Spider-Man 2 PS5 Part 3 - The Raft - Gameplay Walkthrough

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Spider-Man 2 PS5 Part 3 - The Raft - Gameplay Walkthrough


00:00 Wow, they are well funded.
00:04 You are confirmed. Strike force K1 on approach.
00:08 Status report. The manor and arena are nearly complete. Recon unit, report in.
00:14 The Sandman eluded us. Recapture not an option.
00:19 Then he was not the one.
00:29 Copy that. Awaiting orders, sir.
00:31 Prepare for the transfer tomorrow. And do not fail again.
00:58 My name is Miles Morales.
01:04 And even I'm bored already.
01:09 I guess that's what you would do if you could just spin up some webs.
01:16 You would use it to chill.
01:20 Hey Miles, you busy? I need-
01:25 Whatever it is, I'm down.
01:27 Need some help with a babysitting mission at the rest-
01:29 Sounds fun. Fill me in on the way.
01:31 Don't give me that look, Pops. I'm only taking a break.
01:56 Hola, mijo. How's the essay going?
01:59 It's going. I'm gonna head out though. Pete, call for some backup. We're just-
02:05 It's better if I don't know the details.
02:08 I'll be fine, Ma.
02:10 Espera un momento.
02:13 You know how there have been a few nights recently where you've been working late and so I also worked late?
02:24 Well, I wasn't working.
02:26 Don't give me that look. I'm not in any trouble.
02:29 It's just, um, I've been going on some dates. Dating, actually.
02:36 Oh, right.
02:38 And there's this one guy. I've seen him a few times and it's... well, it's going well.
02:44 Aw, hell nah.
02:46 Now, what are you asking me?
02:48 I'd like to have him over. For Bratelon.
02:53 I'm sure there's some spider stuff I can be doing. I can give you some privacy.
02:58 No, I'd like him to meet you. And I'd like you to meet him. But if you're not comfortable, I totally understand.
03:06 Ma, look, you have me a Bratelon.
03:10 How much you wanna bet this is gonna be a hell of a criminal?
03:17 I'll see you.
03:19 Okay. Después.
03:21 Whoever shows up to that dinner is gonna be the bad guy in this story.
03:25 Oh, man, this is crazy.
03:29 Better head to the raft.
03:31 Maybe these wind tunnels can give me a boost.
03:41 Wind tunnels? Use the web wings? Inside?
03:49 Ha ha! Woo hoo hoo!
03:52 There's another one!
03:53 Oh, whoops, I went down. It's inverted. You gotta go up. That's tough.
03:58 And then it disappears.
04:01 Okay, so it's still there. Even if it disappears, it's still there.
04:06 Now, what is this?
04:08 I'm getting the hang of this.
04:09 Oh, that was to go up. I thought that we had to stop here. No, they wanted me to keep going.
04:15 So just look out for that. And I think that's a boost.
04:18 I'm making new moves.
04:21 But at least now we know what we gotta do.
04:24 I just missed it. Let's go back.
04:27 And now, even though you can't see it, it is there.
04:32 See, look, now the vision is there.
04:33 So when the vision goes away, still let it fly. Still glide and fly.
04:38 The only thing is now I'm too high.
04:40 And yeah. Okay, wait, here we go.
04:44 Ayyy.
04:45 Nice, I used that right.
04:52 But why are they moving?
05:10 See, that's bad. That's just, that's dumb.
05:14 So we gotta go to the middle, into the river.
05:18 So why not let it fly?
05:21 Hey, friends, it's Danica. You are listening to the Danicast.
05:25 Get this. Now the fastest growing podcast in New York.
05:29 Hold on to your knickers, Jonah.
05:31 For you new listeners, welcome.
05:34 The Danicast is your spot for real takes on real news about real people.
05:40 Did y'all hear about this train worker, Dennis, who single-handedly kept the trains running during the Sandman attack?
05:46 Hey, man. Glad you could make it.
05:51 Looks like I'm just in time.
05:54 [explosion]
05:56 Keep it moving, Gargan.
06:12 [coughing]
06:18 [coughing]
06:20 Ready for the next one.
06:25 Next one?
06:26 Thought we were just babysitting Scorpion today.
06:29 Martin Li.
06:40 You know how dangerous it is to move not one, but two?
06:46 Come on now, they're asking for trouble.
06:48 Miles.
06:52 Miles.
07:08 It's fine.
07:16 I'll be okay.
07:17 A little early for fireworks.
07:27 We gotta go.
07:28 It's over. It's about to go down.
07:32 Terrible idea.
07:34 To transport, just leave them there. They were secure.
07:38 But no.
07:40 Red, yellow.
07:43 I don't know if these are...
07:46 Red, yellow, green. That means go.
07:48 Red means stop.
07:50 Yellow means...
07:51 Oh!
07:52 I'll take left.
07:56 Protect the ship!
07:57 Form up on me!
07:59 They making a splash. They're hunting these guys.
08:04 Oh, they just appeared out of nowhere.
08:08 Oh, they were just...
08:10 They were invisible.
08:11 They got invisibility tech?
08:13 Who is that babe?
08:29 What's going on?
08:31 Oh, she's about to slice and dice.
08:33 I really should have stretched.
08:39 Your head will make a fine cloak.
08:41 She wants a trophy.
08:43 Oh, heavy attacks cannot be dodged.
08:46 You have to parry.
08:48 When the warning changes...
08:50 Okay.
08:51 Your blades are sharp.
08:52 You must be new in town.
08:54 Hi, I'm Spider-Man.
08:56 In case you didn't know, these guys are bad news.
08:59 We definitely want to keep them in prison.
09:01 Get out of our way.
09:03 We will not condemn you.
09:04 All right, guess we can skip the welcome wagon.
09:06 Welcome wagon.
09:07 So now if we see a heavy attack, we see somebody jump in the air.
09:13 We cannot dodge.
09:15 And I'm pretty sure they're not going to slow it down like that.
09:18 That was just a tutorial.
09:20 It's going to be a lot faster next time.
09:23 Who the hell are these guys?
09:25 I was hoping you knew.
09:26 We'll cover you.
09:27 Keep them out of the ship.
09:29 On it.
09:30 Opening fire.
09:31 The invisibility gang. This is crazy.
09:35 Do we need backup?
09:36 Do we need Avengers for this?
09:38 Because they're pulling up invisible on the city.
09:42 They got hella backup and hella goons.
09:45 They're trying to get inside the ship.
09:47 They want Scorpion and Leek.
09:48 We got to stop them.
09:50 What do you even want with these guys?
09:54 It seems like your club has plenty of members.
09:56 You will see.
09:58 And it will be glorious.
09:59 Not liking the sound of that.
10:03 Just imagine a boss battle with a bunch of these goons too by their side.
10:07 Because you know they're going to cheese.
10:09 It's not going to be a one-on-one.
10:10 It's going to be Scorpion, Lee, and all these guys and maybe whoever else they got.
10:16 They tried to get Sandman.
10:18 Cover Spider-Man.
10:19 Focus it.
10:20 We can't let him get near the prisoners.
10:22 Sandman had his own army, but imagine if Sandman had this army with his army too.
10:28 Then what would you do?
10:30 More backup.
10:36 Now they got drones.
10:40 Oh, what are you, vultures, kid?
10:44 Nice.
10:48 We back flipping off of that.
10:49 Oh, we got hit again.
10:51 And those are explosive.
10:57 Those explosive arrows.
11:00 This is bad.
11:01 And now this guy.
11:06 It's got a good position.
11:08 Now, this is a lot to concentrate on.
11:18 Should I go up there first?
11:20 I think I might.
11:22 Okay.
11:23 I threw him off.
11:24 I threw him off.
11:26 Are they done when I throw them off?
11:27 Or do they come back?
11:28 Oh, they're back.
11:29 Look, he jumped back up there.
11:30 That's tough.
11:32 So we got to go get them.
11:33 Then we got to go all the way over there and get them up out of here.
11:35 Nice.
11:38 Use everything we got.
11:39 Keep the streak going.
11:41 Back flip moves.
11:43 Oh, a red strike.
11:45 I dodged it.
11:46 I didn't lose it.
11:47 Let's go.
11:48 We're still dodging.
11:49 I refuse to get hit.
11:50 I want to nuke.
11:51 I want to nuke.
11:53 I'm dodging one more hit.
11:55 I'm dodging one more hit.
11:56 Get this guy.
11:59 Got him.
12:00 First nuke activated.
12:01 Was one strike enough?
12:03 Or maybe it wasn't enough because look, he's right back up there.
12:06 Or maybe that's somebody else.
12:08 I don't know.
12:09 We threw him down.
12:10 How about that?
12:11 How about that?
12:12 Oh, another guy's up there.
12:13 Let me take out the drone first.
12:14 Okay.
12:16 We got, oh yeah, that's right.
12:17 We got gadgets.
12:18 I should let those gadgets fly.
12:19 Use everything at my disposal.
12:23 You seen these guys?
12:24 A lot of money and tech here.
12:26 Yeah, they're not messing around.
12:28 It seems desperate to get their hands on Scorpion, Lee, or both.
12:33 If those guys get free again.
12:35 Stay focused, Spider-Man.
12:37 Man, who are you people?
12:43 And where'd you even come from?
12:45 I'll give them one thing.
12:46 They know what they want.
12:48 They aren't many.
12:50 What we fight, that's one.
12:51 Spider-Man, how you doing?
12:52 You know that thing with the Hydra?
12:54 Can more heads pop up?
12:56 We got him on the ropes.
12:58 The first time we saw him, they were in a jungle.
13:01 So where'd they come from?
13:03 How far away?
13:05 Little one, you better be talking about the other Spider-Man.
13:07 It's on the half inch taller than him.
13:09 At least.
13:11 Miles is heated.
13:13 He sounds like he's about to protest.
13:15 I'm not going to be able to get him.
13:17 I'm going to have to get him.
13:20 He sounds like he's about to protest out here.
13:21 Why didn't we know the raft was moving Lee?
13:23 It doesn't matter now.
13:25 Let's just focus on taking these guys out.
13:27 Whoever they are.
13:29 If I did a better job, I'd have a hundred point streak right now.
13:32 A hundred point combo.
13:34 How many enemies do they got?
13:37 Oh, that's slow mode.
13:41 Is that it?
13:42 What now?
13:52 More green.
13:54 That means another set.
13:56 Oh, wait a sec.
13:58 Oh, right into the cargo ship.
14:09 It just pierced right through.
14:18 We got to get the ship free.
14:20 I don't know.
14:22 They might just let it fly again.
14:24 Right?
14:26 How many of those do they have?
14:27 I think they're well equipped.
14:29 They really planned this out.
14:31 Who is this group?
14:33 This group is tough.
14:38 People inside are going to drown.
14:41 I'll keep trying to get these things out.
14:43 King Arthur makes this look so easy.
14:46 I got this.
14:53 There's more people inside.
14:55 Let me worry about them.
14:58 Spiderman, you got to get tough side.
15:15 As soon as I can have you on clear.
15:17 Somebody's got to get fired for green lighting this transport.
15:21 You okay in there?
15:23 Trying to get out.
15:26 No way.
15:27 It's bad, man.
15:29 What happened out there?
15:31 Those guards get the safety.
15:33 Hello.
15:35 No signal.
15:37 Better hurry up.
15:39 It's getting worse out there.
15:41 No signal, but I know whoever did the green light on this transport.
15:43 That's who we got to get up out of there.
15:45 Somebody took some money to do this.
15:47 That sounds like a lie.
15:55 I'll get you out.
15:56 Stay calm.
16:07 I'll find another way.
16:09 This seems like a mistake because we would have seen him if he got out of there.
16:13 Electrical access.
16:15 Sounds promising.
16:17 If Scorpion got free, somebody would see.
16:22 I hope he's got eyes on Scorpion.
16:23 These guys have no idea who they're letting out.
16:26 Still here.
16:28 Promise.
16:30 Come on, backup power.
16:32 Be here.
16:34 Sweet.
16:37 Water's rising.
16:46 I can't get back the way I came in.
16:51 The electrical current is powerful in here.
16:52 Even I can feel it.
16:54 I can't let it get to that guard.
16:56 This amount of electricity will fry him alive.
16:58 Could it really be that simple?
17:02 I need you to stay away from the water.
17:06 Okay.
17:08 Drain the excess energy.
17:10 Look at that.
17:16 Thanks a million.
17:19 I'll give you a chance.
17:21 I saved you.
17:29 Really?
17:31 We just got played.
17:35 Miles Morales.
17:39 He's always making mistakes.
17:41 They always got him making a mistake.
17:43 That's tough.
17:45 Can't be.
17:48 You got duped.
17:49 And now you're seeing your dad.
17:51 This isn't real.
17:53 That green stuff.
17:59 It's got us leaning.
18:01 We have eyes on Scorpion.
18:03 Can Scorpion get away from the hunters?
18:08 Superheroes.
18:10 Maybe I'm just a guy who doesn't give up.
18:14 I'm not sure.
18:17 Give up.
18:18 Give up.
18:20 Give up.
18:23 Miles.
18:26 Anything?
18:32 Wait.
18:34 It's not safe.
18:36 Oh, so we just breathe in underwater with visions?
18:44 Okay.
18:47 And I think maybe I got to go that way.
18:51 We're getting lost.
18:53 I still didn't die, which is crazy.
18:55 So who knows how days we are with this?
18:59 So maybe I got to go that way like that.
19:02 Maybe there's some way down.
19:04 And or actually, no, we could just go like this.
19:14 It's so peaceful without Miles.
19:16 Now that you're Spider-Man, I don't have to worry anymore.
19:20 Time's running out, Neil.
19:42 I have to get out of here.
19:44 I have to find them.
19:46 Get me out of here!
20:00 Come on!
20:02 Spider-Man.
20:07 Lee.
20:09 [gunshot]
20:10 What are you waiting for?
20:16 He wants that revenge.
20:21 Not like this.
20:23 What the?
20:38 And there they go.
20:39 They're going to get him.
20:40 Wow, we made their job easy.
20:46 And of course I got to fight.
20:54 I can't go get him.
20:55 Oh, what is this?
20:57 Oh, that's a new move.
20:58 I just switched to a new power.
21:06 Spider-Man, thank God, Lee.
21:08 Scorpion 2, I'm after them now.
21:10 Miles, do you think you can handle me?
21:13 I can turn around right now.
21:15 No, I got this.
21:17 Go on.
21:19 Are you sure?
21:20 I can't let him near my family again.
21:21 Not after what he did to my dad.
21:23 I have to protect them.
21:25 They need me, man.
21:27 Nothing will happen to your family.
21:29 Nothing.
21:31 You got this.
21:32 I'll be back soon.
21:33 You got this.
21:36 I think I like this chain lightning.
21:37 Look at that chains.
21:39 That might be better.
21:42 Get back here.
21:44 Get back here.
21:45 Get back here.
21:47 Get back here.
21:48 Whoa.
22:03 Loser.
22:04 What happened?
22:15 What?
22:16 What are you doing?
22:18 You stand right here.
22:22 So do this fight, and then leave, Lee.
22:26 You're not taking him.
22:27 You are not.
22:29 Stay out of my way.
22:30 Let's see you try.
22:32 Oh, no.
22:34 This is a great place for a fight.
22:35 Just floating.
22:37 On a sinking ship.
22:40 And we've got those nosy.
22:45 Bystanders just watching.
22:46 They need to get up out of here.
22:48 Let's see if I can get that hundred streak.
22:53 Why not?
22:54 I don't know who you are, but you mess with the wrong city.
22:58 And you think I'm naive.
23:01 This is the wrong city.
23:05 Make it splash on that.
23:08 Oh, now they're bringing out the drones as well.
23:10 They don't have enough men.
23:12 They need drones.
23:13 Oh, you got a rocket.
23:14 I got to hit you into the ocean.
23:17 Make it splash.
23:18 How about you two?
23:20 Oh, a midair finisher.
23:23 I'll just rip it to shreds.
23:26 Let me go get another nuke out here.
23:28 And they going crazy.
23:30 They're trying to get when I'm flying up here.
23:32 They can't do anything about that.
23:34 They don't like that.
23:36 We're staying up here, baby.
23:37 Come fight in the air.
23:40 I don't want to go down there.
23:42 Oh, I think that's all of them.
24:09 Spiderman, things just went from bad to each river on fire.
24:13 Bad.
24:15 Well, okay, I'm on my way.
24:18 We'll deal with Scorpion later.
24:20 They know our weakness.
24:24 They know if they put people in danger, we got to stop what we're doing.
24:29 That's to.
24:31 I got you.
24:32 Hang on to something.
24:36 Oh.
24:37 Hurry up and go get them.
24:50 Might be able to make this happen.
24:59 Here we go.
25:00 Nice. Get rid of this drone.
25:03 Oh, another drone comes out of nowhere.
25:05 Throw that.
25:06 There we go.
25:07 Nice.
25:09 Okay. Now I got to stop this.
25:11 Ah, more backup right in the middle of finish.
25:24 You see, they know if they do this with civilians.
25:26 We got to stop and save them.
25:30 They know the weakness.
25:33 You can't whip that propeller with these guys beating on me.
25:36 Exactly. That's why they're doing that.
25:38 They did that on purpose.
25:40 They said, we don't need to shoot you.
25:41 We just need to shoot and make the fire go.
25:44 Oh my gosh.
25:47 And I wonder if the other Spiderman, hopefully he got Scorpion because this is going bad.
25:53 This is not going according to plan.
25:56 Maybe if I can be distracted here, maybe we lose one.
26:00 We keep one.
26:01 That would work out nice.
26:02 Oh, I think he got out.
26:07 Oh, he's out of there.
26:13 Now we have a real problem.
26:15 He's still chained up.
26:19 I don't know if it works though.
26:20 It doesn't look like it does.
26:22 Oh no.
26:25 I got to go back.
26:26 Cutting it close.
26:31 Spiderman to the rescue.
26:33 I'm too focused on him.
26:35 Look at this.
26:36 You don't know what you took from me.
26:43 Spiderman, let him go.
26:45 He's got her.
26:46 Spiderman, let him go.
27:02 Let him go.
27:03 Spiderman, I need your help.
27:24 It doesn't look like he wants the help.
27:31 He wants to lose his superhero status.
27:33 Oh wait, no, he did help.
27:36 He let go.
27:38 Wow, that's a shot clock cheese redemption.
27:51 He was about to let them go.
28:00 You know, he's going to have something to say about that.
28:02 He almost let innocence die because he was just so fixated on the revenge.
28:11 First responders are on site now at least.
28:13 Police are still fishing but there's no sign of them.
28:21 Any luck up river?
28:23 Nothing but debris.
28:25 Who are those guys?
28:29 Whoever they are, they're packing some serious tech.
28:32 And now they got all that, plus Scorpion and Lee.
28:36 Hey, whatever they're planning, we'll find them.
28:40 We'll stop them.
28:41 Yeah.
28:43 Pete, when I saw Lee inside that ship, my powers, they...
28:55 You think his energy got entangled with yours?
29:00 Oh no, man.
29:05 But it feels... volatile.
29:08 Well, wherever electric blue came from, it saved the day back there.
29:13 Hey.
29:16 We'll put Lee back where he belongs.
29:20 Promise.
29:22 Don't leave me hanging.
29:26 Trying to soak over here.
29:28 Not on my watch.
29:30 Come on.
29:32 Come on.
29:33 You're too much, man.
29:36 Hang in there, Maz.
29:56 I think I will keep this punch ability for now because you can switch between the two.
30:02 So maybe there's gonna be other abilities that we can swap in and out.
30:05 Should make this interesting.
30:07 Hey, Maz.
30:11 Getting used to hearing that voicemail of yours.
30:13 Dropped you a pin.
30:14 Wanna come through?
30:16 Hey, Uncle Aaron.
30:17 What?
30:18 Too busy to visit your fam?
30:19 Nah, I was just giving you space after you got out.
30:23 Don't need it.
30:25 Besides, we gotta settle some things.
30:27 We do?
30:29 See you soon, kid.
30:30 Just go see him and get it over with, Maz.
30:33 Then we focus on whoever took Lee and Scorpion.
30:36 Something tells me they're planning something big.
30:38 My songs "He Quit the Game", "Lob City" and "My Camo" are now available on all streaming platforms.
30:48 They want me to go down here to get this screen.
30:51 And he's gonna set it.
30:53 Okay, I'm gonna let this fly.
30:54 Why not?
30:55 Splash.
30:58 I don't think the Mavs have an answer for this pick and roll combo.
31:03 I'm about to lob it.
31:04 Why not?
31:05 Ayyy.
31:06 I am gonna get that pick and roll.
