• l’année dernière


00:00What's up YouTube family, Pastor Darius here, man, and I'm really excited.
00:05Maybe you've tapped on this for the very first time in your entire life.
00:07You're like, who is this guy?
00:08That doesn't even matter at this point.
00:10I want you to just listen to what I have to say.
00:12Give this message a chance.
00:14It's a message I taught at our Atlanta location of Change Church, and it's called, You Can't
00:20Break My Soul.
00:21The enemy, listen to me, rarely attacks what the enemy is after.
00:25He breaks something that matters less because he's trying to break something that matters
00:29I want to teach you how to use principles from the book of Nahum to keep you from giving
00:35the enemy what he's after.
00:36You can break the bank account, you can break the business deal, you can let your brains
00:42So in the first two weeks, we explored chapters one and two.
00:46Today we're going to explore chapter number three.
00:49I got a long way to go, a short time to get there.
00:53I'm going to have to give you the cliff note version of this today, so I need you not to
00:57hold your amens to the middle, because we're bringing the middle to the beginning today.
01:02But I got to make sure you get this.
01:04So Nahum chapter number three, beginning at verse number 18, here's what Nahum is saying
01:10to the Assyrians.
01:11He says, King of Assyria, your shepherds slumber and your nobles lay down to rest.
01:18Your people are scattered on the mountains with no one to gather them.
01:23Nothing can heal you.
01:26Your wound is fatal.
01:28All who hear the news about you will clap their hands at your fall.
01:35For who has not felt your endless cruelty?
01:41I want to stop the reading of scripture there and talk from this subject in our time together,
01:46You can't break my soul.
01:50Clap your hands, 1130.
01:56I want to start this sermon by offering a statement for your contemplation and consideration.
02:02The statement is simply as follows.
02:05In life, you can't always control what gets broken, but you can control if you allow what's
02:12broken to break your soul.
02:16In other words, we won't always, in every situation and circumstance, have prevent ability,
02:23but God has given us response ability.
02:28And how we respond to what's been broken determines whether or not what's been broken breaks us.
02:37This is important and essential to understand because our enemy and adversary, the evil
02:41one is in the business of breaking things.
02:46However, Satan doesn't just break things to break things.
02:50He breaks things to break us.
02:54What Satan attacks is rarely what Satan is after.
02:59In other words, the enemy often attacks something that matters less so he can get to something
03:06that matters more.
03:09And the Bible is inundated with examples of this truth.
03:11We see it in scriptural stories like with Adam and Eve, where the enemy influences them
03:17to eat fruit from a forbidden tree.
03:20But when we read the totality of the story, we realize and recognize he wasn't after fruit.
03:26He was after Adam and Eve's faithfulness.
03:29What he went after wasn't what he was really after.
03:32We don't just see it with Adam and Eve.
03:34We see it with Job.
03:36The Bible says that there was a man named Job in the Old Testament.
03:39He's upright, he's blameless, and the Bible gives us some background on what's happening
03:43behind the scenes as Satan has a conversation with God.
03:47And God says to Satan, where you been?
03:50And Satan's saying, I've been to Duluth, I've been to John's Creek, I've been to Stone Mountain,
03:55I've been to Fayetteville, I've been to Midtown, I've been going to and fro trying to see whose
04:00life I can disrupt and detour.
04:03And God says to Satan, have you considered my servant Job?
04:08Did y'all catch that?
04:09Satan didn't ask about Job.
04:11Job is in the middle of a situation where God is telling Satan about Job.
04:18And he says, have you considered my servant Job?
04:21So Satan is recommended Job by God.
04:25Y'all missed it.
04:26It's like God is saying, you're looking for somebody to break.
04:30I'm getting ready to introduce you to somebody you can't.
04:37I'm getting ready to make up, I'm getting ready to make, watch this, I'm getting ready
04:41to make a recommendation that's an indication of my trust in him.
04:46Because the highest level of trust is to be trusted with crisis.
04:51God say, I trust him so much, have your way.
04:55You won't be able to break.
04:57And the text is really clear.
04:58Satan says, I have considered him.
05:04But you have a hedge.
05:07Don't mess with me.
05:08It's too early in the message right here.
05:10I feel a stirring spirit right here.
05:12But you have a hedge around him, his household, and everything he possesses.
05:19God didn't tell Satan God had a hedge.
05:22Satan told God he had a hedge.
05:25So how would Satan know that there was a hedge around Job unless Satan had been trying
05:32to get to him and couldn't?
05:35Okay, y'all missed it.
05:38We just need to take about seven seconds, because I got to move, for everybody who's
05:42catching this to give God a hedge praise.
05:52That's the stuff he blocked.
05:54You don't even know about.
05:56It's the stuff he blocked this week.
05:59It's the stuff he blocked last year.
06:01It's the stuff that could have happened and should have happened.
06:04But God, don't play about me, give him a hedge praise.
06:16So Satan say, remove the hedge, remove the hedge, he'll curse you to your face.
06:23So Job starts dealing with financial adversity, physical adversity, he gets sick, relational
06:31But that's not what Satan was after.
06:34He wasn't after his health.
06:36He wasn't after his resources.
06:37He wasn't after his relationships.
06:39He was after his commitment to God.
06:42What he went after wasn't what he was after.
06:46We even see this with Jesus in the New Testament.
06:49He's led by the Spirit to be tempted in the wilderness by Satan.
06:55He's fasted 40 days, and at the end of the fast, Satan shows up, says, you've been fasting.
07:01I know you're hungry.
07:05So take these stones, some of y'all, this is 1130, so I know you're too young, but just
07:09bear with me.
07:10Take these stones and turn them into some jiffy cornbread.
07:14This side, this is where I'm preaching right here.
07:18Okay, let me tell you, turn them into some hot water bread.
07:21Okay, here's the thing, Satan didn't want Jesus to break bread.
07:31He wanted him to break the fast.
07:36What he was after wasn't what he was after.
07:39Come on, church.
07:41And that's not just the case with Adam and Eve, it's not just the case with Job and Jesus,
07:45it's the case with you and me.
07:47What he attacks is not what he is after.
07:52What he breaks is not what he is trying to break.
07:57Pastor, what is he trying to break?
07:59My soul.
08:00And soul is a word that's thrown around a lot in Christian circles, but I want to make
08:09sure we have an understanding of what the Bible is actually referring to.
08:14Generally speaking, there's some exceptions because it's used interchangeably like with
08:17heart and spirit, but generally speaking, when the Bible says soul, what does it mean?
08:22Because we're first introduced to it in the Hebrew Old Testament, in the creation narrative,
08:26when the human species, Adam, is created, the Bible says God breathes into him the breath
08:30of life and man became a living soul.
08:36And then Jesus uses this same word in the Greek New Testament where he's trying to teach
08:40people the power of priorities.
08:42That's the point.
08:43He's trying to teach them the power of priorities.
08:46He says, in other words, you can chase, you can lose something superior, chasing something
08:51So he says, what does it profit a man or a woman to gain the whole world and lose their
09:00Did you hear what I just said?
09:01So when he uses the word soul here, what is he referring to?
09:05Because it might not mean what we think it means.
09:07And the salvation of the soul might not mean what we think it means.
09:12Because the writer James says, receive with meekness the engrafted word of God, which
09:17is able to save your souls.
09:19James writes an epistle.
09:21He's not writing the gospels.
09:22So there were only parts of the gospels that were written to unbelievers.
09:25The epistles were all written to believers.
09:27So you got James who's writing to people that are already saved, saying to them, you need
09:32to learn how to receive with meekness.
09:35Because when the word is taught, some people will respond with arrogance.
09:37No, no.
09:38Receive with meekness, the engrafted word of God, which is able to save your soul because
09:44you've been saved and you're being saved and you will be saved.
09:48It's the soul.
09:49So when Jesus is using the word soul or when soul is referred to in the New Testament,
09:54what does it mean?
09:55Here it is.
09:58The word soul is used in the New Testament and Greek philosophy to refer to the immaterial
10:05essence of a person that encompasses your mind, your will, your emotions, and some people
10:11even attach your imagination and your affections.
10:16So when the Bible says soul, it's talking about your mind, your will, your emotions,
10:24your imaginations, and your affections, your mind, your will, your emotions, your imaginations,
10:32and your affections.
10:33Once you've been born again, God's going to spend the rest of his life trying to save
10:38your mind because that thought life is wild.
10:43Come on here.
10:44Trying to save your will because some of our will and resolve has been worn down.
10:49I'm looking for honest people right now who feel like, listen, I lost all my big fight
10:54in this last season.
10:55The only thing I got left is a little fight.
10:57I need God to restore my will.
10:59Come on.
11:00My emotions, because that emotional life is wild.
11:04Come on.
11:05Jeremiah says the heart is deceitful.
11:07That thing will fool you.
11:09It'll have you feeling strong about something that's wrong.
11:12Let me go.
11:13Let me go back to my real section over here, because I can say this to y'all.
11:17It'll have you feeling strong about somebody that's wrong.
11:23It's deceitful.
11:27That thought life is wild.
11:29That will can be wild.
11:31That emotional life can be wild.
11:33Those imaginations, the Bible talks about casting down vain imaginations.
11:39Come on.
11:40Bringing into captivity every thought so that that imagination is wild.
11:45Fear and worry, come on, fear and worry and faith and optimism both come from vision.
11:56One is envisioning or imagining the wrong thing, and another is envisioning or imagining
12:01the right thing.
12:03When I say the enemy wants to break your soul, I'm not saying he wants to break it in two
12:09or break it into fragments.
12:11He wants to break it like a Coke machine is broken.
12:15It's not in fragments, but it's malfunctioning.
12:18Are y'all here?
12:23When I say he wants to break our soul, he wants to take these faculties that God has
12:29given us that are for us, and he wants to use these faculties against us.
12:34Instead of my thought life working for me, he wants my thought life to work against me.
12:42Instead of my emotions working for me, he wants my emotions to work against me.
12:48Instead of my imagination working for me, he wants my imagination to work against me.
12:54But am I talking to anybody that has any sort of prophetic sensitivity, and you can discern
13:00the difference in seasons, and you recognize you in a consequential catalytic season, that
13:08you in a season that if the right domino fall in this season, all the other dominoes are
13:14going to fall in place.
13:15Come on here.
13:16Am I talking to anybody that senses this is a significant shifting season for me?
13:23Well, if that's you, your declaration has to be you can't break my soul.
13:31You can break the bank account, but I won't let you break my soul.
13:35You can break the business deal, but I won't let you break my soul.
13:38You can break up the relationship, but I won't let you break my soul.
13:42You can break up the building, but I won't let you break my soul.
13:45Because as long as I got my soul, I can get another bank.
13:49As long as I got my soul, I can get another building.
13:52As long as I got my soul, but you cannot have my soul.
14:06The enemy wants to break my soul, and one of the weapons he wants to use to break my
14:11soul is relational injury.
14:15This is why Nahum becomes important, because Nahum gives us insight on how to manage our
14:22soul when we're dealing with relational injury.
14:25Remember, I've taught you this for two weeks, Nahum is one of the most unique prophetic
14:30books in the Bible, because it is a prophetic message, not to Israel, God's people, but
14:35to the Assyrians, their enemies.
14:39The name Nahum means comfort.
14:42His prophetic oracle that is prophesying consequence to Assyria is also prophesying or providing
14:51comfort to Israel, because they were not just attacked or affected physically by the Assyrians,
15:01they were affected psychologically.
15:04The Assyrians were known for psychological warfare.
15:08Listen to what they would do.
15:10They would decapitate, cut the head off of some of their enemies, then put their heads
15:14in public places as warnings and reminders of what they would do to people that got out
15:20of line.
15:24Did you hear what I just said?
15:26So Israel was a broken people.
15:30They were feeling hopeless, filled with anxiety, probably depressed, probably having a crisis
15:36of identity, and also simultaneously, I'm not going to bother this, also having a crisis
15:42of faith.
15:43It's one thing to question who I am.
15:46It's another thing to be simultaneously questioning who God is.
15:50Come on here, because they got to be wondering, where are you?
15:57They're dealing with a broken soul.
16:02God sends a message through a prophet to Assyria that was a message of consequence to Assyria,
16:10but a message of comfort to Israel.
16:13He says in verse 18, he says, King of Assyria, your shepherds slumber, y'all sleeping, but
16:18you're getting ready to wake up.
16:21He says, your nobles lie down to rest.
16:24Your people are scattered on the mountains with no one to gather them.
16:29Listen to what he says in verse 19, nothing can heal you.
16:34Your wound is fatal, and all who hear news about you will clap their hands at your fall.
16:45Not because they're petty, because who has not felt your endless cruelty?
16:51You've been terrorizing everybody, but when God says your wound is fatal, he is saying
16:57to them, you won't bounce back from this one.
17:02Y'all missing this.
17:03See this prophet, are y'all catching this?
17:06This prophetic declaration, I'm sorry, I felt Baptist there.
17:15This prophetic declaration here, listen to me, is extremely powerful because it is a
17:20revelation of God's faithfulness concerning his word.
17:24It is his commitment to keep his promises.
17:31It is personified in a passage in Jeremiah when God is training Jeremiah in prophetic
17:38ministry and he says in Jeremiah 1.11, it says, Jeremiah says, and the word of the Lord
17:43came to me saying, Jeremiah, what do you see?
17:45He said, I see an almond branch.
17:47And then he says, the Lord said to me, you've seen well, don't you miss this, for I am watching
17:52over my word to perform it.
17:57Y'all missed it.
17:58He said, I don't just speak a thing, I watch a thing to make sure what I spoke comes to
18:07So when I speak, no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
18:11I'm watching it.
18:13And when it looks like the weapon is getting ready to prosper, I'll intervene to make sure
18:19my word comes to pass.
18:21When I say weeping may endure for a night, but joy is coming in the morning, I'm watching.
18:28And when it looks like my word is not going to come to pass, I step in.
18:32And I don't know what you've read, I don't know what you've heard, but I want you to
18:35know that God is watching over his word to perform it.
18:48So this prophetic declaration regarding Nineveh, the consequence was comfort to Israel.
18:56Watch this.
19:00Because in essence, can I summarize verses 18 and 19 for you?
19:04Can I summarize it for you?
19:06I'm going to summarize these two verses in two words.
19:08The two words are, it's over.
19:12Y'all missed it.
19:13It's a double entendre.
19:16It's over.
19:17Assyria, it's over.
19:19But Israel, I want you to know, it's over.
19:23Let me go back to my section.
19:25I said, he's saying to Assyria, it's over.
19:30And at the same time, he's saying to Israel, it's over.
19:36You got it?
19:37Let me try this section right here.
19:40He's saying to Assyria, your terrorizing days are over.
19:45But then he's saying to Israel, your season of being terrorized.
19:49Let me go to this section.
19:55He's saying to Assyria, your days of messing with my people are over.
19:59But then he's saying to Israel, your days of being messed with by Assyria.
20:06I'm waiting on somebody to catch that rhema word right in your spirit.
20:13Here's what he's saying.
20:15He's saying, this prophetic declaration regarding Nineveh would mean a time of restoration for
20:25The ending of Assyria is a new beginning for Israel.
20:38This declaration was an indication that a season of restoration was coming to Israel.
20:46Restoration of what?
20:47Not their stuff, but their soul.
20:53Because sometimes in seasons of loss, as soon as we lose something, we become obsessed
20:59with recovering what's actually inferior.
21:08I lost my clients, so I got to get more clients.
21:11I lost my money, so I got to get more money.
21:14I lost my buildings, so I got to get more buildings.
21:17And I'm not saying that that's unimportant.
21:19I'm saying that's not most important because you lost something else you couldn't see.
21:26That's more valuable than what you could see.
21:31And our God is in the ministry of restoration.
21:34But sometimes we relegate that to restoration of stuff.
21:38When David says in Psalms 23 one, the Lord's my shepherd, I shall not want.
21:44He makes me to lie down in green pastures.
21:46He leads me beside still waters.
21:49He restores my soul.
21:56And sometimes we waiting on restoration and God's like, you're already in it.
22:03We just don't have the same order of priority when it comes to what needs to be restored.
22:09You want me to restore your reputation first when your reputation is not my priority because
22:15your destiny is not in the hands of people who have intentionally misunderstood you.
22:21And I got to go.
22:24And when I restore your reputation, I only restore your reputation in the minds of those
22:28whose opinions are critical for your destiny.
22:32I'm going to say that one more time.
22:34When I restore your reputation, I only restore your reputation in the minds of those whose
22:38opinion is critical for your destiny.
22:40So if they, if their mind hadn't changed about you, it means their mind doesn't need
22:45to change about you because it means their opinion has no bearing on your destiny.
22:51Let me go back to my section over here.
22:53When are you going to restore?
22:57He says, I am, but you lost way more than you think you lost.
23:06Let's go.
23:07You lost way more than you think you lost.
23:11You see, listen to this family.
23:13The fulfillment of Nahum's prophetic declaration was an inauguration of the time of restoration
23:17for the soul of Israel.
23:19They were about to be delivered and now God's getting ready to deal with the damage.
23:26Because God's work doesn't end with deliverance.
23:33After there's deliverance, his work continues in dealing with the damage.
23:42You can't go through that kind of manipulation and not have any damage to your soul.
23:47You can't go through that kind of betrayal and not have any damage to your soul.
23:53You can't go through that type of trauma and not have any damage to your soul.
23:58And just because the damage has not hindered your success outwardly, doesn't mean it's
24:05not undermining you inwardly.
24:17You think the devil is trying to stop you from winning when he's trying to stop you
24:22from flourishing.
24:25I'm winning, but are you flourishing?
24:28You winning, but you bitter.
24:30Let me go to my section here.
24:32You the most bitter winning person I've ever seen.
24:35You winning like, you winning too much to be this unhappy and this insecure and this
24:41hypersensitive and this territorial.
24:45What does it profit?
24:47Let's go, Tario.
24:48They tired of me.
24:49God says, I got to deal with the damage because you winning in inferior areas.
25:05And we just gloss over all of the references in scripture that speak to how blessing shows
25:12up in your soul, which is actually a kingdom distinctive.
25:17That's one of the things God says, you won't get without me is people don't even believe
25:22in him.
25:23They got influence and money and I'm believing for a woman, I'm believing for me is people
25:32don't believe in God.
25:33It's got a woman and a man, the fruit of the spirit in the spouse.
25:42I got to go.
25:44I got, I'm not saying God won't give you one.
25:47I'm saying the fruit of the spirit, not a spouse.
25:49The fruit of the spirit is love, joy.
25:54I'm trying not to run peace.
25:57I got peace.
25:58Whether I got a partner or not, where you get it from the Holy ghost.
26:03I got to get out of here, but this joy that I have, the wild didn't give it to me.
26:15I got joy down in my soul.
26:21I said, I got joy.
26:34Let's go.
26:37Here's what God wants for us.
26:39Some of us have been in pain so long.
26:42We're settling for not hurting.
26:50So now that you're not hurting, you're confusing, not hurting with thriving and God's like,
27:01no, we got to deal with the damage and this requires some of our participation.
27:07Write these down really quick guys.
27:09All my notes are going to be on the app.
27:11I got to get through these quick because healing requires our participation and there are some
27:14things I see in the text that can help us.
27:17What did Israel have to do to experience this restoration of the soul?
27:20Number one, they had to silence the shame because Israel was not only injured, they
27:26got embarrassed.
27:29So embarrassment can show up two places.
27:31One, it can show up internally because sometimes when you get out of something, you look back
27:34and you shame.
27:35Come on.
27:36Where's my honest people?
27:37It's like, what?
27:42Why did I do that?
27:43Why did I take that?
27:44Why did I take that so long?
27:45Why did I, let me go back to my six because I can say what's real over here.
27:49It's like, they weren't even my type.
27:51Why did I take, I could have, it would have made sense if they was actually my type.
27:56I lowered my standard and still, I lowered my standard.
28:03I don't even like them like that.
28:08Play Tario.
28:17So it can be shame.
28:20But Israel's issue became public.
28:26So what was happening to them, other people found out about.
28:33So now they're dealing with injury and embarrassment.
28:38I'm trying to heal and hide.
28:43And the devil wants to use shame as a weapon of mass destruction.
28:49And when Adam and Eve dealt with internal shame, they took fig leaves, the Bible said,
28:53and tried to cover themselves.
28:55And God looked at him and said, your human effort is not going to be able to deal with
28:59this shame.
29:01So the Bible says God takes animal skin and he covers them with animal skin.
29:05You don't get animal skin without blood.
29:08So even in the book of Genesis, you see a foreshadowing of how God will use sacrifice
29:14and blood to cover the shame of his people.
29:21Let's go.
29:23So you got to let that voice of shame submit to the voice of the blood.
29:38Come on.
29:40Because the blood covers our shame.
29:42Number two, you got to surrender the sorrow.
29:44I'm sure Israel was glad it was over, but still sad that it happened.
29:52So these two realities can exist at the same time.
29:55There is stuff I see right now, God, you worked that together for my good.
29:58And I wouldn't even be where I am spiritually or emotionally if you hadn't done that.
30:03But I still don't like it.
30:05That's too honest.
30:06Did I lose my section?
30:07Where's my new section?
30:09God, I know you worked it together for good.
30:14So I can sit and have a facade of authenticity with you, or I can be honest enough to say,
30:20I'm really dealing with this.
30:23And I still kind of feel a way.
30:26And I need to bring this to you.
30:29I'm still kind of sad about it.
30:32Even though I know there's good from it.
30:37Even though I don't hurt anymore, I'm still sad that it did hurt.
30:45It's called grieving.
30:48But it is the pathway to healing.
30:51So sowing in tears and reaping in joy isn't just a prophetic promise.
30:55It's a pathway to wholeness.
30:58There is no reaping in joy without sowing in tears.
31:03Lord, I lost this and I'm hurt about it.
31:09I lost years and I'm hurt about it.
31:13I lost money and I'm hurt about it.
31:16I lost opportunity and I'm hurt about it.
31:21Surrender to sorrow.
31:24We got to go.
31:25Y'all want these other two?
31:27Number three, recognize the residue.
31:31Here's what I know.
31:32Israel was probably paranoid for a long time after that season.
31:37Because you can't be subjected to that kind of terror and then all of a sudden not deal
31:42with any kind of PTSD.
31:47So even though they were out of it, the residue, because you can be out of it and it not be
31:50out of you.
31:54So I got to recognize that residue because that residue is showing me where there's more
31:58work to do.
32:01Everybody listen to me.
32:02I don't care how much work you've done.
32:04You are never as healed as you think you are.
32:11And the devil wants you deceived about where you are in your healing journey because you
32:15never try to get to where you think you already are.
32:22You can't go through all of that and that not be on you.
32:25And then number four, receive the restoration.
32:29What Israel experienced was so damaging and devastating.
32:32There's no way there's no healing without divine intervention.
32:36Now there's a part that they have to play.
32:38But it depends on the severity of your Assyria.
32:42If it's been severe, there are things that you need to do, self-care, therapy, coaching,
32:49but there still may be places where you have been wounded so deeply that in addition to
32:56all those things, you need a hand that's long enough to reach what has not been reached
33:06by anything else.
33:10Here's the promise.
33:11He heals the brokenhearted and binds their wounds.
33:17I'm going to give you a very transparent testimony.
33:20I don't testify for you to know my business.
33:24I try to model vulnerability for you so that I don't want to minimize your issues, but
33:31I want to normalize them because you think I don't have them, and everybody does.
33:38I've been in my prayer time Thursday.
33:39I'm going to try to get through this.
33:41We way over time.
33:42I'm in my prayer time, and I'm just thinking through some things.
33:49And the Holy Spirit out of nowhere brings something back to my remembrance.
33:55Say, Darius, this has affected you relationally.
33:59And when I put you on a healing journey in 2014, I dealt with the sickness.
34:05I dealt with the symptoms, but you didn't even know where the sickness came from.
34:10I dealt with your heart issues.
34:14And you always got to be conscious of this because the enemy wounds you when you're vulnerable.
34:21I attacked Moses at a young age, Jesus at a young age.
34:25I had an aunt.
34:26Her name was Pearl.
34:29And she was probably the most nurturing woman in my life.
34:34She was the one, when you at the game, you playing a game, you run out the tunnel.
34:37You ain't even did nothing yet.
34:38She's screaming.
34:39Like, I'm just running out the tunnel.
34:44She named me.
34:46She said, name him Darius Morshon.
34:50And so I remember one day I was fourth or fifth grade.
34:55I was in a class, Ms. Thickpen's class, and I love my Aunt Pearl.
35:01And I saw my mom, who was a teacher's assistant, come down to my classroom.
35:06And I saw Ms. Thickpen go outside in the hallway.
35:09And then I saw Ms. Thickpen come back in, flustered.
35:11She called me.
35:12She said, baby, you got to go home.
35:14So I get in my mom's car, and my mom drives home.
35:17She says nothing to me.
35:18And I get to my dad.
35:19And my dad, he used to watch this show called Chips.
35:22Is that it?
35:23The police show?
35:25So there's a guy on there called Punch.
35:26I don't know why he called me Punch, but he called me Punch.
35:29He said, Punch, your Aunt Pearl passed away.
35:32I said, how'd she pass away?
35:35He said, I'm not going to say his name, because he's out of prison now.
35:41But her husband killed her.
35:47So she was on the phone with the police when it happened.
35:52I heard the audio recorded.
35:56I'm 19 years old.
35:59At that moment, something happened in my head that says anybody's capable of anything.
36:06So always keep anybody at arm's distance.
36:17And I need you to know, your wound's not random.
36:20They strategic.
36:22So he don't wound you where he wound me, and he don't wound me where he wound you.
36:25So here's what he would do.
36:27Whatever that initial wound is, he strategically influences people to poke that wound.
36:34So whenever I would begin to open my heart back up, somebody close to me would do something
36:38that would show me, you can't.
36:42And he said, in part, that was too, that's what all of this stuff I took you through
36:59in this healing journey.
37:02You just been saying, just the way I am.
37:05No, this is the way the wound made you.
37:11But I'm putting you back on the potter's wheel.
37:19And I need to reshape you.
37:22Can anybody hurt you?
37:25But what you got to decide there is who worth hurting for.
37:36So he was after this.
37:40He wanted me to do this heartless.
37:45He wanted me to do this with paranoia, because you can't do this well and leave your heart
37:52in the car.
37:56I'm not telling you that so you can see me.
37:58I'm telling you that so you can see you.
38:02Everybody's had a pearl.
38:06Not literally, but metaphorically, and God wants to do a healing work.
38:11Jesus, we out of time.
38:13It's a whole church in the lobby.
38:14My God, I am sorry.
38:19I am sorry.
38:20My God.
38:21I'm hurting everything.
38:23This is just one of them wounds.
38:41So the rest of my life, I'm committed to doing everything I can to live with an open heart.
38:59And I know I'm not the only one.
39:02So Father, I pray in Jesus' name for every heart that needs to be mended and made whole.
39:13You heal the broken hearted, and you bind up every wound in Jesus' name.
39:21I hope you enjoyed this message.
39:25And hey, if you are a part of this tribe and you tap in every week or regularly, you know
39:30what I ask you to do.
39:31If it helps you, just send this to someone else.
39:35I love you.
