Jorge Rodriguez calls primaries fraudulent

  • last year
On Tuesday, the president of the national assembly of Venezuela described as a fraud the last primary elections held by the opposition. teleSUR
00:00 On Tuesday, the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela described a fraud last
00:04 from the election held by the opposition.
00:07 In a press conference, Jorge Rodriguez called the result of the opposition primaries a "gigantic
00:11 fraud" as there are several irregularities that violate the Venezuelan constitution and
00:16 a lack of verifiability of the results.
00:19 In his end, Rodriguez mentioned that it is also a "theft of will" because there is
00:23 no way to prove the figures reported.
00:26 The President of the National Assembly also mentioned that those who orchestrated these
00:30 elections are also part of those who in 2019 imposed an interim president in the country.
00:41 I would like to apologize because I may have to refer to some technical terms related to
00:51 electoral events, but there is clearly established the proof of the gigantic fraud and it was
00:59 already seen coming.
01:02 Now it is explained why the self-styled National Commission of Primaries did not accept the
01:10 contest of the National Electoral Council to carry out this event.
01:17 In turn, the President of the National Assembly pointed out that during the opposition primaries
01:22 they committed a crime by inflating the number of voters.
01:28 Maximum 598,350 people and here appears a real crime.
01:36 A crime because they are inflating the number by more than 2 million people, that is to
01:40 say that they are usurping the identity of 2 million Venezuelans.
01:47 That is to say that they are usurping the will of 2 million Venezuelans.
01:50 I can ask you here, I will not do it, of course, if someone went to vote, and I am sure that
01:56 vast majority will tell me no, I did not go to vote.
02:01 The technical advisor for the primaries, Nelson Ramos Ferzad, described a surprise scene from
02:06 a statistical point of view, the level of participation reported by the National Primaries
02:11 Commission in its last communiqué of the internal election of the opposition held last
02:15 Sunday.
02:16 According to the latest election report given by the primary commission, as of yesterday,
02:25 3,331 voting tables had been counted.
02:33 That was about 65% of the tables that worked on Sunday, the 21st.
02:45 In this 3,331 tables, 1,592,504 citizens voted, counting and averaging per table approximately
02:58 478 people voted in each table, that is more or less 60 people per hour.
03:09 That means that every minute one person voted.
03:13 That is amazing from a statistical point of view.
03:22 I am not talking about fraud, as others have said, but from the statistical point of view,
03:31 the adjustment that is being made to the voting record does not correspond to what this act
03:36 of voting was, which I do not dismiss because there was presence, but there was not in this
03:46 volume, just opening the voting book and looking in that book for the name of the person who
03:56 was going to vote could take more than a minute.
04:05 And when I say on average, I'm saying that it is possible that it's not known yet because
04:14 they have not published the minutes, that it's possible that 100 people voted.
04:23 But likewise, there were tables where up to 800 people could have voted according to these
04:28 numbers that Dr. Jesus Maria Casal is giving.
04:33 Likewise, the member of the technical board of the National and Primary Commission revealed
04:38 that more than 5,000 people voted in the internal election of the opposition.
04:45 I would like to make a comparison that it's impossible that in one minute they don't vote,
04:52 not even in manual voting, and much later there were not in the QS so many people who
04:57 say they vote.
05:01 And I would like to make a slight comparison so that you can see what it means that on
05:05 average 478 people vote in a table.
05:10 Enrique Caprile-Radocchi, which you may remember, he was one of the most polarized and with
05:20 the highest turnout.
05:21 In fact, 76% of the electorate participated.
05:25 I took the time to check and I brought you here a sample from a school called Jesus Maria
05:32 Alfaro Zamora in El Cafetal, one of the largest and most participated voting centers in the
05:40 country.
05:43 There Enrique Caprile-Radocchi got 391 votes and Hugo Chavez got 30 votes in one table,
05:53 in table number two.
05:55 So they participated in the most dense voting.
06:00 In the election with the highest participation in the country with all the technology that
06:05 the voting machines represented.
06:09 With the extension given by the late T. Luis Lucena, only 420 people vote.
06:17 And here they are telling us with the precariousness that we have, with the difficulties that the
06:24 government itself put into this process, where the people did not even know where they were
06:32 going to vote.
06:36 Because the consultation page was blocked by the government and didn't work.
06:43 They are telling us that 478 people vote.
06:48 This is a lie and we have to say it responsibly.
