बिजली लाइन मेंटेनेंस के लिए काटे पेड़

  • last year
बिजली लाइन मेंटेनेंस के लिए काटे पेड़
- बिजली लाइन मेंटेनेंस के लिए शहर के कई क्षेत्रों में बिजली लाइन के नीचे पेड़ों की टहनियां काटी है। टहनियों को सडक़ किनारे ही छोड़ दिया गया, इससे सडक़ पर आवाजाही में दिक्कत रही।
00:00 Save the river! Save the canal!
00:06 Today, Shivangan society is protesting by the residents
00:12 for the illegal construction of the road by the builders.
00:15 Let's understand why this is happening and what is the reason behind it.
00:19 Can someone tell us why this kind of protest is being done here in Shivangan?
00:25 We are all residents of Shivangan and the canal runs right in the middle of our colony.
00:30 The land on both sides of the canal belongs to the irrigation department.
00:33 But yesterday, as you can see from the video,
00:39 the road that you can see in front of you is the land of the irrigation department.
00:44 Yesterday, 40-50 trees were planted on this road.
00:47 All these trees were cut down and today, this road has been built within a day.
00:50 And the trees have been cut down and thrown away.
00:53 We are all standing against this.
00:56 If the trees are cut down, what will happen to the environment?
01:00 And we are all worried about the health problems of the residents.
01:05 That's why we are protesting.
01:07 Is this road necessary for this colony?
01:10 This road is not necessary.
01:12 The government road is going on both sides of the colony.
01:17 So, it is sufficient for the rest of the colonies.
01:20 The connectivity is sufficient.
01:23 When we purchased this land, we were told that the builder had bought this land.
01:29 Today, you can see that the road is being built here.
01:31 We thought that our children will play here.
01:34 Our family members will sit here.
01:38 But you can see that there is no facility here.
01:41 After this, the road is being built.
01:43 This is the wrong way.
01:44 Is there a provision that when such construction is done,
01:46 the builders take the permission of the residents?
01:49 No, there is no permission.
01:52 This is the land of the construction department.
01:54 No such work can be done on this land.
01:56 The construction department has not given any such permission.
01:59 Yesterday, all the officials of our colony talked to us.
02:02 And we found out that there is no permission here.
02:05 The biggest concern is that the trees have been cut down.
02:08 Big trees have been cut down.
02:10 Only the road has not been built.
02:12 These are the big trees.
02:14 You can see that there are 50 trees cut down from the front to the back.
02:20 This canal...
02:23 I think this canal is very old.
02:27 No, this canal has been closed.
02:30 Now, it has become a drain.
02:32 Actually, it should have been a canal.
02:34 Earlier, it was a very wide canal.
02:36 We bought our house here after seeing this.
02:39 They have taken 50,000 rupees for the canal and garden.
02:44 There is still a road to go to the back colony.
02:48 It is a functioning road.
02:50 It is a 80-feet road.
02:51 There is no problem to go.
02:53 It is for everyone.
02:54 No one comes and goes from here.
02:56 And this is already a bridge road for the residents of Shivangang.
02:59 We don't need it.
03:00 They have done wrong with us.
03:03 This road has been built by the builder on the land of the colony.
03:08 And a road has been built 10 meters from the canal.
03:13 Save the canal.
03:15 Save the trees.
