Rishi Sunak has considered introducing stricter anti-smoking measures. The plans would see the legal age to buy tobacco (18 years old) rise by a year every 12 months.
What do you think of this policy?
What do you think of this policy?
00:00 Yeah, if it's gonna like, sort of stop kids from smoking, I think that's always a good
00:13 idea but with vaping and stuff nowadays, I think kids are more, well, I know for me I
00:19 stopped smoking a few years ago and just vape now so, I think even with the younger generation
00:24 they're all kind of switching over to vapes so maybe increase the ages as well as the
00:30 smoking one because that seems to be more prominent with the younger generation. But
00:36 yeah, I think that's a good idea if it's gonna really help the smoking one.
00:41 Overall I'm actually supportive of it because I think the benefits to society, NHS, whatever
00:46 will outweigh, I mean my instinct is not to try and ban things but I think smoking is
00:53 such a detrimental effect on everybody that I actually think overall supportive of that.
00:59 Obviously smoking has loads of health issues so I can see one good side of it but I think
01:07 the issue with that is it's always gonna happen. I think people are always gonna smoke, people
01:13 are gonna find other ways to do it so it's just that risk of if it just moves sort of
01:17 underground and becomes less regulated there's gonna be a whole other can of worms potentially
01:26 but I don't know. I think I can see both sides of it at the moment but I don't know
01:33 how successful it would actually be until we try it.