How To Get Out Of A Date!

  • last year
Dani Jackel | Dirt With Dani
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Mango shotta make ya holla.
00:05 - Welcome back to Dirt With Dani.
00:08 My name is Dani Jackal and tonight I'm at Backyard
00:10 in Fort Lauderdale and I'm gonna be asking people
00:12 what is the best way to leave a date?
00:14 I know that the best way to leave a date
00:15 is to go get more mango shotta,
00:17 which is a new sweet mango and spicy jalapeno tequila drink
00:20 that you'll absolutely love.
00:21 Enjoy the video.
00:22 What is the best way to leave a date?
00:23 - I'm like, listen, you're sweet, this was nice,
00:26 but no, and you're paying.
00:29 Like, I still got ready for this.
00:30 - What's the best way to get out of a date
00:32 that you haven't been to yet?
00:33 - Just be like, yo, I'm in a car accident,
00:35 my car got messed up, I can't make it, that's a good one.
00:38 I got a dog, my dog got diarrhea, my dog is vomiting.
00:41 Or family emergency, always work.
00:43 It's always gonna go to grandma, grandma, grandpa.
00:46 - Not where we're starting with the family emergencies,
00:48 we start at the grandparents.
00:49 - I got a car accident.
00:50 - You work your way down.
00:51 - I go car accident, dog, family emergency.
00:55 - Got it.
00:56 - Car accident, dog, family emergency.
00:59 - I got it, yeah.
01:00 - Grandma '98.
01:01 I love you, grandma, but that's a lot of years on Earth.
01:03 - What is the best way to leave a date?
01:05 - Ghost them, I don't give a (beep)
01:07 Why would I care about a man's feelings ever?
01:10 - What's the best way to get out of a date
01:13 before it's happened?
01:14 - You gotta be truthful, you gotta say,
01:15 hey, this is not working out.
01:16 - I added you on Snapchat and realized
01:18 you're not as hot as you are in your Instagram photos.
01:21 - Exactly.
01:21 - What's the best way to leave a date?
01:23 - Say, hey, do you need anything else from the bar?
01:25 And then leave.
01:26 It's like the Irish goodbye, except a little bit worse.
01:28 I call it the father's goodbye.
01:29 I'm gonna go get some milk.
01:31 - Shame.
01:34 - He said he was gonna get skim milk.
01:35 - You know what, maybe he said he was leaving for skim,
01:37 but he's gonna come back for almond, it's 2023.
01:39 - I'm waiting, dad.
01:40 - What's the best way to leave a date?
01:42 - One thing that happens quite often is like,
01:44 the waiter will flirt with my date,
01:46 like pretty blatantly in front of me.
01:48 - So they leave you, you don't leave them.
01:50 - Yeah, it's kind of, it's mutual.
01:52 We mutually leave each other
01:55 because I need somebody more dominant and so does she.
01:58 - What's the best way to get out of a date
02:00 before it's even started?
02:01 - You just gotta say, listen, not right now,
02:04 but maybe another time.
02:08 - I'm a little distracted by your friend here.
02:10 - Yeah, he'd be.
02:11 - Someone's had mango shot at it.
02:16 Oh my God, oh my God.
02:18 Okay.
02:19 What's the best way to leave a date?
02:23 - You don't even say bye, just walk out.
02:25 - So just be a (beep)
02:26 - Sometimes you gotta be a (beep)
02:27 - What's the best way to leave a date?
02:29 - To be nice.
02:30 - A little like OTPHJ and then get out of there?
02:32 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:33 - Question for you.
02:34 - Wait, hold on.
02:35 The first thing I wanna say is,
02:36 the best drink in the United States of America,
02:39 the mango shotta.
02:40 - I mean, I don't even need to ask you the question,
02:42 I think we just agree on the same thing.
02:44 - Yeah, right.
02:44 - But, since you're here,
02:46 what's the best way to leave a date?
02:47 - Just never even go on it.
02:49 - Why even find love
02:50 when you're already in love with mango shotta?
02:52 - Right, that's all you need in life.
02:54 - What's your best way to leave a date?
02:56 - Be like, this lasagna's got me (beep)
02:59 - Yeah, gotta drop a deuce.
03:01 - Yeah.
03:02 - What is the best way to leave a date?
03:04 - I'm gonna wrap up my half of the bill
03:06 and then I'm gonna leave.
03:07 - Mature.
03:08 - So, you trying to play rock, paper, scissors with me?
03:11 - What's up?
03:12 I'm good at rock, paper, scissors, though.
03:13 Are we doing rock, paper, scissors, say, shoot?
03:16 Or just rock, paper, scissors?
03:17 - Why are you making this so hard?
03:18 We're not playing rock, paper, scissors.
03:19 - Okay, we're gonna do rock, paper, scissors.
03:20 - What's the best way to leave a date?
03:22 - The spin move.
03:23 Just, if she's not with it, just hit a quick spin move
03:28 and don't look back, just go, block the number,
03:31 and just live your life.
03:32 - I still mad about the rock, paper, scissors
03:34 'cause I felt like I was gonna beat you.
03:35 - Yeah, well, I'm over it.
03:37 - What is the best way to get out of a date
03:40 before it even takes place?
03:41 - You just ghost.
03:42 I've been ghosted, I'll ghost.
03:44 - Is it Halloween 'cause it's ghosting season?
03:46 - Yeah, we're ghosting.
03:47 - What's the best way to leave a date?
03:48 - Pay that tab and get out.
03:50 - You're respectful.
03:51 - Yeah, I'm big boss.
03:51 - What's the best way to leave a date?
03:53 - I'm gonna say my mom calling me real quick.
03:55 I gotta go talk to her outside.
03:57 - You gotta answer mommy's orders.
03:58 - A little bit, something like that.
03:59 - Hey, good boy.
04:00 Okay, what's the best way to get out of a date
04:05 before it happens?
04:06 - Over usage of emojis.
04:08 It kills the vibes.
04:10 And I love to try and show how I'm feeling, you know?
04:13 Like, nothing better than like a little emoji, you know?
04:17 Like, oh, I'm blushing, I'm smirking.
04:19 But yeah, if you send too many emojis,
04:21 you're gonna get ghosted,
04:22 and that's a pretty good way to not go on the date.
04:26 - You don't get out of the dates,
04:27 they get out of your dates.
04:29 - Again, it's kind of mutual.
04:31 It's, yeah.
04:32 - Let's take a shot.
04:33 - Long live Dirt With Danny!
04:35 - Thank you guys so much for watching the video.
04:39 I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did,
04:40 please be sure to give it a big thumbs up, comment below,
04:42 subscribe, and follow me on the rest of my social platforms.
04:44 And don't forget to go drink Mango Shotta,
04:46 the new sweet mango, spicy jalapeno tequila drink
04:48 that you absolutely love.
04:49 Bye.
04:51 (upbeat music)
04:53 (upbeat music)
04:56 (upbeat music)
04:59 (upbeat music)