Why parents should be thinking about daylight saving time now

  • last year
Doctors say now is the time for parents to begin building routines with their kids to help them adjust to the time change.
00:00 Falling back can be tough on everyone,
00:02 especially young children.
00:03 So I know that parents tend to get a
00:06 little stressed when they're thinking
00:07 about daylight savings. What it's going
00:09 to do to their children's sleep patterns.
00:12 Are they going to be sleeping less?
00:14 How is that going to affect their lives?
00:17 Doctors say there are ways parents can
00:19 help make the time change easier for kids
00:22 in the days leading up to daylight.
00:24 Saving time gradually adjusts their bedtime.
00:26 So if your child is normally going to bed
00:29 at 7 PM in the fall.
00:31 Maybe for the week before or
00:33 make at least four nights before,
00:35 I would say move that bedtime.
00:37 Delay it by 15 minutes.
00:39 So instead of seven,
00:40 we're talking 715, 730, 745,
00:42 8 PM and then when the clock changes
00:44 that 8 PM becomes 7 PM again.
00:47 If your child may be having a
00:49 hard time falling asleep,
00:50 help them relax before they get into bed.
00:53 I always recommend no screen time
00:55 for at least 30 minutes.
00:57 Probably a little bit more than
00:59 that closer to an hour before bed
01:01 so that kids brains have a chance
01:03 to calm down. I think it also helps
01:06 to be in a room without bright
01:08 lighting. You should also avoid
01:10 changing any other aspects of
01:11 their bedtime routines.
01:12 So if you're switching bedrooms or
01:14 you're taking a child from a crib to
01:17 a bed or you're doing other major
01:19 changes, I might delay that until
01:21 you've re established the regular
01:23 bedtime schedule when the time
01:24 switches. Be patient.
01:25 Your child may be extra worried
01:27 your child may be extra cranky
01:29 from sleep deprivation,
01:30 which can make you cranky as well.
01:32 Just remember that these effects
01:34 are short lived and should pass
01:35 within a week or two for Accuweather.
01:38 I'm Emmy Victor.
01:39 [no audio]
