Fairy Tale Pink Drink with Tequila Corrido

  • last year
Tequila Corrido is thinking pink this October and visiting the Daily Mix to share a “Fairy Tale” of mixology you can make at home. For more information visit ilovetequilacorrido.com
00:00 October is breast care awareness month and tequila.
00:03 Corrado.
00:04 Corrado.
00:05 See I knew I was going to do that.
00:07 It's here to share some pink drinks with you and what's really beautiful is that we have
00:10 an Emmy award winning icon amazing Olivia Fierro with me.
00:14 This is really weird because usually I'm like out in the field when we work together and
00:19 we never really and now you're here talking.
00:21 It is so nice to see you.
00:22 And I love that you brought the mixologist with us too as I make this drink but very
00:25 quickly let's talk about how you got involved with this because I know Brian Robb and everybody
00:29 but you guys have actually really been a part of this for a while haven't you?
00:33 Yes for many years and I was kind of begging my husband to quit this.
00:36 Maybe that's a whole other story but yeah it's been a passion project for many years.
00:41 This was a brand that was very boutique in Arizona before the original owner passed away
00:45 and we have resurrected it.
00:47 The taste is better than ever.
00:49 The master distiller who's making it in Guadalajara where my husband is right now actually is
00:53 just the best in the business.
00:56 Additive free award winning recycled glass bottles.
00:59 It's an amazing product.
01:00 It is and we can pretty much say yes we enjoy this.
01:03 Yes we like it.
01:04 I've gotten in trouble a lot of times with it.
01:06 But what I love too is that you guys are not just here.
01:08 You guys have been going across actually the country.
01:11 Just got back from the Life is Good festival.
01:13 Life is beautiful.
01:14 We were the tequila sponsor.
01:15 The only tequila sold in the entire eight block radius of downtown Las Vegas and no
01:20 other details will be shared about that Brad but it was an absolute blast.
01:23 As we're talking I want to introduce Stevie who is a mixologist with the Fat Ox and she's
01:28 really creative and she's going to be making one of our special drinks that we have on
01:32 your website by the way so you can try it at home if you get that far.
01:35 It is called the fairy tale.
01:37 This is the fairy tale.
01:38 So what goes in it?
01:39 It's pretty simple.
01:40 It is pretty simple.
01:41 It is fresh lime juice, Giffard cream depeche, hibiscus, a little bit of glitter and some
01:47 vanilla.
01:48 Let's go for it.
01:49 You have that Giffard cream depeche at home right?
01:52 Oh everyone has that.
01:53 Depeche Mode.
01:54 What was it again?
01:55 I'm like okay.
01:56 But that's something actually that we're selling in Las Vegas at the Mirage Resort which is
01:59 going to be the hard rock so that's really cool.
02:01 We were just there and they're making that and that is a come in fundraiser through the
02:04 course of October.
02:05 I love that and it's pink there and everyone's going to be having you know their pink parties.
02:09 We have different walks going on to support breast cancer awareness month.
02:12 So this is a great drink to have.
02:13 Not to mention Brad you know on Halloween you're going to see about 1,000 Barbies so
02:17 you might as well have your cocktails that you're serving at your party match most of
02:21 your guests.
02:22 I love that.
02:23 So okay.
02:24 What did you put in there right now?
02:25 So we did an ounce and a half of Corito.
02:26 That's it?
02:27 One ounce of lime.
02:28 I mean you can go up to two.
02:29 You can go up to two.
02:30 He would want to do three and a half.
02:31 That's beside the point okay.
02:34 A quarter ounce of the cream depeche and then a quarter ounce of vanilla and a quarter ounce
02:38 of hibiscus.
02:39 It's really easy, light, fruity, citrusy.
02:40 I love it.
02:41 And the best part is she's going to finish it off with glitter.
02:44 And you know I know that you always have glitter.
02:46 You used to come in to work in the morning with a little bit of glitter dusted on you
02:49 from the day before.
02:50 Yes that was from the late nights before.
02:53 No that was from my kids.
02:54 We were doing glitter pictures.
02:55 Oh yes okay it's from the arts and crafts project.
02:58 I had it all wrong Brad.
02:59 Which is really nice.
03:00 You are in a bunch of different bars here.
03:02 We are.
03:03 But what you're really wanting people to do is once you get a taste of this start asking
03:05 your bars for this because it's really cool to have in there.
03:08 It's a great taste.
03:09 I do recommend it from sipping the resposado.
03:11 Reposado.
03:12 Thank you.
03:13 I haven't had any yet.
03:14 So these are aged.
03:15 I mean it starts here with the Blanco and it is so clean and so delicious and it just
03:21 there's no additives in there so a lot of the tequilas that you get used to drinking
03:25 they've got flavors added.
03:27 They've got chemicals added.
03:28 They've got coloring added.
03:29 None of that is happening.
03:30 This color change and the flavor change all happens with time and with the bottles that
03:34 are staying or the barrels.
03:36 Why do you have the guitar pick?
03:39 Oh my well number one because as we've discovered this morning it's a hard name to say right.
03:43 So tequila corrido.
03:44 Corrido.
03:45 A corrido is a Mexican folk song.
03:48 So it used to be even a bandito like you know talking about like a rivalry in a town or
03:52 you know a drug run or whatever.
03:55 It's a storytelling tradition in Mexico.
03:58 A lot of things.
03:59 You know if you're doing that it's great tequila to have on a good drug run.
04:03 Look it up because you will find some amazing stories.
04:06 I actually met a bartender in Las Vegas who his family has a corrido of their own about
04:10 this big family dispute and how they had to separate towns and it was like it was crazy.
04:15 So anyways it is an homage to that because you sit around and you sing a song with the
04:20 guitar so the guitar pick if you can't remember the name ask for the one with the guitar pick.
04:23 And I love the drink.
04:24 It was very easy.
04:25 As we were just talking very easy to do as you pour everything.
04:27 We have the recipe on aztv.com.
04:28 That is pretty.
04:29 Yes.
04:30 Yeah and also on the website where you can find the different places to get the tequila.
04:34 Yeah you can order it on the website.
04:36 Drizzly delivers to your door if you're here in the valley and we're in about 200 accounts
04:40 across the state and we're in Texas and Las Vegas and getting into California.
04:43 We're in Nashville.
04:44 So just start asking for it.
04:46 Please we appreciate that very much and you can order it even at AJ's we just got it.
04:50 I'm going to do a shameless plug.
04:51 What you want to do actually is make this cocktail for all you ladies that sit around
04:54 and listen or talk with Olivia with your book club.
04:57 Yes thank you.
04:58 And I love that.
04:59 How can people get involved with your book club very quickly?
05:00 They can just go to Facebook.
05:01 We've got Olivia's book club Facebook group and we just met last night at the library.
05:06 Thank you ladies for those who missed some of the baseball game to talk about books.
05:09 There you go.
05:10 So you can make the cocktail.
05:11 There you go.
05:12 Have music.
05:13 Have some fun.
05:14 Have a drink.
05:15 Have a little good time.
05:16 Stop off at that ox.
05:17 Awesome.
05:18 Awesome.
05:19 The mission.
05:20 You can grab some great drinks there.
05:21 Thank you so much.
05:22 Thank you guys very much.
05:23 As soon as he's done he's going to just try just a little bit.
05:24 Well no right now.
05:25 Oh.
05:26 Because you're going to tell them again where's the website for them to find out more.
05:27 I love tequila corrido dot com C O R R I D O and also follow us on Instagram so you can
05:34 find out all the things that are going on.
05:35 Lots of dinner pairings coming up.
05:37 Lots of special events.
05:38 We've been doing a lot of charity donations.
05:40 So look for us everywhere.
05:41 There you go.
05:42 All right.
05:43 Well I'm going to enjoy this.
05:45 You go enjoy these commercials and then we'll be back with more of the mix.
05:50 Cheers.
05:50 Cheers.
05:51 Cheers.
05:51 Cheers.
05:52 Cheers.
05:52 Cheers.
05:54 Cheers.
05:55 Cheers.
05:57 Cheers.
05:58 Cheers.
06:00 Cheers.
06:01 Cheers.
06:03 Cheers.
