500 Pelabuhan Tikus Masuknya Barang Impor

  • last year
Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC) Kementerian Keuangan meminta, pengawasan ekstra aktivitas pelabuhan-pelabuhan yang tersebar di seluruh daerah. Pasalnya, aksi penyelundupan barang impor ilegal terjadi pada lokasi pelabuhan tikus yang menjadi pintu gerbang barang ilegal masuk.


00:00 The Directorate-General of the Ministry of Finance asked for extra monitoring of port activities
00:06 that are spread throughout the region.
00:08 The reason is that illegal import of goods is being blocked at the location of the port of Tikus
00:13 which is the gateway for illegal goods.
00:16 The Director-General of the Ministry of Finance, Askolani, insisted that there are 500 locations of the port of Tikus
00:21 which is the gateway for illegal goods.
00:24 The Ministry of Finance estimates that more than 1,000 ports of Tikus are spread in Indonesia.
00:29 In addition to the sea, we mean in addition to crossing the sea,
00:32 according to Askolani, illegal import of goods also passes through the land,
00:36 which is the border area.
00:38 The number of personnel in the port of Tikus is needed to cross the entry of illegal goods at an insufficient value.
00:44 For that, it requires the collaboration of the relevant institutions.
00:48 Especially the BRS Krimpolri, the Directorate-General of Consumer Protection and the Ministry of Trade,
00:54 the Ministry of Trade and the regional government.
00:57 For more information, visit www.fema.gov
