• last year
ICEJ Frontline First Hand Reports -Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Call.

The ICEJ is on the Frontlines of Israel’s Battle to defend us all from jihadist terrorism. Please join us in this just cause today!

On 7 October, Israel was brutally attacked by Islamist-inspired terrorists who carried out the worst pogrom against innocent Jewish lives since the Holocaust. The Israeli army is now fighting to rid Gaza of the scourge of Hamas terrorism, which poses an intolerable threat to the entire region and even has the Arab population of Gaza imprisoned in poverty and indoctrination to hatred. This war is Israel’s most daunting crisis in generations, as Iran and its proxy Hizbullah are threatening to expand the conflict by raining down hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles on Israel from Lebanon, even as the world twistedly paints the Jewish state as aggressor, not victim and defender.

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is unequivocally standing with Israel in this battle. Our emergency response efforts fall into the following three areas:



