How is Alabama preparing for the 12th Man

  • last year
How is Alabama preparing for the 12th Man
00:00 >> Players on offense this week emphasize how important it's gonna be to communicate
00:03 on the road.
00:04 How have you seen that side of the ball handle that through practice?
00:07 >> Well, I think the big day for that is, it's really important.
00:11 We've been emphasizing it all week, but
00:13 tomorrow's always the day that we practice with noise.
00:17 I know the center's in the quarterback support a little bit extra on that,
00:23 with noise this week.
00:25 But tomorrow will be the day that we need to really go through the whole practice and
00:31 be able to deal with noise in the net.
00:34 That's really when you can see how much it's gonna impact players.
00:38 So, and we've had some issues with the snap counts,
00:42 hopefully that's not gonna be a problem for us and we'll get that resolved.
00:47 >> When you face a team with a pass rush like this,
00:49 how much of it is adapting what you guys do on offense?
00:51 And then how much of it is just kinda speeding up the clock and kinda-
00:55 >> Well, I think it's a combination of both.
00:57 I think we gotta do a much better job of having a firm pocket and
01:02 protecting the quarterback.
01:04 I think it's really good pass rushers.
01:06 And I also think it's important that we get the ball out of our hands on time so
01:10 that we don't give them an opportunity to affect us.
01:15 So it's really a combination of both.
01:19 And it's a combination of receivers getting open, playing fast, so
01:24 that we can make good decisions about what we do and how we get rid of the ball.
01:29 Okay, that's all I have for now.
01:30 Thank you.
01:31 >> Thank you.
