, Arielle spat out
36:55 various insults and homophobic remarks while they waited for the cops to come.
37:00 Her nonchalant demeanor soon went out the window as she was bundled into the back of
37:05 the police car while screaming.
37:12 16.
37:16 Zombie Karen
37:18 Imagine a plague where zombies are created.
37:21 That's already grim.
37:23 Well, now picture a zombie Karen.
37:28 In 2020, an unnamed woman was reportedly told to leave a Louisiana bar and wasn't let
37:34 back in.
37:35 It isn't hard to see why.
37:38 With the door closed, she didn't take the news well.
37:41 She threw herself against the glass multiple times while yelling.
37:45 She then began licking the door for some reason.
37:53 Not getting anywhere with her walking dead shtick, she decided to bust in using her head.
38:00 She also accused the person filming of being racist.
38:04 By the end of the video, we see her being taken by police.
38:08 She probably felt so silly the following day.
38:15 Hopefully.
38:16 15.
38:17 Plane Karen
38:19 Babies and planes can be a rough mix, but in 2018, Susan Perez handled things really
38:26 poorly.
38:27 Complaining about having to sit next to a young child and insulting the mom, Perez seemingly
38:32 wanted to be moved, but this wasn't doable.
38:42 She subsequently demanded the name of the flight attendant, Tabitha.
38:46 Once she got it, she basically implied that she could get the worker fired.
38:53 Well, Tabitha wasn't going to let that slide.
39:00 She called for Perez, now with a surprised Pikachu face, to be removed from the plane.
39:06 The Karen tried to say she was sorry, but the damage was already done.
39:10 Her employer, the New York State Council on the Arts, suspended her.
39:20 14.
39:23 Healthcare Karen
39:24 It's not every day a Karen tells on themselves.
39:28 It makes our job a little bit easier, though.
39:31 In 2021, worldwide events caused Karens in all fields to get weird.
39:37 One working at a medical center in Kentucky decided this was going to be the hill she
39:42 wanted to metaphorically perish on.
39:49 In a video posted by the TikTok account @journeyintruth, the woman is asked to leave the building.
39:56 She claims she hasn't resigned or been fired.
40:01 Well, seemingly one of those isn't correct.
40:07 In reality, the woman refused to comply with a vaccination mandate, meaning she could no
40:12 longer work there.
40:14 The head of security demands her and a fellow like-minded colleague's badge while she
40:18 flicks her foot about and refuses to comply.
40:32 13.
40:36 Corner Store Caroline
40:38 In 2018, a woman claims to have been assaulted by a young boy in a corner store in Brooklyn,
40:44 New York.
40:48 That's shocking and horrific, right?
40:54 In a video released online, we see the apparent victim, Teresa Klein, calling the cops on
41:00 the young family as the children cry.
41:03 However, her version of events were very, very wrong.
41:08 CCTV showed as the boy walked out of the store, his backpack lightly grazed her, clearly showing
41:15 him walking by, rushing out to leave with his family.
41:19 So she put this family through unnecessary stress over nothing.
41:24 She apologized to the falsely accused black child after the truth came out, but her words
41:28 were widely seen as insufficient.
41:38 There were talks of an investigation into her actions, and while she wasn't arrested,
41:43 she was mocked and called out.
41:46 12.
41:47 Marjorie Taylor Greene Fined
41:51 Even politicians can be Karens.
41:53 Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the most controversial figures in the US.
42:11 Greene refused to wear a mask in Congress, despite it being required.
42:15 She ignored this easy-to-follow mandate many times.
42:19 When a person breaks this House rule, they're fined $500 the first time, then $2,500 for
42:26 each following incident.
42:31 Usually, the amount is taken off the representative's salary.
42:37 In January 2022, Greene claimed she had been fined nearly $90,000 as a result of her ignoring
42:45 the directive.
42:46 Using math, that means she'd flouted the decree around 37 times at that point.
42:53 Yikes.
42:54 11.
42:55 Kat Karen Nobody likes to be told they can't do something,
43:00 but sometimes it's best to just listen and take the L.
43:03 In 2020, a woman arrived at the World Gym in New Taipei, Taiwan.
43:09 However, she wanted to bring her cat in with her.
43:13 We can only assume she needed a trusted spotter.
43:16 After attempting this numerous times in the past, and reportedly having her membership
43:20 taken away, she tried once more.
43:24 But this time, she used violent threats.
43:27 When still not getting her way, she took all her clothes off, stormed into the gym, and
43:34 began working out.
43:36 About 30 minutes later, the police arrived and arrested her after making sure she was
43:41 dressed.
43:42 10.
43:44 Armed Ken and Karen In 2020, as a group of George Floyd protesters
43:50 went through a private neighborhood in St. Louis, Missouri, all was fine.
43:55 Well, it was, until Patricia and Mark Thomas McCloskey came out of their house yelling
44:01 and pointing firearms at the protesters.
44:11 Due to their bizarre actions, the two were invited to appear at that year's Republican
44:16 National Convention, where they criticized the Black Lives Matter movement.
44:32 In 2021, the McCloskeys pled guilty to misdemeanor offenses.
44:36 This resulted in fines for the pair and the destruction of their notorious weapons.
44:41 Mark and Patricia McCloskey seemed happy as they walked out of court downtown today.
44:45 The pled guilty to misdemeanor offenses and will pay a nominal fine.
44:48 However, the Missouri Governor Mike Parson pardoned them.
44:53 In 2022, the Supreme Court of Missouri indefinitely suspended their law licenses, but then gave
44:59 them a year's probation instead.
45:03 9.
45:04 Ten Items or Jail For those of us that aren't keen on people,
45:10 self-checkouts and grocery shops are wonderful.
45:13 But sometimes, there are rules on using them.
45:16 In March 2023, Linda Yuka tried to go through one at an HEB store in Spring, Texas.
45:24 When she was denied the option because she had more than 10 items, an agitated Yuka left
45:29 the grocery store.
45:31 The employees were probably hoping this was the end of it, but no.
45:35 She then returned with a friend.
45:37 Yuka reportedly attacked a staff member and pulled her hair before hurrying away from
45:42 the scene.
45:43 The cops later tracked her down and charged her with assault.
45:46 As part of her bond, Yuka is banned from shopping at any HEB stores throughout Harris County.
45:54 8.
45:55 Starbucks Karen Ah, more anti-mask people.
46:05 In 2020, Amber Gillis posted an image on Facebook of Starbucks barista Lennon Gutierrez in San
46:12 Diego, California.
46:13 Saying quote, "Meet Lennon from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I'm not wearing
46:17 a mask.
46:18 Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption."
46:20 She claimed she was refused service for not wearing a mask, and she wasn't pleased.
46:27 And it didn't have quite the effect she was going for.
46:30 Instead, a GoFundMe page was created for Gutierrez to give him tips for standing up to Gillis.
46:40 He made this GoFundMe so other people could tip the barista, and it blew up.
46:44 Currently, it has over $105,000.
46:46 Well, Gillis wasn't happy.
46:49 In 2021, she decided to sue Matt Cohen, who created the GoFundMe page.
46:55 She claimed that a screenshot of her original post included in the fundraiser violated her
47:01 rights.
47:02 The suit was dismissed by a judge.
47:04 However, Gillis is appealing the decision.
47:09 7.
47:13 BBQ Becky
47:14 It's a video that launched a thousand memes.
47:18 In 2018, a group of people were enjoying the nice weather by having a barbecue at Lake
47:24 Merritt in Oakland, California.
47:26 Well, not on Jennifer Schultz's watch.
47:36 She told the group that they couldn't be there for a barbecue and that she apparently
47:41 owns the park.
47:42 She doesn't.
47:43 She then proceeds to call the police.
47:45 She even takes and refuses to give back one person's ID.
47:52 Eventually, the cops arrive with Schultz sobbing over the incident.
48:04 They assessed her for a psychiatric hold but felt she didn't fit the criteria.
48:14 After this event, Oakland residents came together at the site to have a large cookout, probably
48:19 causing Schultz a sleepless night with all those grilled goodies.
48:25 6.
48:26 San Fran Karen
48:28 In San Francisco in 2020, James Wanilo was stenciling a BLM message on his own wall.
48:35 But someone asks for his attention.
48:38 As he turns, he's greeted with one of the most terrifying expressions a person can have
48:43 in the shape of Lisa Alexander.
48:54 Wanilo is then told by her that he shouldn't do that on other people's property.
49:00 He plays along for a bit until Alexander states she knows the wall isn't his and she knows
49:05 the person whose it is.
49:10 Uh-oh.
49:11 Wanilo then goads them into calling the cops, which they do.
49:16 After the video went viral, Alexander apologized for calling the police.
49:20 Several companies also cut ties with the skincare firm she's CEO of.
49:30 5.
49:32 Extinguisher Scene
49:36 In January 2023, Jennifer Holder was at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
49:43 After allegedly dipping on paying the bill at Buffalo Wild Wings, she attempted to enter
49:49 a secure door.
49:50 A big no-no, especially in an airport.
49:54 When she was confronted by staff, Holder grabbed a fire extinguisher and went on a rampage,
50:00 spraying employees and passengers with the chemicals as she wandered around.
50:09 Eventually, the police managed to arrest her.
50:14 But not before they were kicked and spat on by Holder.
50:18 Several airport staff even required medical attention for breathing in the extinguisher
50:23 spray.
50:24 Holder faces several charges, including assault and obstructing law enforcement.
50:30 4.
50:31 Permit Patty
50:32 In 2018 in San Francisco, 8-year-old Jordan Rogers was saving up to afford to go to Disneyland.
50:47 This entrepreneur did this by selling cold bottled water on the street, right outside
50:52 her house, for $2.
50:54 Well, because people hate plucky kids apparently, Allison Eddle decided to intervene.
51:01 In a video, she is shown calling the cops on Rogers for not having a permit.
51:17 Eddle claims the yelling about the water being for sale for hours on end is what drove her
51:23 to make the harsh decision.
51:25 After the video was uploaded, Eddle was nicknamed "Permit Patty" by the wonderful internet.
51:30 Due to the backlash, she was later forced to resign as CEO of TreatWell Health.
51:44 3.
51:46 Non-Flying Senator
51:48 Sometimes, US Senators like to think of themselves as untouchable.
51:59 Well in 2021, Alaska State Senator Laura Reinbold learned that this isn't always the case.
52:06 She was videoed at Juneau International Airport, arguing with staff over their mask rules.
52:12 In a classic Karen move, whenever a member of staff asked her to wear it properly, she
52:17 wrote down their name for daring to question her authority.
52:27 Later on, Reinbold called it "mask tyranny".
52:31 With all the online backlash to the video, Alaska Airlines stated they told Reinbold
52:36 she's no longer allowed to fly with them.
52:46 As a result, she's asked to be excused from legislative sessions until next year since
52:51 traveling was now a nightmare for her.
52:55 Whoops!
52:56 2.
52:57 Mother and Son Karen
52:59 Sometimes, being a Karen can be a family affair.
53:04 And that was the case in 2021 in Tennessee.
53:07 Johnny Martinez, who was doing his job checking vehicle permits in a residential building's
53:12 car park, was accosted by mother and son, Bitsy and Edward Brennan.
53:26 They demanded to see his ID and stated he shouldn't be there.
53:31 Martinez refuses to go along with their antics.
53:35 Out of nowhere, Edward attacks Martinez since he's recording on his phone.
53:45 Bitsy then calls the cops.
53:47 Edward then tries to gaslight the video camera by claiming he never touched Martinez.
53:53 Right.
53:55 In the aftermath, Edward was served with an arrest warrant for assault and Bitsy was fired
53:59 as an investment broker at UBS.
54:11 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
54:16 about our latest videos.
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54:27 1.
54:28 Central Park Karen In 2020, Christian Cooper went to watch birds
54:34 in New York's Central Park.
54:36 But he spots namesake Amy Cooper with an unleashed dog, which they need to be in that area.
54:43 So Christian asks her to put a leash on the pup.
54:46 Instead of realizing her mistake and being sorry, she goes all Sith and refuses.
54:52 Christian records the scary part where she announces that she'll call the cops and
54:57 recklessly claim "an African-American man is threatening my life" when he was doing
55:07 no such thing.
55:09 It's also really distressing seeing her yank her dog's collar all over the place.
55:13 After the video came out, Franklin Templeton Investments fired Amy.
55:18 She was also charged with several crimes, but those charges were later dropped.
55:35 Have you experienced the wrath of a Karen out in public?
55:39 Let us know in the comments.
55:54 .
56:01 (upbeat music)