Taiwan Practices Red Beach Defense on East Coast

  • last year
It’s been over 30 years since Taiwan conducted coastal defense drills on the eastern beach of Qixingtan, highlighting the growing threat from China.


00:00 Taiwanese Marines preparing for a coastal defense exercise.
00:06 For the first time in 34 years, the military is carrying out these drills on this beach
00:11 on Taiwan's east coast.
00:13 Taiwan usually carries out these exercises on the west coast facing China.
00:17 But in recent years, Beijing has stepped up military activity in waters off the east of
00:22 Taiwan, operating more naval ships in that area.
00:25 Taiwanese soldiers are now trying to adapt and boost their combat readiness as the threat
00:30 evolves.
00:31 "The east coast is no longer a safe haven for us.
00:33 The east coast could become a battlefield for us.
00:37 So all our defenses need to be adjusted according to the current strength of the PLA."
00:45 Coastal defense is a huge part of Taiwan's overall defense strategy as it's an island
00:50 nation.
00:51 For decades, Taiwan has been preparing to defend against an all-out invasion from China,
00:56 which has vowed to take it by force if necessary.
00:59 As part of its defensive preparations, the military has identified roughly 20 beaches
01:04 that China would most likely try to land troops on to attack Taiwan.
01:09 These are known as "red beaches."
01:12 Now while the majority of these red beaches are on the west coast facing China, a few
01:15 of them are on the east coast.
01:18 Wednesday's drills on Xi Jinping Beach focus on repelling an attack.
01:22 It's a prime target because it's close to two major airfields.
01:26 Analysts say protection of these airports is vital for Taiwan to stay in the fight.
01:31 "Hualien and Taitung have two airports.
01:34 Once we land, we can control Hualien and Taitung.
01:37 This is a big help to our air force."
01:40 Taiwan conducts multiple coastal defense exercises every year across the country.
01:45 But the evolving threat from China shows that it must continue to adapt to the changing
01:49 situation, making sure it can repel an attack from any direction.
01:53 Chris Ma and Jaime O'Connor for Taiwan Plus.
