Spider-Man 2 PS5 Part 11 - Mega Venom Blast - Gameplay Walkthrough

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Spider-Man 2 PS5 Part 11 - Mega Venom Blast - Gameplay Walkthrough


00:00 My dad? Still no clue where Dr. Connors is. I haven't seen Dad look this stressed in a while.
00:05 We'll find Connors. Why don't you call MJ and ask her to go swim by his house?
00:09 Yeah, good idea.
00:11 I'll meet you back at the Foundation once I'm done here.
00:13 What are you up to? Need a hand?
00:16 In Williamsburg, at the old steel foundry. Sounds like they're holding Tombstone here.
00:20 Sounds like a job for the Spider-Pals.
00:23 That is not what we're calling ourselves.
00:26 Well, what do you and the other guy go by?
00:28 I don't know. Spider-Men? Spider-Mans?
00:31 That's... confusing.
00:33 We should move. This place is crawling with hunters.
00:36 So you do need help.
00:37 No, do not come here. These people are deadly, can't risk you getting hurt. Talk soon.
00:43 We'll need a clear exit. Gotta get rid of all the hunters before I go inside.
00:47 I thought maybe something was up with Harry, but so far so good.
00:55 Or maybe he's just playing us.
00:58 And then him and his dad is about to get crazy later on.
01:03 You never know.
01:05 So there's a guy down there, but we can't-- okay, he's right there.
01:11 So I need to take him out first.
01:14 Oh, I messed up. I went too fast. That's tough.
01:18 That made too much noise.
01:20 Oh! Letting those arrows fly.
01:25 Woo!
01:26 All right, let's have some fun.
01:30 Where they at though? Oh, here they go.
01:33 I got that laser on me.
01:35 The green laser for the daylight.
01:38 So you can see even in the day.
01:40 Ay!
01:43 Get up here!
01:45 Got him. There goes the move. See, look how high I get after I do that.
01:49 Jeez! That's beautiful.
01:54 Oh, how do you dodge all those arrows?
01:57 Somehow I did. Keeping the streak alive.
02:01 I haven't even used an ability yet. This is crazy.
02:08 Got her. She's done. She's down.
02:10 Oh, there's somebody up here.
02:12 You can't hide. Can I get that 50 piece?
02:16 50 piece combo on the way.
02:20 There's somebody left.
02:23 Oh, he's up there. Look at that.
02:26 The last one.
02:29 Got him.
02:31 Streak is over though, so I messed up.
02:35 This smokestack looks like my ticket in.
02:45 Just got off the phone with MJ.
02:47 She said she'll head over to Connor's soon.
02:49 That's great news.
02:50 Yeah, just making sure.
02:53 You said the Steel found him, right?
02:55 Yeah. What are you doing?
02:57 Cardio.
02:59 Get back to your workout.
03:00 I have to find Tombstone quick before he ends up like Scorpion.
03:05 And that's right. I can't forget that I have this.
03:07 I need to use this more often.
03:11 And actually, I better play this quietly.
03:15 Now I can try out the double takedown because I did unlock that.
03:20 So let's see if it works.
03:23 Rather deal with Tombstone than Black Cat.
03:27 Look at that. That's beautiful.
03:30 That is a great upgrade.
03:34 So now when two people are talking and it's just them to you can take them out with ease.
03:40 Go up to the ceiling.
03:42 Ah, I can't maneuver through there.
03:45 So we're going to have to drop down and get back over there.
03:49 Let's go to the wall. And then do a wall takedown right here.
03:53 He's the only one there's nobody looking.
03:57 That's easy work. Web him up.
04:00 Now we've got two. Oh, we got two over there.
04:03 So let me do that trick over there and get rid of both of them.
04:07 And we got somebody by himself right here. So I might go get him first.
04:12 Why not? And I've got three focus bars nearly full.
04:20 I can't do the double. They're not close to or actually no, I have to be on the web thing to do that.
04:24 I have to be on the web line. You can't just do it from here.
04:30 But he just made this easy. Look at where he's going. His route is terrible.
04:36 There's only two left. So I think I can just drop down kill him.
04:41 Kick him in the head and then kick the other guy and it's over.
04:46 Oh, yeah, that's nice. I think that's the last of them.
04:54 You guys just can't make it easy.
05:06 Harry, what are you doing here? Helping you out Spider-Man.
05:10 You're welcome by the way. I was hoping to do this quietly.
05:15 Is this my fault? You go left. I go right. Let's do this.
05:21 This should be fun. I finally achieved perfect stealth.
05:25 And then of course, I know you said you have this. But come on, look at us.
05:29 Honestly, I kind of hope to start you off with something easier.
05:33 What better way to learn than on the job training?
05:42 Don't let it get to your head. We're not invincible.
05:46 We can still get caught slipping for sure.
05:51 You like this all the time. It's not all punching bad guys.
05:55 I've had to make some hard choices to. Oh, just got hit.
06:02 Got hit again. That's tough. Let me use this.
06:05 And actually what I should do too. I should use the gadget
06:10 and then use that move when they're all together.
06:13 Because there is a skill where it doesn't matter how many enemies there are.
06:16 You just take them all out. So I think I'm going to upgrade to that
06:19 for that little tornado move, whatever that's called the dash.
06:26 There's only a few left. Oh, no, there's a bunch of them down there.
06:29 They're too lazy. They don't want to get up here. Let's throw him onto the wall.
06:32 Oh, you're stuck on the wall. I was going to do the combo on the wall,
06:35 but I guess not. Oh, we got tied up. Wrapped up with his weapons.
06:42 All you got to do is dodge it. Shocking everybody. Perfect time in that time.
06:50 Oh, nice double team action. Nice finisher.
06:56 Music is still playing where they at. Oh, here goes somebody.
07:00 Let's wait. Do something. Here you go. Last second.
07:04 Oh, he attacked. I was waiting to let it fly.
07:10 He's too eager to get a punch in.
07:15 Is that a flamethrower? Unfortunately, I can't let that up.
07:27 We'll need to find another way to shut it down.
07:32 Watch out. They're on the platforms, too.
07:35 I got him. Stay out of the line of fire and thin out these hunters.
07:42 Now is not the time to find out. What's the plan then?
07:46 Harry, I've got an idea on how to take that thing down.
07:49 I'm all ears. Up there, the back. No way I can whip that flamethrower.
07:57 I've got to do this with the quickness since you see it. Here it is.
08:01 Oh, I guess I couldn't do it in midair. That's tough.
08:06 What about now? Oh, I fell off again.
08:08 Watch the back. I'm messing up.
08:12 Okay, from behind here, button mashing like a boss.
08:17 I'll distract it. Get up there.
08:23 Look at these crossover moves. Dodging bullets.
08:28 That was fun. Now let's go rescue a supervillain.
08:40 Reformed supervillain, but still a guy who's trying to kill you.
08:48 He's trying to change. I want to help him.
08:52 All right, let's come on. Got to hit them before they hit us.
08:56 Here we go again. Harry said no stealth.
09:00 Love your enthusiasm. I like to work smarter, not harder.
09:04 What's the matter? We do until we don't.
09:08 Understood. I won't lay you down. You okay with all this fire?
09:13 Yeah, actually, not even breaking a sweat.
09:18 Not even breaking a sweat. That's why he said forget the stealth.
09:23 It always does. I love that move.
09:27 I got something for you. See, I got to do that more often.
09:31 I got to get these enemies near that wall, stuck on that wall,
09:34 and then let it fly like that. I could get hella combos.
09:38 Oh, the streak is over. The shield guy messed it up.
09:42 That's tough. All right, we got somebody upstairs.
09:47 Let me just hit him with the spin. And then now let's go get these two.
09:51 They got weapons. Oh, he's got a net.
09:56 Can't get hit by that. I don't want to get caught in that net.
10:00 Good thing my dodging skills are on point.
10:04 There's too many of them. Hang on.
10:11 I don't even know what I'm doing. I think I'm getting the hang of this.
10:17 You should teach a class. Maybe I can't get my job back.
10:21 That would be a hell of a class. Another combo on the wall.
10:25 I would love to do that. Sell the course. Sell that course, baby, online.
10:33 Uh oh. He's paralyzed by the sound.
10:59 That's tough.
11:10 So that's his weakness. Play a loud sound, an alarm, and he's done.
11:15 Uh oh. Here we go.
11:34 The drone see everything, and here goes that backup.
11:54 If I see a robot dog, I'm taking it out. No more of that Matrix BS,
11:58 where they're taking away your abilities.
12:00 I'm going right at it, getting rid of it with the quickness.
12:04 That was just for practice. I got the practice in.
12:07 Now it's time to just dominate. Where they at?
12:11 Oh, they're back here. Oh, okay.
12:15 So get rid of you, then. You got rockets. Spin you around.
12:20 Throw three in the air. Making it splash, baby. Oh, there goes the move. The elevation.
12:30 How do they survive some of these attacks?
12:34 When you throw them from that high, it makes no sense.
12:38 I would think they'd be done, and then they get back up. That's tough.
12:43 Oh, another rocket. We don't care about that rocket.
12:46 Let's go. Oh, dodging bullets. Electrocution cheese.
12:51 Stay calm. Take about one at a time.
12:53 Right. One at a time. You got it, Keith.
13:02 This is getting intense. Where is this guy already?
13:07 Something tells me we're close.
13:10 They got a lot of protection for Tombstone.
13:15 All of these goons, all of these rockets, drones, dogs, machetes.
13:23 Yeah. A hundred pieces right here.
13:27 Ah, 91. Look at that. I was starting to feel out of my depth here.
13:32 Sure we can do this? Of course. We're the Spider Pals.
13:35 All right.
13:48 There's our guy. What's the plan?
13:51 I think we should get him.
13:58 I'll run a distraction. See if you can break him free.
14:01 On it. They grow up so fast.
14:15 I'm gonna break you out of here, okay?
14:17 You can't. They rigged this whole thing.
14:21 Then I'll de-rig it.
14:42 What did I just tell you?
14:44 Sorry. It's my first day.
14:47 Gonna need a hand here.
14:48 Be right back.
14:51 Time to try it on the brute.
14:53 Web him up. Throw him off the ledge.
14:57 Get out of there. Get into the fire.
14:59 Wow.
15:01 You're making jokes at a time like this?
15:03 Part of the joke.
15:05 I brought in the Spider Club's savior.
15:08 Hey, you owe me one.
15:11 Let's see if we make it out.
15:15 Where do they keep coming from?
15:17 Some sort of booking agency?
15:21 We have to turn off this furnace.
15:23 There! If we can overload the machine with a coolant,
15:27 it should shut down.
15:29 Are they gone?
15:36 All right. This should-
15:41 You trying to kill everyone here?
15:43 Wasn't the plan. Sorry.
15:49 They don't quit.
15:50 Well, neither do we.
15:54 Getting hot in here.
15:55 I haven't noticed. I think this suit is fireproof.
15:58 Lucky you.
16:00 It's funny. That suit turned Harry into him.
16:04 What do we do?
16:05 Let's faster.
16:06 That I can do.
16:07 We gotta get Tombstone out.
16:09 Maybe we can weaken the cage.
16:11 There! Pull out those supports!
16:15 Dude, call me crazy.
16:16 This might be one of the best days of my life.
16:19 We really need to get you out more.
16:21 This is just straight chaos,
16:23 and we're having a conversation
16:24 like there's nothing in the middle of this.
16:27 Another combo! Oh, I got hit, though.
16:30 Restarting the streak.
16:32 Let's go! They got drones?
16:35 They going crazy.
16:39 Got 'em!
16:40 All right, let's do this so that,
16:42 because they're just going to keep spawning, I think.
16:44 So let me just do this real fast.
16:46 Got one.
16:48 Got two.
16:50 I'm button mashing like a boss.
16:52 I don't know, but this place is falling apart.
16:55 Keep trying!
16:56 It's not working!
16:57 Just hang on!
16:58 We need to pull those supports down!
17:01 Got it! Easy work!
17:04 This whole place is going down!
17:05 I can't break through the cage.
17:07 Maybe we go through the furnace.
17:10 No, it's too hot in there!
17:11 You got any better ideas?
17:14 Hard choices, right?
17:18 Can that suit really survive that?
17:22 Come on, Harry!
17:25 [SCREAMS]
17:31 Now what?
17:34 Is he done?
17:37 Oh, no, he made it!
17:39 Back through here!
17:42 That suit is ridiculous!
17:46 Get out of there!
17:47 Can we break steel gates and doors?
17:56 I don't know.
17:57 Let's see.
17:58 Damn, he just ripped off the panel.
18:04 Let's go!
18:05 Follow him!
18:07 He just pushed that through like it was nothing.
18:10 Turning on the jets!
18:20 Yoga's done wonders for my mental health.
18:22 You trying to die here?
18:23 Move it!
18:24 No, no, no, no, no!
18:25 I'm moving.
18:26 Catch up to me!
18:27 Don't panic!
18:28 Quick, this way!
18:30 Woo!
18:31 Harry!
18:32 Harry!
18:33 Where they at?
18:33 Gotta keep moving.
18:36 I'm in front of them, right?
18:38 Oh, no, they're up there.
18:39 Wait, what?
18:41 They beat me?
18:42 Whatever.
18:46 Hold up.
18:54 Can you see if we were followed?
18:56 On it.
18:57 Only downside to going straight.
19:03 The game keeps you in shape.
19:05 Glad we got to you in time.
19:07 Some of the others weren't so lucky.
19:10 They couldn't have offed me if they tried.
19:12 Sides, they were waiting for their boss to do the deed.
19:15 You have someplace safe to go?
19:20 Yeah.
19:22 They come for me again, I'll be ready.
19:25 Tell your friend thanks for looking out for me.
19:29 See you around, spider.
19:31 Yeah.
19:37 Looks like they split.
19:38 We should too.
19:39 Yeah.
19:40 Hey, good job back there.
19:49 Really?
19:50 I was pretty sure I was just messing everything up.
19:52 You were, but in the best possible way.
19:54 What are you--
19:59 Hold on.
20:00 No.
20:01 [GRUNTING]
20:02 [GRUNTING]
20:05 Sorry.
20:06 I'm still figuring out how this thing works.
20:09 Huh, nice design.
20:11 What do you mean?
20:13 Didn't you just--
20:16 Huh.
20:18 I guess I did.
20:20 Would you look at that?
20:21 I guess we really are spider pals now.
20:23 [LAUGHING]
20:26 I think I'm going to head back to the lab,
20:27 see if Dr. Connors has showed up yet.
20:29 Good call.
20:30 I'll catch up with you soon.
20:31 Incredible.
20:56 Ma, this better not be because you saw a millipede again.
21:02 Better check in with Pete first.
21:04 Hey, Miles.
21:05 Yo, man.
21:06 It's been a minute.
21:08 You need any spider help?
21:09 Actually, we're all good.
21:11 We managed to rescue Tombstone before Craven
21:13 could get his hands on him.
21:14 We?
21:15 Oh, long story short, my buddy Harry,
21:17 he has some sort of power suit.
21:19 Kicked all kinds of butt with it.
21:21 He's going to be a big help with these hunters, that's for sure.
21:24 Hey, is he one of us now?
21:27 Sort of.
21:28 It's all happening fast, but we'll talk later.
21:30 Got to run.
21:32 Talk later.
21:34 He says that a lot.
21:36 OK, better see what's going on with Ma.
21:40 March of Justice down.
21:41 This is always a handy place to change.
21:43 This will make such a difference for the community.
21:52 Thank you so much for your support.
21:55 OK, bye-bye.
21:59 Miles.
22:00 Hey, Ma.
22:07 I just wanted to check in, see how you're doing.
22:16 Fine.
22:17 Everything's good.
22:22 [SIGHS]
22:24 OK, it's just a lot right now.
22:28 So much to take care of in the city.
22:32 Super stressed about my college essay.
22:34 Pete's busy doing other stuff.
22:38 And Lee-- Lee is still out there.
22:43 Doesn't that bother you?
22:48 Of course it bothers me.
22:50 But I'm committed to making this community better.
22:58 I've got to let go of things that don't serve me
23:01 and focus on where I want to go, not where I've been.
23:11 Yeah.
23:13 But Lee?
23:16 I can't just let him go.
23:25 Angela, I'm going to have to call you back.
23:31 No, how can you be locked out?
23:32 You have a key.
23:35 Oh.
23:36 No, no, I understand the urgency.
23:40 Let me make some calls.
23:42 OK.
23:45 Mom, do you need me to go--
23:49 Didn't you just finish telling me how busy you are?
23:52 Yeah, but I always have time for my community.
23:59 OK, Ma, where am I headed?
24:10 Harlem Cultural Center, 116th and Convict.
24:14 That was my friend Angela on the phone.
24:16 She's the curator, and she's trying to give a prospective
24:18 donor a private tour.
24:20 But the security system locked her out.
24:22 Whoops.
24:23 Awkward.
24:24 Angela lined up a bunch of items for a new music exhibit,
24:27 but funding fell through.
24:28 And if this donor doesn't cover the costs,
24:30 the museum might have to close.
24:32 I'll make sure they get in.
24:38 Now, you know I'm passionate about preserving
24:49 the musical heritage of this community.
24:52 But how can I donate to a museum where the security system
24:55 isn't even functional?
24:56 Darren, I hear your concerns, but I
25:00 assure you this museum will--
25:02 Spider-Man.
25:03 Oh, thank god.
25:05 The system's locked us out, and it's not
25:07 responding to any input at all.
25:09 Let's see if I can figure out what's wrong with it.
25:11 Need to find the control panel.
25:16 Back to some community work.
25:24 I should start up on the roof.
25:25 All the way to the back.
25:33 There we go.
25:33 Control panel.
25:34 Relays are overloaded.
25:39 Gotta get inside the walls to fix them.
25:41 Let's patch things up so Angela can give that tour.
25:47 Who are these guys?
25:49 Sure the alarm won't go off?
25:51 EMP took out the whole system.
25:54 All around the museum.
25:56 Of course, the goons are the reason this isn't working.
25:59 So that's how Angela got locked out.
26:01 Better reset the system so I can get
26:03 in there and stop these guys.
26:05 Let's do it.
26:06 Too bad.
26:07 Let me fix it up real quick.
26:10 Got it.
26:11 But the system's still down.
26:13 Gotta find the other relay boxes.
26:16 Now this is a funny mission with the Spidey-bot.
26:19 Hey, Miles.
26:25 I checked in with all the F.E.A.S.T. shelters.
26:27 No one has seen Martin Li.
26:30 Thanks.
26:33 Can't believe I let him get away when I could have.
26:38 You know?
26:38 Could have what?
26:40 Made sure he didn't hurt anyone else.
26:42 Right.
26:44 Well, don't worry.
26:45 I'll keep looking.
26:46 There must be some valuable stuff in here.
26:49 These guys seem like pros.
26:52 They're going to clean house, take this place for everything
26:54 it's got.
26:58 Get this back online.
27:02 Fix this.
27:03 Nice.
27:04 But the system's still down.
27:06 Must be more relays.
27:08 Sax and Drum are already in the truck, right?
27:11 Yeah.
27:12 But we got time.
27:13 A lot more room.
27:15 Gotta get past these guys without being spotted.
27:17 How about a distraction in the key of C?
27:20 Because I need that guy to leave, so let's hit that.
27:23 You planned some kind of joke on me.
27:25 I should stay out of sight as much as I can through here.
27:28 And I'm out of here.
27:30 Playing stealthy is healthy.
27:34 Keep it together, man.
27:36 Don't you punk out on me.
27:38 You can do this.
27:39 Another vent above that guy.
27:40 Oh, I think they want me to flush the toilet.
27:46 Who's that?
27:52 Yo, Doug, that better be you.
27:56 Nice.
27:58 Now go and open this door and I'm out of here.
28:01 What's that?
28:02 Oh, he saw me.
28:03 That's tough.
28:06 I thought I was being stealthy and he saw the Spideybot.
28:11 Wow, so now I got to flush this other one.
28:15 Or now he's looking back that way.
28:16 So maybe-- but he's probably going to turn around.
28:19 Let me go ahead and flush this.
28:20 And he doesn't react.
28:25 Now he's just looking that way.
28:27 Interesting.
28:27 So I'm just going to jump then if he's not paying attention.
28:32 Make this jump.
28:33 Miles, everything OK?
28:35 Ran into a snag, but I'm handling it.
28:38 While you're there, check out some of the instruments.
28:40 Get you ready for college.
28:42 Ma, I'm going into music tech, computers arrangement.
28:47 Music starts with a human, their instrument and their soul.
28:51 When you're mixing or sampling, you
28:52 have to listen close and capture that soul.
28:55 Computers can't do that.
28:57 You know how old you sound right now?
28:59 Old and wise?
29:02 Let's open this up.
29:03 Hopefully this is the final one.
29:06 Because I mean, how many of these things they got in here?
29:08 OK, getting a stronger signal now.
29:16 Looks like there's one more relay to bring back online.
29:19 This better be the final one, because this is getting crazy.
29:27 Oh, man.
29:29 Got to get all the way across the room.
29:32 I'm going to make some music.
29:35 Oh, I dropped down by accident.
29:37 That's tough.
29:39 That's very tough.
29:42 Hit that.
29:43 I'm playing music.
29:45 OK, he left.
29:47 Nice.
29:48 And then-- oh, we got one more guy left.
29:51 He didn't react to any of that stuff.
29:57 And he doesn't react to that either.
30:00 So let's see.
30:03 What if I hit that?
30:05 Will he move for that?
30:06 OK, he's going to move.
30:07 That guy's chilling over there by the piano.
30:10 If I'm fast, I might be able to make it.
30:12 I get this last relay online, then head to the voting dock.
30:15 Make sure these guys don't get away with any of this stuff.
30:18 Abort!
30:28 Let's roll!
30:29 Nice work, Spider-bot.
30:32 Now it's my turn.
30:33 Spider-man, the front door's finally open.
30:41 But there is a bunch of stuff missing.
30:44 It's all up back in the loading docks.
30:46 And I'll make sure it stays there.
30:47 Let's get out of here, quick!
30:49 Go, go, go!
30:50 I got a bad feeling about today.
30:57 There's so many of them right now.
31:00 I think I should throw that onto somebody.
31:03 Get somebody to move in there, throw that, and start the fight.
31:06 I think that'll be a fun way to start.
31:09 And it is highlighting, too, even though it says "danger."
31:11 I wonder if you can actually take them down,
31:14 even though it says "danger."
31:16 Maybe you can.
31:17 It's just that you're going to get spotted.
31:19 Oh, you went down to your-- oh, I should have done that.
31:22 Camouflage.
31:22 Look, that would have been perfect.
31:25 Because then they would have been hella confused.
31:27 And they're confused right now.
31:28 But you know what?
31:29 Let's just go ahead.
31:30 Tell your boss, don't go messing with my neighborhood.
31:33 Let's have some fun.
31:35 There's no way that they're stopping me.
31:40 Not with this blue suit.
31:42 Come on, cuh.
31:43 With the blue one?
31:44 Hit him with the blue?
31:47 I'm staying up here, baby.
31:48 You got to fight up here.
31:50 I'm not going down there.
31:52 Oh!
31:56 Hit him with the shot.
31:58 Start another one.
31:59 Oh, now there's somebody over here.
32:00 Were they there before?
32:02 How come they weren't shooting?
32:03 Pull that down.
32:06 Got him.
32:07 Oh, got a brute.
32:08 Oh, they got back up.
32:09 Actually, they might be making a run for it.
32:14 They're going to take this stuff.
32:19 Hold them here.
32:19 Meet at the rendezvous point in an hour.
32:23 Not today.
32:24 So I don't even know if I should be fighting them.
32:26 Oh, look at this.
32:29 Ooh!
32:31 OK.
32:32 That's how you get rid of them real quick.
32:35 It's about time.
32:36 We just keep getting more and more powers from Miles.
32:40 Got to stop those trucks.
32:42 Miles is hella glitchy, right?
32:44 He keeps getting all the good moves.
32:45 Got to pick one for now.
32:47 Let's go right.
32:49 Let's go right first.
32:51 And I'm so glad I got that upgrade.
32:54 So I can go faster.
32:55 It gives you such a boost.
32:56 I don't need any more than that.
32:58 Just that little ability from the other games.
33:01 You've got to have that at least.
33:04 And I'm right here.
33:04 Here we go.
33:05 --anything.
33:06 Go play with this.
33:09 I'll dodge that.
33:11 Oh, he threw it in there.
33:12 Look at that.
33:13 He doesn't want to lose it.
33:14 --hard way.
33:15 OK by me.
33:18 I'm dodging.
33:19 Ah, I messed up.
33:21 Maybe I should have just started webbing or something.
33:24 Oh, no.
33:25 I'm back.
33:27 Now what?
33:28 OK, they're going to shoot.
33:29 --you don't want more.
33:30 And-- oh, here.
33:34 Oh, the prompt is back here.
33:35 Look at that.
33:36 OK, they didn't have that prompt before.
33:40 Nice.
33:40 Kicked them out of the truck.
33:43 Stop the truck.
33:45 Now let's go get the other one.
33:48 [GUNSHOTS]
33:50 Funky drummer.
33:54 They only recovered items from one truck?
34:09 What a mess.
34:13 Sorry, Angela.
34:15 This is a deal breaker.
34:16 Yeah.
34:17 There goes our best hope for a big donor.
34:27 There's still the fundraising gala.
34:29 If we don't find that second truck, there is no exhibit.
34:33 Without an exhibit, there is no gala.
34:35 Without a gala, the museum will have to close.
34:40 That won't happen.
34:45 Promise.
34:47 Here.
34:47 This belonged to Clyde Stubblefield.
34:56 Oh, the original funky drummer.
35:00 Do you know how often his rhythms were sampled?
35:05 He was so influential.
35:07 A direct line from funk to hip hop.
35:11 Thank you.
35:13 Don't worry.
35:14 I'll find the rest of those items.
35:17 Thank you.
35:18 I should check in with Pete.
35:30 Hey, bro.
35:53 You have a sec?
35:54 Of course.
35:56 Uh, actually, Harry's calling.
36:00 I have to take this.
36:01 Catch up later?
36:02 Oh, uh, sure, man.
36:05 Later.
36:05 Hey, Pete.
36:06 I'm at EMF.
36:08 No sign of Doc Connors yet, but I could use an extra set of eyes.
36:11 On my way.
36:13 Have you heard anything from MJ?
36:14 You said she's stopping by his house, right?
36:17 Nothing yet.
36:18 She told me she'd call when she got there.
36:20 Let's hope he's just taking a sick day.
36:22 Yeah, definitely.
36:24 I'm going to check her office.
36:25 Just come by when you can.
36:29 I'm going to go to level three on the upshot.
36:33 My songs "He Quit the Game," "Lob City," and "My Camo"
36:38 are now available on all streaming platforms.
36:42 I got to be very careful.
36:43 You know what?
36:44 Right here.
36:44 Perfect distance.
36:45 Oh!
36:47 What a shot to the head!
36:49 Get him up out of there, Moses!
36:51 I'm spamming!
36:52 Fun mashing!
36:54 The ground hook is going up a level.
36:58 Moses Conn.
36:59 Ain't playing around.
37:00 Always got dance moves.
