Georgia Tech Beats Miami: Coordinator Shoulders Blame

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 Then Saturday night happened when the Miami Kings lost to Georgia Tech on a non-neal on
00:12 the last drive, the fumble on a handoff.
00:15 Now Shannon Dawson, late this afternoon, the offensive coordinator who no one's ever heard
00:19 of until I just said his name, is now falling on the sword saying he called the ill-fated
00:24 non-neal handoff and fumble.
00:28 It was his fault.
00:29 He takes the blame.
00:30 No one cares about you, Shannon.
00:32 No one knows you until I said your name.
00:35 So Cristobal and the Kings, this guy fumbles, and then in two plays, like the Steelers yesterday,
00:42 pickens twice, a 30-yard rope, and then the bomb.
00:46 It was the same thing, a 30-yard rope and then a bomb, and they lose to Georgia Tech
00:52 at Hard Rock.
00:53 I haven't slept since.
00:56 And I haven't slept either.
00:57 Especially when you look at the replay and you see four hurricane defensive backs running
01:03 the other way and letting the guy who ultimately scored the touchdown be in there alone with
01:08 0.02 on the clock.
01:12 It was, and we were just talking off camera, right, what is the most bizarre University
01:17 of Miami football innings.
01:18 It's the 84, Flutie, Hail Mary maybe, or a couple of others, but nothing like this because
01:24 this was not only victory.
01:26 Victory was wrapped up, right?
01:27 You go to bed and then you say, "Oh my God, luckily I was going to get to sleep tonight."
01:32 The Dolphins win helped the sleep a little bit.
01:34 So wait, you were at the Dolphins game against the Giants, and you're up there in the suites.
01:40 What were all the rich people saying?
01:44 Everybody was unbelievable.
01:45 That was all they were talking about.
01:46 And then apparently there was a tweet about how this had happened at the University of
01:50 Oregon.
01:51 I didn't see it yet because I don't want to start piling on, but this is not the first
01:55 time.
01:56 So I'm going to pile on, pile on, pile on because I heard this is not the first time.
02:00 That's all they were talking about.
02:01 Well, I thought he was a moron, and not only with how it was handled, but I thought he
02:06 was even worse in the press conference.
02:08 At the end, he's like, "All right, we should have taken a knee."
02:13 Thanks so much for letting us in on that little plan.
02:18 It was so embarrassing.
02:20 I don't know, frankly, if he'll ever live it down.
02:26 But here's the thing for a Miami fan coming into the next few weeks.
02:30 North Carolina next week.
02:31 You got Clemson.
02:32 Who knows how good they are.
02:33 Yeah.
02:34 All right.
02:35 Clemson, Florida State.
02:36 Right?
02:37 Lost.
02:38 Louisville.
02:39 Lost.
02:40 All right.
02:41 You got Virginia.
02:42 You're going to see what happens to Miami after that loss.
02:45 It's all over.
02:46 Their season's over.
02:47 Yeah.
02:48 You got Virginia and North Carolina State.
02:49 North Carolina State may be a loss, too.
02:51 Win-win.
02:52 All right.
02:53 Fine.
02:54 Congratulations.
02:55 That's it for the headlines with North Carolina this week.
02:57 No benefit of the doubt.
02:58 I thought it would boycott.
03:00 We'll see.
03:01 Sunday was the first day that Cilio didn't wear his Canes shirt on the halftime report
03:06 on Sunday's NFL Pain Day broadcast.
03:08 Yeah.
03:09 He was the first day he didn't wear all Canes.
03:11 He was like a normal human being, and he was livid.
03:17 (upbeat music)
