00:00 What's up family? Listen, we got another one. I love God's Word. It changes my life and I believe it can change yours.
00:09 You're about to watch a message called "I didn't know I needed that." Oh my gosh.
00:15 This is a message I'm telling you right now that can shift some things in your mind and in your life.
00:20 And I've got one request. Please, I ask you this each week. And I just need you to do it.
00:26 Because as you can tell, my heart's for people and I can't reach people without you helping me.
00:32 So if this message helps you in any way and if there's anybody that you think about that can benefit from it,
00:38 all you got to do is press that share button. You can text it right to me. Just send it to somebody else.
00:43 Because it might be something that they need in their life right now.
00:47 All right. I love you. Enjoy the message.
00:50 All right. Well, I've got a word for you today if you still feel like hearing it.
00:54 I said I got a word if you feel like hearing it. All right.
00:59 So we're in a series called God didn't say that we're addressing this issue of spiritual confusion.
01:04 And so I want to read a few verses of scripture beginning at the book of Mark, chapter number two, beginning at verse number one.
01:11 And it says this. It says a few days later, when Jesus entered again into Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home.
01:20 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door.
01:25 And he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man carried by four of them.
01:34 Since they could not get to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the man that was lying on it.
01:45 And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, son, your sins are forgiven.
01:54 I want to talk from this subject and our time together, family. I didn't know I needed that.
02:01 Clap your hands. Twelve thirty. If you're ready for God's word.
02:07 So, family, I want to leap into this lesson by communicating a quote that is credited to a North African bishop who was one of the most influential church fathers.
02:23 You may have heard him referred to as St. Augustine.
02:28 He's credited with this quote, God will often bypass the prayers of our lips in order to answer the prayer of our heart.
02:42 God will often bypass the prayer of our lips in order to answer the prayer of our heart.
02:52 In other words, there are hopes we have, passions we possess and requests that we may make.
02:58 There are a reflection of what we think we need.
03:04 But I've learned that God is not only a need meter, he's a need assessor.
03:12 And so before he meets a need, he assesses a need to determine the difference between what we think we need and what we actually need.
03:27 Therefore, any answer God gives to any request is a good answer.
03:39 So if I make a request and the answer is yes, then it's a good answer.
03:53 But if I make a request and the answer is no.
04:03 Then no is a good answer because whenever he gives me no, it is his refusal to answer a inferior request.
04:17 In other words, if he said yes to what we want him to say yes to, he would be saying no to what he knows is best for us.
04:28 And when you get to a place in your spiritual journey where you can look back on previous seasons and not only thank God for the yeses, but start thanking God for the no's.
04:42 This means you got a proper perspective on what God is doing in your life.
04:47 Is there anybody in this room that could look back over your life and see previous seasons where you wanted something, where you were hoping for something, where you were believing for something, where you were upset with a real people, where you were upset and agitated that you didn't get it.
05:06 And now that you look back on it, the same thing you were mad about, you praising him for.
05:13 Come on, there's a certain demographic of people that can only praise him for the doors he opened.
05:20 But I believe I got a few people in the room and a few people online that say, P.D., in this season of my life, I'm not just praising him for the doors that he opened.
05:31 I'm praising him for the doors that he closed because some of those doors were trap doors and the enemy wanted to trap me.
05:40 But thanks be unto God that when the when I didn't have enough sense not to walk through it, God had enough sense to close the door.
05:49 Thank you, Jesus, for closing the door on that relationship.
05:54 Thank you, Jesus, for closing the door on that opportunity.
05:58 Thank you, Jesus, for closing the door.
06:02 That wasn't the right door for my life.
06:05 And when you get this revelation, you see that rejection.
06:12 Is protection. Did you hear what I just said?
06:17 That rejection is protection, because when the favor of God is on my life, favor becomes an usher.
06:25 Come on here. Did you hear what I just said? An usher. What does the usher do? Shows you to your seat.
06:33 Come on here. And favor is an usher that will usher you into the rooms you're supposed to be in and usher you into the opportunities you're supposed to take advantage of.
06:44 Which means that if you're supposed to get in the door, favor know how to get you in there.
06:49 If the front door is closed, favor takes you around the back. If the back door is closed, favor gets you through a window.
06:56 If the windows lock, favor get on top of the roof, dig a hole in the roof and get you to where you're supposed to be.
07:03 You can't reject me from what's for me. You can't block me from what's for me.
07:08 Favor will get me what's for me. Lord, I got to I feel something at the 1230.
07:15 I need somebody right here to just praise God, not for finances.
07:20 Praise God for favor. That's my usher. How you get in here, my usher.
07:29 How did you get that, my usher? How did you seize that, my usher? My usher got me in here.
07:47 Every answer is a good answer because God will bypass bypass the prayers of my lips to answer the prayer of my heart.
07:57 It makes sense to me. I'm glad he does not succumb to my senses.
08:08 Come on here. Did you hear what I just said? I'm glad he won't let me lead him.
08:18 Where my honest section, because sometimes I want to lead him.
08:23 Sometimes I'm like, God, I know what I want and I want you to make this happen, but I'm so glad he's got enough sense to not listen to me.
08:43 Why? Why, Marley? Because we know not how to pray as we ought.
08:53 I own. He will bypass the prayers of my lips to give me the desires of my heart.
09:05 And all through our scripture, we see examples of this. One example is seen in the book of Acts, chapter number three,
09:10 where the Bible says there is an apprentice, a disciple of Jesus named Peter, who's accompanied by a man named John.
09:15 And those specific hours that were designated for corporate prayer. This is important. This is essential.
09:21 This is what an axe church does. One of my spiritual mentors when I was in college said to me that somebody asked him,
09:27 when are we going to see the miracles that are in acts? And he answered them and said, when God sees the church of acts.
09:37 And that church understood the power of corporate prayer, the principle of partnership,
09:42 that the power of all of us is greater than the power of any one of us, that one can chase a thousand.
09:48 But if the kingdom's math is not addition, the kingdom's math is multiplication because of the you're not here.
09:54 If one could chase a thousand and the kingdom's math with addition, then it means two can chase two thousand.
10:00 But the Bible didn't say that. It said one can chase a thousand, but two can put ten thousand.
10:06 Because when we come together, it's multiplication. It's exponential. It's explosive.
10:13 This is why every last Saturday, this coming Saturday, we're doing we do something called Super Saturday where we come together to pray.
10:26 So it was our prayer. And Peter and John were going to the temple at the hour of prayer.
10:31 And there was this man who couldn't walk, who would be positioned outside the temple during the hours of prayer.
10:40 It was smart and a little shady. Right.
10:45 It was smart because he felt like it would be easier for him to get aid and alms from people who were actually going to church.
11:01 Did you catch that? He's probably thinking, I know they're not about to tell me no walking in church.
11:10 Got me. So let's not talk about him. Let's talk about what he can represent, what he can represent in our life.
11:16 It's people who try to manipulate our religion for their benefit.
11:23 So they will say things to us like I thought you were a Christian when you won't give them what they want, when you won't.
11:31 Where's my church? When you won't do for them what they think you ought to do? Yes, I'm a Christian.
11:36 But that doesn't mean I'm dumb. Yes, I'm a Christian. But that doesn't mean I'm a weak.
11:41 Yes, I'm a Christian. But that doesn't mean I'm not wise. Yes, I'm a Christian.
11:45 But that doesn't mean I do for you what you think I should do. I'm the one you don't claim to be.
11:50 So how are you going to tell me what I'm supposed to be when you not it?
12:02 So Peter's walking by and as an apostle, one of the apostles, he's responsible for the distribution.
12:08 Well, he did. They didn't take direct responsibility for it. In Acts chapter six, you'll see three chapters later.
12:13 They actually designate seven men that would be responsible for it.
12:16 But to make sure that resources were properly allocated to to take care of the people.
12:20 So he's walking by and the man asked them for some money. And Peter looks at him and says, silver and gold have I none.
12:28 Now, he wasn't broke because they're responsible for the allocation. And Peter was.
12:32 And Peter had a foot. And Peter, we know, had a marketplace ministry of fishing.
12:41 Right. He owned boats. Jesus used this boat. Come on.
12:48 Am I making sense? Am I making sense? I mean, he.
12:52 Listen, when Jesus told him to throw his net on the other side of the boat, there was so much fish that his boat began to sink and he had to fill his friends boats.
13:02 I'm not bothering that. That's some people's problem.
13:09 They pull their boat away from your boat too soon. You left me because I had nothing.
13:17 And now I don't need you around me when I got everything. Now you want to show up again when Jesus has filled my boat.
13:24 Say right where you are, because you were not there when the boat is empty and you don't deserve to be here when the boat is full.
13:37 So when Peter says silver and gold, have I none? He said, I don't have it for that.
13:44 I don't have it for that. Not for that. Because.
13:52 Your economic issue is tied to your immobility. You paralyze.
14:02 So instead of dealing with the issue by giving you aid, I'm going to deal with the issue that's got you immobile.
14:15 Because if I give you what you're asking for, you've got to come right back here tomorrow.
14:20 But if I give you what you really need, you don't have to ever come back here again.
14:24 I'm going to give the ability you. I'm going to come here. I'm going to give you the ability to use something that you could not use in a previous season.
14:33 And when you use something that you could not use in a previous season, you can get something that you've never had.
14:39 When I help you walk, you will never have to ask for aid.
14:44 He bypassed the prayers of his lips and answer the prayer of his heart.
14:50 And if you move from Acts chapter three, you walk back to Mark, Mark, chapter number 10, you'll see an example of an individual named Bartimaeus.
14:59 And this is so interesting in Mark, chapter 10, the way Mark frames this guy's remember Mark's gospel is Peter's gospel.
15:04 OK, Peter was a disciple of Jesus, not Mark. Mark was a spiritual son of Peter.
15:08 And so Mark writes, according to Peter's testimony about the life in the ministry of Jesus.
15:13 OK, it's actually the earliest gospel. Remember, it's the earliest gospel.
15:17 The New Testament is not in chronological order. It's organized like books in a bookstore.
15:21 So you go to Barnes and Noble, Barnes and Noble Sports is over here. Come on, right? Health is over here. Entertainment's over here.
15:27 So you got the Gospels. Then you got the book of Acts, which is history.
15:30 Then you got Pauline epistles. Then you got general epistles. Then you got Revelation.
15:34 So the Bible is organized in that way. So Mark's gospel is actually Peter's gospel.
15:40 And it's actually the earliest written gospel. And the Bible says this. Mark is very interesting.
15:45 He says Jesus goes into Jericho. And the text says as he goes out of Jericho,
15:53 there was a man who was blind and a beggar named Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, who was sitting by the roadside as he went out.
16:00 You missed it. Mark says he goes into Jericho. Bartimaeus wasn't there.
16:11 He goes out of Jericho. Bartimaeus is sitting right there because Jesus's ministry was an itinerant ministry.
16:18 There's no guarantee he's coming back to Jericho again.
16:25 And he's the only one that can address Bartimaeus's issue. And Bartimaeus missed him on the way in.
16:36 Everybody that's never blown a season, everybody that's never wasted time, everybody that's never made a mistake,
16:45 everybody that's never missed some opportunities, you be quiet. But for those of us who are honest enough to admit,
16:52 I made some mistakes. I wasted some time. I blew some opportunities.
16:58 The enemy wants us to think it's over. You blew it. You missed it. You will never recover.
17:04 But this is the way grace works. If I miss it on the way in, I can catch it on the way out.
17:14 I don't know who this is for, but we serve a God that will spin the block.
17:19 He said, I'm going to give you another chance. If you miss me on the front end, I'm going to let you get it on the back.
17:28 Whoa. I need somebody to take about 33 seconds and praise him for the back end.
17:36 Praise him for another chance. Praise him that he's getting ready to spin the block.
17:42 And this time I'm ready. This time I'm a wiser. This time I'm stronger. This time I won't blow it.
18:04 He missed them on the way in, caught them on the way out. So Jesus is leaving. He can't see, but he can hear.
18:16 He can't see, but he can hear. So he hears Jesus.
18:22 So instead of complaining about what doesn't work, he starts using what does.
18:32 Most people would say, because I can't see, I'm going to miss this miracle.
18:36 He didn't focus on what wasn't working. He focused on what was. He didn't focus on what he didn't have.
18:42 He focused on using what he did have.
18:48 He heard that Jesus was passing by and he says these words, Jesus, son of David.
19:09 Jesus is not David's son. So what does he mean when he, when he says Jesus, son of David,
19:19 he is saying that even though I can't see, I see about you what others missing.
19:27 They call you Mark six, the carpenter's son. But I know you not just the carpenter's son,
19:39 you the son of a king, the king of kings and the Lord of the, come on here.
19:47 He says you are, you are the promised Messiah that comes from the seed and the lineage of David.
19:58 They see you, but they can't see you.
20:06 So the text says he screamed out, have mercy on me.
20:10 The disciples who were mentees, apprentices of Jesus told him, be quiet, stop bothering him.
20:23 I don't want to bother that. They said, be quiet.
20:31 Text says he got louder. They said, be quiet.
20:41 He got louder. Then Jesus stood still. He cried out.
20:48 They said, be quiet. He got louder. They said, be quiet.
20:53 He cried out again. Jesus stood still. He cried out.
21:01 They said, be quiet. He got louder. They said, be quiet.
21:07 He cried out again. Jesus stood still.
21:15 This man must have been thinking, I refuse to be controlled by people who can't contribute to fixing my issue.
21:30 It don't take all of that. Can you fix me? If you can't fix me, I need you to engage in silence.
21:38 You got the right to remain silent. I'm not screaming for you anyway.
21:48 The Bible says he got louder and Jesus stood still.
21:53 I don't know who this is for. This is the 1230s. So I don't know. It might be a situation in here in a minute.
21:59 But there is a way you can call him that will make him stand still.
22:08 See, I know we live in an age and an era where people are talking about having a move of God.
22:14 And yes, we need God to move. But there's another dimension.
22:20 What he does more than move, what he stands still.
22:25 He said, I'm getting ready to stand still over your house, stand still over your mind, stand still over your resources.
22:33 I'm getting ready to hover like the Ark of the Covenant in the house of Obed-Edom and blessing on blessing on blessing on blessing on blessing.
22:49 He said, Obed-Edom's house was blessed because the Ark stood still.
23:04 Y'all know the text says text says this text says when Jesus stood still, he told the disciples, I'm going to see who catches the revelation.
23:13 He told the disciples, bring them to me. Come on now.
23:20 I grew up old school on Martin. I'm gonna let that marinate. I say he told the disciples, bring them to me.
23:28 I'm going to see who catching it. He told the disciples, bring them to me.
23:34 The same people that was trying to stop him from getting to Jesus is the same people that Jesus made help him get to Jesus.
23:48 God is so good. He will make your haters turn into helpers.
24:08 He gets to Jesus. He asks for mercy. That's all he asks for. Jesus gives him healing.
24:18 He bypassed the prayers of his lips to give him the desire of our heart.
24:30 And our text in Mark two is a powerful and profound picture of this truth.
24:36 The text exposes us to an incident in the life of Jesus that probably occurred at the house of Peter.
24:44 The text says this in verse number one, I want you to see this. It says a few days later, when Jesus entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home.
24:54 When I read this, Dr. Connor, it startled me and it startled me because I know where Jesus is from.
25:06 And it's not Capernaum. It's Nazareth. So why did Mark say when he returned home?
25:16 It's because some historians suggest that Jesus made Capernaum at one point the epicenter of his ministry.
25:28 Why? We're not sure, but here's a possibility because of the familiarity and the resistance he got in Nazareth.
25:40 You see, at one point he's teaching in Nazareth, in his hometown. And while he's teaching the word, people are saying, wait a minute.
25:48 In this, the carpenter's son in that Joseph's boy in that marriage.
25:54 Boy, are you all ready for this? They were in a space in that city where they couldn't see him because they had seen him.
26:10 And some people will never see past who you used to be.
26:18 And people that are stuck in your history are not people that are necessary for your destiny.
26:27 Y'all miss that. So Jesus had enough sense to say, I am not going to extend energy trying to convince people to see who made a decision.
26:41 They want to stay blind. Why am I going to stay attempting to convince people to receive something that they've made a decision?
26:52 They don't want from me when people in Capernaum are waiting on me.
27:01 The people in Nazareth were rejecting and resisting it. And when he gets to Capernaum, the text says they are rushing in droves to get to it.
27:13 There are people who are waiting on what you're trying to convince of the people to accept.
27:27 Did you hear what I just said? So Jesus goes to Capernaum.
27:36 And the people, same Jesus that they rejected in Nazareth is the same one they run into in Capernaum.
27:47 Are you all here? I said, are you all here? So the text says that you got droves of people going to this one house, which is probably Peter's house that Jesus is at.
27:59 And the text says there is this man that's paralyzed. That needs to get to Jesus.
28:08 But because he can't walk, how is he going to get there? The text reveals he has something that all of us need.
28:18 He has what I'm calling kingdom friends. The key word is kingdom.
28:27 Because in culture, we throw the friendship award around loosely.
28:32 We say that's my friend. That's my friend. Hey, friend, everybody's a friend.
28:38 But in the kingdom, there is a very specific definition and description of friendship.
28:45 Come on here in the kingdom. Friends are people who act like family should.
28:54 Y'all missed it. I didn't say they act like family acts because sometimes family doesn't act like family, but friends act like family should.
29:04 Pastor, where'd you get that? The Bible. There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
29:11 Come on. You got sisters that don't have your last name. You got brothers that might even not be your same race.
29:18 Come on here. There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother in Texas. And that brother, that kind of brother is born for adversity.
29:27 They are revealed when you heavy. Y'all missed it. They missed it. They missed it, Tarrio.
29:33 They missed it. That kind of friend is not revealed when you like.
29:40 They reveal when they get heavy because they had to carry a grown man all the way to Jesus, his house.
29:49 And the strength of a friendship is revealed in their willingness to carry you when things get heavy.
29:58 And I pray that God send you some people that are not fair weather, friends, friends that won't run when you get heavy.
30:08 Friends that know I was assigned to not everybody's heaviness, but I'm assigned to yours.
30:13 And when you are in a vulnerable place, I won't drop you when you're in a vulnerable place.
30:18 I won't disappoint you when you're in a vulnerable place. I won't expose you. I'm going to carry you.
30:25 Wait a minute. But they not only carried him. The text says they carried him to the house where Jesus was, because here's the issue.
30:35 Some of us have friends that will carry us. The question is, do they know where to take you?
30:47 Because sometimes when we are vulnerable, when we are hurt, when we are broken, when we are bruised, they carry us somewhere.
30:55 But they're not carrying us to the right place. They say, look, come on, let's go over here.
30:59 Let's get your mind off of it. You're not talking to me. Come on, let's just go out and have a good time.
31:07 Let's just let's just get your mind off. Why don't you just have a while and out season?
31:12 You know that they did it to you. Come on. Where's my church? Just, you know, just come on.
31:17 Just just come out with me. Just just come out with me. Just. You carry me to the wrong place.
31:29 Y'all aren't talking to me. You carry me to the wrong place.
31:33 That's not going to solve the problem that's stressing me and the place you carry me to is going to create another problem.
31:41 So all you're doing is giving me a temporary distraction from a problem that's going to be there after I'm distracted.
31:47 But we created another problem by what I did when I was in a paralyzed space.
31:53 I don't hear anybody talking to me. Kingdom friends nowhere to take you when you're vulnerable.
32:01 Y'all aren't talking to me. They say, no, no, no. Don't you send that. Give me your phone.
32:05 Don't you send that text. You vulnerable right now. Come on. Get off. Live. Get off live right now.
32:12 Get off. Live. Take that post down. Say that to me. Don't you put that in writing.
32:18 Come on, let's let's be honest. Some of our friends take us to the wrong place.
32:45 They mean well, they just don't know where to take you.
32:51 And it's an unwise thing to be vulnerable with people who don't know where to take your vulnerability.
33:08 Can I show you something else? Texas about the friends Texas this gas in March after to look at verse five.
33:15 It says when Jesus saw their faith.
33:24 Not his faith. When he saw their faith.
33:29 Now, watch this. This only means one of two things.
33:36 It could mean when he saw their faith, it means the faith of all five of them.
33:43 That's corporate faith. Because all of us need kingdom friends that will believe with us.
33:53 Y'all not talking to me. Can I pause right here for a minute? Y'all OK?
34:00 See, here it is. Here it is. You see, this is what I've learned.
34:06 This this this kind of messed me up a little bit. It messed me up a little bit.
34:13 That some people don't believe with you, not because they can't believe they don't want.
34:27 What you believe in for. Oh, my. Y'all not talking to me.
34:32 And this is what I learned. You can hit a level and hit a season where the revelation of where they are with you is not revealed in what they speak.
34:46 It's revealed in the silence. So you didn't say anything negative, but you didn't say anything.
34:56 I told you I'm winning and you didn't say anything negative, but you didn't say anything.
35:02 I told you what I was believing for. You didn't say anything negative.
35:10 But your silence is loud. So he saw their faith, which means it's corporate faith, the faith of all five of them.
35:23 Or when he says their faith, it means that he saw the faith of the friends because the paralyzed one didn't have it.
35:32 This is not corporate faith. This is intercessory faith. I know you've heard of intercessory prayer,
35:40 but I want to introduce you to intercessory faith because the intercede means to stand in the gap.
35:48 And may God send some friends to all of our life that when my faith is low,
35:54 they'll stand in the gap and say, I'm not using my faith on me. I'm using my faith for my friend.
36:01 They believe for you. It's the kind of faith Mary and Martha had.
36:10 Lazarus was dead. Lazarus did not get a resurrection because of his faith. He couldn't believe he's dead.
36:22 He got a resurrection because of the faith of Mary and Martha intercessory faith.
36:28 And those of you who come from a spiritual heritage, some of what we walk in is not your faith.
36:38 That's mama faith. She released her faith for you. That's grandma's faith.
36:45 They released their faith for you. That's your father's faith. He released his faith for you.
36:54 All right, let's wrap up. I can finish this sermon all day.
37:03 It is it is Texas. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, son, your sins are forgiven.
37:14 Wait a minute. I came here because I'm paralyzed.
37:20 I can't walk. Now you tell me my sins are forgiven.
37:30 We came all the way here. We couldn't get in the house.
37:36 We climbed up on the roof. We dug a hole in the roof and we let him down through the roof to get to you because he can't walk.
37:56 But you are telling us my sins forgiven. That's not what I asked you for.
38:10 Can't you see I can't walk? But here's the way you have to interpret the Bible so that so that you draw the richness of the of the meaning for you.
38:24 You can't just look at like specifics. Does that make sense? It's almost looking at like Samson and Delilah.
38:31 And if all you look at is a woman and a man, you miss it.
38:36 When the rock, when Delilah represents anything, the enemy sins to sap your strength.
38:47 Y'all are not talking to me. So that spirit of Delilah can be a thing or a person.
38:58 Does that make sense? Or something like Jezebel, if you just limit Jezebel, I promise you don't have time for that.
39:07 Because somehow we have limited that trait to just women.
39:15 And we don't talk about these messy men. Y'all not.
39:28 A messy man, my God.
39:42 Come on, if I'm a man, I'm supposed to be too busy to be messy.
39:47 I'm supposed to be too responsible to be messy. I'm supposed to be making money.
39:51 I don't have time to be messy. I'm supposed to be raising my family. I got my own business.
39:57 I don't have time for y'all. Tariel, we got to go.
40:14 Jezebel represents control and manipulation.
40:22 So a controlling, domineering, manipulating man is under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel.
40:34 It's not gender specific.
40:42 That thing show up in men and in women, in homes, in churches.
40:49 Y'all not talking to me.
40:55 Usurps, bucks up against, rejects authority.
41:09 So so when Jesus says your sins are forgiven, yes, that is literally what he meant.
41:15 And he meant that specifically for that man. But for us to draw meaning out of the text by everyday life, you got to see what it represents.
41:25 Got me. OK, so the sickness represents fruit.
41:33 Sin represents root.
41:41 Did you hear that? So so so the sickness, the paralysis represents the fruit.
41:48 The sin that Jesus calls out represents the root. So the man came to Jesus to fix the fruit.
42:00 And Jesus is like the reason you think you can.
42:06 Is for me to fix the fruit when I'm actually using the fruit to get you in close proximity to me so we can have a conversation that you wouldn't be ready for if the fruit wasn't fruiting the way it's fruiting.
42:21 Y'all not talking to me because there's some conversations we won't have with God until we get paralyzed, until there's a problem, until stuff start falling apart.
42:32 God's like, OK, so now you're ready to hear my side.
42:40 He used that fruit to get him to say, now let's have a conversation about what the root of this is.
42:50 I'm going to give you a gift that sets you free. I'm going to give you the gift of truth in terms of why you stuck.
43:06 Because if I actually why you stuck, you're going to give me what you think is truth, but is your theory.
43:20 Because if we would ask any of us in any area, why am I stuck spiritually? Why am I stuck emotion? Why am I stuck relational?
43:25 There's there's a theory, you know, God. So make sense.
43:29 And sometimes the theories we come up with is not that they're all lies. It's just not all true.
43:38 So, you know, my daddy went there, but you still knew you should have did that.
43:43 Let me go over here. What's your daddy got to do with that?
43:51 Do you have common sense? Yeah, if you got common sense, you know, you should have done that.
44:02 Are you all going to say a man to me today?
44:14 And we stay stuck. Because we're treating our theories about our stuffness.
44:23 Like it's true. If they would just be more of this, if I had more of that.
44:36 And as long as I treat my theory like it's true, it's the equivalent of having a sickness and taking the wrong medicine and expecting to get well.
44:52 I got to know what the real issue is.
45:01 I need him to give me the gift of truth.
45:11 Because if not, I must spend my life fixing something.
45:16 That's not the real problem.
45:27 Jesus says it's not sickness. It's sin. It's not.
45:34 It's not the fruit. Let me show you the root.
45:38 Let me show you the root. Let me show you the root is in this season, your lack of growth.
45:43 Let me show you the root is in this season. People, please. Let me show you the root is in this season. Approval addiction.
45:49 Let me show you what the root in is in this season. Messianic complex.
45:53 You are, you got to save your complex. It comes from a good place because you're a person of empathy.
45:59 But instead of aiding people, you're enabling people.
46:03 You're not where you should and are supposed to be because you overcommit to that which you're not assigned to because you assume every need is your responsibility.
46:15 And and you have an unintentional God complex because he's the only one that can meet every need.
46:28 Jesus, I want you to show me.
46:32 The root. Give me the gift of truth.
46:37 Because it is truth that sets me free.
46:42 You know, some people say stuff because they're believing something that God, they think God said that God didn't say that they think they think that if if it's God, it's not going to be hard.
47:03 God didn't say that. We think if it's God, it's not going to be hard.
47:08 God did not say if it's hard, it's not God.
47:12 If they listen to me, these men get to the house, do you know how hard it is to carry a grown man?
47:21 All the way to another house, then you get to the house and you can't get in the house.
47:29 But they didn't quit. They went up on the roof.
47:34 That was harder.
47:38 So they not only have to use energy carrying this man to the house, they got to use energy getting up on the roof of the house.
47:46 Then they got to use energy digging a hole in the roof.
47:49 Then they have to. They can't just drop them down.
47:52 They've got to let him down. Come on here.
47:55 It was hard, but it was God.
48:05 And I don't believe they did that in their own strength.
48:09 I believe they had help that wasn't announced.
48:13 They missed it. Just because God didn't announce his help doesn't mean he not helping.
48:23 He said, how do you think you've been getting through this last season?
48:27 Do you really think you that strong? How do you think you're still in your right mind?
48:32 I didn't tell you I was helping you, but I was helping you.
48:46 People stay stuck because they think that if it's hard, it's not God.
48:49 They stay stuck because they think as long as I have him, I don't need people.
48:58 So you are to flip it with your friendships.
49:05 I know if I'm heavy, who will carry me?
49:11 And I nurture those relationships.
49:16 I know if all of this fall apart, who will be there and who won't?
49:25 Because God is at work through people. God got that man to that house, but he used people.
49:33 See, you can't be serious about purpose. Holy Ghost coming for us now.
49:41 You can't be serious about purpose and have apathy when it comes to relationships.
49:49 That attitude of independence hadn't caught up with you yet.
49:53 But you're going to have a season where you're going to need people to carry you.
49:58 And the problem is when you need to be carried, it's too late to nurture those relationships then.
50:06 You need to have nurtured those relationships before you need them.
50:11 And some of you, because you don't need them now, you're not taking it serious.
50:29 See, I did say that. Some people are stuck because you think God always needs your faith.
50:44 So you feel the pressure. I feel the Holy Spirit to always be strong.
50:54 Thank you, Holy Spirit. But right now, in this room, God wants you to know that he's given you permission to be a human.
51:14 You can't do it with your children. You can't do it in front of those that are dependent on you.
51:22 But in this moment, God gives you permission to be a human.
51:32 And humans don't always believe.
51:42 Lord, I believe, but help. Because I'm a human. And sometimes it's hard.
51:53 And sometimes I'm tired. And sometimes I'm weak.
52:04 And I feel pressure because I think if I'm not strong and if I don't have the faith, you won't do it.
52:20 But in these moments, I'm going to let you go.
52:24 God's given you permission to be a human. And humans hurt. And humans bleed.
52:39 And humans get discouraged. And humans run out of patience.
52:45 And humans get confused and they don't know what to do. Stop judging yourself for not knowing what to do.
52:51 You're not omniscient.
52:58 I release myself from the pressure of always having to know what to do.
53:05 I'm not God. Sometimes I'm standing in front of a Red Sea.
53:14 And I got to go to God and say, God, tell me what to do.
53:19 Because I don't know. I have dealt with this before.
53:25 I need you to show me. I'm human.
53:31 And when you don't understand this, when you don't understand your humanity, you don't understand the essence of the gospel.
53:37 So you'll take responsibility to try to pull yourself out of something.
53:42 Because you got yourself in it.
53:45 But the good news associated with the gospel of this, I'm going to have to let y'all go.
53:49 But I'm going to have to let y'all go that need to go because I can't rush this.
53:55 OK. So. But listen to me.
54:02 The essence of the gospel is God getting humanity out of a mess that humanity got itself into.
54:12 But couldn't get out of. I'm a human.
54:24 And Psalms 103 says, As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those that feareth him, for he knows our frame.
54:34 And he remembers. That I am but dust.
54:40 Today, I sense deliverance.
54:45 From the pressure to be something other than human.
54:52 God, you made a human because you wanted one.
55:06 You didn't want another God.
55:11 You wanted a me. That's vulnerable.
55:17 That is dependent on you.
55:21 I need you.
55:26 And God's don't worship. Humans do.
55:36 So in this moment.
55:42 Can you give me five minutes?
55:45 In this moment. As a human.
55:49 I want you to take off your mask.
55:53 I want you to take off your crown.
55:56 There's one king in this moment.
56:01 Because I know you can't do it in front of the kids.
56:05 And you can't do it in front of those you're dependent on.
56:08 But I want you to take a moment.
56:11 And be vulnerable before your father.
56:15 And be a human.
56:18 If you're tired, tell him you're tired.
56:22 If you're hurt, cry.
56:26 If you're angry, tell him.
56:30 Take a moment.
56:33 (wind whooshing)