The New York Giants once had the look of a competitive team

  • last year
00:00 team.
00:01 Like so what exactly do they have going for them?
00:05 Now listen man, full disclosure, I thought the New York Giants were going to be a competitive
00:09 team this year.
00:10 I thought they were going to be good.
00:11 I've always been a Daniel Jones believer.
00:14 But you know, whatever, I'm smart enough like Ross Perot once said, and I'm sure a lot of
00:20 people are like Ross who?
00:21 Ross what?
00:22 Ross Perot was like a rich oil man and he ran for president years ago.
00:27 How long?
00:28 20, you know, 25 years, 25, 30 years ago, whatever.
00:33 And he was, he was in the race.
00:34 It was a great line ever.
00:35 He was in the race and he dropped out, but he came back into the race.
00:40 And I remember he was on Larry King show and Larry said, so Ross, why'd you change your
00:44 mind?
00:45 You're back in the election.
00:46 He said, Larry, I learned a long time ago that only dead and dumb people don't change
00:50 their minds.
00:52 And it was a line that stuck with me.
00:54 Only dumb and dead people don't change their minds.
