Increase in Eye Infection-Conjunctivitis Outbreak in Karachi

  • last year
#eyeinfection #arynews #bakhabarsavera
00:00 Black eye is a very dangerous disease.
00:02 It can be fatal.
00:04 There are many reasons for this.
00:07 This process has become very fast.
00:11 Why is it happening and how can we save our eyes?
00:14 We have with us in the studio,
00:16 the expert in eye disease, Dr. Mohammad Hamza.
00:18 Thank you so much for joining, Hamza.
00:19 Tell me,
00:22 I am saying that our lifestyle,
00:24 the way we work, our screen time,
00:27 this process has become very fast.
00:29 Are these the basic reasons or are there some genetic reasons?
00:33 There are both.
00:34 There are genetics.
00:35 Our lifestyle changes,
00:38 we use the computer more,
00:39 we have more screen time,
00:40 we have less outdoor activities.
00:42 These all play a role in increasing the number of people.
00:46 The existing number of people.
00:47 And those kids who are in preschool,
00:49 especially the kids under 4 years,
00:51 they also suffer from screen time loss.
00:53 Because when they have screen time,
00:56 they get the number.
00:57 And the screen also develops.
00:59 The screen...
01:00 The eye becomes more intense.
01:02 Okay.
01:02 Are these not born or later?
01:04 Some are born.
01:05 But if you do close work,
01:08 like giving laptops, iPads or mobile phones to kids,
01:11 they will remain so close.
01:13 Because the vision of kids is not 6 by 6 like us,
01:16 when they are small.
01:17 Okay.
01:18 There is less vision and then slowly their vision develops.
01:20 How old do they develop?
01:22 Till the age of 8.
01:23 Till the age of 8,
01:25 it is said that vision develops even till 10 years.
01:27 When a process is already going on,
01:29 and you alter it a little,
01:30 like giving a device to a kid who is close to their eyes,
01:33 or a small kid from preschool,
01:35 then the process...
01:36 He is seeing things in close proximity.
01:38 Yes, absolutely.
01:39 His broader view is not...
01:40 The broader view is not possible.
01:41 That's why cross-eye or squinting happens in those kids.
01:45 The number of spectacles comes.
01:46 So, these things are happening.
01:48 So, tell me,
01:49 these devices are being projected a lot.
01:52 I won't name them.
01:53 Blue eye filter and some other filter.
01:55 Do they help?
01:56 No, absolutely not.
01:57 They help.
01:58 But blue eye filter mostly helps in adults.
02:01 Okay.
02:01 It helps in small kids too,
02:03 but we have to understand what happens with blue eye filter.
02:06 We can get cataract from blue eye filter,
02:08 if we don't apply the ultraviolet rays in the eyes.
02:10 Because blue light filter only stops the ultraviolet rays.
02:14 It can stop cataract,
02:16 age-related macular degeneration,
02:18 which is the disease of the eyelids,
02:19 we can reduce it by applying it.
02:20 But in very small kids,
02:22 who are 3-4 years old,
02:23 they don't have this problem.
02:24 The problem they face is reflective error.
02:27 Meaning, the number of spectacles,
02:29 which we call it in words,
02:30 or squinting.
02:32 This is the problem.
02:33 So, there is an increase in experience,
02:35 because now every kid has gadgets.
02:37 Absolutely.
02:37 And no filter, no blue eye, no concept.
02:40 When COVID came, I was in England,
02:42 I came to Pakistan in September 21.
02:45 So, we used to see it in the UK.
02:47 And since I came to Pakistan,
02:48 in those two years, I have noticed it more here.
02:50 There, it was still less,
02:51 people used it on small kids,
02:53 but here it is very much.
02:54 I have so many parents,
02:55 the first thing they do is,
02:57 "Doctor, please get their mobile phone,
02:58 doctor, please get their iPad."
02:59 "Doctor, please get their iPad."
03:00 Exactly.
03:01 So, I tell them,
03:02 "Look, at this age,
03:03 he is 8 years old, 6 years old,
03:05 he won't listen to me."
03:06 But, obviously, everyone has their own compulsion,
03:08 I am not saying that everyone does it on purpose.
03:10 So, surgery is the only solution,
03:11 when your eyesight becomes weak?
03:14 No, it depends,
03:15 that why is the eyesight weak.
03:17 In some things,
03:18 we can remove the eye by giving the number of the spectacles,
03:20 in some things, we can remove the eye
03:21 by giving the contact lens.
03:22 And, if it is not at all,
03:24 and we feel that cornea transplant is the only solution,
03:27 then, surgery is done.
03:28 Okay, and there are different methods in that also, right?
03:30 There are different methods in that also,
03:31 some have the eye contact lens,
03:32 cornea transplant,
03:33 some have it without the eye contact lens.
03:35 It depends on which disease you have,
03:37 and what is the reason for it.
03:39 Okay, are there any exercises,
03:41 which people do for the eyes,
03:42 to set their focus?
03:44 Absolutely.
03:45 Look, one thing is,
03:46 convergence and sufficiency.
03:47 Especially, those people,
03:48 who have more close work,
03:50 what happens in those people is,
03:51 their muscles get tired.
03:53 So, generally,
03:54 the system of Allah is such that,
03:55 when we get close to them,
03:57 our eyes come inside.
03:59 So, in those people,
04:00 one eye lags a little outside.
04:02 We tell those patients,
04:03 that they should do exercise.
04:05 After the break,
04:05 we will know more about this,
04:06 about the exercise.
04:08 Last,
04:09 our segment was,
04:10 before going,
04:10 we did not finish it,
04:11 we did a little break.
04:14 Sadaf had asked a very important question,
04:15 that the problems of our eyes are there,
04:18 but are there any exercises,
04:21 which can strengthen our eyes?
04:24 What can be done,
04:25 regarding the health of the eyes?
04:27 First of all,
04:28 do your lifestyle modification,
04:30 reduce the screen time.
04:32 Reduce the screen time.
04:32 Right.
04:33 After that,
04:33 if you are doing close work,
04:35 or studying,
04:35 then after every 20 minutes,
04:37 look a little far.
04:38 This is called the 20-20 rule,
04:40 that after every 20 minutes,
04:41 look 20 feet away.
04:42 You can do this one thing.
04:43 Okay.
04:43 Yes.
04:44 And secondly, you can do this,
04:45 that you…
04:46 And this,
04:46 this is not only for the eyes,
04:48 but for your focus,
04:49 for mental focus.
04:50 Yes, absolutely.
04:51 And secondly,
04:51 you can take a good diet.
04:53 Okay.
04:54 Like,
04:54 there should be a portion of everything.
04:56 There should be green leafy vegetables,
04:58 there should be a portion of meat,
04:59 there should be a portion of fish.
05:00 So, that helps you.
05:01 And what about this exercise?
05:03 This exercise,
05:04 this exercise is mostly done by those people,
05:05 who have convergence insufficiency.
05:07 I was talking about,
05:08 when both eyes come close,
05:09 one eye lags a little.
05:10 Yes.
05:11 So, when we tell them,
05:12 that you bring it close to an arm distance,
05:14 and then take it away.
05:16 And this is done around 10 strokes,
05:17 3 times a day,
05:18 that is, 30 strokes a day,
05:19 so that your convergence can be improved,
05:22 and your eye muscles can be improved.
05:24 Okay, so you brought it close to an arm.
05:26 This is for everyone.
05:26 This is not for everyone.
05:27 Why the pen?
05:27 Why can't you use the thumb?
05:28 No, you can use the thumb.
05:29 In fact, this is the best.
05:30 I tell my patients,
05:31 to focus on the nail of your thumb.
05:33 Why?
05:34 And keep looking at it.
05:35 Keep it close.
05:35 Keep it close until it becomes two.
05:37 It will become two.
05:38 Okay.
05:38 And then you can take it back.
05:39 Yes, like this.
05:40 Okay.
05:41 Oh, it's done.
05:45 It's done.
05:48 So, you do it 30 strokes a day.
05:51 Sometimes, you have cold, flu,
05:55 or those who have chemotherapy,
05:57 their skin gets blurred.
05:58 Is it temporary?
06:00 See, cold, flu is temporary,
06:02 because it causes viral infection,
06:04 as it is happening in Karachi now.
06:06 But, those who have chemotherapy,
06:08 their purdah gets damaged mostly.
06:10 We call it radiation retinopathy.
06:13 That is, the effects of radiation or chemotherapy in the purdah,
06:16 because of that, the purdah gets damaged.
06:18 So, tell me,
06:19 those who have chemotherapy,
06:20 the question was also asked by our team member,
06:23 his mother.
06:23 So, they are undergoing chemotherapy.
06:26 And if they have eye problems,
06:29 can they get it treated?
06:30 Absolutely.
06:31 It is safe.
06:32 It is available all over the world.
06:33 Apart from the eyes,
06:35 whatever associated problems you have,
06:37 in the body,
06:38 there are different things.
06:39 You can get it treated.
06:40 But, obviously, we depend on eyesight.
06:43 The entire business is on eyesight.
06:45 So, we recommend it.
06:46 If you have bleeding in the purdah,
06:49 or swelling in the purdah,
06:51 you can get it treated.
06:52 For that, injections are given in the eyes,
06:54 or tablets are given.
06:55 It depends on the situation.
06:57 Okay.
06:57 This is our...
06:58 There is a confusion in one thing.
06:59 You said that the convergence of this exercise is better.
07:03 And, apart from that, there is no other...
07:04 No.
07:05 There is no other role.
07:06 This is only told to those
07:07 whose convergence is sufficient.
07:09 If you do it,
07:10 then you will have a headache for a while.
07:11 And, look at the vegetables,
07:13 go in nature.
07:14 You talked about lifestyle.
07:15 The lights we sit in...
07:16 Or, for the public,
07:18 if you see something beautiful,
07:19 your eyes will be fine.
07:20 I think this is a myth.
07:22 When I was growing up,
07:24 we used to say that if you see green,
07:26 your eyes will feel cool.
07:27 But, there is nothing like that.
07:29 There is nothing like that.
07:30 The lighting system in our houses,
07:34 the way we have done lighting,
07:36 it will directly fall in your eyes.
07:38 We don't have a system
07:39 that it is downward.
07:41 That's right.
07:43 It all falls directly in our eyes.
07:44 So, does this also affect?
07:45 Absolutely.
07:46 If you get a setting done
07:48 with a good architecture design
07:49 or interior design,
07:50 then they guide you
07:52 about the angle of the light.
07:54 But, it is not usually like that
07:56 in our society.
07:57 So, wherever you put the light,
07:58 whether it is on your eyes,
07:59 or on your head,
08:00 it doesn't matter.
08:01 There should be a projection
08:02 of lights in the kitchen.
08:04 There should be a projection
08:04 in the rooms as well.
08:06 You are absolutely right.
08:07 It happens and it causes problems
08:08 in the eyes.
08:09 Because, don't forget
08:10 that all the bulbs
08:11 that are here,
08:12 they all have UV rays.
08:13 And, UV rays
08:14 are harmful for our eyes.
08:16 I am telling you,
08:17 all the phones you have,
08:18 whether it is an eye shield,
08:19 a blue light filter,
08:21 or any other type of things,
08:23 kindly use it.
08:24 You will get used to it.
08:26 Keep some distance as well.
08:28 Many people exercise
08:29 with one eye closed
08:30 and the other open.
08:33 Is that useful?
08:34 No, not at all.
08:34 This is an unethical question.
08:36 You should not do that.
08:37 Okay, tell me briefly,
08:39 many people come
08:40 and wear lenses.
08:42 What should be taken care of?
08:43 How long should it be changed?
08:45 Disposable lenses are available
08:46 every month.
08:46 But, what should people
08:47 who are doing it for a longer period
08:48 do?
08:48 There are two things
08:49 in disposable lenses.
08:50 One is daily disposable
08:51 that you can wear it daily
08:52 and remove it.
08:52 The other is monthly disposable.
08:54 You should change
08:54 the solution regularly.
08:56 The most important thing
08:57 that many patients don't understand
08:59 is that you wash your hands.
09:00 After washing your hands,
09:01 you open the case of the contact lens
09:02 and then you wear the contact lens.
09:03 It is not like that.
09:04 It is the other way around.
09:05 You have to open the case of the contact lens,
09:07 wash your hands
09:08 and dry it with a tissue
09:09 and then you touch your contact lens.
09:11 Otherwise, you wash your hands
09:12 and then you remove the cover
09:13 of the contact lens
09:14 and then you wear it.
09:17 And then the people...
09:18 You mean, before touching the eyes,
09:20 you should not touch anywhere.
09:21 You should not touch anywhere.
09:22 Your hands should be clean.
09:24 Thank you so much, Dr. Hamza.
09:25 Thank you so much.
09:26 You have given a very useful advice.
09:27 I am sure it must have proved
09:28 very helpful for people.
09:30 So, eyes are a great blessing.
