• last year


00:00 Wow, Kings, this is an amazing journey.
00:04 An unforgettable adventure.
00:06 Because, how can I say, it's really beautiful in Banggai Kepulauan.
00:10 Besides the clean sea, there's no trash,
00:14 the coral reef is right next to the surface.
00:16 It's really beautiful.
00:18 It feels like I'm on vacation, not an adventure.
00:22 It's amazing.
00:24 The coolest thing, in my opinion, is the fish.
00:28 Because, even though the fish are small,
00:31 there are a lot of them and the species are really varied.
00:36 It's really cool.
00:37 King of the Jungle!
00:39 Still in Banggai Kepulauan, Kings.
00:48 I'm actually on Bungin Island.
00:51 I want to explore and find animals that live in the ecosystem of the Bakau Forest like this.
00:57 What kind of animal is that?
00:59 You're curious, right?
01:00 Keep following my journey, Kings!
01:03 Kings, I'm on Bungin Island.
01:07 We're in one of the Bakau Forest, Kings.
01:10 You can see the topography here is really complicated.
01:14 It's really fun because there are grass here.
01:18 Beside it, there are roots that grow out.
01:21 Do you know what kind of roots are these?
01:23 It's obvious. Because this is the Mangrove Forest,
01:25 the Bakau Forest.
01:27 Because they're still small, you can't see the leaves yet.
01:30 When it's done, it'll look like this.
01:34 Like this, Kings.
01:36 It's amazing, right? We're going to find the animals and the myths around here in Bungin Island.
01:40 So, are you ready?
01:43 We're going to go around.
01:45 We have to go slowly.
01:46 Keep following me.
01:47 King of the Jungle!
01:50 Mangrove Forest is a forest that grows in the Bayau River.
01:56 It's influenced by the sea water.
01:59 The main function of Bakau Forest is to protect the shoreline from abrasion.
02:06 Or the erosion of the sea water.
02:09 And also to drown the big waves, Kings.
02:12 Oh, yeah.
02:13 You have to be careful when you're walking in Bakau Forest.
02:17 Because there are usually a lot of roots of this Bakau, Kings.
02:21 That has a crooked shape.
02:23 Like a pencil.
02:25 Okay, Kings. So, in this area,
02:28 There are a lot of locals that said that there's a Bakau crab.
02:32 So, I've been looking for it under the roots,
02:34 or behind the bushes.
02:36 Can we find the Bakau crab?
02:38 I haven't give up yet.
02:40 Keep following me.
02:41 Where is it?
02:46 Whoa, Kings. There's something moving, Kings.
02:48 Between the roots, in the water,
02:55 There's something. Don't step on it.
02:57 Let's get closer. Slowly.
02:59 I hope it won't run away.
03:01 Oh, my God. This is really huge, Kings.
03:04 Whoa! The crab is coming out!
03:07 Hello. Hello.
03:09 Look.
03:10 Hello, big guy.
03:14 Look. It's going to fight with me.
03:16 Hey. Whoa.
03:18 We have to be careful because the claws are really sharp, Kings.
03:22 I think I have to use both of my hands.
03:25 Okay, slowly.
03:28 Here it is, Kings.
03:30 Whoa!
03:31 Oh, my God. I was almost attacked by one of the claws.
03:36 Look. This is really huge, Kings.
03:38 Listen to the sound.
03:41 Oh, this is really huge. It's called the Kepiting Bakau, Kings.
03:44 They are from...
03:46 ...Sicila.
03:47 Wow, look at its mouth. It's moving.
03:49 Hello. I was almost attacked. But when I was lifted up, they were like...
03:53 ...a little bit...
03:54 ...scared of me, Kings.
03:56 Well, this Kepiting Bakau is usually consumed...
03:59 ...by the locals here.
04:01 And they said that the biggest one...
04:03 ...can reach 9 kg.
04:05 This one, I think, if I hold it, it's about 1 kg.
04:08 1.5 kg.
04:09 Wow.
04:10 That means that there are some that can reach 9 kg bigger than this one.
04:13 Whoa!
04:14 And the Kepiting is...
04:16 ...an arthropod, Kings.
04:18 So, it doesn't have a back bone.
04:20 Kings, the unique thing about this Kepiting Bakau...
04:23 ...is that it often digs the sand. Look, Kings. There's a lot of sand here.
04:26 They like to hide.
04:27 So, they hide under the sand.
04:30 And their color is like this. Look.
04:32 Is it similar?
04:33 It's similar to their ecosystem, right?
04:35 So that they can camouflage.
04:38 Whoa, it's crazy, Kings.
04:40 Look, Kings.
04:41 It's not coming off.
04:42 Oh, my god.
04:44 Oh, my god, Kings!
04:46 Imagine if your hand is like this.
04:48 It's so scary, right, Kings?
04:50 Uuuuh!
04:52 Look. It's feet are so big, Kings.
04:54 And they are different from the other Kepiting.
04:57 Because they live in the Bakau forest.
04:59 So, like this. They like to hide under the roots...
05:02 ...to find their food.
05:04 Which is the small fish.
05:06 Wow.
05:07 And the male, their abdomen is...
05:09 ...a bit...
05:11 ...like a triangle.
05:13 And the female is rounder.
05:15 Because it's for the eggs.
05:17 Cool, right?
05:18 So, this Kepiting Bakau...
05:20 ...they like to dig the sand like this, Kings.
05:23 Look.
05:24 It's going to walk sideways, right?
05:26 You know, Kepiting can't walk straight forward.
05:28 So, it's going to walk sideways like this.
05:31 Look. Wow.
05:33 And this Kepiting is for self-defense.
05:36 If someone is going to attack it like this, the Kepiting will...
05:39 ...get close.
05:41 It's going to run away.
05:43 Okay, okay, big guy.
05:45 Look.
05:46 Wow. So cool, right?
05:48 Let's continue our journey.
05:50 Kepiting Bakau.
05:51 Stay tuned on King of the Jungle.
06:00 The exploration of the nature of Kepulauan Banggai is still going on.
06:04 This time, I have to go through the rocky area...
06:07 ...and the track that I've been through.
06:10 No problem.
06:11 It's getting more and more exciting for me...
06:13 ...to go through all of it because I am...
06:16 ...King of the Jungle.
06:18 Even though the land that I've been through is rocky...
06:24 ...there are still a lot of plants and trees that grow here.
06:29 King, I think I found a lot of plants from there.
06:33 Let's go. We're almost there, King.
06:36 Wow, it seems like there are locals who are harvesting fruits.
06:45 Coincidentally, in April, the season of fruits in Kepulauan Banggai...
06:50 ...is harvested, King.
06:52 This is a jackfruit.
06:55 Look, King. There are a lot of jackfruit trees up there.
06:59 This jackfruit is as big as a duku, King.
07:03 Now, how do we know that this fruit is ripe?
07:05 -The color. -The color?
07:07 -The color. -What's the color?
07:09 -The yellowish one. -The yellowish one. That's why it's called 'Kuning Langsat'.
07:14 -Which one is it, Sir? -This one.
07:16 -This one? -This green one.
07:18 -This green one? -It's still ripe.
07:20 -And this one is yellowish. -It's still ripe.
07:22 It means that it's already ripe, King.
07:25 Let's open it.
07:27 -Which one is it, Sir? This one? -Yes.
07:28 -Can we open it? -Sure.
07:29 Let's open it.
07:31 Wow. Look, King.
07:33 Wow, it's so fresh.
07:36 This is Sulawesi's duku. It's called 'Langsat', King.
07:39 Look, the tree is like this.
07:41 I think I got it.
07:46 -This one is the ripe one, right? -Yes, the yellowish one.
07:49 This one.
07:50 Cool.
07:52 We got it, King.
07:55 This is mine, Sir. Please separate it.
07:57 Okay, King. We got it again, King.
08:03 Okay.
08:08 This is mine.
08:12 This is mine.
08:13 This one is also mine.
08:15 One more.
08:17 I'll take this one.
08:19 -For me to go home, okay? -Sure.
08:21 We're going to continue our journey.
08:23 King of the Jungle.
08:25 Thank you, Sir.
08:27 The beauty of the sea is like the island.
08:36 It's never ending.
08:39 And it makes me want to explore all the beautiful spots.
08:44 And the beauty that's here.
08:47 King! I'm at Bungin Island.
08:50 One of the most beautiful island that I've ever seen in my life.
08:53 Today, I want to explore the beauty of this island.
08:56 Especially the one that's under the sea.
08:58 There are a lot of exotic fish and crabs.
09:01 That we're going to explore, King.
09:03 I can't wait anymore. So, let's continue.
09:05 King of the Jungle.
09:15 This time, I have a special mission.
09:18 To meet with the real Indonesian fish.
09:23 And it can only be found in the waters of Bungin Island, King.
09:27 This fish usually lives in groups, King.
09:30 And it can be found in the calm waters.
09:33 With a depth of 0.5 to 2.5 meters.
09:44 Look at this, King!
09:45 A beautiful fish with a reddish color.
09:48 And also a black line that's missing.
09:51 A carp.
09:53 Or a cardinal fish.
09:56 Wow! Amazing, King!
09:59 We don't have to look for it for a long time.
10:01 I can meet with this special carp from Sulawesi Central Island, King!
10:13 Its unique, small and exotic body...
10:17 ...makes this cardinal fish popular among the sea aquarium lovers.
10:22 Look at this, King!
10:24 So beautiful, right?
10:26 Usually, this cardinal fish lives in symbiosis with the carp.
10:31 Because the black line on this cardinal fish's body...
10:34 ...is used to camouflage itself.
10:37 And smells like a carp.
10:40 So that it can protect itself from the predator's attack, King!
10:45 Wow, King! It's amazing!
10:53 But it's eating the energy, King!
10:56 So, I'm going to take a rest there.
10:58 I hope that when I'm resting, I can meet another animal.
11:01 Let's go!
11:04 [The next day]
11:06 King! I think I heard a voice from there.
11:14 It's curious about the voice that I heard from there.
11:17 Where is it?
11:19 Wow! There it is, King!
11:23 Do you see it? Let's get closer.
11:30 Wow! Yeah, King! Look!
11:33 Look! It's still alive!
11:35 It's coming here, right?
11:37 Let's try to help it.
11:39 Hey, what's wrong with you?
11:43 Wow, it's trapped, King!
11:45 Ah, here it is, King!
11:47 Wow!
11:49 This is so pitiful.
11:51 What kind of bird is this?
11:53 According to the locals, this is called...
11:56 ...Bangaw, King!
11:57 But Bangaw is a species from Bungin Island, King!
12:00 Look at the beak. It's amazing!
12:03 Well, this kind of trap is not for Bangaw, King!
12:06 But, it's for the bird that has the same size like this.
12:10 Which is called Sri Kakak.
12:12 It's usually a bird that is eaten. But this one is not, King!
12:15 Look! It's so beautiful! It's amazing!
12:17 There's a black feather on the back.
12:19 And there's a beak.
12:21 The yellow one is here. Look at the eyes.
12:24 Hey, bro! The belly is long.
12:26 Usually, Bangaw has long legs and a long belly.
12:29 Because they eat fish sometimes.
12:32 Wow, it's amazing!
12:35 I think we should help it to go back to its habitat.
12:40 So that you won't be trapped again, okay?
12:43 Left!
12:50 Pull it up!
12:51 Uh, right! Right!
12:56 Yes!
12:57 Okay, slowly!
13:00 Right!
13:01 There!
13:05 Here!
13:08 What is this?
13:12 Huh? This?
13:15 This?
13:16 Oh, no! This is called an exaggeration!
13:19 Your auntie often comes here. Why?
13:23 But, Dad, this is different.
13:25 Now, she lives with us.
13:28 No, no, no.
13:30 It's not decided yet.
13:34 Yes, Dad. It's okay if she lives with us.
13:38 She's the sister of Almarhumama.
13:41 And she has an online shop that sells so many funny things.
13:46 Auntie Bella!
13:51 Hi!
13:53 Let me see.
13:54 Auntie, the owner of the online shop is here.
13:57 No, no, no.
13:58 Hey, stop!
14:00 Hi!
14:11 Hello!
14:14 So, you really want to live in my house?
14:19 Listen, kids, remember this.
14:23 Not me.
14:24 And one more thing you have to remember.
14:26 Bella, I know exactly who you are.
14:29 Okay?
14:30 And I don't want to lose my stuff.
14:33 Then you upload it, put it in your online shop, and sell it.
14:37 You can't do that!
14:38 What's wrong with you?
14:39 Auntie!
14:40 Hi, Auntie. Where are you?
14:42 Oh, in front of the house.
14:44 In front of the house?
14:45 I'll open it.
14:48 What are you doing?
14:49 I'm taking a picture.
14:50 Who's that?
15:02 What's that?
15:04 Ah!
15:06 You!
15:07 Ow!
15:09 Ow!
15:11 [Music]
15:13 [Music]
15:41 [Laughter]
15:43 [Laughter]
15:44 [Music]
15:47 Ah, beautiful.
15:49 Oh, good.
15:51 Good, huh?
15:54 Come here!
15:57 This is a chain, you can't take a picture of it.
16:00 You can't upload it to your online shop and sell it.
16:03 You can't.
16:04 If you lose this, this is your business.
16:06 [Laughter]
16:07 Yes, I'm sorry, Dad.
16:10 [Laughter]
16:11 See, I told you.
16:17 No.
16:18 [Laughter]
16:20 Wake up.
16:27 You're a student, you should come to school in the morning.
16:31 Wake up.
16:32 Yes, I'm awake.
16:36 [Laughter]
16:38 [Laughter]
16:39 [Bell Rings]
16:51 [Laughter]
16:52 Yes, I'm awake.
17:00 I'm awake.
17:02 Yes, I'm taking a shower.
17:04 [Bell Rings]
17:05 I'm taking a shower.
17:08 [Laughter]
17:10 Eh?
17:22 Why is the toilet so wet?
17:25 It's normal, Auntie.
17:27 At least, we're taking a shower together.
17:30 Oh, no.
17:33 [Laughter]
17:34 Dad.
17:40 That's the online shop's store.
17:42 Yes, isn't it good?
17:43 It's good, but it's better if there's a model.
17:50 It's expensive to pay for a model now.
17:52 I can't afford it.
17:53 [Laughter]
17:55 Really?
17:56 I'm not expensive.
17:57 Do you want to be a model?
17:59 Of course, I want to be a model.
18:02 But, I can't be forced to do it.
18:05 Who wants to open the door?
18:07 Me, Sill.
18:08 No.
18:10 [Laughter]
18:11 Change your style, Sill.
18:13 A beautiful one.
18:14 So, you can do a lot of things.
18:16 [Laughter]
18:17 Yes.
18:29 [Laughter]
18:32 [Laughter]
18:33 Yes, one, two, three.
18:36 Yes.
18:37 What's this?
18:39 You're smiling.
18:40 I'm smiling.
18:41 [Laughter]
18:42 You can do it.
18:44 This is trending, Dad.
18:46 What's trending?
18:48 This is called a duck face.
18:49 Bella, because you're here, my daughter is getting more and more beautiful.
18:54 [Laughter]
18:55 You're cool, N.
18:56 Let's take another picture, honey.
18:59 No, no.
19:00 No lips.
19:01 No lips.
19:02 No lips.
19:03 No lips.
19:04 Yes.
19:05 [Laughter]
19:06 Dad, you're going to pay with a card, right?
19:11 Yes, one, please.
19:12 Two.
19:14 Okay, I'll take two.
19:15 That's all.
19:17 Thank you.
19:18 Wait.
19:21 What did you just pay?
19:22 I paid Cecil's holder to be a model.
19:25 I should've taken only one.
19:26 But, she took two.
19:28 You can transfer it to me.
19:30 It's 30,000.
19:32 Okay?
19:33 Cecil!
19:34 [Laughter]
19:35 Cecil.
19:40 Return the holder.
19:45 Here.
19:46 Cecil.