Michigan Dominates Michigan State 49-0 in a Massive Beatdown

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - We did see the Saturday slate get off with a,
00:07 we'll go in order of the rankings here, guys.
00:10 We have Michigan, Michigan State,
00:12 first game we'll break down from the Saturday slate.
00:15 And we saw 8-0 Michigan win 49 to nothing
00:20 over their little brother,
00:22 I say that tongue in cheek, of course,
00:24 going back from a few years.
00:26 Big brother, little brother matchup,
00:27 Michigan 49, Michigan State, nothing.
00:31 They get blanked and it was really all Wolverines
00:34 from the get go.
00:35 Made it even worse that it was in East Lansing, Mark.
00:38 Did you take anything away from Michigan
00:40 and Michigan State on Saturday?
00:42 - Anybody who's gonna sit here objectively
00:45 and tell me that Michigan is not the best team
00:47 in the country is either a liar, an idiot, or a Georgia fan.
00:51 I mean, just be objective about this.
00:55 It's not a better team in the country
00:56 than Michigan right now.
00:57 Say it.
00:58 Oh, Michigan has a beat charge.
01:00 I don't care.
01:01 It has nothing to do with it.
01:03 Michigan's the best team in the country.
01:04 Best team in the country.
01:06 They're reason to think otherwise.
01:07 So I'm not gonna waste anybody's time
01:11 with any other conversation.
01:13 Michigan State is an absolute mess.
01:15 They'll continue to be an absolute mess.
01:16 And this was a beat down of massive proportions.
01:19 - Yeah, not one that I caught a lot of,
01:22 but Michigan State heads to two and five,
01:26 getting steamrolled there.
01:27 JJ McCarthy threw for 287 yards, four touchdowns.
01:32 Barner, their tight end, eight receptions,
01:34 99 yards and a touchdown as well.
01:37 Michigan rolling, the number two team in the country,
01:41 49 to nothing.
01:43 (upbeat music)
01:45 (bell ringing)
