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00:00listen to me look at me this message right here I need you to sit down for
00:06this it's called I'm not going back and I'm gonna talk to you today about
00:13instinct and how to interrupt instinct so that you can go high and not go
00:19backwards that's all I gotta say the message is gonna make sense of this for
00:24you I got one request if it blesses you send it to somebody else
00:30two years old everybody I guess you don't like your church I said two years
00:42so come ready to celebrate bring somebody with you it's gonna be
00:47incredible and next week we're closing out the I'm too smart for this series
00:52come for the series finale amen don't don't say all next year we're
00:58spending a block we're doing Ecclesiastes next year so we'll be back
01:02in wisdom literature next year all right let's go to the Word of God
01:05Proverbs chapter 26 verse number 11 I got a short time and a long way to go so
01:11don't hold all your amens to the middle throw them all out at the beginning here
01:16it is this is Solomon he says as a dog returns to its vomit so fools repeat
01:26their folly I want to stop the reading of Scripture today and talk from this
01:30topic in our time together I'm not going back clap your hands everybody if you're
01:39I'm not going but can we do this can we can we can we can we take a stroll a
01:50stroll down memory lane amen can we take a stroll y'all say what's up to our New
01:56Jersey family can we let's say what's up let's take a stroll down memory lane
02:02y'all know I was reared and raised in a small town called Kilmichael Mississippi
02:08but I went to college at a small liberal arts school in Jackson Mississippi called
02:12Millsaps College and I played basketball there and my freshman year I didn't get
02:19on the court much I was on the team
02:24why y'all laughing Karen why you laughing I was on the team but I wasn't
02:31on the court so after my freshman year I'm like man I got to get better I need
02:39a trainer but the way my finances were set up I couldn't get a trainer and it
02:46wasn't a big division one school it was a small division three school so there
02:51wasn't a lot of resources thrown into the athletic department and so I'm in
02:56this quandary I need a trainer but I'm so broke my wallet text me and said we
03:02breaking up so one of my cousins who was almost like a brother to me was going
03:11into his third year at Morehouse College and so he said we were having a
03:17conversation he said hey okay you're trying to improve your skill so that you
03:21can get on the court more why don't you come to Atlanta I got an apartment in I
03:25think what's called East Point I'm not even asking what that means anyway so
03:34so I'm like okay he say there's this place it's open 24-7 and some of the
03:41best basketball players in the offseason they come there and play it's called
03:45run and shoot so I can get you access to run and shoot that way you can play with
03:51some of the best players in the south it's gonna improve your skills and I got
03:56two jobs for you I work at a summer camp in Marietta from 9 to 5 and then I work
04:01from 8 to 12 for this company that's contracted by UPS to load and unload the
04:08planes now I said okay I'm in so I come to Atlanta the summer after my freshman
04:16year of college and I work in the day at the camp in Marietta and then at
04:22night I work for this company that's contracted by UPS to load and unload
04:26planes and if you're wondering whether there's some what these sermonic
04:32implications of this story are being raised in Riordan Kilmichael, Mississippi
04:37I didn't see a lot of planes as a matter of fact at that point in my life I had
04:42never been on one so my professional experience was also practical education
04:49for me because I'm looking at the planes and I noticed something back then that
04:55has implications for us right now somebody asked the preacher what is it I
05:01noticed that planes couldn't go backwards on their own
05:13that if a plane went backwards it had to be pushed backwards that when a plane
05:21landed it could go forward on its own but it could not go backwards on its own
05:28because here's the lesson the things that fly high don't go backwards easy
05:35and I want to know am I talking to anybody in the room that has a
05:41revelation of your existence and you realize and recognize I have not been
05:46called to be a car I've been called to be a plane I want to fly high
05:55emotionally I want to fly high relationally I want to fly high
05:59spiritually I want to fly high professionally I want to fly high
06:04mentally I want to fly high financially well here ladies and gentlemen is
06:10something that we need to take in consideration if we want to live at high
06:14altitudes if you want to go high you can't go back did you hear what I just
06:25said pastor where did you get this from I got it from Proverbs I got it I was
06:32reading a statement that this sage named Solomon makes in Proverbs chapter number
06:3926 verse number 11 Solomon says something so interesting here he says
06:47are y'all ready for this I said are you ready for this I didn't say it this is
06:51what Solomon said Solomon said as a dog returns to vomit so fools repeat their
07:02folly now watch this Solomon is not calling people dogs he's using dogs as
07:10an example as an analogy as a metaphor to get humans to evaluate their behavior
07:19he's not calling them a dog he's saying when a dog does this that's the
07:25equivalent of you doing that so he says dogs watch this he's saying dogs
07:35especially in the ancient Near East they're undomesticated there they're
07:39not trained and he says their instinct causes them to keep going back to what
07:50made them sick wait where's my I'm just trying to find myself I'm gonna say it
08:00again he's not calling people dogs but he's using dogs as an analogy as a
08:06metaphor to get people to reflect on to think about their behavior and he says
08:13as a dog returns to vomit so fools repeat their folly the dog's instinct is
08:21to keep going back to what made it sick
08:28and he says when fools repeat their folly what fools are doing is going back
08:43to what made them sick now when he says fool he's not saying not smart he's not
08:51saying unintelligent he's saying that a person is operating with the absence of
08:57godly wisdom so he says whatever area I'm not allowing godly wisdom to govern
09:05me is an area that I'm vulnerable to making unwise decisions which Solomon
09:11says I'm a fool in that area come on now so I can be wise financially but a fool
09:17relationally it doesn't mean I'm dumb it just means I let godly wisdom govern my
09:22finances but I let my instinct pull me back oh my in the area of relationships
09:28come on that I can have godly wisdom in the area of my relationships but then I
09:33just let my instinct and my impulses drive me professionally he says in that
09:37area I'm a fool watch this I'm not a fool just because I made a mistake give
09:49me the text again I know who I'm preaching to y'all want the Bible I know
09:54who I'm preaching to you say show me in the book here it is so fools it doesn't
10:00say so fools have folly it says so fools repeat did you hear what I just said it
10:10says repeat listen to this family listen to this a fool's greatest mistake isn't
10:17the mistake they make it's their refusal to learn from it maybe change
10:27global will put some fire in the chat for a pastor because I need to hear
10:31somebody talk back to me that a fool's greatest mistake isn't the mistake that
10:36they make it's their refusal to learn from it it means that Solomon is
10:42advocating for self-awareness that I can't have spiritual formation without
10:47self-awareness that I can't develop if I'm in denial I gotta be honest and
10:53aware of my instincts and all of us have instincts in some areas that pull us
10:58back into folly folly can be described as a sin or a weight pastor where'd you
11:08get those terms from in the book of Hebrews the writer of Hebrews in Hebrews
11:1212 verse number 1 says this therefore since we are surrounded by so great a
11:17cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight let the church say wait
11:23come on say wait okay but that's not all he says right and the sin so he's
11:30distinguishing rich between sin and weight and both of them can entangle us
11:38sin refers to that which is unrighteous weight refers to that which is unwise
11:44and some people trap in sin then there's other people trapped in weight but both
11:51of them need to get delivered y'all aren't talking to me some stuff
11:57hurt us not because it was unrighteous but it hurt us because it was unwise
12:06okay okay let's y'all okay can I have two minutes here all right to go on a
12:13rapporteur see here the word some I say Proverbs so I wanted this is something
12:19here it would really take me probably about two years to exhaust all this in
12:24this book for us the word proverb has roots in a Hebrew word called Masha'a
12:32and and and so although the primary meaning of Masha'a refers to a parable
12:39or proverb we call it a truism it comes from a root that can also mean to rule
12:46or have dominion if I'm remembering my Bible correctly when God created the
12:55human species the Trinity has a conversation with itself and says let us
13:02make man in our own image and in our own likeness and let him have dominion did
13:14you hear what I just said let them have dominion Masha'a and the same word is
13:19used in Psalms 110 verse number 2 I think and it says the Lord will extend
13:26your mighty scepter from Zion saying rule Masha'a in the midst of your
13:32enemies and so in other words if I will let wisdom rule over me then the things
13:40that have been ruling over me I'll start ruling over them if I will let wisdom
13:47have dominion over me then I'll take dominion over those things that have
13:54been taking dominion over me if I'll let wisdom get on top of me then I'll get on
14:01top of those things that have been on top of me am I making sense here and so
14:07so Solomon is offering us some wisdom he's saying listen like a dog returns to
14:13his vomit so a fool repeats their folly that I can't stay on top if I keep going
14:22back I can't go high if I keep going back and the devil wants to keep pulling
14:29me back me back I got instinct in areas where I go backwards so I need to be
14:44aware so I can interrupt the instinct with wisdom gosh so some people can't go
14:53forward because they aren't aware of the instinct to go backwards are y'all
14:59catching this so I had a conversation with my coach one time and I was using
15:05something I'm not good at naturally as an excuse to justify my underperformance
15:10in that area and as a good coach he won't let you use excuses to exempt
15:19yourself from responsibility so he said to me Darius all right some things you
15:25get by default you just instinctively that's what you do then other things if
15:33you don't have it by default and you need it you gotta get it by design so if
15:41you don't have it you can sit and use not having it as an excuse or you can go
15:46get it and even though other people do it naturally if you do it intentionally
15:51as long as they get done you win you said Darius you don't have to be amazing
15:57at that you just got to be proficient enough at that to get you where you're
16:01trying to go now they may be amazing because they got it intuitively but if
16:05you do it intentionally then you'll get to where you need to get to you just
16:09you've got to be you got to to refuse to be controlled by instinct so
16:17sometimes the instinct that that default response remember last couple weeks ago
16:21I talked about the fear man is a snare so sometimes people pleasing it's an
16:25instinct you're not gonna people please your whole life then hear a sermon on
16:30people pleasing and then think you're never gonna have the instinct to people
16:35please again that is a dysfunctionally ingrained habit that has been the in
16:40the ecosystem of your life and your way of living long before you ever heard a
16:45sermon on it and what the sermon did is give you a revelation that you're
16:49struggling with that and it gave you an indication and education on what you can
16:54do about that but it's gonna take time for you to relearn how to manage your
16:59life without being snared by the opinions of people a sermon shows you
17:10what needs to be fixed it tells you how to fix it but it doesn't fix it the
17:20instinct is still going to be there so I need to be aware oh my if I had time if
17:27I had time if I had time we would dig into our theology around deliverance
17:33because some of us think deliverance is the absence of instinct and deliverance
17:38is not always the absence of instinct sometimes deliverance is instinct
17:42management let me go over here I still got the instinct I'm just managing it I
17:50still got the desire I'm just managing it
17:58and there's some instinct we have to go backwards there are some errors if
18:10certain things happen it triggers the instinct to go backwards Moses's instinct
18:19was to respond to things with anger so when he saw injustice happening and an
18:25Egyptian beating a Hebrew he killed the Egyptian instinct now instead of looking
18:33at himself and saying what in me that can make me snap that fast he buried the
18:37man so he buried the evidence instead of fixing the issue
18:43so we all have instinct to go backwards let's normalize it can I get a witness
19:01in the church where's my honest people that would say PD is some stuff I have
19:10to me and me have to have a counseling session let me go to this side it's
19:17sometimes me and me sometimes me have to ask me now what you're doing put the
19:23phone down me put the phone down you're not lonely you're bored put the phone
19:29down you don't want them you just bored put the phone down me
19:49so how can I interrupt how can I interrupt instinct what's the framework
19:57I use so that when I find myself about to instinctively go back to that which
20:05has made me sick habits that have made me sick perspectives that have made me
20:08sick ways of living life that have made me sick how do I interrupt that does
20:13that make sense I'm giving you a biblically grounded view of spiritual
20:18formation this zap-zip spirituality is not biblically grounded listen to me so
20:27I want to give you a framework so when I start going back how do I put the filter
20:31of my what do I put my instinct through the filter up so let me is it okay if I
20:37just give you three things real quick and we go home here it is number one is
20:40this this not boring is it this okay all right some people all right here it is
20:44number one number one don't go back this is from Henry Cloud don't go back
20:52if the reason you left is still there
21:00did you hear what I said sometimes you gotta look back and say still there can't
21:05go still there can't go there's a reason I left and the Bible is filled
21:20with examples of this truth in Exodus chapter number 16 you got a group of
21:24people that prayed for freedom and in Exodus from a place called Egypt I mean
21:29they prayed for a family they prayed for freedom from Egypt and here it is
21:35they're thinking that Egypt is hard so when they get out of Egypt they're
21:39getting out of hard not knowing there's no such thing as a no hard there's a
21:44heart that comes with being in bondage and there's a heart that comes with
21:48being free you just got to choose which heart you willing to deal with so they
21:55got out of one heart that's Egypt got into another heart that's freedom and
21:59they start dealing with the hardness of freedom and here's what they start
22:03saying they say if only we had died by the Lord's hand in Egypt there eat
22:09meaning Egypt we sat around pots of meat and we had all the food that they wanted
22:13so now they're in a season where they got to depend on God for what Pharaoh
22:17used to give them because bondage supplies too
22:28bondage will feed you too some of us weren't in lack when we were in bondage
22:37so now they got to depend on God for what Pharaoh used to give them they said
22:44we had all the meat we wanted but you brought us out into this desert to starve
22:51this entire assembly to death so look how the enemy has infected them with
23:04selective amnesia now when y'all were in Egypt you were crying I'm telling you
23:11calling on the name of the Lord you're saying Lord please please get us out of
23:18Egypt and God taps Moses on the shoulder and sends Moses to lead you on an exodus
23:24out of Egypt now I've given you what you prayed for and you've got what you asked
23:29for and I've shifted you from Egypt which is bondage to the wilderness which
23:34represents freedom and now that you got free the devil's got you remember
23:39remembering the food but you forgot Pharaoh we had food but you had Pharaoh
23:45too and you when you had food and Pharaoh you looked at the Pharaoh and
23:49said you're not worth it but the devil will romanticize your memory of what
23:58used to torture you and you'll be saying it wasn't that bad yes it was bro yes it
24:04was sis yes it was yes it was it was so bad you prayed for God to get you out it
24:12was so bad you cried for God to get you out it was so bad you believe God to get
24:17you out and now that you got out the enemy wants to pull you back but that
24:22devil is a liar I don't feel no way sire I come too far from where I started from
24:31nobody told me that the road would be easy but I don't believe he's brought me
24:38this far to lead me I'm not going back
24:46don't go back number one if the reason you left is still there as long as
24:55Pharaoh's still there don't go back okay number two don't go back to this
25:03is really gonna sit it's really gonna test how real our church is don't go
25:07back to what's easy to get in but hard to get out of
25:13whoo I need to do a singles night and I need to do a singles night
25:25oh whoo easy get in but hard to get out of how real can I be here the we need to
25:48be honest y'all all bondage isn't initially misery if it was a misery
25:58initially then we wouldn't touch it but the devil uses pleasure as bait for a
26:10trap so the thing that gave you pleasure in one season is the thing that punishes
26:16you in the next but you in love with what's killing you softly so you hate
26:23and you love at the same time you want to leave it but you want to stay cuz
26:29it's easy to get in hard to get out so because it's easy to get in and hard to
26:38get out you got a fight to stay out once you get out because every time you go
26:46back in it becomes more difficult to get out and this time I'm gonna give you
26:55a verse Pastor Dudley and I we're gonna unpack this verse on Thrive on this
26:58coming Wednesday so so here it is this verse what I'm talking about here this
27:03verse I want you to look at this verse in principle because when you actually
27:05exegete this verse this is really dealing with what we call demonization
27:09and Pastor Dudley and I are gonna explain that because sometimes you read the word
27:12demon possession and it makes people confused and that word possession is a
27:16translation the word there is demonization and it can mean possession
27:20or oppression does that make sense one requires an exorcism the other requires
27:29deliverance does that make sense so so so if you're exiting this text this is
27:38what it is speaking to all right so but I want to use this text to point to my
27:43larger principle here Matthew 12 43 when an impure spirit comes out of a
27:47person it goes through arid places seeking rest and doesn't find it then it
27:52says I'm a return to the house I left so somebody get free but they don't get
27:57filled because it's coming back you got free from it but the desire is gonna
28:06spin the block the temptation is gonna come back the instinct is going to come
28:11back so God gives the supernatural freedom so you can feel so if I don't
28:18refill that which the area of my life that is not empty so dysfunction was
28:23there and if I remove the dysfunction but don't feel it
28:31it says when it arrives if I have the house unoccupied it's clean but not
28:37filled it's put in order but not feel then it goes and takes with it seven
28:43other spirits more wicked than itself and they go and live there now and the
28:48final condition of that person is worse than the first that every time I get in
28:56it it get worse so I got two fights I can fight to keep getting free I can
29:06fight to stay free so don't go back to what's easy to get in but hard to get
29:16out of I'm done tario number three I'm gonna see if I can get an amen here
29:23don't go back if you can't take the new you with you if the new me can't come we
29:35not coming did you hear what I just said if the new me can't come we not
29:42coming because when some people invite you back they're not inviting you back
29:46they're inviting the dysfunctional version of you back they're inviting the
29:50old version of you back they're inviting the passive and the docile and the
29:55timid version of you back then fighting the you version the version of you back
30:00that doesn't know who they are and doesn't know who God called them to be
30:03and you need to let them know if the new me can't come then none of us can't
30:07come because I worked too hard to become who I am to go back to who I used to be
30:15if any man be in Christ he's a new creature all things are passed away all
30:23things have become new I'm done I had hesitancy preaching this proverb I did
30:39because there's so many other proverbs that I felt like were deep meaningful
30:46spiritually rich but it's like the Holy Spirit interrupted and say no you need
30:55to talk about this which makes me believe it has prophetic implications
31:04that some people needed to hear right now
31:10don't you go back your call is too great your future is too bright you finally
31:19got joy after all the seasons of sowing in tears you are finally reaping in joy
31:30God has finally turned your morning into dancing the joy of the Lord is finally
31:39your strength you're finally feeling like you again don't go back
31:51don't go back because what God has for me it's for me great God would you make
32:06us steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord this is my
32:16prayer over your people in Jesus name amen clap your hands everybody
32:27hey I hope that bless you if you want to go high you can't go back and I've got
32:38one request and that is this message added value to you in any way would you
32:42share with somebody else I want you to help me reach as many people as possible
32:46with this biblically grounded yet life applicable teaching from the Word of God
32:53all right and if this ministry has blessed you and you want to sow back
32:57into the field that you're harvesting from the way to do that is on the screen
33:00right now love you take care
