Cornerbacks Coach Brandon Lynch Press Conference

  • last year
Cornerbacks Coach Brandon Lynch speaks with the media on October 26.
00:00 [no audio]
00:21 Coach, the players tell us that the best defense
00:24 in the world, Mantra, originated from you.
00:27 Can you tell us the genesis of that?
00:30 Absolutely.
00:31 I think that that whole Mantra, like, really goes into, like,
00:34 how we keep the focus on the work.
00:37 I know that, like, our guys as students,
00:39 like, on Wednesday through Friday,
00:41 like, they're in the meeting room together.
00:43 And then we just look at, like,
00:44 the different teachers that we have.
00:46 You know, I know that Coach Ben, you know,
00:48 he does a really good job,
00:50 him and Jordan, with our defensive line.
00:51 I know Coach Tarve, they do a really good job,
00:54 you know, with our guys executing their roles.
00:56 And I know, you know, Coach Jeff Anderson
00:58 does a really good job, him and F, in the secondary.
01:01 So we feel collectively with our shared interest
01:05 and our shared awareness,
01:06 I think that that really gives us an opportunity.
01:10 How have you seen you guys take to that Mantra
01:13 and throughout the season so far,
01:15 and really just when we see it on the field,
01:17 but how does it translate so well to the field?
01:20 Say that last part.
01:21 I guess how does that Mantra translate so well
01:25 for you guys on the field?
01:26 Just because they embody that,
01:28 like, being the best defense in the world.
01:30 Absolutely. I think that the biggest thing
01:32 is we like to, like, execute our role,
01:35 like, in superior fashion,
01:36 no matter what the circumstance.
01:38 So I think that, like, our guys buying into the work,
01:40 buying into our start Mantra, it really starts there.
01:44 You know, and our guys really,
01:45 they've done a really good job keeping the team first.
01:47 And with that at the forefront of things,
01:49 I think that that really helps us to keep executing.
01:52 How do you think Denzel has done this year?
01:54 I mean, watching him, it seems like
01:55 he's maybe unlocked something even extra
01:57 with his physicality,
01:58 even though he's already obviously a very physical guy.
02:01 Sure. I think it really goes back to,
02:03 you know, just our daily habits in the meeting room.
02:06 You know, like I said, like, on Wednesday through Friday,
02:08 our guys are in there.
02:10 They're sharing the information with communication,
02:12 the alignments, how they're going to do things.
02:14 And then once we get on the field,
02:16 just the way that our schedule allots,
02:17 it allows us to do a lot more walkthrough.
02:19 So now the guys can communicate more.
02:21 The guys are off to the side
02:22 talking about situational awareness.
02:25 And now you see that in his play because great player,
02:28 but even better person and student.
02:29 So when he's able to apply that with the engine,
02:32 with the nerve center of our defense, it really helps it.
02:35 Greg and Denzel were talking after the game
02:38 and the coach were doing a lot,
02:40 seemed to be doing a lot more pre-snap motioning and stuff,
02:44 trying to kind of throw you guys off
02:47 in terms of wearing them out pre-snap.
02:51 How much did you notice that
02:53 and how much do you expect to see
02:54 maybe as you guys play more, man,
02:57 you'll see teams try to do that too to kind of create leverage?
03:02 Absolutely. We like to say, you know, expect the expected.
03:05 And the biggest thing with that,
03:06 like on the forefront of how we teach our guys
03:09 is formations, motions, and splits.
03:11 So throughout the week, like our guys,
03:13 they're expecting that from the teams.
03:15 That way when we do have it, like we're ahead of the plays,
03:18 we're able to execute it.
03:20 How special was that interception
03:22 that Denzel got?
03:23 It looked like it kind of went backward, you know.
03:26 When a guy's talking to them, he doesn't think that
03:28 Denzel is going to be able to get back to that ball.
03:30 So what did you see on that?
03:32 You know, I saw a young player doing a really good job
03:35 at doing his job and understanding
03:37 that we have to have belief in self and trust in others.
03:40 So I really saw that it was a player
03:42 that really trusted the other ten guys on the field
03:45 and he executed his role.
03:49 MJ, when he got his first one,
03:50 Denzel said that he was looking at that
03:53 and he was like, "I'm going to compete.
03:54 I'm going to get my own, too. I can't let him beat me."
03:56 How do you see them kind of use each other's success
03:59 to boost themselves and motivate themselves on the field?
04:02 Sure. It's a beautiful relationship.
04:04 You know, I think of all of the guys in the room,
04:07 you know, that like they're doing it
04:09 obviously for the team.
04:10 And their notions are in the right motion.
04:14 So when those guys are competing for the first pick,
04:17 you know, that really helps our whole defense,
04:20 you know, with the whole mantra of getting a ball
04:22 back for our offense.
04:25 What were the coaching points
04:27 after some of the big plays that the Colts got?
04:30 Sure.
04:31 The main thing, keep the focus on the work, you know,
04:34 keep the focus on our daily habits,
04:36 you know, just like we talked about,
04:37 just our Wednesday through Friday routine
04:40 of our guys really communicating with our formations,
04:42 our motions, our split adjustments,
04:44 and then finishing the play.
04:46 You know, I think that that's the biggest thing
04:49 that we got to make sure that we're keeping at the forefront
04:51 and that we keep adapting.
04:54 The pitman touchdown on him,
04:55 is he -- was that how --
04:57 that length that he needed to put that on himself?
05:00 Yes, ma'am.
05:02 And I think it's one of those things,
05:03 it's great to have a young guy take accountability for it.
05:07 But all in all, you know, with us finishing the plays,
05:10 with us finishing the play down the field,
05:12 that's really going to keep helping our defense.
05:15 Brandon, you've played a coach
05:16 in a lot of different places in your career.
05:18 What is unique about your situation here?
05:21 Why do you love being here and working with this group of guys?
05:25 People. It's a people business.
05:27 And when we say that, we're talking about top-down,
05:30 talking about from our ownership all the way to our janitors.
05:33 And obviously, our players, they do a really good job,
05:37 like, keeping the focus on the team.
05:39 And I think that, unselfishly, I think that this is the best
05:42 room that I've been in for that reason.
05:44 Like, athletically, you know, like, you can be in some rooms
05:46 and you can argue that, but the guys keeping the focus
05:49 on the team, keeping the focus on the work,
05:52 I think that is very impressive for those guys.
05:54 Yes, sir.
06:01 Thank you.
06:03 [ Silence ]
