Familles nombreuses : Amandine Pellissard partage un cliché un brin osé pour dévoiler son tatouage

  • last year
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Familles nombreuses : Amandine Pellissard partage un cliché un brin osé pour dévoiler son tatouage

Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/
Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA
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00:42 The viewers leave however not much indifference on Instagram.
00:46 Passed from blonde brunette, look, having used some injections from here to there,
00:54 Amandine Pellissare has nothing of a housewife or a mother of 8 children overwhelmed without having the time to take care of her.
01:01 And her latest love should still make her detractors talk and seduce her fans.
01:08 This pretty mandala tattoo very delicate located between her breasts was made by Poet Tattoo that the young mother described as a beautiful meeting in the legend of her photo.
01:21 Immediately reactions appeared in comment, the first being that of her great friend Jerem Star as if he were a type to my name between the two following breasts of Smiley who cries of laughter.
01:36 Nope, zero risk Salfou answered the mother with a lot of humor.
01:41 Many Internet users congratulated Amandine Pellissare beautiful, wow, I love your tattoo, superb, very beautiful, can we read in comment, as well as some followers who share their experience of tattooing.
01:56 Maybe this little body gem will create new interactions with fans, who knows?
02:06 And now, let's go to the video.
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