Gujarat video: कोरोना महामारी के बाद रावण के छोटे पुतलों को लेकर शुरू हुआ नया ट्रेंड

  • last year
00:00 And the bigger thing is that here with pride, the people of Gujarat celebrate Vijaya Dashami with great pomp and show.
00:09 From Ahmedabad to almost every district of the state, the celebration of Vijaya Dashami is celebrated with great pomp and show.
00:17 And it cannot be that the flag of Vijaya Dashami and the statue of Ravar should not be blown.
00:23 But today we are going to meet the same artisans who make Ravar statues. Let's see how long they take to make a Ravar statue.
00:34 We have with us Mr. Sameer Khan.
00:36 Namaste.
00:37 Mr. Sameer, how is the Ravar statue being made this time? What kind of orders have you received?
00:46 We have received a lot of orders for the Ravar statue.
00:59 How many orders have you received for the Ahmedabad statue?
01:04 We have received a lot of orders for the Ahmedabad statue.
01:31 And if we talk about all these places, then where have you received the order to make statues of Meghnath and Kumbhakarna along with Ravar?
01:40 Here in Ahmedabad, there is only the Hare Krishna temple. There, Meghnath and Kumbhakarna statues are also being made along with Ravar.
01:47 And the rest of the places, Ravar statues have been made.
01:50 Where is the tallest statue made in Ahmedabad?
01:55 The tallest statue we have made is in Sabarmati. It is a 61 feet tall Ravar.
02:03 If we talk about the state, then from which cities have you received the order to make Ravar statues?
02:11 We have made statues in Dhabnagar, Jamnagar, Rajkot, Mithapur, Dawood, Barodra and all other places.
02:28 In which other states are you making statues?
02:33 We have made statues in Maharashtra, Pune, Barda and Nagpur.
02:38 And we have also made statues in Gandhi Dham.
02:42 How much time does it take to make Ravar statues? What materials do you use?
02:49 We come here 40 days before to make Ravar statues.
02:54 We come with our team and bring our own people from Agra.
02:59 We have two teams, one is A team and the other is B team.
03:03 In A team, our manager, our uncle, who does this work, is doing it.
03:08 And in B team, we have our brother, Mohsin, who does it.
03:13 What all do you need to make a statue? And how much time does it take?
03:19 It takes us 10 days to make a statue.
03:23 We bring bamboo, paper, cloth, colored paper, all the materials and make it with a lot of hard work.
03:37 How many bamboos do you need to make a statue?
03:41 In one statue, we need at least 25-30 bamboos.
03:49 And we also need big sticks, in which we have 8-10 sticks.
03:58 And you use paper for that?
04:00 We use paper, cloth, and colored paper.
