Israeli settlers step up illegal efforts to set up outposts in the occupied West Bank

  • last year

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00:00 They found refuge in the village of Taibay.
00:03 Around two weeks ago, these Bedouins were driven from their homes by Israeli settlers
00:07 in the occupied West Bank.
00:10 Nomads who had set up a community, they had to flee in a matter of hours, taking with
00:15 them their most valuable resource, their livestock.
00:20 The settlers arrived, they shot into the air, they said, 'If you don't leave, we will shoot
00:25 you down.'
00:27 With the end of the operation, Bedouins secretly filmed the settlers.
00:33 An Israeli soldier in uniform was present.
00:38 The Israeli soldiers didn't help us, rather they were with the settlers and threatened
00:43 us.
00:46 Benyamin Netanyahu's government and its far-right allies support settlement building in these
00:51 hills.
00:52 This Bedouin shows us locations from which Arab communities were recently expelled.
01:02 This home was recently burnt down.
01:05 Its residents had no choice but to flee.
01:08 At the end of this recently constructed road are two young Israeli settlers.
01:13 Newly set up, these huts are the outpost of a future settlement.
01:18 Settlements that are considered illegal under international law.
01:25 He refuses to engage in discussion.
01:28 Further away is another Bedouin camp, threatened by settlers.
01:32 The well where they stock up on water supplies has been shut off.
01:36 With this daily intimidation, there's a growing feeling of resentment.
01:40 "They want to make us leave, but where do they want us to go?"
01:48 As this video was shot, settlers watched from this car.
01:52 They left and came back several times, but refused to engage in discussion.
01:57 According to the United Nations, more than 500 Palestinian Bedouins have been driven
02:02 from their homes in the last two weeks.
