Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt Reveal How Their Taylor Swift Friendship Began

  • last year
Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt Reveal How Their Taylor Swift Friendship Began


00:00 >> A little throwback to 2006
00:03 when we first met Heidi and
00:05 Spencer Pratt on the hit reality
00:07 show "The hills."
00:08 >> They are joining us now.
00:10 Please welcome Heidi and
00:11 Spencer.
00:11 >> Thank you.
00:12 >> You were right about people
00:14 in L.A. Being -- it's funny
00:16 because I just saw Spencer.
00:17 We were both at a "Jurassic
00:19 park" live show with our kids.
00:21 Life comes at you fast.
00:22 Your little boy was a lot of
00:23 fun.
00:23 That was wild, right?
00:24 >> Yeah, that was -- he could
00:25 have lived there.
00:26 He was a little upset you didn't
00:28 get the -- what was that?
00:29 >> The snow cones.
00:30 All of a sudden I got snow cones
00:32 for everybody.
00:33 I forgot to get them.
00:34 >> Oh, man.
00:35 >> Don't worry, son.
00:36 You got the little shark thing.
00:38 >> All he kept saying is why
00:39 didn't he buy that toy for his
00:41 son?
00:41 I was like, oh, my gosh, Gunnar.
00:43 >> The thing that like jabbed the
00:45 dinosaurs.
00:46 He was a little upset about that.
00:48 >> It's like $300 there.
00:49 >> I know.
00:50 Save your money.
00:51 That clip.
00:52 You guys were cute watching you
00:53 watch that.
00:54 Does it feel like that much time
00:55 has passed?
00:56 >> It does and doesn't.
00:57 I mean, oh, so handsome.
00:59 >> So good of Don Antonio's for
01:01 those skinny margaritas a lot.
01:03 You still have that booth.
01:04 >> That's cool.
01:05 >> But it is funny watching a
01:07 time capsule and flashing back
01:08 to that moment.
01:09 So it is a nice touchstone.
01:11 >> Yeah, it's kind of like you
01:13 have really cool home videos
01:15 from your past.
01:16 >> Yeah.
01:17 >> Like a photo album.
01:18 >> And now cut to, you all have
01:20 a podcast, spidey's 16th minute.
01:23 Clever title.
01:24 What are the things you cover
01:25 there?
01:26 >> Heidi is just the face of the
01:28 podcast.
01:29 Feel free to tell her.
01:31 >> I think it's a great place
01:33 for us to really go into the
01:34 depths of Hollywood and kind of
01:36 behind the scenes and BTS and we
01:38 like to get more insiders in the
01:40 business too and people who are
01:41 in the industry.
01:42 So it's just kind of a sneak
01:44 peek and also extending our
01:46 15th minute of fame into 16.
01:48 So it's a little pun on that as
01:50 well.
01:51 >> Any of the hills people
01:52 coming on?
01:53 >> Most of them are pretty
01:54 boring.
01:55 You know.
01:56 We're trying to get like
01:58 interesting, relevant people,
01:59 you know, like yourselves.
02:01 >> Yeah, we'd love to have you.
02:03 >> What about Taylor swift?
02:05 >> We definitely e-mailed.
02:07 Haven't gotten a response.
02:08 >> Tell me about this
02:10 friendship.
02:11 I had no idea.
02:12 >> Well, it was a closer
02:14 imaginary friendship before, you
02:16 know, the heiress tour.
02:17 We were more reputation, you
02:19 know, imaginary friends.
02:21 But we were just like, you know,
02:23 we're just like friends.
02:25 >> You manifested it.
02:26 >> She did have us come to the
02:28 reputation concert at the --
02:31 was it the rose bowl?
02:33 And we went backstage into the
02:34 dress room.
02:35 She held our baby at the time.
02:37 >> Before the show.
02:38 It was so great.
02:39 >> Very -- I mean, there's
02:40 100,000 people waiting.
02:41 I'm like, you got to go on
02:43 stage.
02:44 And she was just so down to
02:45 earth and magical.
02:46 And then she sent tickets to --
02:48 well, she also sent all these,
02:50 you know, cardigan and a sweater,
02:52 all these amazing things over
02:53 the past couple years.
02:55 >> That's awesome.
02:56 >> You know, definitely --
02:57 >> How did the friendship start?
02:59 >> That's a great question.
03:01 I think that we met her years
03:03 ago with -- when she was with
03:05 Taylor latner, right, and cut.
03:07 And so we, you know, met her
03:09 that one time.
03:10 And then it kind of started with
03:12 the reputation tour.
03:13 And Spencer was obsessed with
03:14 that look what you made me do
03:15 song and doing it every day and
03:17 every day.
03:18 And her people found out about
03:19 it.
03:20 He still does it every morning.
03:21 >> For seven years.
03:22 >> Our little ten-month-old
03:23 starts moving.
03:24 >> So, you know, now that song
03:26 is getting the love that it
03:27 deserves.
03:28 People weren't seeing it.
03:29 >> Finally.
03:30 >> That's funny.
03:31 Clearly she was a fan of the
03:32 show.
03:33 And that's kind of cool that
03:34 she's so sweet.
03:35 I love hearing these kinds of
03:36 stories.
03:37 >> I think she's one of the
03:38 nicest, most down to earth.
03:39 >> She's so sweet.
03:40 >> I love her mom.
03:41 >> Love her mom.
03:42 >> Nice.
03:43 >> Oh, my gosh.
03:44 >> I like that on your podcast
03:45 you all talk about a lot of
03:46 debates, fun debates.
03:47 I love me a debate.
03:48 Heidi, you said on the podcast
03:49 if you were cast in a movie and
03:51 had to kiss someone, you
03:52 wouldn't do it and you wouldn't
03:53 want Spencer to do it either
03:55 because you think it's a form of
03:56 cheating, correct?
03:57 >> Well --
03:58 >> Hot cake.
03:59 >> I think if you marry an
04:01 actor and that's what you know
04:02 you're in for, then that's
04:03 great.
04:04 But I didn't marry an actor and
04:05 I'm not capable of that.
04:06 So if you are capable of that,
04:08 then that is great and you can
04:09 detach.
04:10 But I'm not at this moment.
04:12 >> That makes sense.
04:13 >> And if a really big show
04:14 came, we could re-talk about it.
04:16 >> That's what you keep saying.
04:17 >> I'm not at this moment.
04:18 >> You could re-talk about it.
04:19 >> She got the script in front
04:21 of her.
04:22 >> I'll be the stand-in.
04:24 I'm kind of with you.
04:25 It would be hard to watch your
04:27 husband on screen.
04:28 >> You didn't sign up for that.
04:30 >> Right.
04:31 >> I know you're acting but wow,
04:33 that looked really --
04:34 >> You really got into that.
04:36 You got an extra hand in there.
04:38 >> You got to see how close the
04:40 mouth is, how close it is.
04:42 >> You see Hollywood and there's
04:44 a lot of couples come and go and
04:46 I wonder if part of it is
04:47 >> That's another thing.
04:48 How long have you been together
04:50 now?
04:51 >> We've been married for 15
04:52 years.
04:53 >> That's awesome.
04:54 >> 17 years we've been together.
04:56 >> Good for you.
04:57 That's awesome to hear.
04:58 >> No kissing in my house.
05:00 Keeping it together.
05:01 >> Not even a big kisser.
05:03 >> That's true.
05:04 >> I wouldn't even want that in
05:05 the script.
05:06 >> What surprises you all today
05:08 about how other people are
05:09 finding their fame?
05:11 >> It's a different level and a
05:13 different world for sure.
05:15 >> Yeah.
05:16 >> Everything is --
05:17 >> Good luck.
05:18 It was hard before but now my
05:21 mom's famous.
05:22 Everyone has an iPhone.
05:24 >> That wasn't around really.
05:26 >> Twitter just -- now X.
05:28 Twitter just come out at the end
05:30 of the hills.
05:31 >> At the end, right.
05:32 >> It was a tweet only.
05:34 You couldn't film yourself.
05:35 >> We do talk about that on our
05:37 podcast.
05:38 The hills and that era was the
05:40 end of everybody having the same
05:42 thing that they were watching.
05:44 Now it's so fragmented.
05:45 You have tiktok and social media
05:47 and all the streaming platforms.
05:49 Before it was everybody is
05:51 watching this one form of
05:53 television.
05:54 So it's different.
05:55 >> Not only that, you also
05:56 didn't get distracted like when
05:57 you were out in the club, you
05:59 had to talk to each other.
06:01 Not everybody was here.
06:02 >> Filming you.
06:03 >> Exactly.
06:04 Everybody would have to hang
06:05 out.
06:06 >> I always say like -- I'm not
06:08 going to say any swifties are
06:10 like this but I wonder how many
06:12 people go to stuff that are
06:14 just going to get the content or
06:16 be part of the like -- I always
06:18 film myself.
06:19 You can't use me.
06:21 But these people that just do
06:23 stuff just for the -- which I
06:25 love people getting famous.
06:27 >> It will be funny to see what
06:29 your kids are into.
06:30 They're so young.
06:31 >> Our older son is 6.
06:33 Now when he gets a toy or
06:35 whatever, he'll be dead serious.
06:37 He watches unboxings on
06:39 YouTube.
06:40 It's like put it on my -- he's
06:42 like put it on my channel.
06:44 >> It's hard to blow up now.
06:48 >> That's funny, man.
06:50 >> Congrats on everything.
06:52 Most importantly the family.
06:54 I hope you brought us some
06:56 crystals.
06:57 >> We did.
06:58 >> You can listen to Heidi and
07:00 Spencer's podcast on Spotify.
07:02 Another podcast platform.
07:03 We'll be right back, everybody.
07:05 >> I'm so excited to be back on
07:07 the show.
07:08 >> I'm so excited to be back on
07:10 the show.
07:15 >> I'm so excited to be back on
07:17 the show.
07:18 >> I'm so excited to be back on
07:20 the show.
