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Trying TikTok Life Hacks to see if they work! Today we’re trying out some diy life hacks! Leave a Like if you enjoyed! Watch the last tik tok hacks https://youtu.be/XAZJiyOxMEc Subscribe to join the Wolf Pack and enable notifications! http://bit.ly/SubSSSniperWolf
00:00 All right, we're gonna take this plate in.
00:02 Wait a second. Wait a second! Do you see this?
00:06 Hello friends, it's me.
00:08 And today we're gonna be testing out TikToks to see if they actually work.
00:12 The internet just told me to put ice cream flour and baking powder in a baking dish with sprinkles on top and put it in
00:18 the oven at 350 for 45 minutes. Let's see what happens.
00:21 It's rising.
00:23 I just turned ice cream into bread.
00:25 The melted ice cream baked like a cake. Why has nobody figured this out until now?
00:30 I know she calling it bread, but it got sprinkles. So i'm gonna call it a cake. I mean, what is ice cream?
00:35 Cream, sugar, sometimes it got some eggs. So if you put it with flour and you bake it, cake!
00:40 And it looks delicious too! Ice cream flavored cake? We making this now.
00:45 This is Mr. Bones. He requires a bag of avocados and a sacrum to keep him in place. Quite the fella.
00:52 Hello, how do you do? He's dead. Guess you tried to cut their bangs again.
00:56 I'm so excited to be making this cake.
00:59 So I've been looking up recipes. We're gonna make them in these two teeny tiny little pans. A loaf in both.
01:03 Some vanilla ice cream. I actually have a ton of ice cream in my freezer.
01:07 But I think vanilla with sprinkles is just gonna be the most delicious.
01:12 A dentist told me it was okay to open things with my teeth.
01:16 Oh, the best flavor. Fun fact.
01:18 I'm really good at cooking, but i'm really bad at baking because I refuse to measure things.
01:23 Oh, I think we should melt this. A few moments later.
01:27 So I believe the recipe goes two parts ice cream, one part flour, and a tiny bit of baking soda.
01:34 I'm gonna put half the amount of flour that I put ice cream and then we just go mix it up.
01:39 I'm gonna make this two ways. There's another way to do it except you add an egg.
01:42 This looks like the perfect pancake batter. You can probably make pancakes out of this.
01:47 *Spraying*
01:49 Should we spray our pan?
01:51 *Screaming*
01:53 Spray our pan.
01:55 *Screaming*
01:57 My oil busted all over the ground. I just cleaned the floors.
01:59 That is some good looking batter. Some sprinkles.
02:06 Oops!
02:09 I'm going to make the other flavor. Turtle cheesecake or caramel butter pecan. I think a turtle cheesecake.
02:16 *Laughs*
02:17 This has been in my freezer for a while. This is that healthy ice cream. Halo top. It's so crumbly. Wow.
02:23 The healthy ice cream just don't hit. The same as this. We shall see who cakes better. Guys,
02:31 I put this in the microwave and it literally does not melt. It just kind of crumbles. I'm scared.
02:37 I feel like it should be more of a liquid. This is really suspicious.
02:41 It's been like two minutes and it's still not a liquid. It's kind of like a paste.
02:46 Guys, I don't know about this one, but we're still gonna try to cake it, okay?
02:53 Just a dash of baking powder. We're gonna add an egg to this one. This one needs some help.
02:59 It low-key kind of tastes like cardboard.
03:00 I don't like the idea of adding an egg to this. You might as well make a cake from scratch.
03:04 Just buy a box cake. The idea of this hack is supposed to be simplicity.
03:09 The simpler, the better. Ain't nobody got time to make a cake these days.
03:12 I want to melt ice cream, put those sprinkles on it, put it in the oven, and have cake.
03:16 I got no hope for this one. Please excuse my pan that I've never washed that I've been using for the past 10 years.
03:21 It's a good pan. I use it for my cookies and my salmon. Pop it in the oven for 350 degrees. It's done when it's done.
03:28 [Music]
03:30 Sick cake! It is complete. I think I overbaked this. One of them kind of jiggled.
03:44 I didn't put a timer. I kind of forgot about them.
03:47 Hey, this is like puffed up a second ago. It's like deflating before my eyes. This kind of looks good.
03:54 Oh, she's sturdy. Or maybe she's just overcooked. Gotta let these cool down.
03:58 These are two very sad looking loaves. This one kind of looks like a grave.
04:04 Mr. Barlow's look. Why is there a hole here? Okay, this kind of looks pretty good.
04:10 These are all those sprinkles I put on it. It basically crumbled apart. I'm just gonna rip off a piece.
04:14 Oh my god. Oh my god!
04:21 [Music]
04:23 That is actually delicious. This is so good.
04:29 Even though I kind of like overbaked it, it doesn't look the best, but it tastes delicious.
04:34 This is actually better than most cakes I've made. No egg necessary?
04:39 I'm gonna be nibbling on this. I'm kind of afraid to try this one. I feel like it needs something here.
04:45 Ugh, the texture is like pudding. Ew.
04:49 [Crunching]
04:51 It doesn't taste that bad, but it's a texture issue.
04:54 It's moist. It's a little too moist. Sus. It doesn't taste bad though.
04:59 If you like very spongy cake, and remember this is the healthier option.
05:03 This is that low calorie ice cream. Would not recommend though. The other one, fire.
05:08 I reacted to this in another video where you put a marshmallow into a microwave and it's supposed to grow.
05:15 You know, I've tried this before but it didn't get that big. It almost like doubled in size. But look at this.
05:20 Look at this marshmallow-osity.
05:22 It looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy's head served on a platter. I need it.
05:27 Now. Oh the things I would do to that. I've been waiting for this moment. Who's the microwave?
05:33 Yeah, my microwave is down here. I designed my kitchen by the way, and I wanted the microwave to be down here. All right.
05:40 Please ignore me in the background. I want to see this marshmallow. My monstermallow. It's gonna be a monster mellow. Oh, it's growing.
05:47 It's getting bigger right before my very eyes. It's gonna grow even more.
05:52 Even more. Grow baby, grow.
05:55 Oh, it is getting bigger.
05:57 Wow, been like 30 seconds. We're gonna keep going. I hope it doesn't explode.
06:01 I don't think it's getting any bigger. And maybe we should massage it before putting it in. Okay, it's starting to brown.
06:06 I'm gonna, i'm taking this out. Oh, the whole house smells like a marshmallow. Oh, it's slimy.
06:10 It's slightly toasted. Oh, no, the plate is almost on fire.
06:13 Whoa.
06:15 Ah!
06:15 What is that? Why is it brown on the inside? Oh, oh, it's deflated.
06:20 Oh, oh my goodness, it tastes like a shmore.
06:25 Oh, i'm gonna put two. Look at these. Look at these. They literally shrunk again. It's not even like satisfying.
06:33 I thought it would jiggle a little more. You feel me?
06:36 If you are looking for a healthy alternative to candy or sour patch kids, this dude made some sour candy grapes. That sounds delicious.
06:44 So you take grapes, put some lime juice in it, mix it up, add some sugar-free jello powder,
06:49 and then sprinkle the packet on top and then you freeze them. Look at that.
06:53 Where does the protein come from? Does jello have protein? I don't know, but that looks delicious.
06:58 Also, I love grapes. Let's try this.
07:01 I had to wash my bowl. I simply refuse to use more than one bowl for this hack video.
07:05 My kitchen is clean. Let's keep it that way. Right, Mr. Bones?
07:08 Nothing like a man who doesn't talk back. These grapes are a little suspicious. I bought these yesterday.
07:15 I thought Costco had the good grapes. I hate it when they sell them in the packaging.
07:19 I like to personally squeeze my grapes, make sure they're hard before I commit to buy.
07:24 Okay, i'm really picky about my grapes. So we're gonna pick out the best ones. Oh no, look at baby!
07:28 Oh, he looks delicious. That one has a hole in it. Hey, where the good grapes at?
07:34 This looks like it came from a whole different vine. These are the good ones.
07:37 I ordered a perfume off TikTok shop today that somebody described
07:41 as it smells like a lady with her titties out getting fed some grapes. Whatever that means.
07:48 I have no idea what that smells like.
07:50 But I guess I'll find out and report back to you guys because I've been going crazy on the TikTok shop.
07:55 I think this is a sufficient amount of grapes.
07:58 And it's like when you go grocery shopping with your mom and you pick out a good tomato and she puts it in the bag.
08:03 You know, I have very high standards for fruits and veggies. I'm so excited to try this.
08:07 I don't have a cameraman with me today. I have to manually pick up my camera myself filming like a peasant.
08:13 I really washed the grapes. Good thing we don't have a magnifying glass right now. Don't look too closely.
08:18 You're just gonna get grossed out and not want to eat it. You can use fresh lime juice.
08:22 The citrus has been no good this year, at least where I live. I'm getting bottled lime juice and we're just gonna...
08:27 You hear the sound that thing makes?
08:32 Okay, do I want raspberry flavored jello or strawberry flavored jello? I'm gonna go with strawberry.
08:37 This one is sugar-free. This one doesn't have any protein though.
08:41 I don't know if i'm gonna eat the whole thing.
08:43 You know, I was supposed to film this video yesterday and had a mental breakdown.
08:46 And I was really upset because I didn't get my candy grapes. Oh, look at this.
08:49 Wow, that is gorgeous. I'm not gonna lie. These are delicious. I'm gonna try one now.
08:59 Wow, I think I put too much. They're a little too sweet. They haven't even reached flavor town yet.
09:03 We gonna pop these in the freezer until they're frozen.
09:05 It's leaking. Okay, we're gonna try these.
09:09 Oh my goodness.
09:14 They're not frozen all the way, but they are delicious.
09:18 So good they make you do a little dancey dance.
09:24 I can't stop eating them. 10 out of 10. Bro charge this phone with a bottle of Baja Blast.
09:29 I know way this actually works. I'm calling cap on this one.
09:32 I have searched far and wide for some Baja Blast. I went to three stores.
09:36 Why nobody got Baja Blast? Best I could do was some Diamond Dew. Baby New York City. Never was ever a girl so pretty.
09:43 Do you think we'll be?
09:46 Who shooketh thee? Safe to open. Okay. I already know this is gonna be cap.
09:52 You're not gonna make me waste a perfectly good charger for this tomfoolery. Don't explode in my face.
09:58 Okay, you know what get in there. All right, we're gonna take this plate in. Let's try to do this with two hands.
10:03 Wait a second. Wait a second. Do you see this? Wait a second. Wait a second. Wait a second.
10:09 I'm kidding. That's how they actually did it.
10:15 This charger is a paid actor connected to the real charger. This charger connected to the Mountain Dew is connected to the,
10:21 well, well, would you look at that? It ain't connected to nothing, but y'all's tomfoolery.
10:26 Okay, we're gonna try it with the actual Mountain Dew. Okay, maybe you gotta do a little chant.
10:31 Oh diet Mountain Dew, please bless me with some iPhone charge. I said please. Pretty sure this stuff is like radioactive.
10:38 You guys guessed it. This hack, I cap. I wonder if this is still gonna work.
10:42 This is another hack to make a sour candy. If you don't really like grapes, I hope you like apples.
10:47 Oh, he picked his apple. Fresh. See, I don't got that kind of luxury out here in the desert.
10:52 The only things we picking fresh are scorpions off the ground. Chop your apples up, put some lemon juice on it, and then sugar.
10:58 That's it. You don't freeze them or anything. They're ready right away. Good, because I don't like to wait.
11:03 I have to wipe a glob of spit. I'm literally salivating watching these. I'm gonna take an apple. We're gonna chop it up.
11:10 Yeah, four pieces. I mean, I feel like this is the only way to cut an apple.
11:14 You know, as you're slicing it, make sure you think about all the people you don't like.
11:17 You know, my second grade teacher, my fourth grade counselor who took my Yu-Gi-Oh cards. This is for you.
11:23 This is not the most efficient way doing it, but I get the job done.
11:31 You know, sometimes I'll cut like directly on my counters.
11:33 I don't need to dirty up a cutting board, unless it's a fancy dinner night or whatever. I'm gonna take a Meyer lemon.
11:38 Is this moldy? I literally just cut this like two days ago. Guess we'll find out. Ew!
11:44 Why you got so many seeds? Bro, why not reproduce so bad? Be gone. Okay, Meyer lemon.
11:49 It's basically like a lemon, but sweeter. It's kind of between an orange and a lemon.
11:53 Not to be confused with a sweet lemon, because that's a whole other different fruit.
11:56 Now, if you want to get real fancy, you can take the peel and you can zest it.
12:00 I love me some zest. It makes everything fancier, okay? Some sugar, or if you can't have sugar,
12:07 you can also use monk fruit, stevia, any sugar substitute. I'm just gonna take some and just
12:12 sprinkle it on top. I'm gonna mix it up a little bit. Yes, with my bare hands.
12:16 You got a problem with it, you could take it up with a manager. No way this is gonna taste like a Sour Patch Kid.
12:21 Oh!
12:24 Wow! I wouldn't say it tastes like a Sour Patch Kid, but I like the texture of apples much better,
12:29 but it kind of tastes like the coating. I mean sugar.
12:32 You know, usually I'm not a fan of sugar on fruit, because fruit is already sweet, but that is tasty.
12:37 Would you like an apple, sir?
12:39 He said it's good. This is what it's like having no friends.
12:43 So I froze the apples to see if they were any better.
12:45 All the sugar is gone. It like absorbed the sugar.
12:50 So I would freeze them and then put the sugar on top when they come out.
12:53 They made the most gorgeous chocolate covered strawberries. It's basically just melted white chocolate,
12:59 and then they take colored white chocolate, and they kind of just like drizzle it on top.
13:03 And then once you put the berry in, twist and then pull out. It's like a marbled effect. Valentine's Day 2024,
13:09 I'm gonna be ready. My strawberry dipping skills will be perfected.
13:13 It is literally impossible to do these videos without using several dishes.
13:18 Some white chocolate chips into a little bowl. This is going in the microwave.
13:22 Look at the snack my mom got me today. It's literally mushroom chips.
13:26 You heard that crunch? Oh my goodness, this is so good. It's like freeze-dried mushrooms.
13:38 *crunch*
13:40 Fun fact, if you're melting chocolate and then you microwave it too long, and then it gets chunky,
13:47 just add a little bit of cream and it's like new. And it's gonna be so smooth and creamy.
13:52 This is the most bougie thing i'm gonna do all day. I don't have any food coloring.
13:55 So i'm gonna use butterfly pea powder, which is like a natural blue coloring. I'm gonna put a little bit in a baggie.
14:01 I'm gonna just put it directly in here. And then we're gonna mix this up and it's gonna turn blue.
14:07 Why does it look black?
14:09 Eh, it's like a gray. These are gonna look like some marble countertops. It's gonna be bougie, okay?
14:13 Put the blue melted chocolate in a baggie. Don't miss the hole.
14:17 Come on out. All of y'all. Glob after glob. Now we have our blue melted chocolate.
14:23 I'm gonna put some more white chocolate chips and we're gonna melt these. They're not in a very good state.
14:28 Man, I can't find one decent looking berry. They're all so small and smooshy. Please a decent berry. I beg you.
14:36 They're so small. That's what you said. Okay, mix up my white chocolate. Man, it already looks kind of marbled.
14:43 I should probably do this in two separate containers.
14:45 I'm gonna move all the white chocolate to one corner of the baggie. Cut a little hole.
14:50 Ouch. Get out. This isn't going according to plan. I look like an avatar's intestines. Okay, i'm going to take my berry and then
14:58 owie swirl
15:01 swirl
15:05 Ah, why? I'll put it on some parchment paper. I'm going to swirl a berry again.
15:12 Don't ever ask me to make chocolate covered strawberries again. These are so sad. The chocolate is just so chunky.
15:22 This is honestly a skill issue. Look at these berries. They're so sad.
15:31 Please don't make fun of me. You know, in theory, this was a good hack. Me doing it was whack.
15:36 Doesn't ruin my whole day. You can take a receipt and draw on it or you can smack it with a cutting board and it turns black.
15:44 Whoa. Literally beat the ink out of it. Y'all trying to abuse some receipts? Okay, receipt versus
15:50 emotional support hammer.
15:53 I'm gonna break my countertop. Okay, i'm going to put this wood spoon rest.
15:59 *Hammering*
16:03 I feel like i'm gonna break it. It's not doing anything on this receipt. Oh, but I can write it in cursive.
16:09 *Screaming*
16:13 It works, but like how much pressure do you have to put on it to turn it black?
16:18 I can't get the whole thing to turn black. But anyways, that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Comment below.
16:28 Let me know which one you're gonna try out. If you guys enjoyed, make sure to hit that like button in the face.
16:33 And make sure you turn on notifications. Click, click. And I just released some new merch.
16:38 We got hoodie shirts, tank tops at ogwolfpack.com. I'll link it below. And subscribe to the wolf pack.
16:44 I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys.