Nick Saban says the Tide's win over the Aggies was a personal record

  • last year
Nick Saban says the Tide's win over the Aggies was a personal record
00:00 >> Coach, I wanna ask you two things.
00:02 First, how big was the safety in the fourth quarter?
00:04 And secondly, you mentioned some bad news.
00:07 Did you already bring that up with the penalties?
00:08 >> Yeah, I brought it up with the penalties and mismanaging and all that.
00:13 So this may be the record game for
00:17 me in terms of messing up and still winning.
00:24 >> [LAUGH] >> That'd be a record.
00:26 Did you take the mess ups and the penalties and you add them all together?
00:30 But then you look at the other side of that is, what kind of resiliency and
00:36 ability to overcome adversity does somebody have?
00:39 When you're talking about the kind of competitive spirit you have on your team,
00:42 which I'd take that any day, cuz we can fix it.
